Talented Genius

Chapter 969: Provoke you to kill

Chapter 969

Mercenary organization? China?

Zhan Qinglou's lobster-eating hand stagnated, and then sighed quietly, "No."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flickered: "I know this, so it's within a comfortable range to interact with everyone."

"If there is no desire or desire, or if there is not much desire, the relationship between the two parties will last. Once my desire becomes greater, the relationship will definitely weaken or even break."

"So you say that I integrate resources and my future achievements will be greater than the present. That is just an ideal idea. The facts may backfire."

"Even the brothel sister who made me four dishes and one soup didn't allow me to set up a mercenary in China. How could other people be my resources?"

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "I'm better off being a beautiful Ye Tianlong, so that more people will like me."

Zhan Qinglou looked thoughtful and looked at Ye Tianlong with a wry smile. She knew that her induction had failed, and this kid was really dripping.

She once thought about letting Ye Tianlong integrate overseas resources, and then provide China with a good service to solve many problems that the official inconvenience to intervene.

But Ye Tianlong turned his army together.

The friendship can eat, drink and have fun, but not want to ask for it, let alone touch the bottom line, otherwise, first support him to establish a mercenary in China.

It is impossible for Ye Tianlong to do this by herself, which also shows that friendship is not something she can use in her imagination.

"Sister, this house is too quiet, except for the lack of guards and servants, why don't you even see the powerful and powerful with a keen sense of smell?"

Ye Tianlong gnawed at the fish head, while turning around to ease the dullness: "I still want to wait to receive their gifts and make friends with some big guys."

Zhao Ditian has survived the difficulties and has a few more years of life span. In Ye Tianlong's view, those powerful and powerful should hurry over and hug their thighs.

Zhan Qinglou smiled: "The reason is very simple. First, this house must not be entered, otherwise it will be arrogant, even if the five masters are the same."

"Don't look at your own freedom of entry and exit, it is because you are wearing a pass and you are a distinguished guest, otherwise you will not even be able to enter the small courtyard."

Ye Tianlong thought of the rockery and flowers and trees without much surprise on his face.

"Secondly, Mr. Zhao has been suffering from illness for a long time, repeatedly, hope is getting dimmer, and he has given several critical illness notices."

Zhan Qinglou continued the topic just now: "The patience and hope of the powerful who originally wanted to hold their thighs have long been obliterated."

"Who would bring a gift to meet a person who only breathes? Lao Zhao is worthy of flattery to them when he is alive. When he is dead, it has no meaning at all."

"Don't be afraid to tell you that when Zhao Laogang fell, the five major leaders and the official officials of China, nearly a hundred people came here to visit."

"The convoy lined up for three kilometers, and the gift received three rooms."

"The condition is better. When it relapses, the number is only half. The five masters did not reappear, only their nephews came to condolences."

"When the condition was worse, only 20 people visited, holding a fruit basket in hand."

"It's even worse. Only eight people came over to take a look. They didn't even bring gifts. They left after a few greetings."

"Last month, it was Lao Zhao who was going to be unable to do so. Lao Qin tried his best to rescue him. Only the officials sent two representatives. They still came to condolences."

"It is to witness Zhao Lao's death, so that the official power can be taken over."

"This time, no one came to visit, and even many medical experts couldn't find excuses, which made people like Qin Tiandiao just make up for it."

Speaking of this, Zhan Qinglou's eyes are grateful: "Fortunately, Zhao Laoji is a man of heaven, and I met you, the genius doctor, and let him come back to life."

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked again: "Lao Zhao is going to hang up. They can understand if they don't come and hug their thighs. Lao Zhao is fine now, why don't you see anyone?"

Zhan Qinglou took a bite of lobster: "This is also the third point I want to say, Zhao Lao has survived the storm."

"Lao Zhao knows, you know, I know, Qin knows, Yuan Jia knows, Tian Mei knows, Xiuyi knows, it seems to know all."

A smile came up at the corner of her mouth: "But I can tell you that the entire Huaxia will be known to the seven of us temporarily."

"Absolutely no eighth person understands the situation."

She smiled faintly: "So in their eyes, Mr. Zhao is still a worthless dying person, how can anyone visit?"

"That's it!"

Ye Tianlong suddenly realized that, and then he ate very quickly, eating the lobster in a few bites, and then eating other meals.

Feng Juan Canyun can't describe it too much.

"Dragon, eat slowly, don't choke."

Zhan Qinglou looked concerned: "You are so hungry, haven't you eaten at noon?"

"The brothel really has good eyesight. You can see it all. I really didn't eat at noon."

Ye Tianlong spit out a fish bone, and told the noon encounter: "A beauty, Zhao Yaoyao, deputy director of Southern TV Station."

"In order to get me to participate in the audition of China Good Singers, I invited me to have coffee and dinner in the cafe.

He was very sorry: "Just after drinking a cup of coffee, a group of bad guys broke in."

Zhan Qinglou smiled: "Bad guy? Who else is worse than you?"

Ye Tianlong looked filled with righteous indignation: "He seems to be called Zhao Dafei, and he is surrounded by fierce fighters."

Zhan Qinglou narrowed her eyes: "Zhao Dafei? Zhao Sibao's son?" She whispered: "It's the Thirteen League again..."

Ye Tianlong looked very curious: "What Zhao Sibao?"

Zhan Qinglou smiled faintly, and the conversation turned: "It's nothing, then? He broke in to make trouble for you?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "I didn't provoke him, how could he find me unlucky."

"He liked Zhao Yaoyao's appearance, and wanted to deceive men and women, and told me to get rid of him, otherwise he would blow my head."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Zhan Qinglou, but then disappeared without a trace: "With your character, you must teach him a lesson."

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up: "Sister guessed it right, I was upset, so I slapped him three big times."

"The group of them wanted to besiege me, but they met a few decent people coming in and out. Zhao Dafei was afraid that it would not be affected, so he temporarily let me go."

He was heartbroken: "It's just that my table of food was ruined, and then I helped her find a camera in Zhao Yaoyao's room and found nine."

"I have been busy for most of the day and didn't drink a sip of water. Zhao Yaoyao was in a bad mood and didn't invite me to dinner again, so I am really hungry now."

Speaking of this, Ye Tianlong's conversation changed: "Sister Bros., who is Zhao Dafei? Can I provoke me?"

"I can afford to provoke, next time he finds me unlucky, I will head-to-head with him; I can't provoke, I am a man with my tail clipped."

"Although I am not afraid of things and have blood in my hands, after all, the capital is not my place, and it depends on people to order the food. Rough things are reckless."

Ye Tianlong showed an arrogant and cautious posture, and silently handed the problem to Zhan Qinglou.

"Zhao Sibao...just a dog."

Zhan Qinglou's eyes showed contempt: "He will provoke you again and kill it!"

With the cards in hand, Ye Tianlong laughed and finished the soup in the bowl in one gulp.

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