Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1471: Yu Tianzun and Lan Yutian (third)

Wei Suifeng and others do not know what they encountered in the temple of the fragrant incense, but Qin Mu gnashed his teeth and apparently suffered a lot.

Qin Mu told them about the location of Yujingcheng. While checking the wounds of the scorpion, he said: "You take the first step and send the fragrant temple into the city of Yujing. You will leave immediately after touching the seal. Don't stay."

"You can rest assured that I have been there, although I have not been able to enter the deepest, but the layout is much known."

Uncle Shu Fei speed road: "I have to lead the way, should not travel the pool."

Wei Suifeng took up the fragrant temple and left with him.

Qin Mu took out the medicinal materials, refining the medicinal herbs, and serving them under the scorpion. The scorpion breath was sluggish, carrying the seal of Qin Mu through the fragrant temple, which caused his life to be damaged and injured the source. It was better after Qin Mu’s conditioning. .

But to return to the peak state, it will take some time to nurse.

Qin Mu also refines some medicinal herbs, classifies them, and gives them to the mother-in-law, telling the mother-in-law when to take the medicine.

The mother-in-law was very surprised, but she saw Qin Mu and took out the glass blue sky building and handed it to the smoke child. She also asked the souls of Nandi and Minghuang in their eyes, and gave them to the blue Yutian.

The mother-in-law was shocked and quickly pulled Qin Mu over and worried: "Shepherd, don't scare me. Are you injured in the temple?"

Qin Mu shook his head and said: "In the middle of the calculation. Mother-in-law, I need to keep dreaming for these days, and fight against the invasion of the Mihara Palace by the Dharma. You protect the law for me. If I see all the dreams in my dreams, I am chanting. ......"

He hesitated, took out the bow of the **** and handed it to the mother-in-law, and gnashed his teeth: "Then shoot my god!"

The mother-in-law changed her face and left the bow of the god.

Qin Mu quickly said: "My **** is killed and can't die. I can replay the soul. I can't abolish the Yuanshen repair and rebuild it. If the Mihara Palace Yuansheng uses my power, I will come out from the temple. It’s ten days to join hands and don’t want him! Mother-in-law, if necessary, must shoot my god, don’t hesitate!”

The mother-in-law had a complicated complexion, silently bowed the bow of the **** and handed it to the scorpion. The scorpion took over the bow of the god, and for a moment, shook his head and said, "I can't do it."

He wanted to hand over the bow to the dumb, and the dumb shook his head: "I can't start with the children I raised..."

"Or let me do it."

The mother-in-law took back the bow of the gods and took a long breath. She smashed the railroad: "I have come back from the pastoral, and I personally started it better. My heart!"

She gasped a few breaths, apparently her heart was not as embarrassing as she said.

Qin Mu to Lan Yutian said: "Do you want to integrate your own remnants? You need to make your own decisions. No one else can make decisions for you."

Blue Yutian hesitated and nodded.

The smoker took over the soul of the Southern Emperor Suzaku, and the mother and the daughter finally reunited. Naturally, there are many words to say.

Only the soul of the Emperor wandered in this strange land, some confused: "Where is this? I am not dead?"

He is leaning on the heavens and the earth, this world is so strange, he does not even know how long he has died, and he does not know why he came here.

"You don't leave here!"

A little girl stopped him and looked up at him. The voice was crisp and sweet: "Here is the 100,000 holy mountains. You can't cover the place. You are a ghost. If you leave here, you will take you to Youdu! You are Detained in the temple of the fragrant incense, must have done a lot of bad things in his life? Turber will take your whip and lick your ass!"

The Emperor cried and laughed, stopped and asked: "Who are you? Why are you blocking?"

"My name is Hua Xiu Xiu, this is Wen Yuan, my brother."

The girl pulled a handsome young boy and smiled. "He is the lesser master of my sacred religion. After several years of examination, he can inherit the position of the leader. Of course, the old lord is still alive, and the rules of our sacred religion are less. It is best to kill the old lord, in order to be a successor to the name. I am afraid that Wenyuan does not have this opportunity, and our old teacher is strong and strong..."

The literary ancestor said helplessly: "That was the misunderstanding of the teachings of the ancestors of the dynasty." Now that Weizu returned, there is no such rule. Minghuang, you have no flesh, it is a ghost state, it is best to stay here. When the teacher wakes up and finds the pieces of your former body, you can recreate the flesh for you and resurrect."

When the Ming Emperor saw that he was lovely, he couldn’t help but feel the feeling of closeness in his heart. He said: "I am now a lonely ghost, and there is no long thing. It is better to teach your brothers and sisters my school as a compensation..."

Hua Xiu Xiu and Wen Yuan looked at each other and looked up and said: "Is there a flawless creation?"

The Ming Emperor stayed in bed and nodded. He wondered: "Even the children know that my lack of creativity and mystery? What time is it? Is it even my secret that has not passed down into Chinese cabbage?"

"We have all practiced."

The literary ancestor thought for a moment and said: "Yes, when the leader mentioned you before, he said that the reason why you were killed is because your unsuccessful Xuan Gong can't practice the gods, and you can't let the gods go with the flesh. Change into three heads and six arms. Just that you can't go now, we will pass on the Red Emperor's eternal gods."

The Emperor’s eyes widened and his brain groaned. The ghost nodded his head and suddenly woke up and asked, “What time is this two small friends?”

"Yankang!" Hua Xiu Xiu and Wen Yuanzu are the same voice.

Lan Yutian looked at himself, that is Yu Tianzun. At this time, Yu Tianzun is a remnant of the memory that he remembered with his millions of years ago. Is it compatible with his own remnant soul and becomes Yu Tianzun, let him Some hesitant.

Yu Tianzun is also watching him, the two teenagers look almost exactly the same, of course, the blue Yutian is a little fatter, there are smoke, he is difficult to slim down.

There is still childishness on his face, and Yu Tianzun is much mature, but his body is illusory, he has no flesh, and his soul is incomplete.

Lan Yutian looked confused at this former self. Although the soul is the same, he is also born from this body, but he feels that he is not Yu Tianzun.

Yu Tianzun seems to see his confusion and smile gently. "Can you tell me about your experiences in these years?"

Blue Yutian hesitated and nodded.

One person and one soul are sitting on a cliff, and Blue Yutian is slowly talking about his own experiences in these years.

From his resurrection, he lost all his memories, and he took him back to Youdu, and sent him out to Youdu, and entrusted him to Qin Mu, and then went to Qin Mu to travel to the colleges and universities to learn various basic runes. .

Then Qin Mu entrusted him to the old villagers of the old village, followed the old learning, and went to the Yankang robbery. He returned to the secluded capital, and then after the robbery, the scorpion stole him from the secluded capital.

At this time, he realized that he had experienced the experience of these years, and he was so colorful and so different.

He talked about walking and enlightening himself, collecting many disciples, making many friends, involuntarily revealing a smile, stuttering to explain his various strange powers and thoughts to his own soul.

He also talked about his many disciples, and talked about things between himself and his friends. For example, the uncle of the big head was caught by the pharmacist, and he was soaked in the medicine tank with his pharmacist to do research;

Like a faceless virtual flower, but there is another hot heart in the chest;

Such as the mature Lin Xuan Road Master, such as the paranoid Xiao Yujing Wang Muran Wang Xianren, such as the Nandi Princess smokers who always like to serve people, such as the Kaihuang Qin industry clinging to the Kendo, such as the full brain only Eat, talk to him how to eat, how to eat Qin Fengqing...

He met so many interesting people, so that when he spoke, he couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't know why he had so many words to say that although Yu Tianzun was his remnant, he felt like a close relative.

Yu Tianzun laughed and listened. Lan Yutian talked about the sunset, did not finish his own story, and said from the sunset that the rising sun will rise.

The east spits white.

Yu Tianzun asked: "Are you not in danger?"

"My brother is screaming for me."

Lan Yutian looked back at Qin Mu, who was dreaming, and muttered: "He is all picked up. No matter how dangerous he is, he is trying to get up. He wants me to concentrate on enlightenment, I don't want those disputes to interfere with me. I don't want me to get involved in those disputes. I know his mind..."

"do you know?"

Yu Tianzun held his hands on the ground, leaned back and leaned back, looked at the white sky, looked at himself next to him, smiled and said: "I have different experiences with you. Before the Longhan era, the Terran had too many sufferings and survived. Hard. I used to hope that all the sufferings of the Terran were screaming, and there were heroes screaming. Later I found that no one came to be the hero. So I stood up and no one came to be the hero, so let me do it. ”

His eyes are full of spirituality. Although it is a period of suffering, he is said to be very easy. He whispers: "I must be careful, I must concentrate on thinking about how to make people strong when they improve their own strength. Strong, how can I find a vitality in the thousands of dead. I always feel tired, my body and my heart are very tired. For this ideal, I must give up my own path of seeking, must wait for more people to be strong The rise of the people."

He stood up and greeted the rising sun and opened his arms. "You are more fortunate than me. There are more people in this era who stand up. They are heroes, heroes. They have set a heavy load for you. OK. Seek the blue Yutian, you are the real blue Yutian!"

His figure is slowly becoming transparent, and his memory is like a cloud of smoke.

He looked back and looked at Lan Yutian, his face with a pure smile.

"I am not a real blue 御田, I am only suppressed by the times, the blue 御田, which was changed by the times. Yu Tianzun, after all, is only a memory of Lan Yutian."

He waved to Blue Yutian and made a difference with himself in this era.

Lan Yutian hurriedly got up, but he saw that Yu Tianzun disappeared at a rapid speed, leaving only the gentle and soft voice.

"This memory will delay you and will make you become me in the past. The memory of the past, let it annihilate with history..."

Lan Yutian reached out and grabbed it, but did not catch him. He only caught his own remnants.

The sorrowful soul sensed his soul and penetrated into his body to merge with him.

Lan Yutian looked at the rising sun, and burst into tears.

He felt like he had lost something and he was getting something.

He walked toward the sun, and the sun gradually glared. He raised his hand to cover the sun, and saw Qin shepherd sitting on the ground, a dream that expanded outward.

It’s even more in the evening, because this chapter has more than 3,200 words, and it’s not a scoring chapter...

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