Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1500: Yujing Seventy-two Temple

At the moment of entering the city, Qin Mu suddenly felt that Shouyuan, who had originally lived with the heavens and the earth, had an end.

The magical person who cultivated to the realm of life and death can already feel when his life is exhausted, but after practicing in the realm, the gods will feel that their longevity is endless and live with the heavens and the earth.

However, this Yujing City should be the cause of the catastrophe, which led to the end of life of the avenue, so the monks also have the end of their lives.

Qin Mu Shen Shen, urging the hegemony of the three elements, the vitality flowing through the world tree, the feeling of end of this life Yuan disappeared immediately.

The world tree is a difficult material that runs through the universe. It is allowed to destroy the universe and the world tree has never changed. The world tree of Qin Mu is not strong, but it has its own characteristics.

In addition, the atmosphere of the robbery in Yujing City is not too strong, not really broke into the robbery, so the world tree in his **** can be blocked.

Of course, if it is a real catastrophe, the seedlings of the world tree will not be able to stop. Now this seedling is still small.

Qin Mu walked to the city and carefully avoided some dangerous places. The winds of cold and cold and the wind of cold silence are the most strange. The temperature of the wind of silence is enough to burn the chain and field of the avenue, and the wind of coldness and silence Freeze everything, let the chain break, all magical powers have no effect, extremely dangerous.

"This cold wind is like the ultimate void..."

Qin Mu stood under a withered tree, observing the cold and silent wind blowing around the tree, showing the color of surprise.

The cold wind and the wind in his big heavens have some similarities, but they are even more powerful.

He catches up with the wind tail of this cold and silent wind, carefully follows the wind, carefully observes and tries to figure out the mystery contained in it. After a long time, the cold wind is in a chaotic atmosphere.

Qin Mu suddenly looked up and looked around, only to find that he had deviated from the geographical map of Wei Suifeng, and did not know where to go to Yujing City.

It is even more dilapidated. There are wilted trees everywhere. The trees are forested, and the withered fruits are hung on the trees. Some of the fruit falls below the trees.

On the ground is the withered tree leaves and branches, stepping on it, the branches are broken, and the leaves are rustling.

He stepped on a hard thing and pulled open the dead leaves. He saw a bone that was buried under the leaves.

This should be the bones of the enlightened, and I do not know why I died here.

"In the catastrophe of the universe, the enlightened are also ants."

Qin Mu looked around and suddenly raised his hand. The dead leaves of dead leaves fluttered and flew away from the ground.

I saw this wilted road forest, the bones of the enlightened people everywhere, shocking!

Qin Mu picked up his eyebrows and looked at them one by one. After a while, he spit out a sigh.

These enlightenments are not natural deaths, but are killed by people!

There are all kinds of scars caused by various sharp weapons on each bone of the bones!

"Who killed you?"

He slammed in front of a dead bone, knocked on the bones, tried to wake up the bones, and saw that the bones were motionless, and there was no spirit in the bones.

He stood up and frowned and looked at it. This dead forest was like a bone, and buried two or three hundred enlightened people!

"The enlightened people in the Jade capital also have hatreds? Are they here to kill each other?"

He was about to lay down the dead leaves, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He walked quickly to the forest. He saw a deep well in the withered forest. He was buried in the dead leaves, and it was revealed at the moment.

Qin Mu came to the well and looked into the well. He saw the chaos in the well, which was unfathomable.

"What is this well used for?"

He was thinking, but he saw the chaos in the well, and something was crawling out of the well.

He opened his eyebrows and looked at it. He saw that there was a huge monster in the well climbing the wall of the well. He looked at it for a while, only to see that it was a weird creature, not a behemoth of his own imagination.

The weird creature carries a tree of trees and is trying to climb the wall and try to climb out of the well.

However, he was surrounded by the volatility of the robbery, and he was shot down again and again. His body was also wiped out with only the bones left, but he still climbed out.

Qin Mu had been watching for a long time, and the enlightened person could not climb out of the well.

Qin Mu pulled the sword and stabbed more than a hundred swords around the wellhead, and then left.

A few days later, a broken tree in the chaotic well revealed the crown from the well. The enlightened person in the well had been ruined and ruined by nearly mana, and the avenue of self-cultivation was also wiped out.

However, the wellhead is in front of you!

This chaotic well is the universe in which he is located. Countless masters exhaust their wisdom, collect chaotic gas, open a passage, and lead to the passage of the Palace of the Miro!

As long as he climbs out, as long as he climbs into the city of Yujing, he can use the power of the master of the Miluo Palace to avoid the catastrophe. In the future, he will have a place in the new universe!

Even if his own way is wiped out, even if his body is destroyed, but as long as he preserves the fruit and the tree, he can make a comeback!

He climbed the wall of the well and struggled to sacrifice his own tree, letting the tree go first and rise from the well.

At this moment, suddenly the wellhead Jianguang flashed, the enlightened person looked up, and saw a sword light containing the power of incomparable horror, stinging on his Taoist fruit!

The enlightened person has been wiped out and only the bones are left. If he used to, he can easily block these swords. Now, he can only watch the swordsman’s own fruit!

"Who counts my fortune?"

He only had time to scream and see his own fruit being degraded by the swords, falling off the tree, falling into the chaos of the well, and then being swallowed up.

The fruit was wiped out, and the enlightened one lost his strength, fell from the well wall, and fell into the robbery along with the tree.

"The chaotic well is a little weird, and the bottom of the well should be connected to the previous universe. Strange, the enlightened person should not go directly into the Jade Capital to avoid the catastrophe? Why do you have to shoot a well to sneak into the city of Yujing?"

Qin Mu came to a large hall and thought about it: "The road trees outside the well are also some dead enlightened people. Did they all sneak out of the well? Then who killed them? Is the enlightened person in Yujing City shot?"

He looked at the hall and was no longer thinking about it.

This hall gives him the feeling of no less than the fragrant temple. It should be an extremely important temple in the city of Yujing. There is a tree in front of the temple. It has been cut down. There are traces of battle.

From the traces, it should be that there was a fierce battle here six months ago, so that the tree was cut.

He looked at it carefully, and saw the supernatural powers of the gods from these traces. In addition, there were traces of the gods of the gods such as Huo Tianzun and the ancestral god.

"They have been here, and they have encountered a strange incident here. They fought with each other and chopped the other's road trees."

Qin Mu circumvented the tree and walked into the temple. The interior of the hall was marked with different runes and lines. It was extremely complicated. He looked at it one by one and suddenly noticed that there were several futons here, as well as 昊天尊火天尊, etc. The residual smell of people.

"After they came here, stay here and learn about the avenues of this hall."

Qin Mu’s heart is stunned, and the gods such as scorpion, fire, ancestor, and palace are all high-minded. The reason why they have been in Yujing City for so long is not that they are trapped here, but they discovered the mystery of Yujing City. !

They are relying on their own wisdom to enlighten the avenue of Yujing City and to perfect their own Yujing City!

Once upon a time, Qin Mu also believed that Yujing, like Sitianmen, Yaochi Yaotai, and Shenshentai, is also the natural land formed by the ancestral court. It contains the knowledge of the avenue and can learn more from the Yujing City. Let your cultivation be a leaps and bounds.

But now that he knows the Yujing trap, he doesn't think so.

This piece of Jade Capital is a man-made holy land created by the masters of the Miro Palace and other prehistoric enlightened people!

The purpose of the people is to use the descendants of the gods to cultivate their Yujing City and help them get rid of the catastrophe as soon as possible!

The stronger the people who cultivated the Jade Capital City, the more stable their ancestral home Yujing City will be, and the more likely they are to get rid of the annihilation, let this sacred city completely fall to the ancestral court from the great destruction of the universe!

The current Yujing City has not completely descended to the ancestral court. The enlightened people in the city are currently dead and wounded. Qin Mu has not seen the enlightened people who are alive, and at most it is only the tree and the withered fruit.

However, if someone in the ten-day esteem is enlightened by Yujing City, cultivated into Yujing City, or even cultivated into a state, then the situation will be different.

The Yujing City in the shrine's Heavenly Palace is to borrow from the real Zuting Yujing City!

The Tiangong cultivation system pays attention to strength and does not pay attention to the Tao. The root cause is that it appears in this ancestral jade city.

Previously, the realm of Zun Shen, Nantianmen, Yaochi and Yushentai were all borrowing from Tianting. At that time, the drawbacks were not big, and the realm of Yujing was to borrow from Zuting Yujingcheng!

Since it is borrowing power, then the future is to be returned!

When the enlightened Jade City returned to the Zuting Yujing City, the decline of its strength is a small matter, and the Jade Capital City can become more stable and have stronger power to fight against the robbery!

Even, there may be a prehistoric enlightened person who can get rid of the robbery and enter the present universe from the prehistoric universe!

The ten-day respect is to make a skin with the tiger, to make a fight for the tiger, and to make a wedding dress for others!

Qin Mu held the hilt and couldn't help but want to pull the sword to smash the lines on the hall, but forcibly endure it.

Yan Tianzun and others have already come here to understand the mystery of the avenues of this hall. Now even if Qin Mu can cut these lines, it will not work.

Moreover, the lines in this temple are indeed subtle and mysterious, and they contain profound truths. They are not simple borrowing powers.

Qin Mu set the gods, settled down, and quietly understood the lines on the temple to understand the mystery.

He must understand the mystery of it. As for repairing and not practicing, he will wait until he explores Yujing City before he can make a decision.

After a moment, Qin Mu went into a dream, and a dream was opened. Countless small Qin Mu flew out and walked down the four walls of the temple. Maha Maha shouted and calculated the mystery of these runes.

After more than ten days, Qin Mu received a dream and got up and walked out of this treasure hall.

He continued along the path that Yan Tianzun and others had walked. Not long after, he met another treasure hall.

"There will be no more than 72 seats in the treasure hall here?"

Qin Mu’s heart glimpsed: "If it is a 72-story temple, isn’t it the 72 temples that correspond to heaven? Then it’s not the Yujing realm that they want to complete. Seventy-two treasure halls, they want to complete is the big heaven! This method is created by the widowed saints. So who is the point that the gods can cultivate like this?"

He looks dignified, if it is what Tian Zun himself thought of, then the talent and understanding of Tian Tianzun needs to be re-evaluated!

If it wasn’t for God’s own enlightenment, who directed him?

"The coward and Jiang Baigui's younger brother can't point him to him. Taisu has no such wisdom. The people behind Yu Tianzun are not too good, but another person!"

"The wisdom of this person is not inferior to that of a widower teacher, but in the world now, there is no such wise man except the cowardly teacher. Unless, except from the last universe! A passer-by!"

His face was dignified, and his figure appeared in his mind, and there was a huge shadow behind the statue of Yan Tianzun.

"Tai Su, a little sheep who fell into the wolf's mouth, is dead!"

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