Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 143: Red dust into the road

The empress empress looked at Qin Mu, and Qin Mu’s face was still indifferent. It seems that she had known this for a long time, and she was not surprised.

The Empress Dowager set the gods and thought for a moment, saying: "The husband is a premature birth, and the Taidi has dug up the sacrifices. Therefore, there are great defects in the Taoist and strength, and the brothers are silent here. I don’t know how many billion years, I want to come. It should be completed and there will be no situation of the ancestors. Why are the two so fearful of the future?"

The meaning of her words is actually asking the Taiji ancient gods, they are hiding here, and they are absorbed by the strength of the veins. After a long time, they should be able to be born successfully, why are they not born now?

It’s just that she is the emperor after all, and she is more euphemistic.

"According to common sense, we can indeed be born. This long time is enough for us to absorb all the power and roads of the mining area."

The male voice in the egg: "However, the ancestral court limited our birth."

The empress empress was puzzled, Qin Mu could not help but move the curiosity, and the body could not help but lean forward.

The female voice in the egg: "We have been absorbing the power of the Taiji veins. Since the opening of the universe, we have never stopped. When the Creator family rises, the mining veins are started, and the five major veins have been excavated. There is a brother before the Creator. Already born, leaving an empty mining area, free and easy. When he was born, there was no nuisance in the world, the road was pure, and when he was born, he became detached and became a Tao."

The male voice in the egg: "After that is the beginning of the brotherhood. At first the brother is expected to enlighten him after him, but unfortunately, he only grows to half, he is dug out, and the creator is a baby to sacrifice. Not yet born, It has been polluted. He wants to be enlightened and difficult, and he must break the power of the creator’s sacrifice on him and find the power of all the early veins."

"The third brother is Tai Shi. He was dug out and became a big baby. He was worshipped by the world. However, he later fell into the hand of the emperor Yu Yu. The Emperor lost and he fell into the beginning. The hand is too no longer in the state of the egg, with the power of desire, fearing that his perfect birth will threaten his position, so he will be imprisoned."

"Tai Su, also a bitter person. She was dug out of the veins by the creator of the singer, and was taken to the Yushi, and later fell into the hands of the Emperor Xuanwu of the Northern Emperor. She is struggling to find the way to be detached. How can I be taken to the last universe by someone, and I have to be born in advance."

"She wants to be enlightened, and the cause and effect will be great. Not only must she report the revenge of the woman, the revenge of Yu, the revenge of the treasure, but also the revenge of the early birth, and the cause and effect of the previous universe. The knot."

Qin Mu heard this, and his heart was in vain.

The Taiji ancient **** said that the person is not handsome, that person is him.

He came out of the **** wood at night, and the egg with Tai Su inadvertently came to the moment of the last cosmic annihilation. He had to hold the egg of Taisu to try to return to the world tree. Taisu was born at that time!

Tai Su was born and has a great relationship with him.

"As for us, we are also polluted by the world."

The female voice in the egg sighed: "After we observed the encounters of the brothers, we first moved the alert heart. With the alert heart, it is no longer a pure Tao. From then on, we will leave. The enlightenment is a step further."

"It was only then that we did not expect this. We created fake mines, blinded the Creator, and the true veins were hidden by us. As a result, we are one step further from enlightenment."

The male voice sighed in the egg: "We mobilized the Taiji Star Field, strangled the creator and other creatures who entered the mining area, protected themselves, and killed the heart. It was farther away from enlightenment. At that time we did not realize that we thought we had to do it."

The female voice in the egg: "We have hidden ourselves. We have been worried about it all the time. We are always worried that we will be noticed by the Emperor and we will be aware of it at the beginning. Until we first led other ancient gods to seal the ancestral court, we will feel at ease and feel ourselves. Can absorb the Taiji veins."

The male voice sighed in the egg: "Until then, we discovered that we had already been polluted by red dust. Although there was no nuisance of red dust, it was farther and farther away from enlightenment. Not only that, but we also found another terrible thing."

Both male and female voices are silent.

Qin Mu’s heartbeat, with a terrible guess, Zhang mouth wants to ask, but endures.

The empress empress was calmer than he was, still waiting quietly.

After a moment, the male voices in the egg overlap, and they said in unison: "Although the ancestral court was sealed, we found that there are not only us in the ancestral court, but also others!"

Qin Mu’s heart was shocked, and he said: “Sure enough, I guess the same!”

"The ancestral court was sealed, but the brother who was born in advance could not be sealed. He was a ghost, and it was unfathomable. But the other people in the ancestral court were not him."

"The others came from the bottom of the earth, but not from the bottom of the earth, but from the last universe. They came from the last universe."

"They made preparations early, and they have already laid down a lot of organs in the ancestral courts, and they have calculated them. Even our Taiji mining area has been counted by them."

"When you sealed the ancestral court and left the ancestral court, we felt a terrible prehistoric relic that traveled to our mining area, locking up the strength and avenue of our absorption of the mining area, and let us enter the country slowly these years."

There are some fears in the voice of the Taiji ancient **** in the egg: "We have born a fearful heart, and we are farther away from enlightenment. Therefore, when the uninvited guest visits the mining area, we will borrow the Taiji original stone, because we have been unable to get from the original stone for millions of years. How much power is taken from the middle, how much power cannot be extracted from the mining area, and it is no problem to lend him a period of time."

Qin Mu immediately opened his eyebrows and looked at the underground of the mining area. His eyes were unparalleled, and he could even penetrate the Da Luotian fragments at the bottom of the Yaochi, and immediately saw the underground of the Taiji mining area.

But under the vast expanse of Taiji, an ancient Da Luotian fragment is eroding the star field and embezzling the Taiji mining area. There is a mysterious relic, which is located below the Taiji mining area. There are strange buildings on the ruins. The best **** gold is built, although it is covered with mottled rust, but you can still see the ripples of the boulevard flowing on the surface.

That should be the remains of a highly developed civilization, using the supreme **** gold to build a city of God, attempting to survive the great destruction of the universe, to break through and to come to a new universe.

However, Qin Mu saw that there was no living there, as if life had been destroyed, but since it was a fragment of Da Luotian, it would not be so simple to think about it.

Empress Dowager could not see this scene, did not understand the fear of Taiji ancient gods, said: "Dao brother, since you are locked, you can not improve here and improve the road, then you should not be perfect. You stopped. Growing, what are you talking about to help me?"

She said faintly: "Please excuse me, the interests are paramount. If I don't have enough interests, why should I cooperate with you? You can't help me, and it is a joke to join forces with you and join forces to fight against the future disaster."

Qin Mu’s eyes flashed and said: “So, are the two brothers planning to be born in advance?”

The Empress maiden's heart was slightly shocked, and after he reminded him, he suddenly thought of the key.

The reason why Taiji ancient gods came to her, I was afraid that it was the heart that was born in advance!

If the Taiji ancient **** is born and leaves the mining area, then it may indeed be her arm!

The ancient gods in the egg praised: "Mu Tianzun is indeed smart and wise, and knows the elegance of the strings. Unfortunately, your strength is not enough, otherwise we will choose you as an ally rather than an empress. You guessed it well, we are indeed moving. The heart of the birth."

The female voice in the egg: "We are trapped here, there is a mining area but we can't take the power to understand the road. Our heart is also destroyed by the red dust. Intrusion, instead of keeping the Taiji mining area, it is better to be born in advance, and walk in the red dust. Suffered."

Male voice in the egg: "Red dust trifles, let our heart be destroyed, with the heart of ingenuity, fear, with joys and sorrows, with greed, worry, killing, murder, power, interests, tricks, etc. The negative emotions of enlightenment. Since it is red dust for us, then we must go in the red dust."

The female voice in the egg: "Only in the red dust, can we break the greed and worry about the interests and desires, we can get rid of the heart and fear of the heart, let our heart return to the simplicity before the emergence of sentient beings, and thus enlighten, relief."

The words of Taiji Ancient God brought different touches to Qin Mu and Empress Dowager, and their hearts have different insights.

Empress Dowager remembered that when she was born, she was given the consciousness of the road to the market. At that time, her consciousness was incomparably simple, and it was the most suitable for the road to the market.

The heart is my heart.

She was born in the lotus flower of the Great Wall, and she was quiet and beautiful.

But when did this all start to change?

Is it from the creator who discovered her ancient **** and felt her fertility, so she worshipped her, prayed for her shelter, and let her race begin when she was more blessed?

Was it the time when the Creator attempted to use her power to eradicate dissidents?

Did you start when you met her at the beginning and loved each other?

Or do you feel the worship of the Creator, the worship of all beings, and the desire to enjoy power?

It was just that she did not have the height of the Taiji ancient gods, and she did not realize this, so she sank in the red dust.

Qin Mu thought of another thing.

He feels that the Taiji ancient gods are really feasible in the red dust. After all, they are also in the world, they grow up bit by bit, and the heart grows on the way, and the road is so slow. Slowly improve.

He thought of another thing, that is, Blue Yutian.

In the past, Yu Tianzun was harassed by the red dust, so the heart is not as pure as the blue 御田, but now the blue 御田 is walking in the red dust, but it is more like the ancient **** before the birth of all beings, no utilitarian heart, no power desire Without those confusing minds, there is only one heart that is incomparably pure.

Compared with other ancient gods other than Taiyi, he is more like an ancient egg god, silently taking nutrients in the huge mining area of ​​red dust and improving himself.

He is the closest person to enlightenment.

In Qin Mu's spiritual fetus, the beginning of the egg also has its own understanding, unconsciously stop absorbing the power of Taishiyuan and Taishi veins, quietly thinking about their future path.

"The formation of the Taiji ancient gods is behind me, but their understanding of the Tao is already above me."

He couldn't help but feel that he only benefited a lot: "The Empress Dowager occupied my Taishi mining area. Even if I can take back the hands of the animal husbandry, I can completely absorb the power of the mining area, and I can't achieve perfection. I can't be enlightened and can't be detached. I also Like the Taiji ancient god, you have to walk in the world and sharpen my heart, so that you can reach the level of Taiyidao."

They have their own incomes, and they have their own understandings, but the things they comprehend are different.

Taiji ancient Shinto in the egg: "This time, we asked the goddess to come, because our strength is not enough to break the eggs, please help the goddess."

The Empress Dowager stood up and said, "I want to help."

Qin Mu also stood up and said, "The two brothers in the egg, how will you treat me after you are born? I want to know the two positions."

The Empress Dowager showed him that there was a killing in the beauty: "Mu Tianzun, and now you and our ten-day respect are a grasshopper on the rope. You should recognize your weight and position yourself. Don't have too many ideas. Otherwise, it will only attract the murder of the body. The return to the market is that there are several places under the sun that can wipe you out. There are also several avenues that can break through the material and not be able to break through!"

Qin Mu laughed and murdered: "If the two brothers are going to be enemies with me, then I will fight for it today! Two brothers think!"

He turned around: "After the emperor, if you think that the power of the market can destroy me, you may wish to try!"

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