Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1120: Such an ally, I don't want (second more)

The ancient **** of the earth is a human-faced tiger-footed dog. The mouth is covered with fangs. There are long cyan tails and nine tails. They are sitting on the altar and enjoying the song and dance.

The heavenly soldiers around him will be standing, guarding the strictness, while the lower part is the goddess playing silk bamboo drums, the songs are melodious and the dance is graceful.

Those who are graceful, have very few clothes, can barely cover the shame, dance in the eyes, and dance is also extremely provocative.

The ancient gods and the gods of the earth will be happy to laugh, and the ancient gods of the earth will rise and lead the wine glasses. There is not much wine in the bronze three-legged cup.

The ancient gods of the earth were arrested, and a goddess who was singing and dancing was arrested. He squeezed hard and squeezed the blood of the woman’s body into the cup and drank it!

The woman had no breath that day and was thrown away by him.

Outside the ancestral land, Qin Mu saw this scene, took out the glass blue sky building, took a few steps back, and suddenly accelerated forward and rushed forward, madly on the way, he shakes his hand and throws the glass blue sky building into the ancestral land!


The speed of the glazed blue sky building surpassed the sound, and soon reached the hundred times of the sound. The stalk of the stalk was pierced into the ancestral land with the fire, and the canopy slowly opened while flying fast!

In the back of the Liutian Qingtian Building, Qin Mu's speed is not slower than the Liuqing Qingtian Building. He bows his head and the palm rests on the sword handle.


One person, one treasure, the electric light generally passes through the earthworms outside the ancestral lands, and even the demon of the northern Xuanzhou, which is guarded in the suffocating atmosphere, has not had time to see their traces disappear.

The glazed blue sky building passes through the main hall of the shrine, and the time comes to the altar and points to the heart of the ancient god!

The ancient gods in the soil reacted very quickly. The explorer grabbed them and grabbed the jade pillar of the glazed blue sky building. He shouted loudly: "Who dares to let go?"

The twenty-eighth heavens of the glazed blue sky building opened and expanded outward.

The ancient gods of the earth suddenly saw that their bodies were lifted up and sent to the first heavens, away from the altar.

Just in the moment when the twenty-eight days of the day bloomed, a sword light flew, and the huge pupil of the ancient gods reflected the sword light, only to see that the sword light in his pupil was getting bigger and bigger, Jianguang Yi Shock, turned into thirty-three days.

The sword in his flesh, the thirty-three heavens swell outward, although his body is extremely tyrannical, trying to push the strength of the flesh to suppress the Jianguang, but the power of the thirty-three heavens kendo represents the swordsmanship brand thirty-three Heavy void.

Throughout the avenue cultivation of the ancient gods of the earth, he has not realized his own avenues to the extent of the thirty-three empty voids.

Although his cultivation is extremely strong, although his mana is rich, his enlightenment to his own avenue is unparalleled, but his own avenue is broken, and the depth of his understanding is not as good as the other, his physical body cannot be Thirty-three heavens edifice.

His body was divided into thirty-four, and thirty-three flesh was from the bottom up, and evolved into a series of heavens and rivers.

His head flew up, and with his head flying, it was Qin Mu’s figure, and his left hand was printed on his eyebrow.

Tianhe is a four-phase view.

Around the head of the ancient gods of the earth, a Tianhe emerged, and the Tianhe River penetrated the four poles. The four poles of the sky each emerged the shape of the avenue of the Qinglong white tiger Suzaku Xuanwu ancient god, hitting and rushing into his brain.

The three souls of the ancient gods of the earth are broken, and one life is called.

Yu Chudu and Long Qilin and others waited anxiously outside, Qin Mu suddenly abandoned them, and they broke into the ancestral land of the ancient gods, making them inevitably worried.

At this time, a huge head flew out of the mantle, kneeling on the ground and rolling for a few weeks.

"Go, go to the ancestral home of the next ancient god." Qin Mu walked out of the gas of the mantle, whispered.

Long Qilin quickly followed him and hesitated. "Teacher, you have killed two ancient gods. If you continue to kill, don't you fear the evil of Tiangong and Tubo? Tiangong and Tubo are also ancient gods. Class, they see you killing the ancient gods here, it will inevitably be a bit of a must."

Qin Mu stopped his steps and said: "Can Tiangong and Tubo manage these ancient gods? They can't control it, and they never manage it. These ancient gods are both attached to the heavens, enjoy the power position, and feed on all beings. I dreamed that this one would make them annihilate, overthrow the heavens, and try to return to the ancient barbaric era! In my camp, there is no place for these things!"

Long Qilin said: "Though this is the case..."

"This kind of ally, I don't want it!"

Qin Mu cold and cold: "The reason why the Longhan Revolution failed because the half **** replaced the ancient god, and there is no change! If Yankang joins hands with these ancient gods, even if it overthrows the heavens, there will be no change! ”

Long Qilin hesitated: "If they are Tiangong Tubo, they don't understand?"

"They must understand that they are the gods born in the avenue, different from these ancient gods."

Qin Mu stepped forward and said: "The ancient **** of Daosheng is different from the ancient gods born of sacrifices. The ancient gods born of sacrifices are born with the evil thoughts of the Archaic Creator, and can never be changed. Tubo will understand my decision."

Long Qilin no longer speaks.

The demon in the Baitu ancestral area flustered for a while after the death of the ancient **** of Baitu, but they quickly calmed down and rushed to other ancient ancestral lands to inform the other eight ancient gods.

At the same time, there are also three gods who flew to Sanzhutian to inform the ancient gods of Sanzhutian.

Luzhou Baitu is the central part of Kyushu. The route to other eight states is the shortest and fastest. However, it takes three to five days for them to reach the ancestral homes of each state.

One of the devils rushed to the south of Ang, and broke into the ancestral home of the ancient gods in the deep land of Ang, and cried: "The deep gods are the masters of us, and the white earth gods were assassinated!"

Deep ancient gods heard the words, could not help but burst into anger, patted the case and said: "Who is so bold? Dare to kill my righteous brother?"

The demon **** said: "I didn't see it clearly, and I didn't hear anything. The white earth gods have no life..."

"Useless things!"

The ancient gods in the deep earth were furious, and immediately ordered and said: "Let's go to the army and follow me to Baishi Shenzhou to see who is so bold!"

After a half-day, the gods and demon army opened, and the ancient gods of the deep earth sat in the middle of the army, surrounded by thousands of gods and devils.

The ancient gods in the deep soil are somewhat uneasi, and their minds say: "It is possible to kill the white brothers. It seems that the matter is not the same. If I rushed to go, I will be poisoned by most of them. But now I am guarded by the army, the law is strict, and the emperor is waiting." The strong also think about being close..."

At this time, Liuli Qingtian Building descended from the sky, and twenty-eight days of the day bloomed. All the battles collapsed and disappeared!

After a while, the twenty-eight days disappeared, and everything returned to normal. The glass of blue sky was turned into a blue light and disappeared into the clouds of heaven.

The Qingtian Building disappeared, and the soldiers were all in their place. It seems that they have never moved.

Everyone hurriedly looked at it and saw that the ancient gods were sitting there, and they kept still, and their hands were still holding the handrail of the throne, and the head of the man had disappeared!

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