Talented Genius

Chapter 946: Deadly root

Chapter 946

Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense. After Zhao Ditian rested for half an hour, he set about detoxification.

He asked him to find his suitcase in the car, then took out the Dingtian Divine Needle, and then took out a sacred cicada pill, and said in his heart:

There are only seven left...

Lu Yuanjia and the Zhan Qinglou were also busy, and according to Ye Tianlong's orders, they found the medicine they needed, and they also deployed heavy troops to guard the attic closely.

They would never allow anyone to disturb Ye Tianlong at this time, and then asked Qin Tiandiao and other expert doctors to return.

Qin Tianhe also stayed in the attic, prepared medicine for Ye Tianlong, and took the initiative.

At ten o'clock, Ye Tianlong stood in front of Zhao Ditian who was sleeping, condensed his eyes and lightly examined the expression on his face, and then looked at the wound on his arm.


Just when Ye Tianlong took the gloves handed over by Zhan Qinglou, Lu Yuanjia clearly saw that the cynical Ye Tianlong looked a little more serious.

Suddenly he looked like the sun pulling out the clouds, dazzling and colorful, and his temperament changed.

Brilliant, and self-confidence from the heart!

Ye Tianlong issued an instruction: "Give me an alcohol!"

Qin Tianhe immediately put the alcohol lamp on the table.

Ye Tianlong took out the three needles of the Dingtian Shen needle, swiped it neatly on the alcohol lamp, and after disinfection, he soaked in the porcelain bowl of Sheng Chan Pill.

Half a minute later, with their wide-eyed eyes in the Zhan Qinglou, Ye Tianlong had pinched a black needle out!

"Swish swish!"

The black needle dropped quickly on the patient's wound. Then, the gold needle and the silver needle were used successively, taking Zhao Dingtian's several important positions.

Zhao Dingtian's body was too weak to be as pure as Lu Xiaowu's detoxification, and he had to control the burst of other injuries, so he needed both gold and silver needles.

Although Ye Tianlong had slowed down, he still had a fast hand from the perspective of Zhan Qinglou.

In a few blinks, all three needles have fallen, and they are distributed on Zhao Dingtian in different shades.

The three needles of Dingtian have been soaked in Ye Tianlong's Holy Cicada Pill, which can dissolve the toxins encountered and can also replenish Zhao Ditian's body energy.


Fifteen minutes later, the gold, silver and black three-needle potion was used up, Ye Tianlong quickly pulled out and soaked, and then stabbed it out again.

In the next two hours, Ye Tianlong used Dingtian three needles back and forth, and also used up a bowl of Holy Cicada Pill.


For the last potion, Ye Tianlong added a little other medicine, mixed it into three needles, and then landed on Zhao Ditian.

This time, Ye Tianlong bounced at the top of the three sticks one by one, imparting elasticity, causing the three needles to vibrate slightly.

Under such vibration, the medicine stored in the groove at the upper end of the needle flows down the internal gap and meets under the guidance of the three needles.

Although they couldn't understand Ye Tianlong's technique, they felt that there would be a miracle today!

After waiting for almost five minutes, Ye Tianlong stretched his hand across the three needles and pulled out the gold, silver, and black needles in turn.


When the black needle was pulled out, Zhao Ditian's body shook slightly, and then he twitched his abdomen, then spread his shoulders, and lifted his head towards the sky.


Zhao Ditian spouted a mouthful of blood!

Ye Tianlong, who had been prepared for a long time, shook the white cloth, did not let the blood splash on the ground, nor did it spill on Zhao Ditian.

It's just that when Qin Tianhe put down the white cloth, the corners of Zhan Brothel's mouths subconsciously moved. This cannot be said to be a stream of blood, it is completely a stream of black blood!

Qin Tianhe was also dumbfounded!

But everyone was astonished at this black blood for a few seconds, and then their gazes fell on Zhao Ditian.

Because it doesn't matter what he vomits, whether the situation improves is what everyone is most worried about, otherwise it is meaningless.

When everyone looked at Zhao Ditian, Zhao Ditian opened his eyes and let out a cough: "My chest is really comfortable."

Because of the spread of corpse poison for thousands of years, Zhao Ditian not only got worse and worse, but also had an invisible pressure on his chest, like a stone blocked.

Lu Yuanjia and they all knew that it was a symptom caused by a burst of toxins.

Now, Zhao Ditian's chest is comfortable, and there is no doubt that the situation has improved.

Zhao Ditian stretched out his surroundings, and his mental state improved a lot: "It's not itchy, it's not stuffy, and suddenly I feel that life is so beautiful."

He looked at Ye Tianlong and smiled: "Tianlong, thank you."

"Old Zhao's wounds and spots are gone."

Qin Tianhe reacted the fastest, rushing up with a stride, and opened Zhao Ditian's wound to check. This was the most intuitive place for the situation to improve.

Lu Yuanjia and Zhan Qinglou stepped forward, and they realized that there was indeed no dark blue color around the tooth prints, and the spreading spots had disappeared.

Qin Tianhe is extremely happy!

Lu Yuanjia and Zhan Brothel are pleasantly surprised!

Zhao Ditian also smiled more!

At this time, Ye Tianlong, who had packed up the Dingtian Divine Needle, exhorted Zhan Qinglou:

"Sister Brothel, Zhao Lao is not physically stable. You have someone to give Zhao Lao some medicine, Divine Comedy, Five Coins, Alisma, Three Coins, Poria, Three Coins."

"These medicines will be decocted first, then Pinellia and Forsythia will be put. The first medicine needs to be decocted for a cup of tea... for fifteen minutes, then put the latter two medicines!"

"Remember, once in the morning and afternoon for three days, then you can't drink it anymore."

Zhan Qinglou immediately wrote down Ye Tianlong's words, and then called a cron to make arrangements.

Lu Yuanjia asked softly: "Doctor Ye, how is Elder Zhao?"

"His toxin was temporarily resolved by me, but it still needs to be eliminated with Chinese medicine."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "But the Pharaoh's corpse poison is solved, and it will no longer cause harm to his body."

Zhan Qinglou was ecstatic: "That means, Mr. Zhao is fine? Great, Mr. Zhao is fine, he is fine!"


Ye Tianlong said faintly: "I just said that the toxins on his body were detoxified, but I didn't say that he was all right."

Lu Yuanjia and the others stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Two fatal root causes, now I can barely go to one."

Ye Tianlong packed his things and put them in his suitcase: "There is still one unresolved..."

Zhan Qinglou stepped forward and pulled Ye Tianlong's sleeves and said: "Then hurry up and save, God Doctor Ye, you are so powerful, you can definitely save it, right?"

Zhao Ditian drank a few mouthfuls of water and cleared his mouth: "Broth, don't put pressure on Tianlong, he has a sense of measure."

"Mr. Ye, how do you treat the other root cause?"

Lu Yuanjia stepped forward and asked, "Is there anything we need to do? As long as we can do it, you can just order anything."

"Another root cause..."

Ye Tianlong said, Xiao killed the happiness of the whole house: "There is no cure!"

Qin Tianhe raised his head with a touch of puzzlement on his face: "Tianlong, the deadliest root of Zhao's body is Pharaoh's corpse poison."

"The corpse poison is the biggest culprit. After being poisoned, Zhao's body became extremely poor. Now that the toxin has been removed, the danger should have disappeared."

"The rest of the trauma and internal injuries are all minor injuries that don't affect Zhao's life and death at all."

Qin Tianhe's eyes flashed blankly: "How do you say he still has a fatal root cause? What else is wrong with him?"

Ye Tianlong dipped his finger into clear water, and wrote a word on the table:


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