Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 157: Overcast

"We are now on a ship, naturally we have to help each other in the same boat?"

Qin Muwen said: "The gods of Gong Tianzun are naturally tyrannical, and only one person can surpass her. And this person is just his majesty."

嫱天妃's face was slightly relieved, sneer: "You will still speak people, this palace... I don't care about you."

Suddenly, chaotic gas surges, and powerful gods pass through the chaos and sweep toward the boat.

嫱天妃 light smile, leisurely said: "Miya Tianzun really came to temptation. For a long time did not play with her..."

Her gods broke out, confronted with the gods that came from the chaos, and the two strong confrontations, the male and female, and Gong Tianzun, although the gods were tyrannical, but they were much weaker than the existence of the Tai Emperor.

Fortunately, Taidi loves his wife and can't bear to hurt her. Otherwise, the impact of God's knowledge alone can make Gong Tianzun's gods feel chaotic and sorrowful.

The gods know how to fluctuate and giggling: "Love, I have killed the animal husbandry, and seized the treasures of the enlightened, you and my husband..."

She just said that here, suddenly there is another **** whistling, very arrogant, and Gong Tianzun's gods smashed into the gods of the heavens!


嫱天妃 was furious: "Bunny rabbit, dare to put it right with me?"

She moved her anger. She is the child of her favorite woman, Gong Tianzun and the Emperor of Heaven. Can she tolerate it?

At this time, there was a vast expanse of the vastness of the gods, and the three gods combined to crush the gods of the heavens and push them across.

Her god, Da Luotian, was violent and violent, and was almost smashed by the top three masters!

“Too early dawn!”

嫱天妃 snorted, the forehead burst into a strong light, his head almost exploded!

Her heart is incomprehensible, and Xiaotian Zun’s knowledge is strong, and she is hardly lost to the Emperor Xuan Xuan!

The Emperor of Heaven was so good at the congenital that he was not proficient in the knowledge of the gods, but now the **** of Xiao Tianzun as a reincarnation is so powerful, there is only one possibility.

That is, he got a big chance, and began to unify the innate glimpse and the way of the gods, turning into the beginning of the road!

Although the name of the Emperor of Heaven was called the beginning of the beginning, he could not master the avenue of the early dynasty, but he had to be mastered by the emperor and had to be born in advance.

If Xiaotian Zun masters the Avenue of Knowledge, it means that he is not far from mastering the road of Taichu!


The gods of the heavens and the gods, Luo Tianshen, were broken under the attack of the three great gods, but she was also tyrannical, and the field of the gods was erupting, and the sound of the screams spread out, and everything seemed to be extremely slow. .

Gong Tianzun, Xiao Tianzun and Xuan Xuan's gods have entered the field of Supreme God, and the speed is getting slower and slower. Those who change their minds and think of various magical powers are also slow and pitiful.

However, more of the gods came and screamed and slammed into the field of supreme knowledge!

At the same time, Gong Tianzun's illusion of the field of illusion broke out, and the sacred sacred field of the Emperor Xuan Xuan broke out in the field of ignorance, and the ignorance of Xiao Tianzun directly turned into a congenital glimpse, which was like a broken bamboo, pointing directly to the eyebrows of the scorpio!

The three great gods joined forces, and the field of gods in the sky has been broken!

It should be known that the field of Supreme God of Taidi has always been a kind of unsolvable existence, until it was solved by Ling Tianzun, which was not easy to break, and this came down from the invincible throne.

But even so, the field of supreme knowledge is also the top of the field.

However, now the three great gods know the gods to break the gods, and there is a tendency to disintegrate the field of supernatural knowledge, so that the sky is not cold and sweat.


The sounds in her mind are stirring up. This is the illusion that her gods are crushed back by the three great gods, and the gods know how to reflexively. But if the gods of the three great gods rush into her mind, it is not just auditory hallucinations. So simple, her head may even burst!

A heavy road of fire whistling, the road fire formed a heavy heaven, crazy rotation, cut into the supernatural knowledge, apparently fire Tianzun shot.

With the help of the fire, the field of supreme knowledge is broken faster.

Suddenly, Scorpio's face turned red, wow vomiting blood, Qin Mu saw her vomiting blood finally let go of her heart, urging the boat to quickly go to chaos.

If the scorpion does not vomit blood, then he still needs to wait a second before leaving, until the scorpion is beaten by the celestial gods.


A heavy road of fire, like a flame wheel, rises from the chaotic river in front of the boat, blocking the way of the boat.

The three great gods respected with the gods, and found out the position of the scorpio in the chaos of the sky. Fire Tianzun and other Tianzun thought that they would find it.

Their concern for Qin Mu’s life and death is far less than their concern for the scorpio.

Because there is a fruit around you, there is a prehistoric enlightened person in the fruit. Only this enlightened person can distinguish the direction in this chaos and take them deep into the Yujing City to explore the ultimate mystery here.

Of course, Qin Mu’s life and death are also very good.

However, they are more likely to see if Qin Mu was really killed by the scorpio. If the scorpio did not kill Qin Mu, they would be happy to kill Qin Mu for the scorpio, so as to suffer.

——Tai Tai’s character is not good, but Qin Mu’s character is not good.

Qin Mu smashed his eyes and manipulated the small boat to avoid the heavy flame wheel. His eyebrows passed through the chaos, and he could not see him for ten days. He could see the ten-day respect. This is him. The greatest strength in chaos.

He is naturally able to grasp his strengths and bring his strengths to the limit!

Behind the boat, Hao Tianyi continued to desperately resist the attack of Xiao Tianzun, Gong Tianzun and Xuan Xuan, and his heart was anxious. Although this chaotic fog came just right, Qin Mu’s reaction seemed to be so slow that she was entangled in the gods of the three great gods and could not get away from it. Instead, she was devastated by the other side.

"Juyu, he is borrowing the hands of three Tianzun, weakening your strength." Next to him, the woman in the broken fruit suddenly heard the voice.

When she crossed the first chaotic long river, she consumed too much, and now the atmosphere is weaker.

嫱天妃 妃 妃 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

嫱天妃 妃 狠狠 : : " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

She just said here, looking down at her chest, I saw that Qin Mu did not know when the sword had been drawn, and the sword tip reached between his chest.

嫱 妃 妃 妃 妃 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我A little bit of skin, let you be a goddess and a life!"

The gods of the three great gods have been bombarded again and again, and the heavens and the cockroaches are shaking and it is difficult to support them.

Qin Mu haha ​​laughed: "Tai Emperor, do you think that your sacred knives can solve my hard-won?"

The two stood at the bow of the boat, one stood at the stern, and looked at each other with a sinister look.

Suddenly, the sound of the heavenly voice in the chaotic fog, a mouthful of heaven and earth to the vomiting of the infinitely loud voice, sweeping from all sides.

The muscles on the face of Qin Tian and Qin Mu jumped, and suddenly Qin Mu received the sword, and Tian Tianyi also received the sword. Both of them were cheerful and full of spring breeze.

嫱天妃 sacrificed a pair of knives to block the attack of the treasure of Heaven. Qin Mu’s robbery sword also greeted the treasure of heaven and earth. The two joined forces and finally blocked the attack of the ancestral king.

"it's here!"

The voice of the ancestral king came from the chaotic fog, and then the sacred sacred sacred slammed into a treasure, and the ancestral king’s footstep tree smashed from the fog!

However, he came there, but he emptied, and the boat was missing.

The ancestors of the ancestors looked like the electricity, and they glanced around, but they did not find the traces of the boat. At this moment, suddenly a ray of light flashed, and a stroke was drawn behind him, and the ancestral king’s body could not stop. Fall to the Great Plains!

In the eyes of the ancestors, the gods flashed, and the heavens and the glory of the heavens were swayed, and the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ancestors would be worn out, and the two taiji ancient gods would come.

The two ancient gods each raised one hand, and the second-hand lightly stroked it and turned it into a Taiji figure.

The great earthquake of the ancestral king's body was slammed and flew backwards. The tree under the foot did not follow the flight, and the mind could not help but the body shape could not stop falling into the Chaos River.


Seeing that he was going to fall into the chaos of the river, suddenly a palm grabbed his back and picked him up. The ancestral king looked back, but he was rushing to the tree.

When the gods and the two Taiji gods saw it, the body receded and disappeared into the chaos of the chaos, hiding the figure.

"no need to worry."

Yan Tianzun is still calm and leisurely, leisurely said: "Mu Tianzun wants to mix the water, but the Emperor is not with him. The two men are on a boat, and the ship will be turned over sooner or later."

The ancestral king was shocked and determined, bowed his head and said, "If the two escaped?"

"Can't escape."

Yan Tianzun smiled slightly: "They have been locked by Gong Tianzun, and they want to escape. You said, is it, Gong Tianzun?"

A tree of trees floated, and Gong Tianzun’s knowledge of the gods stirred up, firmly locked in the position of the scorpio, and said: “Despite the reassurance, the Emperor can’t escape my hand.”

At this time, Qin Mu and Sui Tianyi stood on the small boat. The scorpio was still resisting the attack of the three great gods. The heart secretly complained: "The three men are chasing after them. I will be exhausted by God sooner or later. At that time, Qin Mu’s little rabbit scorpion started killing me, and she must be very happy!”

She looked at Qin Mu, but saw Qin Mu like a leopard staring at the blood of hunting, waiting for her blood to run out and began to eat.

"This little rabbit scorpion..."

嫱天妃 smiled and spurred two screaming knives, figuring out when to give this little rabbit a fatal blow.

In this small boat, the place is narrow and she still has a chance.

Qin Mu smiled tightly and held the hilt of the robbery sword. The two stared at each other and did not move.


The boat suddenly drove past the virtual heaven, and the virtual Tianzun noticed the ship and hurriedly chased it up. The cold sweat of his forehead suddenly rolled out.

Xuan Zun chased behind the ship, and he stood at the stern, but also resisted the knowledge of the three great gods. Now there is another imaginary **** to play behind his ass. Is this the day to be me?

Seeing that the emptiness of the sky will catch up, suddenly a sacred artifact in the spurs will be smashed out and smashed to the virtual heaven.

The imaginary day was obsessive, and had to block the artifact, Yu Tianzun, and the boat had already driven out of her sight.

"Shi Qiluo!"

The imaginary wrath, after a few rounds, gently stamped the eyebrows of the artifacts, and sealed all his senses into the river of chaos.

On the small boat, Hao Tianqi just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw a road tree appearing behind the ship, the five big three thick Shi Qiluo carrying the treasure chest, happily chasing them!

嫱天妃 giggled: "Mrs. Yuanm is my ally, Mutianzun, your abacus is wrong."

Qin Mu is full of spring breeze: "It’s very clever, Mrs. Yuanm is also my ally."

嫱天妃's heart was tight, only to listen to Shi Qiluo's rough laughter came, the big Han treasure box opened, a statue of the gods Yu Tianzun flew out, giggled: "The people like to kill allies!"

嫱天妃 and Qin Mu look at each other and smile, and no longer confront each other, and join forces to attack Shi Qiluo!

Shi Qiluo Rao has an artifact, Yu Tianzun, but between the two strokes, two of them have killed two artifacts, Yu Tianzun, and the sacred knives have absorbed the artifacts and the blood of the gods. Even the number of swords, hurriedly turned around and went wild.

"Mr. Heaven respects your uncle, don't play tricks anymore!"

When he saw Shi Qiluo retreat, he suddenly became angry and waved two knives. His voice was very strong and he said: "If you dare to make a sinister move, I will die and take off your water!"

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