Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1562: Point skylight

"The Empress Dowager seems to be more crazy than when I saw her last time."

Qin Mu was somewhat puzzled. The symptoms of the empress empresses were not alleviated, but they were aggravated. They were worse than last time and they were crazy.

In fact, the present emperor can no longer be called the emperor, nor can it be called Yuanm, but should be called the returning goddess.

Because in the ancestral home of Yujing, the Taiji ancient gods made quick success and fortune, forced the integration of the empress and the Yuanm, and the two people’s consciousness was merged into one. No one eliminated them, but became a whole and became you. There are me and I have your strange state.

The Taiji ancient gods tried to find a way for them to integrate and enlighten their brothers and sisters, and as a result, they created the weird enlightened by the goddess of the market.

The returning goddess has two personalities. One personality thinks that he is an emperor. A personality thinks that he is a Yuanmu. But in fact, they are all part of the goddess of the market, but the returning goddess is tortured crazy, and they are not aware of it. at this point.

The emperor and Yuanmou have been fighting for a lifetime. They are okay when they talked about Shuanglian, but at the same time they were in a body, it would be no small feat.

Oh, the sound of water is deafening.

Qin Mu and Gong Tianzun were hit by the water of the Styx River and came to the market from the big crack.

Above the market, floating stars of death, huge planets floating on top of their heads, fragmented, pulled by the abyss, and occasionally stars fall into the abyss, bursting with dazzling light.

Even the ruined days floated here, were drawn, and were captured and torn by the Great.

The Styx River rushes here, and is also drawn by the Great Plains, injecting this unfathomable crack in the universe.

Qin Mu sneaked out from the Wandao Tianlun, his eyes flashed, and the return to the market became more complete than when he came here last time, and should be restored to the original face of the market.

When he came here last time, Tianhe injected into the East China Sea in the Yuan Dynasty. It was not directly flowing into the Great Plains, but the East China Sea water was injected into the Great Plains.

Now, Tianhe returns to its original orbit, flows through the secluded capital, and turns into a meditation river in the secluded, which restores the true face of the universe.

Suddenly, the Great Wall has swallowed up too many stars and fragments of the heavens, and tides have occurred, spurting outwards.

This is the tide of the returning market. Qin Mu had encountered it when he came here last time.

However, with the injection of the Styx River this time, the tidal surge of the retreat became more dramatic and spectacular, but seeing the light flow, like another Tianhe made up of light and shadow, sprayed into the void, I don’t know where to fly. .

However, the Styx is still infused into the abyss, and has not been ejected with the tide of the retreat.

There are two large flowers intertwined, rising from the great abyss, and the Styx is entangled in this deep and deep lotus.

And the double lotus flower is beautiful, in such a harsh environment, it is still very charming.

"Miyatianzun, don't you feel weird?"

Qin Mu looked at the two big flowers and screamed out, suddenly saying: "The ancient gods have eggs, there are Tao, there are sacrifices, there are heaven and earth. In the ancient gods of Daosheng, there is a sister of Tiangong Tubo Tianyin."

Gong Tianzun didn't know what he wanted to say, listening quietly.

"Tiangong, Tubo and Tianyin are not accompanied by treasures, but the sisters of the emperor have associated treasures."

Qin Mu explored the upper body from the Wandao Tianlun, pointing to the double lotus road: "This double lotus is their companionship! As a congenital five too, from Taiyi to Taiji, there are companions to treasure!"

Gong Tianzun looked awkward and tried to say: "What do you mean?"

"Is the empress empress, will it not be the ancient god, but a **** like Wutai?"

Qin Mu said the doubts in his heart and said: "The geography of the retreat is extremely special. The ancient gods of Daosheng are the ancient gods that appeared when the Tao was born, such as Tiangong Tubo Tianyin. These three ancient gods are related to life, life exists. They were born, but it seems that this is not the case. So why did the return to the market come from? In what age?

Gong Tianzun lifted the Wandao Tianlun, looked at the tides of the market, waited for the tide to fall back, and then threw him into the great abyss. He smiled and said: "Mu Tianzun, you are already dead, why do you still have the mind to study these strange things? s things?"

"When you hear the news, you can die, and Gong Tianzun, you can't compare with the Taidi. It's not like the beginning of the world. It's better than the place where you can't go to the heavens. It's because you don't have much curiosity."

Qin Mu smiled and said: "So you can't compare with me."

Gong Tianzun sneered and said: "How harmonious are you when I first met? I borrowed your ability to escape from the ancestral court, owe you a feeling, and later you. The dragon and the Han split, I robbed the heavenly body and suffered a poisonous hand. You saved my life and later returned you. Pastoral, if you are stubborn, why bother to this point?"

Qin Mu recalled the past, but also stunned, asked: "Game, do you think that if I know your actions, will you save you that year?"

"will not."

Gong Tianzun categorically said: "You will fall into the rock, and I will die."

Qin Mu faintly said: "So I don't have to remind you that the empress is behind you."

Gong Tianzun's cold hair was upside down, and he turned back suddenly, only to see the Empress Dowager is standing behind her!

The reincarnation of the emperor was a scorpio, and the appearance of the two women was different. Hao Tianyi has always been one of the ten-day honors, and few people doubt her identity.

Today, she reverted to the appearance of the empress.

The woman was expressionless, standing there, looking at Gong Tianzun straight, and motionless.

Gong Tianzun sighed and said: "Hey, I am relying on Tian Tianzun, you trust Xiaotian Zun, but there is not much grievance between you and me. On the contrary, we have the same interests. There is no need for you and me. You are dead and alive, and in the future, whether it is Xiaotian Zun’s victory or Haotian Zun’s victory, we are still Tianzun.”

The Empress Dowager looked at her still and looked at her without saying a word.

Gong Tianzun slightly frowned, but also noticed that her state is a bit wrong, continue: "You and I have some grudges in the ancient times, but it is past, the past, let it go."

The Empress Dowager looked at her directly, and suddenly raised her hand. Gong Tianzun was trying to resist, but it was blocked, and the Emperor’s hand had touched her face.

Gong Tianzun’s skin trembled with a small shackle and did not dare to move.

The emperor touched her face for a while, whispering like a whisper: "Sister, are you enough to toss? There is a good body here, and you are transferred to this body, you don't have to fight with me anymore." ”

Gong Tianzun’s scalp numb: “I’m a good body, is it me?”

The emperor’s head suddenly heard another woman’s voice, like Mrs. Yuan’s voice, giggling: “Sister, where do I fight with you? It’s clear that you are fighting with me! If you really want to be separated from me, Killing Gong Tianzun, you are in her body!"

"Stop the mouth!" The Empress Dowager was furious and the black hair fluttered.

Mrs. Yuanm behind her head giggled: "I am a monk, where can you go? You are also a curse! I just sleep with my brother-in-law and sleep with my brother-in-law, but for millions of years. How many facets did you raise? How many white faces?"

She sneered: "Let these little white faces that you raise in a row, I am afraid that they can be discharged from Nantianmen to Beitianmen?"


"You are a curse!"

In the heart of Gong Tianzun, the coldness went straight up and quietly stepped back, but behind it was the Great Wall.

She did not know what happened to the emperor, but I can see that the situation in the emperor is quite bad now, and his situation is even worse!

The emperor quarreled with Yuanm’s voice for a moment, and suddenly calmed down again. The empress’s mother lowered her head and her face was covered, making it impossible for her to see her face.

Just listening to the voice of two different women in her mouth, a low smile: "Our sisters have been fighting for so many years, but also tired of it? Speaking of it, it is a shame to fight for a stinky man for so long."


Another voice said: "The stinky man is alive, but we have torn the face and hurt the sisterhood."

The empress empress raised her head slowly, still the face, but the brows of the eyebrows were divided into red and black, each half.

In the Wandao Tianlun, Qin Mumu came out and saw that this scene could not help but fight a cold war and quietly retreat. However, he has no way to retreat, and the back is the return to the market!

The voice of Madame Yuanm in the mouth of the Empress Dowager is full of temptation: "Our strength is so strong, why should we rely on this to rely on it? Is it not good to be a Heavenly Emperor? Which man to look at, it is."

Empress Dowager said: "What you said makes sense. Even Tubo can't beat us. We really don't have to fight for a stinky man."

She seems to be talking to herself, giving a feeling of incomparable madness: "We should kill ten days first, there is one in front of us..."

Gong Tianzun heard the words, and immediately took the opportunity to kill the emperor, and sighed: "Hey, you are crazy..."


The emperor raised his hand and the whole reign was violently turbulent. The next moment, Gong Tianzun lay on his back on the ground, still did not return to God.

Her bones were almost completely broken, and Tiangong Tianting was also defeated.

However, the weird thing is that Empress Dowager did not continue to start with her.

After a long time, Gong Tianzun suppressed the injury, urging the creation of Xuan Gong to continue the broken bones, struggling to get up, and even spit a few mouthfuls of blood.

At this time, she discovered that the Empress Dowager was on the side of the market and raised a huge furnace. She was sneaking the fire and burning the red furnace.


The emperor turned her face and made a snoring gesture to her. He whispered: "My sister is asleep. This little monk finally fell asleep. I am smelting a stove and taking this little monk. Refining a panacea."

Her eyes sparkled with excitement, oh, a bad guy doing bad things.

Gong Tianzun saw the materials used in the Dan furnace, but it is not the Tiandao Tiannian Wandao Tianlun?

This is a treasure, and the power is extraordinary. There are 72 seats in the front and back of the heavenly palace, and 116 in the front and back of the temple. But at this moment, this piece of treasure is actually dumped by the crazy woman, and it is used as the material of the treasure!

Gong Tianzun jumped in the heart and hurried to find Qin Mu in the Wantian Tianlun, but he saw that Qin Mu was stunned by the mad woman in his hand and looked innocent.

The mad woman is treating him as a torch, igniting it, and smelting this furnace.

What is the tyrannical existence of Gong Tianzun’s heart? If there is a confrontation, Gong Tianzun does not dare to say that he will be able to overcome him!

Now, Qin Mu was actually obediently obedient by the empress of the empress, and turned him into a fire!

In the heart of Gong Tianzun, both fear and laughter, the heart said: "The thief is dead, even if he does not lose him into the market, he is dead. The emperor is crazy, I can not be here."

She was about to leave, and suddenly the empress of the empress was falling to the ground and snoring.

Gong Tianzun stunned, and was about to take the opportunity to leave. Suddenly, the empress of the empress was standing upright. A blink of an eye appeared behind her, and a cold smile appeared on her face: "The little monk wants to count the palace, the palace can I don't know? It is difficult for the palace to smelt her, but the little monk is the father of the father, the master of the way of creation, the way of casting, and the artifacts of creation. The treasures she made can smelt me, then I can certainly die. She herself! So this palace gave her the opportunity to make this furnace. You said that the plan of this palace is not clever, Gong Tianzun?"

Gong Tianzun said with a strong smile: "The emperor has no wisdom..."

The emperor grabbed her and squatted in the palm of her hand and walked to the Hong furnace. He muttered: "The road of Mutianzun is high, but the mana is weak, and it is necessary to ignite another Tianzun to refine this treasure... ..."

After a while, Qin Mu and Gong Tian Zun are two huge humanoid torches, filled with raging fires and placed under the furnace.

The two looked at each other and saw each other's faces quite helpless.

"Do you see my sister's little monk?"

Suddenly, Empress Dowager was replaced by Mrs. Yuanm’s tone. The excited two people under the rushing furnace said: “The little monk must be figuring out how to judge me right?”

Qin Mu has no choice but to say: "Sister Yuan, don't make trouble..."

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