Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1481: Condemned

"Mu Tianzun, why do you always have so many weird ideas?"

That girl is too easy to bear: "Your thoughts are absurd every time, but they are full of the attraction of evil spirits. Even me, sometimes I can't help but feel that if your idea is implemented, Definitely a good idea!"

Qin Mu's eyes are shining.

The little girl sucked his nose and said: "But from my experience, every time your idea is very incomparable. The emperor is also a half enlightened person, but after listening to your ambiguous idea, it is only two or three times. I folded my body. And I listened to your idea and gave you a chaotic axe, so you cut the world tree but could not save it."

Qin Mu laughed and his voice was loud.

Shantou was too quiet to wait for him to cover up the laughter. This continued: "Do you know that your idea is not a bad idea? Even I dare not say whether I can save the world tree, even if it is saved. Live, do you know the consequences?"

Qin Mu’s face changed greatly. He tried to say: “You mean that this world tree has come to my god, will it blast my god?”

"Blow your god, it should not. This tree is alive, the roots must grow slowly, and the trees will not grow for a while."

Shantou is too easy to dispel his doubts and said: "I am talking about another thing. The water in my bucket is not ordinary water, but the dew on my tree. The road is condensed at night and will disappear during the day. Every leaf in my tree is my way, and every leaf can only condense a drop of dew every night. The total number of dews is certain, and only one bucket of water can be collected each time. This bucket of water is just enough to repair the cracked peaks of the Great Black Mountains at night, preventing the strong people of the last universe from smuggling."

Qin Mu understood her meaning and said: "That is, if you use the Tao to save the world tree, will there be a strong cosmic person who sneaked in?"

Shantou is too easy to nod. "It is this. If you have the ability to block people, then it is good to say that it is no problem to lend you a bucket of water. You are going to kill the stowaway. But you have no such ability." ""

Qin Mu is ashamed.

Shantou is too easy to glance at him, not too slow to say: "I will point you to the right path. You go to the world tree, like the blue Yutian, the virtual flowers to participate in their enlightenment, in the future, you can use your own avenue runes Plant a tree in your own ancestral court. With this tree, you will find the benefits in the future when you cultivate to the point of enlightenment. All the hard work has not been in vain! This kind of enlightenment is not as full as the emperor. Moisture."

Qin Mu looked shy and looked around. He saw four people, and he leaned over the little girl's ear and whispered: "I tell you a secret, don't tell others. It doesn't matter..."

He hesitated again and again, still brave enough courage to tell Shantou Taiyi this secret that has been hidden in his heart for many years: "In fact, I am not as smart as Yushenghua and Lan Yutian, and they are not as tall as they are, and their hearts may not be stronger than them."

Shantou was too easy to turn a blind eye, looking at him boringly, apparently already knew this.

Qin Mu said: "If I am enlightened with them under the tree, I am sure that the achievement is not as good as them. They know that this hegemony is a fake, and the water is very great. If I go to the sword, I directly refine the world tree, they I will also praise it, and it really is a hegemony. So even if I can't refine the world tree, I have to plant one..."

"So, are you ready to face the prehistoric powerhouse who has climbed from the shattered universe?" Shantou asked too easily.

Qin Mu hesitated.

Shantou is too sneer to laugh: "You are not their opponents now, they are the lowest existence, they are not inferior to the ten-day respect, and this is still the result of the destruction of the catastrophe. If they come to this universe, The avenues of their own avenues are imprinted to the ultimate void of our universe, and they can return to their peak state. Until then, don't say you, even if they are tied together for ten days, they are not opponents of any one of them!"

Qin Mu was dejected and turned away. At this time, the voice of Shantou Taiyi came from behind, saying: "But it is not a solution."

Qin Mu stopped his steps and turned around, his face showing the color of hope.

Shantou is too easy to show Yan Yixiao, revealing the teeth in the mouth, obviously changing the deciduous teeth, said: "I am here to deal with this situation. If there is a prehistoric strongman stepping in, I will They kill one by one!"

Qin Mu’s eyes are bright.

"But why should I do this? This big Montenegro is your big Montenegro after all, I have already given you the landlord's seat."

Shantou Taiyi Laoshen is in the road: "I am hard enough to repair Daheishan every day, so it is not impossible for me to shoot, but it is really boring to make up the mountain every day."

Qin Mu quickly said: "I am going to make up the mountain! How many days do you make me make up!"

Shantou is too easy to blink: "I don't want you to make up for a long time, as long as you make up the first half of the year, I have to leave Daheishan to do one thing in this half year. You only need to climb the highest point of the world tree every night. My road tree will drop the dew, you take these roads and replenish the cracked Montenegro during the day. After half a year, I will come back, then you will be free."

Qin Muxi looked out and nodded.

Shantou is too easy to take out an iron bucket, and the bucket is full of Daolu.

Qin Mu suspicious, looked at this little girl, and looked down at the dew in the iron bucket, tried to test: "Dear brother, how can you have two iron buckets here, and the drums are all exposed? You are not saying that your road tree leaves are fixed in number, can you only pick one bucket of road at a time?"

"It is only one bucket."

Shantou was too easy to answer his doubts and said: "But before you returned to the ancestral court, the activities in Daheishan were not as dramatic as this, so you can leave a little more each time you fix it. I have a few more buckets. I was thrifty, so I stayed behind for a rainy day."

Qin Mu’s eyes jumped and jumped: “That is to say, the brothers don’t have to deal with the prehistoric powerhouses who climbed out.”

Shantou is too easy to make a rope: "Yes!"

Qin Mu snorted and took the iron bucket and said: "Thank you, brother."

Shantou too easy to bend his eyes into a crescent moon and smiled: "You are not angry?"

“What is the gas?”

Qin Mu smiled and said: "The brothers borrowed me a bucket of dew, and avoided the prehistoric enlightened people to climb over and endanger the world. I am grateful that it is too late, will you be angry? I was just put together by the brothers, and I think that wisdom is not good. But my heart is still very happy."

Shantou is too easy to praise: "Mu Tianzun, although you are not as smart as the blue flower Yutian, not as high as their understanding, the heart may not have them strong, and they have not been beautiful... but you are a real person! It is a saint, a false flower is a god, and you are a real person."

Although Qin Mu did not know which of her saints, gods and real people were powerful, she wanted to come to her to praise herself, so she accepted the praise of herself and carried the small bucket.

He returned to the world tree and collected another world tree that he had cut off into his own gods. He still planted in the ancestral court.

Under the tree, everyone was shocked and saw that he was not coming to cut trees, so he was relieved.

Qin Mu set the gods, and this began the field of the gods. I saw that the broken tree stood in the ancestral home of the gods, and the branches and leaves withered, without any vitality.

He cautiously sprinkled water under the roots of the tree. In the Taishi veins not far away, the eggs of Taishi’s eggs were firmly on the altar of the veins, and the big eggs slowly turned half a circle. The voice of Taishi came: "This tree is dead, you can't save it... What? Give me a taste!"

The big egg fell from the altar and jumped to the tree. Qin Mu was sprinkling water. The egg from the beginning of the slanted side of the egg came over. It seemed to be able to see his movements. He was curious: "There is no tree root, no Ways to absorb nutrients, this tree can not save you, it is better to give me a taste of the water in your bucket..."

Qin Mu sneered: "The tree has no roots and can't absorb water. You don't have a mouth, and you can't absorb water."

The beginning of the egg smiled and said: "Although I have no mouth, I can absorb the power of the veins."

"The same is true of this tree."

Qin Mu seriously watered the water and said: "If you grow into a big tree, you may not be able to save it. But this tree is still a sapling. It gets nutrients. Maybe you can grow roots."

The egg of Tai Shi was put to the edge of the bucket. Qin Mu pushed the big egg to the side. After a moment, the egg of the beginning of the egg came together and was pushed to the side by Qin Mu.

"If you don't give it, don't give it!"

The egg from the beginning of the twilight jumped away and still returned to his own vein. An An was firmly attached to the altar: "The tree has no roots and can not absorb water. I control the power of the veins. The water you sprinkle must still be I was absorbed by me!"

Qin Mu did not hear the ear, and the egg of Tai Shi was controlling the Taishi vein, trying to steal the dew from Qin Mu. At this time, the big egg swayed and screamed from the altar and jumped into the air. Dare to fall, cried: "There is something stealing the power of my veins! Weird, weird!"

The vein was created by Qin Mu's imitation of the ancestral Taishi vein. The Taishi Shenshi and Taishiyuan stone obtained by Qin Mu were planted in the veins, allowing the eggs of the Taishi ancient **** to absorb.

At this time, the shadow of the vein under the vein is slowly creeping, growing constantly, stealing the power of the vein, but seeing the block in the vein, the stone is gradually losing its power, and the light is getting dil.


A piece of **** stone suddenly split, and then broke a place, the egg of the beginning of the screaming again and again, suspended in the air is even more afraid to fall.

Hey, hey, hey!

The pieces of Taishi Shenshi have lost all their energy and are constantly broken. Even the Taishi original stone is getting dimmer.

The egg of the beginning is crying and tears, and cried: "Mu Tianzun, what kind of water are you? Make this tree a monster, hurry to stop!"

At the same time, the stone that Qin Mu buried in other veins is not broken and broken, and it is obvious that the energy of these veins is absorbed by the world tree!

The world tree has been moisturized by the dew, and it is a good thing to grow roots, but it has captured the power of the four major veins, so that Qin Mu can not help but hesitate.

The four major veins are the veins that he realized when he built the four congenital avenues of Taiji, Taishi, Taisu and Taichu. Because his understanding is incomplete, he needs to borrow the power of the stone.

If the four major veins are sucked up by the world tree, is there any loss for him?

At this time, he suddenly felt that his power was also rushing, and he could not help but jump up!

In addition to the power of the four major veins, this world tree began to absorb his power!

No matter what the road, the world tree will not refuse, all won, laugh!

The mysteriousness of his gods has been shrinking, and the various avenues of Xuandu and the stars have begun to flow into the world tree. The starry sky of Xuandu has shrunk quickly, as if the whales swallowed the rainbow, and countless stars and stars have flowed into the trees. !

Not only that, Yuandu, Youdu, and Sijitian are shrinking, and they are all huddled into the tree!

Even the heavens and the world are swallowed one by one by the world tree!

Qin Mu used his own avenue to refine the ancient gods of the heavens. Nearly two thousand ancient gods were swallowed up by the world tree at the moment, and there was no chance of escape!

Qin Mu couldn't help but hurriedly put away the realm of the gods. He took a step and went to the **** that was still repairing Montenegro.

Now, only Taiyi can save him. He just needs to pick up a big axe and cut off the world tree that is a demon in his gods. He will not be swallowed up by the world tree!

However, just as he took a step in his footsteps, his body was thinned at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qin Mu took the second step and has become a skinny.

The third step has taken, has lost all the water, straight down from the air, planted on the ground, motionless, such as the same dry body.

Hua Yuxiu first noticed Qin Mu, who fell from the sky, and shouted: "The old teacher cut the tree and was condemned!"

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