Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1560: Unpredictable

Taisu goddess turned sharply and saw the face of sorrow and joy.

Her heart gradually sinks, but she still does not give up, barely smiled: "When did the baby come?"

"I am always here."

Yan Tianzun put her into the ice valley in one sentence: "I have been behind your aunt, the illusion of Gong Tianzun's ignorance has already entered the road. She is using the illusion, and her aunt can't detect it. The way of knowledge is the beginning of the road. My aunt is Taisu, and I know too little about the way of the beginning."

There is a great fear in the heart of Taisu Goddess, has been there all the time?

Doesn't this mean that when Tian Tianzun left the heavens, they kept following them?

Don’t you listen to everything in your ears?

"Mu Tianzun, the illusion of the palace gods is hard to beat you, don't you have any awareness on the road?"

She violently turned around and looked at Qin Mu in the Wantian Tianlun. The voice was not as beautiful as it used to be. She said: "You can see her illusion, but it has been silent! You want to see it. I am dead! Right?"

"Tai Su, you are too self-righteous, self-centered."

Qin Mudao: "Don't forget that you and I are enemies from beginning to end. If you die, I will only be happier."

It’s too angry.

Yan Tianzun smiled and said: "Aunt, shepherd is still kind, he wants to take this opportunity to dispel my aunt's killing. Aunt should not misunderstand what he meant."

Tai Su turned around and smiled at the singer: "The people are really complicated. I thought I could grasp the hearts of the people and play with you all the souls of the gods. But I didn't expect your humanity to be more human than I thought. It’s too complicated. I’ve been the simplest one in your eyes.”

She fell into the eyes of Yan Tianzun, the image of Mrs. Yuanm, beautiful and strange, and strange and clever.

She also wants to manipulate people's hearts, which is almost her instinct.

"Hey, my aunt is wrong."

She said softly: "I know it is wrong, can you forgive me once? You can promise me what I can do, no matter what kind of request you make, I can satisfy you."

Her voice is softer and softer, and it is soft and fascinating: "All requirements. You can make me change to anything, do anything shame, I can lick your toes, or you can go anywhere else..."

"Women like me are very useful, have a lot of uses, how many emperors will be, and dreams are not available. And if I die, it will be useless, and you will never find a woman like me."

Hao Tianzun listened quietly and suddenly smiled: "It's a tempting proposal."

In the heart of Taisu, there is hope again. As long as I live, the future is possible!

"Aunt, you still don't understand so far, why can ten days respect each other and get along with each other for hundreds of thousands of years."

Yan Tianzun said leisurely: "Because we share common interests and for common interests, we can compromise, tolerate and cooperate with each other. There is also a struggle between us. If the battle between us is defeated, we will surrender to the winner."

He smiled and said: "Do you know why?"

He did not wait for Tai Su’s answer, but he said: “Because we know that even if we fail to fight with each other, as long as we are willing to bow down to surrender to each other, the other party will not take our lives, because we have the same interests from beginning to end. The other side, we can also protect our interests."

"And the winner keeps the other person's life, but also knows that because the interests are the same, the other party will not betray, and it is more useful to keep the other party. This is after I won, I did not kill Gong Tianzun, did not kill the ancestral king, did not kill my brother Xuan Xuan The reason for the emperor."

He smiled and said: "This is also the reason why Gong Tianzun did not betray me. You tried to persuade her to make a mistake. Don't say that you can't help her, other gods, you can't help any one."

If the goddess of the gods is too gray.

In the Wandao Tianlun, Qin Mu thinks thoughtfully.

He once thought that in ten days, Zunzhong might be able to persuade one or two people. Maybe one or two people would become their own side. When he heard this, he knew that he was somewhat naive.

Ten days of respect is a community of interests, and they are fighting harder and still a whole.

"Unfortunately, your aunt is not a ten-day respect. You and us have no common interests."

Hao Tianshou sighed and said: "You are so self-righteous, self-important, think that you are congenital five too high, will never learn the lesson, how can I rest assured?"

Desperate in the heart of Taisu, suddenly urging his own companionship to become a treasure, turned into Taiding, and suppressed to Tiantianzun.

And she quickly retreated, away from this place, and sighed: "Hey, you don't have to add the last Heavenly Palace to you, you can never become an enlightened! You kill me, it is to cut off your path of enlightenment!"

Yan Tianzun was forced to suppress by Tai Ding, and this mouth is also ruined, and all of them are the wounds left by Qin Mu to this accompanying treasure.

Taiding, can not bring any threat to Yan Tianzun.

When Tian Zun raised his hand, Tai Ding was suppressed by the pressure of Mo Da, and he fell into his palm involuntarily.

He has a heavy grip, and this big trip makes a creaking sound and twists into a ball.


The emperor burst open and turned into a group of temperament. The temperament of the avenue in the temperament of the temperament is the rumor of the avenue of the temperament. It is the damage of the sacred treasure that repairs this companion!

In the distance, Tai Su fled, but found that she could never escape this city of God.

Yan Tianzun stood in the city and centered on him, as if he had formed an absolute time and space, and continued to collapse to him!

She looked back and saw the magnificent scene of thirty-six heavenly palaces formed by the eyes of Yan Tianzun. Yan Tianzun did not rely on her strength. It was enough to form a complete heaven by his own understanding!

Not only that, but she also saw another heavenly court, which is the 36th Heavenly Palace headed by the way of returning to the market.

The two heavens are one and the other, one is bright and the other is always dark!

What is even more terrifying is that she saw the temperament of the singer in the palm of her hand and the way of being too vegetarian.

Her heart is getting more and more heavy, she still looked down on Longhan Jiutian Zun.

In the Longhan era, the nine celestial celestial beings, Yu Tianzun headed, and the celestial celestial being second, Yu Tianzun opened up the spiritual fetus, and Tian Tianzun opened up the five sacred gods, as the second open realm of the ignorant era, its qualifications It’s all generations!

In the years when she was in contact with Yan Tianzun, Yan Tianzun had already learned the path of Tai Su from her, and even the understanding of Tian Zun was deeper than her!

Yan Tianzun has always been with her and the snake, has been spying on her strength, understanding her avenue, extracting her value!

Today, for her, the last value for her, she is her own, it is her avenue.

Yan Tianzun will complete the group of Taiqi in his hand and swallow it up.

He turned and the palm of his hand caught the Taisu goddess.

The goddess of screaming and screaming and fighting hard, but her **** channel method is useless in the presence of a two heavenly court.

Qin Mu quietly looked at this scene, Tai Su can see less things, but he can see more things.

The heavenly courts of the two heavenly courts, the heavens headed by the beginning of the Taichung, are the center of the power of the temple, and the center of the heavens, which is known as the returning market, is the Zizhu Hall.

"That is to say, he also has the power of the Migong Palace and the four sons."

"He turned to the four sons of the Miluo Palace. It is reasonable to say that he should replace his temple with a purple temple. However, he did not. He only changed half."

Qin Mu’s eyes flashed, and his heart said: “The purpose of his doing this is probably to prepare for the eradication of Xiao Tianzun. To eliminate Xiao Tianzun and get the support of the Mi Gongzi Sanzizi. Xiaotian Zun died, Sangongzi in order to achieve his purpose, He can only support him. As a result, his status will be permanent and no one can overthrow it."

The means and ambition of Hao Tianzun made him shudder.

This **** is more difficult to deal with than he imagined!

The fate of Taisu has been doomed, and no one can change it. Qin Mu can only regret it.

He once tried to save Taisu, and more than once, but Taisu repeatedly refused his kindness, misunderstanding or simply did not understand his intentions, so that he is also a sigh.

The goddess of Taisu fell into the palm of her hand, and as the Taiding screamed, it turned into a group of qi and Tai Su.

In the eyes of Yan Tianzun, the color of joy is revealed. After repeated examinations, the temperament of the hand and the path of Taisu are examined. The throat is rolled up and down. Finally, he erases the consciousness of Taisu, swallows it, and refines it.

Qin Mu sighed and sank into the Wantian Tianlun.

Congenital five too, has gone to the second.

Xiao Tianzun has become a loner, only two Taiji ancient gods are with him, and the Taiji ancient gods are not enough. They are fighting against Tian Tianzun and other Tianzun who support him.

"Xiao Tianzun got the flesh in the beginning, the body is very powerful, but it is already scarred, and it is all traumatic. If it is my words, I will take this flesh to the ancestral home of Yujing, and ask the three sons to heal. Only In this way, you can stand up against you.

Qin Mu’s eyes flashed and his heart said: “When I want to come, Xiao Tianzun has already rushed to Zuting Yujing City. But even so, he does not have much chance of winning. He Tianzun, the general trend has been achieved. Next, he will start to exert his own strength. The brand is the ultimate void, and the birth of the tree! At that time, how terrible is he?"

In the heavenly court, Yan Tianzun said in front of the crowd that he had already realized the power of branding the ultimate void in the battle of Da Luotian. He needs to cultivate for a while, then he goes to the ultimate void.

This sentence is true and false. It is really that he does understand the way in which power is branded in the ultimate void. The fake is that he does not have to cultivate for a while.

His body can't bear the power of the ultimate void, and go to the ultimate void. Even if it can be branded, pinned with strength, and achieved great Luotian, his body will be destroyed.

What he comprehends is to devour the path of Taisu, and to protect his body by the way of Taisu!

This is what he said of cultivation!

And now, he has achieved this goal!

"Congratulations to my brother is about to enlighten." Qin Mu faint in the Wandao Tianlun.

Yan Tianzun squatted and bowed to Qin Mu in the round. He smiled and said: "There are many people who understand me in this world. The pastor is one. Gong Tianzun, take him to fill the sea." Go away and leave.

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