Talented Genius

Chapter 979: The head is hard enough

Chapter 979

Ye Tianlong's actions stunned the audience.

No one thought that, in full view, he would really kill Zhao Dafei, or the violent scene of a bottle headshot.

Zhao Dafei did not expect that, clutching his head and shouting in pain, not only was he hurt, but also his face was lost.

Several people rushed to Ye Tianlong, but were kicked by Tianmo.


Ye Tianlong lost half of the wine bottle in his hand, and his handsome and resolute face scanned the world with an aura of dominion.

His eyes were cold, sharp and horrifying, making people afraid to look at each other.

"Ye Tianlong!"

Zhao Yaoyao couldn't help but yelled in her heart, with surprise, appreciation, and a touch of goodwill. How could such a prestigious man not let her be moved?

Yu Xuan and several fashionable women were in a trance. They did not expect Ye Tianlong to be cruel and bloody, and then Qi Qi Qiqi secretly called him to be finished.

"Shao Shao, is it a pleasant surprise?"

Ye Tianlong patted Zhao Dafei's face, smiling with a playful look: "I really moved you."

Zhao Dafei clutched his wound and gritted his teeth: "Ye Tianlong, you are finished, you are finished, you are going to die, and your whole family is going to die."

He wanted to resist, struggle, wanted to draw the knife behind his back, but the hot cigar and the headshot of the wine bottle made him unable to gather strength for a while.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth: "Threatening me?"

"Why don't Zhao Shao call more people, you'd better call your father over and let me go out sideways tonight?"

He patted Zhao Dafei's face: "I want to see, how did you make my family die."

Zhao Dafei tried to avoid Ye Tianlong's face slap, and words burst out between his teeth: "I tell you, you must be finished."

Ye Tianlong carried him to the rostrum and smiled nonchalantly: "Don't worry, my life is hard, and the king dare not accept it."

"Besides, even if I am going to die, you will die with me."

Zhao Dafei was full of resentment, and vowed to make Ye Tianlong pay the price and make him worse than death. He also transferred his anger to Zhao Yaoyao.

He has to take down this woman, so as to wash away the shame tonight.

"Dogday! Do you dare to move Zhao Shao?"

The yellow-haired man reacted, angered, and sternly shouted: "Beat him to death!"

He pressed his hands, full of momentum, and the thirteen league elite instantly rioted. A bald man with a strong physique moved first and rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

The guests panicked instantly, shouting, avoiding, and one after another to make room, but did not leave, all stayed on the scene to watch the good show.

In this gap, Tianmo paced calmly, with an indifferent expression in front of Ye Tianlong, slammed his fist and hit the chest of the rushing enemy.


A mouthful of blood shot in mid-air, and the bald man fell heavily and flew out like a roasted eggplant and fell to the ground.

Another person rushed in front of Tian Mo and slammed the telescopic stick at Tian Mo. The speed was not unpleasant, but Tian Mo's fist hit his nose even faster.


With a loud noise, the charged enemy's nose and mouth bleed instantly, and he hit the wine table with a stick, causing a mess.

This is a visual feast!


Taking advantage of the confusion of his opponent, Tian Mo rushed up again, easily pulling out a body of two hundred jin, and slamming it towards the crowd.

The thick human wall was once again bombarded with a shocking gap by this human shell.

In the chaos, Tianmo bullied himself and approached him, knocking on his knees in the air, and knocking down a few somersaults of a big man, tripping a whole group of people.

Then, he rushed into the crowd arbitrarily, **** and kicking, simple, direct, but extremely fierce.

The one-to-twenty battle soon came to an end, and the chaotic scene for three or four minutes was suddenly quiet due to the more than ten hunks falling to the ground.

Feeling that Tianmo's husband was in charge, the yellow-haired man called for support while being dragged back by the wounded.

At one point, he wanted to take out the only two guns, but he was worried that Zhao Sibao would be held accountable by the influence.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ye Tianlong dragged Zhao Dafei to the podium. He also picked up the special champagne for celebration, opened the lid and took a sip.

To speak later, Ye Tianlong was ready to moisturize his throat.


At this moment, the old man, who had been observing Ye Tianlong and Tian Mo, moved his steps, clicked on a chair, and ejected extremely quickly.

The old wooden man stood in front of Tian Mo, stepping forward, posing with his hands one after the other.

His appearance instantly silenced the audience, and also caused the yellow-haired guys to stop their movements, waiting for the dull old man to throw up the sky and Ye Tianlong.

You know, this is the bodyguard Zhao Sibao invited from the Sun family in the northern area of ​​the Han Dynasty, with 8 million a year, to protect the dude's son Zhao Dafei.

The Sun family is a family of martial arts and national martial arts champions. Seven out of ten are from the Sun family. The old man is also a national champion 15 years ago.

His shot attracted the eyes of many guests. Yu Xuan and Zhao Yaoyao were also full of nervousness. Only the hole broke the wolf and believed that Old Man Sun would lose.

Without too much nonsense, Tian Mo directly slashed his right hand towards the old man.

The old man's eyes were slightly sharp, and he raised his hand to make a hard touch with Tian Mo.

The fists collided, and the two passed by.


A loud noise exploded in the banquet hall, and the dull old man's body was as if being pulled back by a steel wire, his feet touching the red carpet.

The black leather shoes were pushed with great force, giving birth to two clear marks.

What a domineering strength!

A touch of surprise flashed in the eyes of the old man, who didn't expect Tian Mo's strength to be so amazing.

Afterwards, his gaze regained his fighting spirit, his momentum was extremely impressive, he stabilized his pace in the next round, fists in one hand and sword in the other.

The posture is weird, with the swiftness of drawing a knife, and the flexibility of judo.


But before the stupid old man waved his hand, Tian Mo disappeared in the place he had seen before.

At almost the same time, within his most recent visual range, the shadow of Tianmo appeared.

An indescribable sense of fear struck my heart, without any preparation at all, almost instinctively, the dull old man crossed his arms across his chest.

Just after guarding the vital part, the dull old man saw a punch rushing and hit his arms with crossed hands.


There was a loud noise, the stupid old man shook his body, and then his body was knocked into flight by a train. He exited more than ten meters before stopping.


A big mouthful of blood spewed out from the stupid old man's mouth.

The audience was stunned and looked at Tian Mo in surprise. He didn't expect this guy to be so powerful.

With a touch of blood, the dull old man stared at Tianmo hoarsely and drank coldly: "Come on again—"


Before he finished speaking, a cake fell on his head, his entire head was covered with white cream, and his eyes were sticky and unable to open.

The next second, a wine bottle hit his head severely, and the dull old man shook his head and fell to the ground.


Behind, Ye Tianlong on the podium dropped half of the champagne bottle: "His head is quite hard."

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