Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1478: Can the tree be cut?

The mother-in-law saw a heavy dream contraction, and the small Qins and herds in the dream disappeared one after another. Then Qin Mu opened his eyes and could not help but feel happy.

Qin Mu’s last dream was about to dissipate. Ma and the war were waking up at the right time, and they each took a step and walked away from his dreams.

The dream disappeared completely, and Qin Muyuan stood behind him and thanked the two.

When the battle air came to the court, he pointed to himself and said: "Brother."

He also pointed to Qin Mu, said: "Daddy. Why thank you?"

Qin Mu haha ​​smiled, seeing both of them were exhausted, immediately asked them to rest, the mother-in-law came forward and returned the bow to him, and asked: "Shepherd, the crisis has been lifted?"

Qin Mu nodded and smiled: "Ten Heaven's nine-day Tian Zunyi thin Yuntian, Yi Yi shot, killing the Mi Luo Gong Yuan Sheng, finally solved my crisis."

The mother-in-law was relieved and praised: "The nine heavenly gods are indeed a thin cloud, and you must be happy in the future."

Qin Mu quickly said: "I try to make them die without pain."

"Then I will be relieved." The mother-in-law sighed.

Qin Mu’s spirit was greatly shaken. There was a feeling of seeing the clouds and seeing the sky. He also sighed with a long sigh of relief. He smiled and said: “Masters and uncles are doing things, and I’m really worried. I’m still worried that they both lost the temple. After the seal was introduced in Yujing City, he left. If the nine heavens do not enter the temple, and the hardships of the Mihara Palace, I am also bad."

He rejoiced: "I didn't expect them to do so well. Nine-day Zun also went into the temple, and removed the Yuansheng! Did the master and uncle come back?"

Si Po shook her head and said: "I haven't come back yet. Zuting Yujing is quite far from here. It is estimated that they are on the way back. They both went to Zuting Yujing City, and the movement caused by it was not too small, and the sky was blown out of a huge Caves, not scary!"

Qin Mu walked around and smiled. "I don't know if Jiu Tian Zun entered Yujing City. Did you find any good things, the mystery of Yujing City..."

The mother-in-law gave him a look: "You have a dark calculation, just want to run out? The general habit of the scorpion, do not know how to write the dead words! You do not know, after the opening of the jade capital, another major event happened. The smoke said that your holy place has sprouted, you better go see it."

Qin Mu immediately put Wei Suifeng and the uncle's things aside and was surprised: "The Holy Land has sprouted? What does this mean?"

"I don't know. I have been here, I don't know how the 100,000 holy mountains sprouted."

The two said as they walked toward the center of the 100,000 holy mountain.

They didn't go far, and they saw a teenager too easy to repair the **** mountain that was shattered.

The boy was too easy to put down the bucket and point to the center of the Great Black Mountain Holy Land, to Qin Mudao: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, you are going faster."

Qin Mu wondered, I want to ask, the young is too easy to go and live.

The two came all the way to the center of Daheishan, and saw a tall green sapling standing tall. The saplings were hundreds of thousands of feet, but only five or six leaves were grown. One of the leaves was holding a palace. It was Qin. The town guards the temple of this holy place!

Qin Mu and the mother-in-law looked dull and hurriedly rushed over. As soon as they came to the front, the saplings appeared to be bigger, the branches and leaves were as high as clouds, surrounded by thunders, and squatting to the leaves.

But even the thunder of the ancestral court, in front of this sapling, is insignificant, as small as a needle, can not hurt this sapling.

Qin Mu came to the tree, only to see the blue yutian and the imaginary flower sitting under the tree to realize the road. The scorpion and the dumb were scrutinizing a big axe. Others were busy to paint the strange saplings on the leaves. Dao, trying to unravel the mystery of this sapling.

There is also the Ming Emperor standing not far away, staring at a burly man under the tree, the strong man looks at the nose and nose, and ignores him.

Qin Mu went up and tried to test: "Taiyidao brother."

Too easy to get up, said: "Mu Tianzun, this land is yours, the tree growing in this place is also yours, so I am waiting for you to come to ask you whether this tree will be cut down."

Qin Mu hesitated and tried to test: "This sapling is..."

"This tree is the world tree. From the destruction of the universe to the present, the tree of God is not dead. It has experienced a catastrophe of the destruction of the universe. Countless creatures, even if it is a sacred sacred sacred, it is only a tree. Survive."

Taiyi said: "I used to cut it down and burn it. I didn't expect it to die. It is already your territory. I am here, I am a guest, cut down your tree, I have to ask you. Views."

"world Tree?"

Qin Mu’s heart beat and jumped, looking up at the big incredible sapling, and muttered: “Is this the **** that can survive the destruction of the universe?”

He has a lot of ambitions. He has always been thinking about not seeing these **** trees with his own eyes. He has always dreamed of seeing this big tree with his own eyes.

How can this tree be cut off too easily, and put the fire, burning only the black rhizome, but he did not expect that this tree actually survived!

"Mu Tianzun, leaving this tree, will lead to the parasites of the sixteen universes that are not dead in the universe, even if it is me, I can't resist."

Taiyidao: "But even if the tree is cut, it is impossible to completely interrupt this passage. They will come over, but they will delay for a while. Leave this tree for a while. This tree is reserved. It’s a cut, it’s all about your landlord’s idea.”

Qin Mu hesitated and looked up at the seedlings of the world tree.

Dongtian Qingdi, the mother of the Yuanjun, are all made of Shenmu cultivation, and the mother of the earth is a piece of Yuanmu holding up the heavens and the world, but compared with the Shenmu in front of it, the mother is also inferior!

This tree of gods is almost a natural and difficult state of the gods!

A **** that can penetrate through the universe!

However, it is precisely because of this **** tree that the prehistoric existence has climbed to the next universe along the roots, and has escaped the catastrophe and thus parasitized in the new universe.

This leads to another evil, that is, the life of the new universe is greatly attenuated!

"The conservation of mass and energy, the total amount of energy and matter in the universe is certain, and the existence of cultivation has the equivalent of gathering the energy of the universe."

Tai Yi seems to be able to see through Qin Mu's thoughts and beside him: "There are more and more strong people, and the more energy will be enriched. The existence of the path is the most energetic thing, the enlightenment's Tao tree is pinned. In the ultimate void, there will be the most enriched place. The more enlightened into the universe, the faster the destruction of the ultimate void. The destruction of the robbery is the ultimate void."

Qin Mu set his mind, his eyes still fell on the tree of God, muttering: "Can't you understand the mystery of the world tree, and find a way to destroy even if it is shattered?"

Taiyi said: "If there is, it will have been found out by the strong people in the former universe. They still have to rely on the world tree to survive. It can be seen."

Qin Mu Shen Yu.

Suddenly, there was a violent shock, and the saplings of this world tree suddenly thundered and grew up!

Between a few breaths, the world tree grows thousands of feet taller, the tree is much thicker, and it gives birth to a leaf!

As the vibration of the ground disappeared, the growth rate of the world tree stopped again.

Taiyi said: "Before you woke up, this tree has been shaken many times, once a day, and it is shaking during the day. Why does this tree live, why does it grow during the day, and does the animal know the mystery? ?"

Qin Mu shook his head and sincerely said: "Please also teach my brother."

"Someone is raising this tree. The resurrection of the world tree, the growth of the world tree, the whole ancestral court turned into a huge altar to devour the dead creatures here, and even the blue yutian got the fragrant temple. Wei Suifeng sent the fragrant temple back to Yujingcheng. The re-emergence of Zuting Yujing City may be under the control of that person."

Taiyi language is not surprisingly endless, faintly said: "Maybe, the idea that you want to keep the world tree at the moment is also in the hands of that person."

Qin Mu heart fretting: "What do you mean, the strongest of the first universe? He has already arrived in the ancestral court?"

Too easy to shake his head: "I don't know. I seem to know everything, but in fact I have many things unknown. For example..."

He hesitated, did not continue to go down this topic, said: "Zhuting Yujing City is also a place I can't see. It is extremely mysterious. I feel that there is a terrible existence there that blocks my sight. Having said that, this tree stays still not left?"

Qin Muqi came and went, and from time to time stopped to look up at the world tree seedlings, and hesitated.

It is too easy to wait quietly.

After a long time, the mood of Qin Mu’s disorder gradually calmed down and his footsteps gradually slowed down.

Finally, he stopped and looked at him too easily. He smiled and said: "Dear brother, you are almost omniscient, so I ask you something. The prehistoric universe can climb along the roots of the world tree. To our universe, can we enter the prehistoric universe through the world tree as well?"

Too easy to stay.

He did not think about this problem.

"You mean..." He looked at Qin Mu's bright eyes and hesitated.

This is the first time he has been hesitant in his life. This is an experience that has never been seen before!

"I mean, since the arrival of prehistoric powerhouses cannot be avoided, whether they cut or not, they will come to our universe, so why not keep this world tree and wait for the growth of the world tree. By then, we Go to their universe first, block these old guys in their universe, and even kill them one by one?"

Qin Mu smiled: "Defense, it is never possible to guarantee that there are no loopholes, and the offense will expose the other party to weaknesses! As a result, the offensive and defensive momentum is different!"

Too easy to look at the sapling behind him, after a long time, said: "Well. When you become enlightened, I will send you in the past!"

The smile on Qin Mu’s face suddenly froze, and Nehe said: “Dao brother, this matter still needs to be considered from a long time...”

Too easy to find a hand to grab a big axe, shake the scorpion and dumb on the axe, turned away, and quickly disappeared.

"Cut the tree, it is not impossible to discuss!" Qin Mu Gao.

However, too easy has disappeared.

Qin Muqi said: "It’s tempered in the weekdays, but now it’s a raging fire!”

He turned and looked at the world tree, his eyes shining.

At this time in the Yujing City, Chaos was on the riverside, and Wei Suifeng was full of confidence. He said to the uncle: "Don't worry, the younger brother will definitely save us!"

--- Tonight is even more. The mood is not very good, the child in the lady's stomach has no heartbeat, and it is less than three months pregnant. We have prepared for the second child for two years. The house pig knows that the news has been uncomfortable for a long time and has been unable to fight the spirit...

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