Talented Genius

Chapter 956: Jade Buddha Statue (five watch)

Chapter 956 Jade Buddha Statue (five more)

After making the call, Ye Tianlong patted the shoulder of Zhan Qinglou and left.

One is that you can appear more unpredictable in this way.

The second is that if you fail to help, you won’t get angry. After all, I just said casually, and I didn’t give much hope.

Of course, Ye Tianlong still went all out to help, secretly sent a few more messages to Ansya, so that she must protect the group of people back.

He knew very well that as long as the Black Bear Party was willing to help, the probability of the target coming back safely would double, after all, that was within its sphere of influence.

In addition, the Black Bear Party has infiltrated the border guards, and can use the latter if necessary, so Ye Tianlong has great confidence in the completion of this task.

Zhan Qinglou didn't know what he was thinking about. After standing there for a long time, he finally turned and walked towards the attic...


After coming out of Ditianju, Ye Tianlong stepped on the accelerator and ran to the flower and bird market according to the navigation.

Ditianju was too monotonous and dull, and even the birds were frightened by the air of Xiao killing, so Ye Tianlong was going to buy some flowers and birds to add vitality.

He chose four birds in one go, expensive and fragile birds, then another three bunches of flowers, beautiful and difficult to serve, and then moved back to the Emperor Tianju.

After buying it back, Ye Tianlong felt that there was something close, so he drove out to the antique market and bought some Buddhist beads, calligraphy and painting, and porcelain.

When he was about to leave after buying, Ye Tianlong's eyes were attracted by a jade shop, and he felt that he should buy a few more pieces of jade and go back to raise him.

So after putting things away, he took the wallet and walked into the jade shop. The shop was luxurious, called Thrush, not very big, but the decoration was good.


When Ye Tianlong walked into the jade shop, the lucky cat in the lobby yelled, and then a beautiful girl came out with a scent of fragrance.

The beautiful girl looks twenty years old, but she exudes a mature taste. She wore a white tube top skirt, with delicate lace lining her white legs.

This girl looks good, but her eyes flashed with shrewdness and accidents, giving a sense of superiority.

She was smiling and welcoming VIPs, but after scanning the unbranded clothes on Ye Tianlong, she turned into a proud look.

She blocked Ye Tianlong across the aisle, not only didn't mean to welcome you, but also put on an air of rejection:

"Hello! Will you find someone or buy something?"

Ye Tianlong nodded slightly and responded politely: "Hello, I want to buy some jade!"

When the pretty girl was about to refuse, she heard the lucky cat sing again, and a few foreigners walked in, beautifully dressed.

The beautiful girl's eyes lit up instantly, busy welcoming the expats, and at the same time said impatiently to Ye Tianlong: "Then you can just watch it."

"But don't touch it before you pay, it's all valuables. If you touch it, you won't be able to pay for it if you sell it."

After speaking, she yelled inside and asked a clerk to stare at Ye Tianlong: "Don't let him break things."

There is no doubt that she does not think that Ye Tianlong has the purchasing power.

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, "Really a snobby girl."

However, he didn't take it to heart. He was walking around this shop of more than 100 square meters, looking for jade suitable for Zhao Ditian.

It's just that although there are many jade wares on the shelf, they look dazzling under the soft light, but none of them can get Ye Tianlong's eyesight.

He was able to judge that they were all shoddy and defective products, and he felt embarrassed to wear them himself, let alone give them to Emperor Zhao Tian?

No suitable!

Ye Tianlong shook his head, ready to leave.

Seeing that Ye Tianlong hadn't bought anything, the beautiful girl made a cold joking at the corner of her mouth, as if she had expected this result.


Ye Tianlong, who was about to leave, suddenly his gaze fell to a corner, where there were a few jade Buddha statues, but they were rough in appearance, and they were either incomplete or cracked, so they were almost waste products and no one patronized them. , But Ye Tianlong locked one of the jade Buddhas.

This Jade Buddha was the size of a palm, and there was a touch of mutilation on his forehead, which seemed to have been knocked off. The appearance was also very rough, and the hand felt bad.

Let alone antiques, no one believes even Jingdezhen products.

Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed a ray of light, and he stretched out his hand to get this broken Jade Buddha...

"Stop! Stop!"

After sending away the beautiful girl from the foreigners, she had quick eyes and quick hands. She trot over and grabbed Ye Tianlong's hand and shouted, "Just watch, don't do it."

"I told you just now, don't touch the things in our store, you can't afford to break it."

The beautiful girl was fierce: "You want this jade Buddha, you can, bring three thousand, I will sell this jade Buddha to you."

Ye Tianlong frowned and responded faintly: "Three thousand?"

"Yes, three thousand, regardless of its incompleteness, it is worth the price."

The beautiful girl stared at Ye Tianlong: "If it is not incomplete, you can't buy it for 30,000 yuan. You have to buy it and get 3,000 for it."

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth raised an arc, and he happily took out his wallet and took out three thousand: "Okay, three thousand, I want it."

He handed the money to the pretty girl while holding the Jade Buddha in his hand.

Wow! This kid is really generous! It can be seen that this kid is a rich turtle who pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger.

A smile appeared on the pretty girl's face, and after confirming that it was three thousand correct, she smiled and said: "The Jade Buddha is yours, generous enough, enough vision, and smart enough!"

"Quickly, bill the guests, bill them."

"Okay, Miss Yu Xuan!"

The clerk responded and quickly opened an order to Ye Tianlong, completing the transaction quickly.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's departure, the beautiful girl sneered in her heart, stupidly. These jade stones were all waste products cleared from the warehouse.

A hundred yuan is considered a profit.

She had been selling for more than a month, and no one was fooled. She did not expect that Ye Tianlong, a fool, would buy a jade Buddha for three thousand yuan.

She smiled triumphantly in her heart: idiot, idiot.

Ye Tianlong didn't care about the other party's ridicule. He got into the car with the jade Buddha statue. He was about to drive back to Ditianju, but he heard the phone ring.

He put on the Bluetooth earplugs, and soon Nangongxiong's happy voice came: "Ye Shao, are you free tonight? Are you free to come over for dinner?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "Are you discharged from the hospital?"

"Just the few fist injuries, there is no major problem at all. Even if I want to be hospitalized, the doctor will not let us keep it. We left at noon."

Nangong Xiong laughed, "How about eating at the newly opened "Prairie Restaurant" at seven o'clock in the evening? The lamb chops and milk wine are first-rate there."

"I also called Yu Xuan...my girlfriend."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the time and found that it was five o'clock, thinking that he was going to eat anyway, it was better to eat together, and remind him by the way to guard the Thirteen League.

Moreover, he could also see that Nangongxiong longed to affirm his girlfriend, which was another kind of show off for men.

So he smiled and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll be there on time."

Nangongxiong was very happy: "Thank you Shao Ye!"

At this moment, Ye Tianlong was holding his mobile phone, frowned, wondering, where did the name Yu Xuan seem to have been heard?

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