Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1512: Hongmeng

In the third chaotic long river, Qin Mu feels that his own world tree is growing again. This strange tree of the world is strange in that it can extract chaos from the annihilation and strengthen itself.

Even if he did not enter the realm of Yujing, Qin Mu felt the growth of his own mana. Although it was not very fast, the improvement of cultivation was real. This is very strange.

"Is the realm of Yujing realm?"

He can't help but fall into meditation.

After his cultivation to the realm of the nine prisons, and then go forward, you must step into the realm of Yujing. After entering the realm of Yujing, it will be able to cultivate the realm of Ling and Emperor, and then enter the realm of heaven.

Different from the traditional Tiangong cultivation system, his realm has three other Tianmen realms in the four-day realm, and there are more realms of Tianhe realm and Jiubailtai.

In terms of the traditional Tiangong cultivation system, he is now roughly equivalent to the realm of Lingxiao to the realm of Emperor.

However, because he does not want to cultivate the realm of Yujing, it is extremely difficult for Qin Mu to continue to improve his training. Now, because of the relationship between the world tree, his cultivation continues to improve, which means that there may be other realms in the realm of Yujing, Lingxiao and the emperor.

"Is it the congenital five too realm?"

He dive his mind and explore the reason for his self-improvement: "If you can establish the five realms, it may be a meritorious thing!"

His knowledge of the world follows the world tree to see where the mana enhancement comes from.

For the innate five, he wants to regard it as a realm, but the five innate avenues he has cultivated all the time are just five kinds of avenues from the insights, comprehending the mysteries and understanding the magical powers.

It is only a kind of cultivation means that you can only understand the magical powers and understand the road.

If you want to be a realm, you need to open up like a spiritual fetus and a heavenly palace, as a way of spiritual practice.

This requires establishing standards!

In the early years of the Longhan period, the seven-day respect of the seven realms of the gods was opened. All of them were established as the standard of one realm. This is called Tianzun. Yu Tianzun established the standard of the spirit of the gods, and Tian Tianzun established the standard of the five gods, and so on.

The various realms of the Tiangong are also the criteria for establishing various realms, which is convenient for circulation.

Qin Mu has opened up five major veins in his own collection, and he is expecting to do this.

"The world tree devours the chaotic gas in the long river of chaos, which is really transformed from the five major veins!"

Qin Mu observed carefully, only to see the world tree devour the chaos of gas, first of all through the chaotic veins representing the path of Taiyi, turned into a wonderful vitality, Hongmeng.

Then, Hongmeng’s vitality flows from the chaotic vein to the Taiyuan vein, transforming from chaotic state to the initial state, and transforming into the beginning.

Then flow through the Taishi vein, from the initial state to the Taishi state, turned into a Taishi vitality.

The beginning of the egg is a lot of benefits, and Qin Mu feels that the beginning of the egg is stronger than before.

Taishiyuan gas passes through the Taishi vein, and flows through the Taisu vein, which turns into Taisu vitality, and then flows into the Taiji vein to become Taiji.

Qin Mu fascinated and observed, suddenly woke up and took out the two-faced mirrors that Wei Suifeng handed him. The two mirrors contained a trace of the owner of the Mi Luo Palace, which was printed by Wei Suifeng with the scorpion mirror.

On the way to the Jade Capital City, Qin Mu learned in detail, but he did not get much.

Now that he is trying to figure out the five realms, he suddenly feels that the five strange qualities are somewhat similar to the peculiar elements contained in the lines in the two mirrors.

He carefully compared the lines of the masters of the Miluo Palace, and the truth of the Taoist pattern was too deep, but now there is a reference to the wisdom of the five Taizhong, and Qin Mu gradually realizes some truth.

He tried to condense the avenue runes at the bottom of the road with his own strength, but he could not succeed.

"The vitality in this kind of road pattern is like Hongmeng..."

Qin Mu is awe-inspiring, Hongmeng is corresponding to the Taiyi vein!

The strength of the owner of the Miluo Palace is the glory of Hongmeng, that is to say, he may be too easy, the first cosmic era is too easy!

"I am thinking again."

He couldn't help but shook his head. Hongmeng is also a form of vitality, corresponding to the Taiyi vein, but most other people can also make it, perhaps not much related to Taiyi.

"If the innate five can enter the country, then this cultivation method is the cultivation method of five kinds of vitality!"

He thought of doing it, and immediately began to try to turn his own vitality into Tai Chi.

"Five Taishui realm is the five realm of realm. Since the realm of Yujing is not so safe, then it will turn its own vitality into Taiji vitality, and then transform it into Taiji Yuanqi, and gradually improve it. If you can cultivate these five realms, then enlightenment should be simple!"

He is full of enthusiasm, backing the Taiji vein with his own strength, and trying to add the Taiji vein to his vital system of the Sandangong.

At the stern of the boat, he looked at the nine-day sage that was constantly chasing after the chasing. Compared with Qin Mu, she was busy. In addition to being wary of the attack of Jiu Tian Zun, she also had to cope with the strangeness in the river. .

Fortunately, the power of the sacred sword is extraordinary, and the river is so strange that she can stop it.

It’s just that her cultivation is very huge. If she continues this way, she will not be able to insist on reaching the other side of the Chaos River.

"Mr. Heaven has taken away my sacred platform, and there is no sacred platform. The power of the sacred knives cannot be maximized."

嫱 妃 妃 妃 妃 瞥 瞥 瞥 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃Put it on your right cheek.

"This has not become a woman, but it is more beautiful than me."

He said: "Now he still needs him to push the cane of Taiyi to cross the river, can't kill him, and first with him and the snake, let him carry me across the river. When I arrive at the Miluo Palace, I will see him again. , took the crutches and took back the gods!"

She just thought of this, suddenly only heard a loud bang, Qin Mu blasted in front of her, the whole person was blown into a horrible energy flow, four expansion!

嫱天妃 was caught off guard, and was bombarded with blood on his face. After a while, he remembered and hurriedly wiped away the blood on his face.

At this time, the time seems to be backwards. The energy of the swelling and expanding rapidly shrinks and gathers at the bow of the boat. Even the blood that has collapsed begins to flow back. Qin Mu is sitting there with a good end. It seems that the scene just happened. The horror explosion is just the illusion of the sky.

The two mirrors were still hanging on the sides of his cheeks on the left and right. Qin Mu also closed his eyes there.

The sky shook his head and was about to talk. Suddenly, Qin Mu’s body was sharply distorted. Under her gaze, a few heads suddenly grew from the neck of Qin Mu, and soon became a huge The head-filled monster, then swells and blasts, dying!

嫱天妃瞪's big eyes, but seeing that it is not easy to start the magic again, Qin Mu has returned to its former appearance.


Qin Mu became a flesh-shaped Taiji figure, and the yin and yang circumvented the body and smashed it.


Qin Muhua made a powerful dragon, entrenched in the bow of the boat, screaming at the scorpion.


He became a stone mountain and stood there.

Hao Tian decided to set the god, and finally decided not to look at this, and how to change with him.

After a month or so, Hao Tianyu looked at the other side and finally breathed a sigh of relief. During this period, Qin Mu was already dead many times. In recent days, Qin Mu finally no longer died, and his form has stabilized. Still some are not used to it.

"The front should be the home of the owner of the Miluo Palace?" He Tianqi gasped and whispered.

"The owner of the Miro Palace dominates the other side of the 16th chaotic river, not here."

The woman in the fruit of the road said: "Tai emperor, you want to see him, you need to cross the thirteen rivers."

It’s awkward, she doesn’t have much mana now, she has to take a break to restore some strength, otherwise she will not be able to cross the next chaotic river!

However, the nine Tianzun has been firmly behind them, and she has no time to stop and restore her strength.

"Mu Tianzun, this kid has been working hard, and he is sitting on the bow every day and changing his pattern!"

The blasphemy blasphemy is born to the gallbladder, and the heart says: "If he does not contribute, I will mobilize God to enrich him and become a man!"

Suddenly, she sensed that there was a slight change in Qin Mu's body, and she couldn't help but groan.

This kind of change is very strange and strange. When she saw Qin Mu, she only felt that it was as broad as a starry sky. In the body of Qin Mu, it was like a yin and yang that was born and bred, and everything grew.

This change, like a fundamental change, she perceives the source of change, it should be the strength of Qin Mu!

"What kind of name is this kid doing?" 嫱天妃 is puzzled.

Different vitalities have different attributes. In the truncation of supernatural powers, this is determined by the spiritual body. Different spiritual bodies have different vitality attributes.

Even after practicing the gods, trying to cultivate other Taoist magical powers, the dominant position of the spirit is the same as the spiritual property.

Now, Qin Mu’s feeling for 嫱天妃 is that Qin Mu seems to have changed his own spiritual attributes and turned into another kind of spirit, a spirit she has never seen before.

"This kind of breath, like the Taiji spirit... Is the stinky boy the illegitimate son of two Taiji ancient gods?"

Oh, my eyes blinked, my heart said: "But they are just born? And they are still brothers and sisters..."

Qin Mu opened his eyes and spit out a sigh of gas. His heart was very happy. In the rest of the month, he finally let him explore the edge of the five realm!

He initially explored the way to change his vitality to Taiji!

"No matter how you cultivate or not, you will not be weaker than anyone else, and even stronger than them!"

At this time, his gaze fell on Xiao Tianzun's body, and the momentum suddenly stumbled: "Well, it is still not comparable to Xiao Tianzun..."

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