Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1460: Royal Heaven and Fire Heaven (third!)

Over the ancestral court, Tianting suppressed the ancestral air transport. At this time, it was not long before the end of the battle of Xuandu. Hong Tianzun was dead, Xiaotian Zun was exiled, and only Tian Tianzun was guarded in the heavenly court.

However, the virtual Tianzun did not stay in the heavens, but stood on the sea of ​​the sea of ​​heaven, staring at the sea, the sea as a mirror, reflecting the battle in the mysterious capital.

When the dust of the Battle of Xuandu was settled, the eyes of the virtual heavens were removed and returned to heaven.

She had not yet come to heaven, and she heard a sigh of heaven in the heavens. I saw that countless Heavenly Soldiers who were guarding the heavenly courts would search for enquiries. The false gods went up to ask, and the official screamed: "The big things are not good, the heavens are stolen, and the thief is coming!" ”

Xuan Tian Zun hurriedly said: "What is missing?"

"Someone broke into the Yujing City and entered the harem thief!"

Xuan Zun heard this, and he said in his heart: "Is it because she is coming to steal the eggshell of the Emperor?"

The priest continued: "...stolen a temple! We patrolled and found that the temple was not flying!"

Xuan Zun heard that Qin Mu came to steal the egg shell of the Emperor, and this was a relief. Suddenly he heard that the temple was stolen, and his heart could not help but be tight. The heart said: "The temple is stolen! It is a place to suppress the souls of many amazing gods. They are very indifferent to this hall. The things suppressed in it have never been mentioned to me, just let me help to add seals. Huo Tianzun also used this hall to take away. The soul of the Southern Emperor, so that the animal husbandry can not resurrect the South Emperor, broke the name of the Master who is not destroyed by the Master. Is it that she is stealing?

She is somewhat suspicious, Qin Mu participates in the battle of Xuandu, even if the speed is so fast, it is impossible to rush to the heavens to steal treasures.

What's more, if Qin Mu is coming to steal treasure, then he must go to the altar of the birth of the Emperor of Heaven to steal treasures and steal the egg shells from the early days.

The thief did not take the egg shell of the Emperor, but stole the fragrant temple, which was a bit strange.

——She does not know that there is a shortcut between Tiandu and the Yuan Dynasty. If the Tianyin world is passed, it can be quickly rushed back to the Yuan Dynasty from Xuan Du, and then from the spiritual world of the Yuan Dynasty. You can come to the Ancestral Temple in the shortest possible time.

The temple of the fragrant incense is not big with her cadres. The emptiness of the emptiness is not tense. The order of the sacred camp is strictly searched. "The scented temple is extremely large and suddenly disappears. It will be noticed by you. Then he must not have time to leave. It must be The way of change is hidden in the heavenly court. As long as he has not left the heavenly court, he will not be afraid to escape. I have a sorrowful mirror here, let him change, and use my mirror to make him appear in the original form!"

God captured the hunter mirror and searched for it.

Xu Tianzun sat down and said: "They stayed in Xuandu to divide their interests, but they didn't have a copy of me... Yes, the thief in the heavens, stealing the temple, then why not make a thief?"

Her ghosts quietly walked to the harem and went straight to the altar where the Emperor was born.

"This is the beginning of the eggshell, I can get rid of the thief who was stolen from the fragrant temple, and these treasures are not inferior to the interests of Xuandu!"

She went to steal the other half of the eggshell, and came to the altar of the birth of the Emperor of Heaven, and the virtual heaven looked at it. Suddenly, the hands and feet were cold, and the altar was empty.

The other half is too early eggshell, but it is not flying!

"Who dares to steal my treasure!"

In the heavenly court, one person constantly changes, and sometimes turns into a bird and beast, and sometimes turns into a wormfish. The corner of the wall is a young grass. The garden is a flower tree at one stop. It is ever-changing and goes outside the heavens.

The **** camp will be motivated by the sacred mirror, and it will suddenly shine. Suddenly, this mirror is out of control. The buzzing sound floats in the sky, the mirror light is loud, and the ray is covered in a wide range. The sound of Yujing City is shrouded in the mirror. in!

The imaginary murderous temper, standing above the mirror of the soul, looking at the mirror, to see the scene in the city of Yujing.

But when someone casts a change, she is mirrored by the mirror, and all the sounds are turned into a prototype!

There are a lot of gods and gods in this heaven. They are different kinds of gods. The demon repairs a lot of repairs. On weekdays, they look good, and they change beautifully. At this moment, they are photographed by this mirror. They are all in the real body. The jade capital is really a demon ghost. Yokohama!

In the Emperor's harem, there are many beautiful and beautiful ladies, some bathing in the bath, and some of the **** halls of the Spring Palace are going to be blasphemy, and they are taken by the mirror, and they suddenly jump and make a mess.

The emptiness of the head of the sky is cold and sweaty. This heavenly court is sacred and solemn, but it is so solemn, but when she is so photographed, all kinds of darkness have emerged and it is difficult to clean up.

There is too much chaos here, even if she can't tell which one is the thief who steals the Emperor's eggshell and the fragrant temple.

At this time, a teenager has jumped into the Tianhe River and turned into a big squat and leisurely sneak into the water and swim outside the heavens.

When I came to Nantianmen, the big bang jumped and leaped from Nantianmen. The gods who guarded Nantianmen looked up and saw this scene, and they all drank.

Datun fell into the Tianhe River, splashing huge water splashes, and sinking into the water turned into a dragon, and went away.

I didn't know how far this tour was. The dragon was turned into a Tianhe giant crab. I climbed all the way and climbed the river bank. The giant crab shook the water on the body and turned it into a teenager. She took a long breath and took out a temple to look at it. , hurriedly and earned money in the bag, hurried forward.

This boy is extremely fast, floating in the sky, away from heaven, intending to go retrograde along the Tianhe River and head to Tianhai.

Tianhe started in the sea of ​​heaven, and when he came to the middle of the road, he suddenly felt that the sky was getting hot.

He hurriedly looked up and saw that a tall, sturdy Tianzun stood in front of him, and his back was like a round of fire. His face looked like sorrow and joy, and his eyes fell on him.


The boy’s gaze met with the eyes of the fire god, and a slight glimpse, then Yan Yan smiled: "Fire is respect, is it you?"

Fire Tianzun’s eyes and muscles jumped and looked at the boy with a sly voice. “Yu Tianzun, Big Brother, you really lived.”

His body could not be shrunk, but it seemed to be the fire-shoulder on Yaochi, and he looked at the elder brother who admired him in front of him.

The boy was Lan Yutian. When he saw him, he couldn’t help but feel his spirits. His eyes were warm and the wind was perfect. He smiled and said: "I am back. Fire Tianzun, I stole my remnant soul. I used to come back!"

He was very angry and smiled. "I didn't expect that we can meet again after a million years! In this world, it is still half-god, and what is the difference between the demigod and the ancient gods? We are the human race, or their food!"

His eager eyes seemed to reproduce the powerful appeal of Yu Tianzun in Yaochi. His temperament was so outstanding, but it gave people a sense of closeness and was the temperament of a natural leader!

"Fire Heaven, I need you!"

Lan Yutian reached out and said his words were sincere and sincere: "Come on, let's do it together! For the Terran, overthrow this decadent world!"

Fire Tianzun did not reach out, and the flaming light in his eyes gradually faded down and whispered: "Blue Brother, the most respected person I used to be is you, you are the leader of my human race, all the big brothers of Heaven, you are leaders, no one I am not willing to follow you. We are willing to follow you, and you will fight even if you fight together."

Lan Yutian’s hand did not retract, and he still waited for his response.

Fire Tianzun whispered: "When you died, I used to swear a vow to avenge you. I must let the murderer who killed you **** blood compensation! But big brother, your ideal is too empty, too ethereal, too ideal Doctrine! What you want to do can never be realized! You will only be killed!"

His voice is getting bigger and bigger, and the flame wheel rotating behind his head is turning faster and faster, picking up the water of the heavens and rivers, letting the water vapor evaporate, turning into a thick mist filled the river.

Lan Yutian slightly frowned, said: "Fire, as long as you and I work together, as long as we humans work together, there is nothing that can't be done..."

"No! I can't do it!"

The fire sings loudly: "The human race is not as natural as other races, and it is never possible to stand up! The Terran cannot rely on its own strength. The Terran can only rely on the demigod and the half god, and it is possible to survive in this cruel world! ”

"Only my path is the right way! The current Terran is a lot better than the Terran when you were a leader! Don't fight against heaven again!"

His demeanor is almost mad, almost to the blue Yutian: "Don't take your ideals to frame the Terran! You will only be killed again! The Terran will be because of you, because of people like you, once again Into a disaster!"

He clenched his fist and screamed: "Power, the truth of this world, the avenue of this world, only power! The Terran has no power, so it must be attached to power!"

"You have changed." Blue Yutian looked calm.

"I have not changed!"

Fire Tian Zun roared, but gradually calmed down, sneered and said: "I have never changed, I just learned to be smarter. Brother, you are my most respected person, give up your ideals, come to me Come, I will protect you. I will also attack your enemies in the future."

Lan Yutian stepped forward and walked past him. He shook his head and said: "The Tao is different, and the fire is respected. From today on, you don't have to call me a brother. I don't need to report for you."


A palm is pierced from the back of his heart, worn out on his chest, and his fingers clasp his heart.

The hand was shaking, and the fire lord behind him was shaking. Lan Yutian showed an incredible color. He turned back and saw tears on the face of Huo Tianzun. Then the tears and the mist of the Tianhe River were evaporated by the heat of his body.

"Brother, you are dead, you are already dead, right? Why are you still alive? Isn't it good to die?"

Fire Tianzun stuck in the ear of Lan Yutian, screaming and gasping, his face twisted, and smiled and said: "You are dead, you are still the perfect brother in my heart, the perfect big brother, you live, It will only make me very embarrassed, let me not know what to do with you... You are still dead, you still become ashes, or keep your perfect image in my heart..."

His palms gradually exerted strength, crushing the heart of Lan Yutian, and the fire began to devour the body of Lan Yutian.

"You should understand me, you must understand that I am right?"

The face of Fire Tianzun is more distorted, distorted, and gasping and gasping. He laughs and said: "You can rest assured that I will avenge you. I will definitely, you are in the spirit of heaven... No, shepherd will once again be You can't make you feel good in heaven!"

He rummaged on the body of Lan Yutian: "What about the temple? Take out the temple! Please seal it in the temple, so that he can't resurrect you, the temple..."

He found the fragrant temple from the burning pouch, and the fragrant temple was burning.

The fire heavens are stunned, and the fragrant temple is the strongest seal of the most powerful seals. It is impossible to be ignited by his fire.

He looked at the body of Lan Yutian. The flesh of the body was burned to ashes. However, the ashes were scattered and nothing was left.

"God Vision!"

On the face of the fire, the muscles of the face jumped, and the fire and the wind blew, blowing the fog on the river.

At this time, he saw the river in the distance, where the blue yutian stood, and the side of the blue yutian was Qin Mu, and Qin Mu’s side was the sacred king.

On the river, the wind is whistling, but no one has spoken for a long time.

The king of blasphemy broke the silence and whispered: "Mu Tianzun, what you asked me to do, I have done it. Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied."

Qin Mu is not salty and not faint: "I can die. Yu Tianzun, what about you?"

Lan Yutian shook his head: "Brother, there is no Royal Heaven here."

————The result of the vote has already come out. More than 1,000 people voted, more than 800 people chose four more, each more than 2,000 words, more than 200 people chose two more, then, in the future, the gods will remember four or eight thousand words. ! Today's three chapters have been updated nine thousand words!

Do the brothers have a monthly pass? Seeking a monthly ticket!

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