Talented Genius

Chapter 994: The real murder is invisible

Chapter 994

At noon, Ye Tianlong, who had escaped from Wu Ningbing's hands, hid in the hotel for dinner with Black Tiger, White Shark and Tian Mo.

Thinking of Wu Ningbing who was running wild, Ye Tianlong broke out in cold sweat. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been handcuffed by Wu Ningbing to crush a boulder in his chest.

This is the case, there is still a little pain in the waist, Wu Ningbing's foot is really too hard.

"Young Master Ye, toast you a cup."

Eight dishes and one soup, and two bottles of red wine. The four of them were very happy to eat. The black tiger and the white shark were even more like chicken blood. They raised their glasses to respect Ye Tianlong:

"We thought that stabbing Zhao Dafei was the biggest revenge. Unexpectedly, you would kill Zhao Sibao directly by the serial killing."

Heihu never concealed his emotions: "It's too bold and sturdy to come and kill the opponent single-handedly."

The white shark also smiled and said, "We are convinced, come, and toast you a cup."

The two are also well-informed old people, and they have imagined the various fate of Zhao Sibao, including the scene of another battle between the two sides in the future.

In the minds of the black tiger and the white shark, they and Zhao Sibao are bound to collide fiercely, and the three hundred rounds of the war have ended their grievances.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianlong calmly set up a bureau and poisoned Zhao Sibao, and with the help of official power, he retreated completely, and they had to make them feel that Ye Shao was powerful.

Convinced by the four characters, there is no water.

Ye Tianlong touched them with a wine glass, and then drank a clean one: "Although Zhao Sibao is the boss of the capital, he is just a stepping stone to me."

"The target we will step on in the future is a giant like Zhao Wuji."

The black tiger laughed loudly: "Yes, kill Zhao Wuji and sweep the Chinese underworld."

The four clinked glasses for another drink.

"Ye Shao, why are you only killing Zhao Sibao? You should kill his confidant Feng Jiutian as well, so that you can kill him."

White Shark picked up a chicken leg and gnawed it, and then asked: "That woman is very loyal to Zhao Sibao. She is immortal and will chase us crazy."

"Furthermore, when she is dead, the branch of the Beijing branch will have no leader. The subordinates are prone to internal disturbances for the position of the hall master, and the Thirteen Leagues can suffer some losses."

Heihu's eyes flashed with a ray of light: "Ye Shao, do you want me to spray her? Take advantage of the mess and spray her and Zhao Dafei, once and for all."

He reached out and touched the shotgun in his arms, which Tian Mo picked up and gave them back.

"Before Feng Jiutian saw me, she really respected Zhao Sibao, but after listening to my story, she may not be loyal to Zhao Sibao."

Ye Tianlong did not hide from them: "There are three reasons why I left her. First, I believe she will not chase us down temporarily."

"Secondly, she will properly handle Zhao Sibao's Shouwei. It is very likely that she will help me conceal the poisonous killing."

Ye Tianlong smiled while holding the wine glass: "Third, she is alive. In the future, we will be the sword of the 13th League."

It was not difficult for Ye Tianlong to kill Feng Jiutian, but Ye Tianlong felt that the use value of this woman far exceeded her death, so he kept it.

Ye Tianlong also believed that after Feng Jiutian's grief and decadence passed, he would definitely think of himself and be grateful to himself, and the two would meet again sooner or later.

Heihu nodded without understanding, "Although it is not very clear, but what you said seems to be very powerful, then there should be no problem."

"Anyway, if you want to kill her, just tell me. I'll take a few shots on her if I find a chance."

White Shark understood completely, and laughed in response: "Ye Shao has a sense of measure, so we can rest assured, otherwise we are worried about your personal safety."

"Come on, stop talking about it, drink, after drinking, you continue to recuperate."

Ye Tianlong picked up the wine glass again and smiled: "In a few days, your body will stabilize. You should return to Mingjiang first and train with your brothers."

The black tiger and the white shark replied happily, "Understood."

At almost the same moment, Feng Jiutian was asking Zhao Sibao's body to be placed in a coffin in the hall, waiting for auspicious day to hold the funeral.

She also notified the heads of the subordinates to meet in an hour, and warned the guards not to spread the news of Zhao Sibao's death.

After setting up everything briefly, Feng Jiutian returned to Zhao Sibao's study, closed the door and went straight to the safe.

Her eyes were red and a little swollen, as if she was sad for Zhao Sibao. In other words, Zhao Sibao was also a person who took good care of and respected her.

However, just as Ye Tianlong expected, after hearing the story he told, Feng Jiutian would not lose heart for Zhao Sibao's death, on the contrary he was very rational.

She moved quickly to the safe, entered the password and put in the fingerprints obtained from Zhao Sibao, and opened the safe with a click.


With a crisp sound, perhaps due to excessive force, a dozen dollar bills were turned over and landed on the ground. Feng Jiutian reached out and picked them up.

After putting the dollar bills back in the safe, she carefully examined the contents. On the left side, there were one hundred thousand dollars, one hundred thousand euros, passports and documents.

The grid on the right is piled with precious antiques, diamonds, and necklaces. Feng Jiutian casually estimated that the value here is not less than 500 million.

It's just that her attention was not on possessing the money, but instead took out Ye Tianlong's check, tearing it to pieces with gloved hands and throwing it into the toilet.

Then, Feng Jiutian brought a few special wet tissues and wiped the jade Buddha statue of Ye Tianlong to eliminate the toxins on it.

She helped Ye Tianlong to cover up his crimes, and she had her own deep-seated goals and intentions.

After finishing all this, Feng Jiutian took out a document marked as top secret from the archives and looked through it. After a few glances, she quickly whispered:

"Fattouduo and thin nuns... were transferred to the south to participate in the formation of the Five Flower Gate and the Red Knife Gang... I thought they were dead!"

Fat Tou Tuo and Thin Nun were once the two generals recruited by Zhao Sibao, but their time in Tangkou was very short, and few people knew about them except Feng Jiutian.

A few months ago, the two followed Zhao Sibao out of Kunjiang to trade white powder. When they came back, only Zhao Sibao and a few personal bodyguards.

Feng Jiutian once asked the whereabouts of the two, but Zhao Sibao told them that they had been shot and killed in order to entice the police during the white powder transaction.

Feng Jiutian believed that it was true, but did not expect that the two had other important tasks.

The corner of Feng Jiutian's mouth evokes a joking: "I thought I wouldn't lie to me... I didn't expect this to be hidden from me..."

She believed Ye Tianlong's story a little more.

Almost at the same moment, the attic of Ditianju, Zhanqinglou served Zhao Ditian cooked porridge, which was cooked by Qin Tianhe according to Ye Tianlong's recipe.

The porridge is very fragrant and thick, and Zhao Ditian drank it very happily.

"The kid Ye Tianlong does have a set of medical skills. I can clearly feel that my body has become stronger these days after the food has been supplemented."

After drinking half of the bowl, Zhao Ditian showed a hint of compliment: "It's no longer the same as before. I'm afraid that my body may tear if I get up too quickly."

"Moreover, there is still a force surging in my body. Maybe by the end of the year, all my skills will be back."

The war brothel smiled upon hearing the words: "Congratulations to Mr. Zhao."

Then she added: "Tianlong is not only good at medical skills, but also has a wide range of friends, and his mind is also extraordinary."

Zhao Ditian smiled and asked: "Zhao Sibao is dead?"


Zhan Qinglou briefly described what happened, and then sighed again:

"The best thing about him was not to poison Zhao Sibao, but after asking me to help him in the old police case, he told Feng Jiutian a story."

"A story that does not belong to Feng Jiutian but can shock her anger."

"This story will not only make Feng Jiutian and Zhao Sibao tear apart, it will also make Feng Jiutian a **** in Ye Tianlong."

The war brothel rarely showed a smile: "This trick is the real invisible murder."

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