Talented Genius

Chapter 997: You are on fire

Chapter 997

After returning from the audition venue, Ye Tianlong stayed in Ditianju and did not go out for three consecutive days.

In the past three days, he had pulsed Zhao Ditian's body every day, and he also began to deal with a few small injuries on Zhao Ditian's body, so that he would have less pain.

After several treatments, Ye Tianlong found that Zhao Ditian's recovery was better than expected, and even if he didn't cure himself in the future, he could last a year or a half.

Ye Tianlong was very happy, and added a little tonic based on his condition to give Zhao Ditian more energy in his body.

During this period of time, the injuries of the black tiger and the white shark were also stabilized, and they drove back to Mingjiang in the new car bought by Ye Tianlong, and began to prepare for the future South Expedition.

Another day later, Zhao Sibao's funeral was solemnly held, and half of the wreath in the capital was swept away, showing that the thirteen leagues are strong.

At noon, after acupuncture and moxibustion for Zhao Ditian, Ye Tianlong, who injured his knee, returned to the small courtyard to have dinner with Zhan Qinglou.

Ever since I had dinner with Ye Tianlong that time, Zhan Qinglou has liked the family life and the feeling of gathering and eating slowly.

Zhan Qinglou fried five small yellow croakers for Ye Tianlong, made a tomato scrambled egg, and a dish of green vegetables. It was not rich, but it tasted good.


When Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to pinch a small yellow croaker to gnaw, Zhan Qinglou slapped Ye Tianlong's hand with a slap, and asked him to wash his hands angrily:

"You are still a doctor, don't know how to wash your hands before meals."

Ye Tianlong laughed helplessly, then went to wash his hands clean: "Sister Brothel, it's not that you don't know how to wash your hands, but the little yellow croaker is too fragrant."

"Your level is almost a five-star chef, and in time, you will surely surpass mine."

He sat down and served the Zhan Qinglou with a meal: "Of course, but I don't want to be depressed. I have only one genius like me in a century."

Zhan Qinglou laughed blankly, took the job that Ye Tianlong handed over, and replied helplessly: "Your face is indeed one in a century."


Ye Tianlong was about to respond, but suddenly heard the sound of a salute coming from the sky in the distance, and he recognized and spoke for a while:

"Funeral guns, 21 shots, Zhao Sibao's pomp is big enough."

He picked up a small yellow croaker, and bit it in with a creaking sound: "I just don't worry about the official upset. Is it not having a good life by staring at the Thirteen League?"

"Although Zhao Sibao is a hall master of the 13th League, this hall is the largest gang organization in the capital, and it is actually a big gang."

Zhan Qinglou took chopsticks and explained: "There are more than 5,000 children under its banner, which is bigger than your Mingjiang Axe Gang and Flying Dragon Gang combined."

"So it has a lot of contacts."

She explained calmly: "Many powerful and powerful have colluded with Zhao Sibao, and the five family nephews even receive red envelopes from Zhao Sibao every year."

"He hangs up, those people can't come forward to express, they can only tolerate his funeral and express their attitude, but also convey the willingness to continue cooperation."

Zhan Qinglou looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "Zhao Sibao is dead and the 13th League is still there. No one wants to confiscate the money during the Spring Festival."

"in this way!"

Ye Tianlong looked outside, revealing a trace of regret: "I knew it was so lively, I ran over to take a look, and mixed up for dinner by the way."

Zhan Qinglou smiled: "Aren't you afraid of the 13th League hacking you to death?"

"I have been ordered to kill for a long time."

Ye Tianlong ate the little yellow croaker in his hand: "And I guess, Feng Jiutian really sheltered me, otherwise the 13th League will not have a funeral so soon."

"For a murderer like me with no background, the Thirteen League really recognizes me and will definitely kill me before holding a funeral. That's awesome."

There was a hint of approval on Zhan Qinglou's face: "You guessed it, Feng Jiutian sheltered you, and she led the poisoners to the rich."

"Zhao Sibao owed the money to the rich man but did not repay him, and he also bought the goods from Tu Yan Yao. The rich man had the motive to kill him."

She apparently has done a lot of investigations: "And the rich entered the country just three days ago."

"The rich guys carry the pot outside?"

Ye Tianlong slapped his thigh and smiled and said, "This is great. It can make him burn out for a few days, lest his life is too comfortable."

Zhan Qinglou looked at Ye Tianlong's conversation, "What are you going to do next? Win Feng Jiutian a little bit?"

"You think too much about this, she can't do anything for me."

Ye Tianlong raised a faint smile, his face gradually became more solemn: "Although she is a beauty, she will not be less ambitious than me."

"From the point of her sheltering me, you can tell that she is a decisive person. She doesn't want to prove that I am a murderer, not because I gave her a story."

Ye Tianlong saw it thoroughly: "It's because she feels that I will have the value to help her rise to the top in the future."

"Before going to Harbin to verify, she chose to believe my story and forget Zhao Sibao's kindness to her. Could it be a good thing?"

Zhan Qinglou nodded: "This is a fact. I thought she would go to Harbin City overnight to verify, but I didn't expect her to settle the funeral first."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It can be seen that her reason is better than emotion. Once this kind of woman is cruel, the stone will tremble."

"Can't fight for... Then can we only cooperate?"

Zhan Qinglou asked curiously: "Just, will she believe you?"

"She has already seen my abilities. In her heart, I must be someone who can help her get to the top. At least one of the hall masters of the capital can be secured."

Ye Tianlong's face showed confidence: "She will believe me, and she will definitely use me."

He knew very well in his heart that when Zhao Sibao died, the position of the hall master was vacated, and many people inside and outside the hall were staring, and there was bound to be a cruel struggle.

"She will also advance to the position of the leader with my support."

Ye Tianlong added the last sentence: "Because of the story I told her, there are not only Zhao Sibao, but also Zhao Wuji."

"Before, she was restrained by loyalty and dared not to be presumptuous or to seize the position. Now, I have found a reason for her revenge, and she will do anything with peace of mind.

Zhan Qinglou's movements were slightly stagnant, watching Ye Tianlong haven't moved for a long time, she sighed: "You are poisonous enough."

Ye Tianlong took a bite of rice in his mouth: "Life is forced, either the enemy will die or I will die. I don't want to die, but the opponent will die."

Zhan Qinglou thought of a question: "She has seen your methods and knows your insidiousness. Doesn't she think, are you a terrible snake?"

"What should I do if I bite her back when I finish working with you one day?"

Zhan Qinglou said in a low voice: "Feng Jiutian is not a vase, she would think of this floor."

Ye Tianlong showed a playful smile: "Of course she will worry, she will be afraid. I am so fierce and sinister, what if I can't control it in the end?"

"Isn't she making a wedding dress for me?"

"I thought of this a long time ago, so in order to dispel her worries, in the car that day, I deliberately left her with a fatal ‘soft underbelly’."

Zhan Qinglou narrowed his eyes: "What is it?"


Ye Tianlong finished his last bite of rice. At this moment, the phone just rang, put on earplugs to answer, and Zhao Yaoyao's happy voice soon came:

"Tianlong, you are on fire!"

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