Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1534: Initial heart is sword

"Oh, my **** is dead? And still dead in your hands?"

Kaihuang’s heart jumped and looked at Qin Mu with amazement. After a moment, this said: “After you refine the sword, the strength is great, although the sword is good, but the repair of the sword is not to fall. Excessive. If you rely on the weapon, you will lose your motivation."

Qin Mu took out the Shen Shentai and said: "My cultivation has never fallen. In fact, I am now stronger than ever! I can already compete with Tianzun! Kaihuang, at that age, what was your cultivation? Don't worry about me."

Kaihuang thought about it. At the age of Qin Mu, he was still a small god, far from the achievements of Qin Mu.

I want to come because I am too demanding on him, so I will worry about his fall.

On the platform of the gods, the power of the two knives has recovered a lot, but it has not recovered to its peak.

I saw two **** knives entangled in the 斩神台, the power is amazing, 斩元神, 斩身身,斩道心!

"These two swords seem to be inferior to the power of the war in the battle of Xuandu."

The Emperor looked at it and wondered: "Now the two swords are too powerful, I am afraid I can't help me to become enlightened. I am too strong, and I can't give me much pressure."

Qin Mu Yangmei, the power of the two knives on the platform of the gods is extremely terrible. Although it has not yet returned to its heyday, it is also dead when it touches it. It is dead and the king is too weak.

"The knife is made by people. There is no spurt and no urging. It is of course too powerful for you."

Qin Mu’s eyes flashed: “And, what you want is not pressure, but the morality of the gods in the platform. It’s better to control these two swords and help you. How do you see it?”

Kaihuang Jianmei gently picked up and smiled and said: "Okay. But I am worried that your ability is not enough to control these two swords."

Qin Mu twisted the waist, shook his neck, and moved his body. He smiled and said: "In the battle of Xuandu, I took the sword and cut a piece of Tianzun? At that time, I didn't control the scorpion, now I have a knife. Hand, I am more worried about you. After all, you are old, and I am still a young man."

Kaihuang smiled and said: "Where does the **** demon have old and young? Shepherd is laughing and laughing."

"Qin Tianzun is polite."

Qin Mu raised his hand and said, "If this is the case, then Qin Tianzun will come to power?"

Kaihuang left hand to hold the scabbard of the worry-free sword, slowly staged.

Qin Mu body vacated, came to the top of the 斩神台, floating in the middle of the two sacred sacred knives, two knives like two **** dragons, around him whistling.

He rubbed his eyes and raised his palm. The **** dragon swam from his palm. The piece was rough and sharp against the scales, rubbing his palm.

His palms are bleeding, but the two **** dragons look docile.

These days, he has refining the sacred gods, refining and smashing the gods, and together with the two sacred knives, he has been refining and refining, and the knives of the knives are handy.

Below, the emperor resisted the arrogance of the sword and stepped forward to the platform.

Around him, it seems that there is a heavy and invisible kendo field. The knives of the gods are flashing. When he invades his field, he sees Jianguang colliding with Knife.

For Qin Mu, there are only 30 steps in the Shen Shentai, and for the Kaihuang, there are thirty-five steps in the Shen Shentai.

This is the singularity of the Shentai. The higher the cultivation of the Tao, the more steps there are in the Shentai, and the stronger the power of the sword on the stage!

Finally, the 35th step of the Emperor’s eruption took place and boarded the platform!

At that time, Qin Mu, butcher and other knives joined forces to board the 斩神台, and they dispatched their own swords and scholastics very early, and the emperor boarded the 35th sacred platform, but there was no sword.


The two scorpion scorpion knives slammed slightly and then slammed down.

Qin Mu eyes fell on the Kaihuang body, searching for his flaws, letting two swords attack autonomously.

On the platform of the gods, the emperor is like a strolling in the air, pulling the sword and waving his hand, and pushing the two sacred swords again and again.

His kendo is too strong, and it is a bit difficult to use the oracle to sharpen the kendo, because it is very difficult to hurt him.

His heart is too strong, such a strong heart, and the martyrdom of the heart of the heart has lost its effect on him.

It is indeed hard to go any further to his level.

At the beginning, the reason why he wanted to board the Shenshen in the Battle of Xuandu was also the reason.

He is too strong, and he needs to have a great temper to enlighten. He is a goddess of heaven, and mastering the gods and gods can inspire his potential potential and help him become enlightened!

Now, the power of the sacred sword is so great that it can't make him feel the pressure!

Suddenly, the overwhelming blood-colored knives were missing, and the two knives rose and the emperor could not help but look up.

I saw the blue sky above him, there was no cloud, the sky was clear, and almost the stars outside the sky could be seen.

Kaihuang blinked his eyes. He saw Qin Mu with two knives spinning and rising from the sky. It was farther and farther away from the Shenshen platform. Soon, Qin Mu was far away like a tiny ant.

Kaihuang looked up and looked at Qin Mu from the air. Qin Mu was still far away. At this time, he had already come to the heavens outside the town of worry-free, and this stopped.

Opened the emperor's eyebrows, and slammed the worry-free sword into the scabbard. The right hand shook and moved five fingers. This took the hilt and was ready to go.

In the extratery of the sky, Qin Mu took the **** knives and slammed it with force. The two knives were merged together and turned into a knives.

This knife is full of blood red, with the dragon head as the soldier, the dragon fin as the blade, the keel as the ridge, with the invincible suffocation that kills Tiangong!

Qin Mu holds the knife, Qufu, and the power, suddenly grinning, and stepping out in the next step!

At this moment, there is a sudden meteor in the sky above the worry-free township. The meteor breaks through the sky and enters the atmosphere of Wushou Township. It is faint at first, but it becomes brighter as it falls.

The light is the **** light, and the worry-free township is reflected in blood red, and later it will be like blood and sea!

At the same time, the entire 斩神台 shines, the natural avenue texture shines all the time, and suddenly, the blood is shining, crazy upwards!

Knife light and blood light into a piece, open the king looked up, can not see where is the knife light where is the blood!

Suddenly, there was a knife mark on the face of the emperor, and the sacred knife had not yet arrived. There was already a wound on his face!

In the wound on his face, the blood actually flowed upwards, and the blood in his body also floated, constantly rushing to the wound!

"It is the first murderer in the world!"

Kaihuang couldn't help but get excited, and slammed the sword. Jianguang and his blood gathered together, and his kendo was integrated into the blood of a drop of flying.

Suddenly, I heard only a few screams, and the moment when his blood collided with the sacred sword, the kendo contained in the blood suddenly broke out!

When the Emperor’s eyes were bright, he finally saw the sacred sword in the **** sea and ocean!

The worry-free sword greets the sacred sword in the **** frenzy, and his kendo bursts in this sword. The time is that the thirty-five heavenly sword fields emerge in the blood!


The **** sea above the Shenshen blasts open, the mad knives are entangled with the sword light, and the eyes of the emperor are covered with blood, and there are wounds everywhere!

This is not the strength of Qin Mu's personal, but the power of the gods and the gods.

This sacred platform is extremely wonderful. Standing on the sacred platform, how many heavens there are, how many heavens will be derived from the sacred platform, and Qin Mu’s own martial art is only 26 heavens. Joining with the butcher and other people can raise the knife path to thirty heavens, and certainly will not hurt the opening of the emperor.

But with the help of the gods, he can display the thirty-five heavens!

This is the power of the gods and the power of the king.

Without the existence of the thirty-five heavens of the emperor, he stood on the platform of the gods, and he could not control the power of the thirty-five heavens!

Coupled with the power of the sacred sword, he has already injured the Kaihuang!

The Emperor’s first encounter with such a fierce attack, the overwhelming knives that made him feel incomprehensible, not only that, but the terrible knife was pervasive, and he was kneeling on his flesh. On his god!

Even his heart was attacked by the knife, and he was riddled with holes!

斩神玄刀, with the Shangyu Shentai, coupled with the tyrannical existence of Qin Mu, who is proficient in the knife, the Kaihuang actually fell into the passive!

He saw the Qin Mu in the blood, the Xuandao divided into two, and suddenly turned into a bite, the length of change, suddenly far and near, such as the wind, such as thunder, such as heavy rain, can not be imagined, it is incredible!

Qin Mu attacked him from all angles, even if his path could not resist, the sword field was also opened again and again by the two knives!

The physical and metaphysical injuries are heavy, but the heavier is the knife marks that fall on his heart.

The attack of the sacred knives again and again, like questioning again and again, blaming his heart, blaming his actions, letting himself doubt, self-denial!

This kind of attack is something he has never seen before, and I don't know how to resist it.

He had hesitation for the first time and he was undecided.

His unbreakable heart became weak at this moment. He saw his own life in the blood, his own failure, and saw the consequences of his own decision when the emperor broke.

He saw the burgeoning of the Emperor. He took the most powerful force of the Emperor's Heavenly Court to take refuge in the worry-free town. After seeing them leave, the people sheltered by the Emperor's Heavenly Court were displaced, their wives and children scattered, and they saw countless fresh lives. In the hands of the gods of heaven, tragic death!

He saw the suffering and helplessness that he promised to protect their lives, in the natural disasters and man-made disasters, and saw them crying and robbing the land, but they could not wait for themselves to fulfill their promises.

He saw his old man's heart despair, and turned it into a stone statue.

He saw the era of the Emperor's reign and became a big market. He saw the tragic death of the Tiangong Protoss, saw the disappointment of the widowed saints, and saw the ancestors of the emperors with the remnants of the Emperor's reign, and survived everywhere.

He saw that the ancestors of the ancestors eventually turned into a stone statue on Xiao Yujing because of guilt, and refused to wake up.

This is the sin of the emperor, but it is borne by the ancestors.

The heart of the emperor was shaken.

Qin Mu’s knife light shakes him. He can’t be innocent in this life. Qin Mu uses the wisdom of the gods and gods to play the shackles of his heart!


A blood-stained knife fell, and the Emperor's cross sword resisted, but was crushed to the ground, and the sacred sword pressed against the worry-free sword, and the worry-free sword stabbed into his shoulder.

He was kneeling on the ground, and he seemed to return to the past and return to the moment when he held the sword for the first time.

In the middle of the battle, he saw his master, a nameless swordsman. When he asked him to teach his sword, the voice of the old swordsman sounded in his heart: "Qin, why do you learn the sword?"

In the mud, a young boy looked up and his eyes were full of perseverance: "I learned swords to protect those who suffer and are unfair like me!"

"I learned swords in order to have the power to level the world's injustice and protect the people of Lebanon!"

"I learned the sword, the sword is the plow, the plowing out of the river, so that the flood is no longer flooding, so that the gods in the sky do not dare to reduce the disaster. I learn the sword, using the sword as a weapon, smashing the beast, eradicating the demon, for the gods Gang, also a world of peace!"


"can you do it?"

"I can!"

The old swordsman pressed the sword in his hand to his shoulder and smiled. "Qinye, don't forget, this is your initial heart. You can't go against your initial heart in everything you do in the future."

In the blood, the blood is full of blood, and looking at the two **** dragons, the dragon's eyes seem to ridicule his actions in these years, ridiculing that he has forgotten what the original heart is!

The emperor burst into tears, and blood was flowing from his eyes.


The worry-free sword in his hand suddenly exploded and turned into powder.

This mouth is accompanied by his worry-free sword, broken, and broken.

However, there is still a sword in his hand, shining!

His kendo, no worries, only the beginning of the heart.

The initial heart is the sword.

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