Talented Genius

Chapter 981: Righteous

Chapter 981

The knife made a sharp sound, and the knife saw blood.


Zhao Dafei collapsed to the ground, mentally breaking down and forgetting howling. At this moment, he clearly felt the fear of death.

Not to mention Zhao Dafei's trash, the onlookers, including the yellow-haired man, felt creepy and completely lost the guts to look directly at Ye Tianlong.

Thirteen knives didn't cost Zhao Dafei's life, but it was more fearful than killing him. Many people's anger towards Ye Tianlong had become jealous.

Zhao Yaoyao and Yu Xuan were also dumbfounded, their heads blank, unable to make any response.

Ye Tianlong was too vicious and overbearing.

"Well, the grievances between you and me are over here, don't provoke me next time."

Ye Tianlong threw the knife on the ground and looked at Zhao Dafei, who was more afraid than painful, and said, "Otherwise, it will not be thirteen knives, but a life."

Although Ye Tianlong put Zhao Dafei on the death list, he would not be able to kill him for a while, so he first implanted fear in his heart.

The yellow-haired guys lost the courage to dig out their guns and besiege, and turned their eyes to the most powerful Kong Polang, changing their fierceness just now.

"Kong Shao, you are a good friend of Hall Master Zhao, and the Hall Master is not there, you have to be the master for us."

He became a weak image: "This kid is so rampant, hitting, hurting, stabbing, you must take him down and give us justice."

A dozen companions also became pitiful, shouting Kong Polang to come out to preside over the overall situation:

"Yes, Kong Shao is present, he is so arrogant, he doesn't give you face, he doesn't give face to the Kong family."

"Kong Shao, you should kill him directly to maintain your authority."

Zhao Yaoyao knew Kong Polang's identity, her pretty face couldn't help tightening, worried that he ordered Ye Tianlong to be killed.

Faced with hundreds of hopeful eyes, Kong Polang felt 10,000 horses galloping in his heart. This is to put him on stage.

Although his wound has recovered, he has also recovered a bit of the prestige of the children of the five major families. It can be seen that Ye Tianlong is trembling from the heart.

Just now Ye Tianlong stabbed Zhao Dafei thirteen times. He felt like stabbing himself. The wound was inexplicably painful. If it were not a fight at the door, he had left early.

"Oh, Master Kong, do you want to preside over the overall situation?"

At this moment, Ye Tianlong turned to look at Kong Polang, raised a smile and said, "Then please Kong Shao take good care of it and see if I am doing it right."

The yellow-haired man took the opportunity to yell: "Boy, dare to yell Kong Shao, you are tired of life."

"To shut up!"

Kong Polang suddenly became irritable and shouted: "What presides over justice? What presides over justice? I'm here for a banquet, not for a fight."

"Didn't you see Zhao Dafei bleeding? Didn't you see him dying? Are you still babbling, don't you rush to the hospital?"

Kong Polang cursed at the yellow-haired man and the group: "You want Zhao Dafei to die? Can you sort things out?"

"I only know how to fight, kill, and be gratitude and enmity. Hall Master Zhao is better than raising a group of dogs."

The yellow-haired man was taken aback, then realized that he almost forgot Zhao Dafei's life and death, and hurriedly asked people to stop the bleeding and send him to the hospital.

"China is a country under the rule of law. I have no right to judge who is right and who is wrong in today's affairs, and I don't want you to go wrong."

Kong Polang seemed to be possessed by a politician, and sternly shouted at the yellow-haired man: "This matter is best handled by the police and handled according to law."

The audience was stunned for an instant, and it felt like Kong Powolf was a different person, and it sounded reasonable, but it was in favor of Ye Tianlong.

"Kong Shao said it well!"

At this moment, there was chaotic footsteps from far to near, and with a sense of murderous air, the guests on the scene tightened their eyes and looked towards the door.

"Don't move!"

Soon, a group of men and women in uniforms poured in with live ammunition. The headed woman looked around the audience, her expression gloomy: "Sit down, all!"

It was Wu Ningbing.

Seeing this group of people appeared, Kong Polang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and touched his forehead with sweat, his emotions were very complicated.

Wu Ningbing walked to the front in a brave manner and looked around the audience: "Kong Shao is right. Acting according to the law and dealing with it according to the law is the king."

"I know what happened today, and I told Mr. Zhao that we must believe in the law and the country, and don't engage in petty moves in the animal park."

She also pointed to the Thirteen League reinforcements outside: "Remove all the Zhao family's thugs."

"I don't want to make a big deal, but if you want to force it, I don't mind catching it all."

The yellow-haired man felt like he had hit a ghost tonight, what was this all about, but he felt Wu Ningbing's death and made his subordinates feel to leave.

After suppressing the movement of the Thirteen Leagues, Wu Ningbing turned to look at Ye Tianlong, aggressively: "Hit someone, hurt someone, stab someone?"

Ye Tianlong gently shook his head: "I'm just asking for justice."

Wu Ning Bing Jiao yelled, "Is there anyone who seeks justice like you? Everyone follows you. Isn't this society messy?"

"Ye Tianlong, I just let you out on bail in the afternoon, and came here to make trouble in the evening, and wounded so many people."

There was a trace of complacency on her face: "This time, there are evidences and no one can protect you."

Ye Tianlong's eyes became pitiful: "I really don't want to hurt people. I was forced. If you don't believe me, ask everyone, I'm really innocent..."

"Don't talk nonsense! I have control over everything, you can't run away!"

Wu Ningbing waved his left hand and shouted sharply: "Come here, take Ye Tianlong back."

Several uniformed men and women rushed up, pointed at Ye Tianlong, and escorted him to the door.

The yellow-haired man was quite unwilling, leading a few people forward, but feeling the chill of Wu Ningbing, he stopped, and grabbed Ye Tianlong, who was too plainclothed at the police station.

Ye Tianlong turned around and shouted to Wu Ningbing: "Captain Wu, I haven't eaten yet, remember to pack a roast chicken for me..."

Wu Ningbing sneered: "Don't worry, there will be."

At the door, when Ye Tianlong was escorted into the police car, Zhao Dafei was also taken to the ambulance. When the door closed, he glanced at Ye Tianlong.

He couldn't even dream that he would encounter such a ruthless and fierce impact, and Ye Tianlong walked out intact.

Zhao Dafei sighed and sighed. He didn't dare to provoke Ye Tianlong again, but he believed that Ye Tianlong was going to die.

He aimed at Ye Tianlong and trampled Nangongxiong. He was definitely not a headshot or two hundred and five. He was arrogant and domineering, he had capital, confidence, and a good father.

Zhao Sibao was the first hall master of the Thirteen League, the king of the underworld in the capital, and the most respected general of Zhao Wuji, and he was also the target of contacts with the powerful.

Zhao Sibao, who dominates the underground world of the capital, will surely set off a storm that is difficult for ordinary people to imagine if he is disturbed by thunder and anger.

Zhao Dafei, who had lost a lot of blood, gradually lost consciousness. There was no pain, no humiliation, but a hint of pleasure after fear:

No matter who it is, the person who stabbed him must die!

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