Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1486: Skinny

Ten thousand holy mountains, the night.

Qin Mu stood at the top of the world tree, and then followed the road that slipped down from the tree of Taiyi Road.

The half-year period is about to come. He has been doing this monotonous thing repeatedly since these days. Although it is monotonous, every time he collects the black mountains of the cracked open, he always feels the burden and responsibility of the shoulders.

He is only half a year, and Taiyi has been here for billions of years.

Suddenly, the branches of the Taiyi Road in the ultimate empty sky are swaying and screaming, and I don’t know how many drops of dew have fallen and fell together.

Qin Mu’s heart jumped and hurriedly spurred Shentong to put all the roads in the bucket. However, the scope of the Taiyi Road trees was too wide, and there were still a few drops of the road falling down, falling on the world tree, being the branches of the world tree. absorb!

His heart sank, and it took a few drops to reveal that it was no big deal, but the consequences were not trivial!

Repairing the Great Black Mountain with Daolu, leaving even a drop, will leave a huge hidden danger, maybe it will give the last cosmic power to the opportunity to let it climb to the universe!

"This is bad!"

He had a cold sweat on his forehead, and then he fixed his mind. Even if it was a few drops of dew, it would take a few days for the last Cosmology to climb. It only needs to be delayed until too easy.


"Taiyi's road tree is in the ultimate void, why is it swaying for no reason?" He frowned slightly, and his heart was a little uneasy.

During the day, Qin Mu found the several shattered Montenegro and carefully repaired it. Sure enough, when it was added to the last Montenegro, the Montenegro was not completely closed because of the lack of a few drops of the road.

There is a crack of two feet and six seven on the cliffs of Montenegro, and the cracks are unfathomable!

Qin Mu stood under the cliff and looked around carefully, marking it, remembering the exact location of Montenegro, and asking for a false flower. "I have to stay here for the last two days, stare at it, my brother, you carry the iron." The barrel goes to the top of the world tree to pick up the dew. Daolu is the key to repairing the holy mountain, not a drop."

He is still at ease with other things, and he is afraid to pick it up and eat it.

The imaginary flower looked at the crack and asked: "Are you alone here, can you become?"

Qin Mu smiled slightly and showed strong self-confidence: "The most powerful existence of Yankang is me. This time I planted the world tree in the gods, and cultivated the strength to a new level. Although still not as good as ten days, but Compared with the four-color emperor, it should still be good. If I can't stop it, Yankang can't stop anyone who comes. Not to mention the prehistoric existence within a few days can't be drilled. When it is too easy to return, you can Handed over to the disposal. There are still two days in the half year. I only need to stay here for two days."

The imaginary flower leaves with an iron bucket.

Qin Mu sat down and put the bow of God around, waiting for the night to fall.

In the middle of the night, the earth moved to the mountains, and the outside of the ancestral court was a scene of the end of the world. The mountains in the ancestral hall shook, and the Montenegro in front of Qin Mu was also shaking. The rumbling sound came from inside the mountain. The sound is like the sound of a cracked wood.

The crack stretched to both sides, getting longer and wider, wider and wider, and there was a light shining through the crack, standing in front of the cliff, like a huge eye growing on the cliff.

I saw the light in the crack, like a huge eyeball, the eyeball rolling, and then looking directly at Qin Mu.

This scene, as if there is a huge monster inside the mountain, the monster is using the eyes to spy on the outside Qin Yu.

Suddenly, in the big eyes of the ray pattern in the crack, a figure is coming out.

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows, and the bow was on his side, but he did not take the patience.

The man has not yet come from another universe, and now attacking him is equivalent to spending his own mana to open a passage for him.

In the eyes, the figure has gone for a long time, and it has not been able to get out of the cracks in the cliff. When it is sunrise, the figure dissipates, leaving only the cracked Big Black Mountain.

Qin Muchang took a sigh of relief. After a while, the virtual flower came up with a bucket and said: "Does this mountain need to be repaired?"

Qin Mu shook his head: "Patch this mountain, and other cracked Montenegro will not have enough roads to fix it. It only needs to stick to one more day, too easy to return. At that time, even if the mountain people came out, they could not afford to wind up!" ”

The false flower frowns slightly, looking at the crack on the cliff, only the crack has been a hundred feet long.

In the depths of the crack, there is a personal imprint that seems to blend into Montenegro.

The imaginary flower is faintly uneasi, leaving the bucket.

As night fell, Qin Mu continued to stay in front of the crack, only listening to the sound of the cymbals constantly bursting from the inside out, while the gods in the mountain were bigger and bigger, the cracks were wider, and the human body in the eyes was higher than before. , more clear, it seems that it is possible to come out of the mountain wall at any time!

In the middle of the night, the light from the mountain wall illuminates the nearby six or seven mountain ridges, and the shadow of Qin Mu is also drawn long.

The huge eyeball in the mountain wall is as big as the whole Montenegro, and the black mountain split into two halves is in the center!

The body of the person in the eye is thin and tall, like the eyelids that the eyeball is erected.

His face is clearly visible. His face has many stripes, like natural texture, and his eyes are like the strange eyes in the mountains, but only one eye.

This eye is now staring at Qin Mu, and has never blinked.

He should walk in the shattered universe, every step is extremely difficult, his body is like smoke, and his body is constantly broken, but he is constantly gathering like a smoke.

Walking in the shattered universe allows him to be wiped out at any time, but he is full of hope and hope.

He has been unable to walk through the world tree to the future universe, and now he can finally enter the future world!

Qin Mu's palm grips the bow tightly, ready to go, nervous, tight, and he is promoted to the extreme.

The sky is getting brighter, and the one-eyed, long-tailed monster in the mountain has never been able to walk out of Montenegro, the sun rises, the strange eyes disappear in the mountains, and the skinny geeks disappear.

Qin Mu long sighed, and his body was cold and sweaty, but he smiled: "It’s finally over. Today, it’s too easy to come back...”

At this time, a Suzaku fluttered its wings and turned into a fire to come to his side, turning into the soul of the Southern Emperor and saying to him: "Brother, Yun Luodi and the big boy are back!"

Qin Mu’s heart was overjoyed and got up and said: “They came just right! These two guys didn’t come back for so long, I don’t know where to go and toss!”

He met Wei Suifeng and his uncle, but he saw Wei Suifeng and his uncles looking dull and sullen. They looked in a hurry and rushed in, and they looked like a servant.

It seems that the two men have traveled long distances, only to have tried their best to hurry and have no rest on the road.

Qin Mu suspicion, far from seeing Wei Suifeng carrying a wooden cane in his hand, he wondered: "It seems to be too easy crutches... How can the crutches of too easy be in their hands?"

"Mu Tianzun, too easy to be captured by the masters of the Miluo Palace, into the chaotic river of Yujing City!"

The uncle has been unable to run, but the gods are still very powerful. The far-sightedness broke out and sent messages to him. They quickly trapped them in the ancestral home of Yujing, encountering Taiyi, and following the incredible things like Taiyiduhe. Experience, told Qin Mu in full.

The transmission of information by the gods is far faster than the language, and more complete, and there is no leakage. Qin Mu seems to have experienced the events they have experienced, and the body is shocked, showing an incredible color.

Wei Suifeng’s mana is stronger. He will take up his uncle and whistle and fly. He said: “Taiyi left this crutches and said what he wanted to do, but he did not leave any geographical map. I don’t know how to do it. save him!"

Qin Mu lived in two people, lest they had fallen out of strength and their hearts gradually sank.

It’s too easy to fall.

Judging from the picture transmitted by Uncle God, the chaotic river in Yujing City is not really a chaotic river, but a chaotic gas formed when the universe is shattered. Those who try to break through the chaotic river The existence of the shore is that the powerful of each universe tries to forcibly come to the present world and get rid of the destiny that is shattered with the universe!

The masters of the Miro Palace opened up the devastating universe with unimaginable magical powers and means, forming a spectacle of sixteen cosmic times connected with the ancestral jade capital.

He will be too easy to break into one of the chaotic rivers, which is to enter Taiyi into one of the cosmic times!

“Too easy to fall into the fourth cosmic era...”

Qin Mu’s eyes shook and he held the crutches tightly. When Wei Suifeng and Shu Shu stood firm, suddenly he turned and walked. Wei Suifeng sneaked a little and hurriedly said: “Teacher, you know where the map is too easy. ?"

Qin Mu did not answer, and the sudden disappearance of the gods turned into a wave of extraordinary horror that swept the 100,000 mountains and shouted: "Everyone listens to the order, and must leave Daheishan today! Don't stop for a moment!"

"Everyone listens to my command, I am Yan Kang Guoshi Qin Mu, Mu Tianzun! Everyone must leave Daheishan today, no one should stay!"

His sacred voice swayed back and forth, constantly rang over the top of the 100,000 mountains.

The imaginary flower is repairing the cracked Montenegro, and the words can't help but look up in the direction of Qin Mu, and in the center of the world tree in the center of the Great Black Mountain, Lan Yutian, Si Po, Wen Yuan and other people are surprised to see the sound. Look at where you come.

Immediately, Qin Mu’s knowledge reached their minds, and the voice turned into their minds. They quickly said the matter and said: “Taiyi lost to the fourth cosmic era in prehistoric times, in the Great Black Mountain. Without his guard, the first prehistoric existence is about to get out of trouble! I will stay here tonight, and others will leave with the people here, don't stay!"

Everyone’s face changed, and Lan Yutian was about to fly to Qin Mu, but was dragged by the mother-in-law. “There is a matter of priority. The Yankang people in the Great Black Mountain are doing business! Let’s do this first, then go Look for him!"

Lan Yutian nodded silently, and one of the gods in the Great Black Mountain turned into a **** of light, flew in all directions, and went to the settlements of Yankang in Montenegro.

Soon after, a **** city rose to the sky, and dozens of gods lifted the city of God and flew outside the holy land of Montenegro. In the distance, the Devils took off the world of Hutian, and turned it into a pot bottle, which will be used in the pots of the gods.

Qin Mu saw this scene, let go of his heart, and rushed to the cracked Montenegro. He slammed into the field of the spiritual fetus, took out Ling Tianzun’s hair, waved his hair and went to the ground, and exerted his skills. It will not be easy to exert on yourself and in the field of your own gods!

His figure flashed, and all kinds of great supernatural powers were laid behind the hills in front of the mountains.

The blind man came and laid down the ban with him. Qin Mu looked up at him and moved his lips.

The blind man smiled and said: "Shepherd, do you think I can look at you alone and die?"

Qin Mu no longer speaks, and the two accelerate the arrangement.

The two were arranged from the daytime to the setting sun, and this was the proper arrangement for all kinds of killings. The scorpion sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He smiled and said: "When the Emperor’s celestial singer was in the clouds, he broke the old and new The mother of the earth, the king, was shocked in the world. Hey, as the master of the Yankang dynasty, can't be inferior to her."

He is very proud.

Qin Mu only noticed that he was behind him.

The imaginary flower, the blue yutian, the dumb, the scorpion, the sage, the smuggler, and the Wei Suifeng, the uncle, the prince, the emperor, the Nandi, etc., they rushed to the place after they moved out of the Yankang people here. .

Qin Mu’s heart was moved, and suddenly he looked sad and not salty. He said, “Let’s go, don’t leave me here to distract me. My brother, you stay in the world tree, don’t let Dalu drop a drop.”

The scorpion raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Is this Montenegro yours? Grandpa wants to come, want to go, you manage me?"

Qin Mu stretched out his hand and countless transmissions of the runes wrapped around the scorpion whistling away!

The scorpion roared and tried to break through his transmission power. He is the strongest thief in the world today. Even Blue Yutian is a little worse than him. Even if he transmits the supernatural powers, he can't help him.

Qin Mu flexed his fingers and the scorpion had just escaped from the transmission of the magical powers and was transferred to a retreat.

His speed was raised to the extreme, trying to escape before the outbreak of the Shenshen, but a return to the market was a return to the market, and soon swallowed the blind.

Qin Mu reached out and stroked a space, cracking a crack in the space, engulfing the scorpion together with the Great Wall.

He is not trying to hurt the blind man, but to send the donkey away. This will only be swallowed and will not be digested. When Qin Mu will send the donkey to a safe distance, he will spit it out.

"You also want me to spend mana, will you send them one by one?" Qin Mu looked around for a week, softly.

Everyone is in amazement. Xunzi is the most difficult one among them, but they are easily sent away by Qin Mu and replaced with them. I am afraid that is also true.

The mother-in-law turned and shouted: "Let's go! No one needs to stay! If you dare to stay, waste the shepherd's mana, and the old lady kills him!"

————When the wife was discharged from the hospital today, the house pig went to the hospital to pick up her discharge procedure, and she had to pick up the child. The delay was a bit long. However, there are also 4,000 words in this chapter. There will be a chapter later, and the update will be later.

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