Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1468: Mi Luo Gong Yuan Sheng (fourth more)

This hit the atmosphere, since the refinement of the glass blue sky building, this once the world's first treasure is still the first time into the battle, when the power broke out, the end is earth-shattering!

Qin Mu's muscles swelled, and suddenly jumped, and the power of mana madly poured into the twenty-eight days, and all the treasures were urging!

The power of the glass blue sky building is not much more than the treasure of the sky, beyond the few arrows of the blue Yutian!


The glazed blue sky building swept the wall and blasted the wall, and the private sergeant was also blasted into the painting.

The painting lost its attachment, floated in the air, suddenly exploded, and the Da Luotian fragments flew out!

The tree in front of Qin Mu’s eyes suddenly became extremely stalwart. This sweep on the tree did not hurt the tree.

Under the old tree, the scholar looked up to him.

The scholar got up and walked in, and his body shape was very empty. It didn't look real, as if there was no real flesh.

Qin Mu was shocked and hurried back. The Qingtian Building in his hand was spinning. In the 28th days, all the people were included in the heavens, trying to escape from this place.

When the scholar came to the edge of the Da Luotian shards, he could no longer cross it. Qin Mu had just breathed a sigh of relief, and he saw the fruit on the old tree cracked. He fell from the fruit and fell down with a private sergeant. By getting out of the fruit, it has turned into a head and a foot.

Another fruit broke, and there was also a private singer who walked out.

On the road tree, the road is full of flowers, and there is also a private sir!

The three private sergeants each took a step, stepped out of the Da Luotian shards and invaded the glazed blue sky building.

Qin Mu took the glass blue sky building back quickly and shouted: "You, the crisis, you still don't wake up?"

His voice rumbling, swaying back and forth in the 28th day of the Qingtian Building, and he was awakened by the souls of many ancient gods, creators and Nandi Suzaku, Ming Emperor, etc. Surprised to look around.

Scorpion and Lan Yutian also woke up, and they saw three private sergeants rushing into the heavens and killing them.

"Mother brother!" Nandi Suzaku saw Qin Mu, surprised.

"Mu Qing!" Yu Tianzun also saw Qin Mu, shocked.

The Ming Emperor only had the Yuanshen, no flesh and blood, and shouted loudly: "This is very different, the kings will fight with me!"

He is the emperor of the Red Emperor era. He took the lead and rushed forward to meet a private sergeant. Although he was only left with the gods, his strength was not the same. He used the gods as the flesh and opened the big match. The situation of the deputy flesh!

The Southern Emperor Suzaku screamed and turned into a Suzaku, and greeted another private sergeant.

On the other hand, the scorpion and the blue Yutian flew, and the other creators of the ancient gods also surrounded the third private sergeant, and the group smothered it, while the scorpion and the blue sable field put a cold arrow on the side.

Qin Mu mobilized the power of one piece of heavy treasure in Qingtian Building. These heavy treasures were refining through the scorpion and dumb, and they were powerful and rushed to the three private sergeants.

In the twenty-eight days of the chaos, there were people who rushed to the whip. After the coach, they were jealous, no longer killed, but chanted the scriptures aloud.

The three private priests' whip seems to be able to break through all the channels of the gods. One whip can knock one person down, and people can't avoid it.

After the move, the heart is broken and they will listen to them.

In the blink of an eye, many ancient gods and creators have been recruited, leaving only the Ming Emperor, Nandi, and Lan Yutian to support. As for the scorpion, he was suddenly hit by the coach on the way, and he also went to the chanting. .

Suddenly, the Emperor Ming screamed and was overthrown by the pointer. Then Nandi was overthrown. Lan Yutian showed his way into the road. When the move was finished, he wanted to make it again, and he was pumped a whip.

When he woke up, he saw only the Ming Emperor, the Scorpion and other people gathered together. The private singers didn’t know when they appeared again, and they sat in the private school to study!


Lan Yutian screamed and looked at another one. He saw that Yu Tianzun was sitting there and reading, and suddenly he died.

"The other one I was suppressed here for a million years and I couldn’t escape. It seems that I can’t escape..."

Qin Mu vacated, and his heart moved, and the bow of the gods flew. Qin Mu turned and bent and shot, hey, the three private sergeants shot out.

The trio immediately chased him and attacked him from three different directions. Qin Mu ran away and immediately mobilized the realm of the fetus. The three private sergeants attacked from any direction and attacked him. .

Three pointers flew up and down, Qin Mu will throw a bow in his hand, and the gods rise behind him, grab the bow of the **** and bend the bow, and he clasps the glass blue sky with both hands, and kills with three private sisters!

Three private sergeants flew up and down, and attacked again and again. Suddenly, Qin Mu was not able to defend and was knocked on his forehead by a whip.

Qin Mu shook his head and slammed the private sergeant. He only heard a bang, and the private sergeant exploded.

Hey, he licked two more pointers on his head. Qin Muqi smashed the glazed blue sky building and swept the other two private scorpions. The people were split in the air!

Qin Mu sighed and stood in Qingtian Building, but saw that there were several private sergeants who walked down from the big Luotian shards and couldn’t help but look at them.

The three private servants did not start to work again. One of the private sergeants said, "You have a tall tree leaf, but you can't help you, but you are leaving."

Qin Mu touched the eyebrows of the eyebrows and let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, before the trip, let the smoker take the blue Yutian dead skin to the face and ask for a leaf, otherwise I will plant it here..."

These personalities are very strange. When Qin Mu expands the field of spiritual fetus, he is almost invincible. Unless he is crushed by great mana, he will not be able to break into his defensive circle.

This kind of field is more perfect than the three heads and six arms of the Emperor, but it is easily broken by these private wives. Fortunately, there is not much power in the pointer, otherwise Qin Mu has been shattered.

The private shackled by him was restored to the present, and Lang Lang’s reading sound came from inside.

Qin Mu spit out a suffocating sigh, and glared at the glazed blue sky building to go to the private squat again. Shen Sheng said: "Dao brother, you are the existence of the Tao, why is it difficult for us to be these secular people? Is it the existence of a cosmic period? Are they bullies?"

"You can see that I became a Taoist, that is not their stupid people."

One of the private servants turned their heads and said: "I am the Mihara of the Miyazaki Palace. I want to borrow their mourning to help me out of trouble. I am not jealous of you. I am not the last cosmic existence, but I am already alive. Three cosmic disciplines, two enlightenments, so they have two fruits."

Another private singer said: "I have not yet had time to enlighten me in the third world. I only cultivated the Daohua Daohua, the universe is shattered, and the robbery broke out. I know that it is difficult to protect myself. The world tree has been cut off and the future universe is broken. The road, therefore, forced to ask the owner of the Miro Palace, to hide in the palace of the Miluo, and his help to spend the robbery."

The third private singer said: "The universe has four stages of survival and bad air. Your universe is still at this stage. You have never experienced the two stages of bad air. I don't know the horror of the great destruction. If you can help me out of trouble, I teach you the way to enlighten, and in the future the universe will be empty, and you can escape."

Qin Mu lived in Qingtian Building and smiled and said: "It is better to teach me the law of enlightenment, and then hand them over to me. I will not kill you, turn around and leave. How do you see?"

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