Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1023: Ted Turk's heart

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Although there was still an hour before dawn at this time, such a big movement happened that almost everyone in the whole hotel was awakened.

And among all the people in this hotel, legendary strong Ted Turk can be said to be the fastest one. So when the sheep hunter came back to the terrace on the second floor and was about to take his gun out of the wall, Ted Turk, who was already dressed, appeared in front of him.

"Gree, what happened?"

Gree is the name of the sheep race hunter. He seems to have expected that his master, Ted Turk, will come over in general. After a little salute, he replied:

"Adult, only then I found a suspicious guy."

"Oh? What about the body?"

"I'm sorry, I missed. The first shot was hid by the guy's good luck, and when I ran after it, the person had already run away."

Hearing what his men said, Ted Turke was a little surprised. These four enlisted fighters are all good players, and almost everyone has grown up with him since childhood. It can be said that, whether it is loyalty or ability, Tedtek is quite at ease with these four people.

Moreover, the sheep clan hunter named Gree was the most cautious and silent among the four. If he would miss, then even if he was replaced by the other three enlisted soldiers, he would not be pleased.

"What strength is that man?"

"This ... adults forgive sins, the guy is not strong enough, and he shouldn't even have even energized the flesh and energy. The reason I missed him and let him run away was accidentally confused by the guy."

"Well, when everyone misses, don't worry too much."

Speaking of which, the other three entourage warriors also gathered together. Not only that, but the bold tenants also walked out with weapons on their faces. I was afraid that they would dare to disturb their dreams. The guy is out of eight.

Seeing this situation, Gree, the sheep hunter, is naturally not afraid. After all, the host Ted Turk is there. They just demolished the hotel, and no one would dare to find them in trouble. It's just that compared to this little thing, after thinking about it, Gree still expressed his concerns.

"Adult, when I found the sneaky guy, he seemed to be flipping out of a room on the third floor, except that I was sitting here with his back to him, so the specific one was me. Not sure. "

"Do you mean to say?"

"I'm not sure, but after all, Miss Heath's room is also on the third floor. I think you should check it out, if you are okay, I'm worried ..."

Gree didn't talk about it again at this point. His meaning had been made clear enough, and the rest of it required his master to decide for himself.

But what Gree did not expect was that the master of Tedtke, who had never been surprised before, suddenly changed his face after listening to his words, and then he couldn't control himself and released an amazing coercion!

Although this coercion lasted only for a moment or so, under the pressure of the legendary strong, all the tenants who were clamoring and walking around suddenly became quiet all at once.

Ted Turk did not control his emotions until a few moments later, and after glancing at Gree, he turned and walked into the hotel.

"Hopefully your guess is wrong ..."

Ted Turk rarely gets so nervous, perhaps this emotion can only be compared to when he hit the legendary seventh order.

True love is hard to find. This simple word is the last sentence that Tedtek's mother said to him when he was young. Afterwards, the cat mother, who gave birth to a tiger son, left the world full of sadness for her forever.

The birth of Ted Turk is not a miracle, but it is puzzling that even a cat woman can give birth to their own descendants for men of the lion, tiger or leopard race. This is not an exception. In the Campas Orc Kingdom, it is almost a well-known fact.

However, since ancient times, there have been few examples of tiger, lion and leopard women willing to give birth to cat men. Perhaps this is the most ironic place?

Because of this, although Ted Turk's identity is royal, he did not live well when he was young. Compared to those siblings whose parents are both royal families, Ted Turk's status is quite low.

Fortunately, when he reached the age of ten, the heir to the royal family, who was so neglected and discriminated, even showed his fighting talent early!

Since the twelve-year-old awakened the energy of blood energy, Ted Turk ’s strength has been the strongest among his peers, and compared with his birth, strength is the most powerful in the orc kingdom of Campas Persuasive things.

After this, Ted Turk used his talents and efforts to start to gain a foothold in the Wangcheng step by step, and gradually obtained his right as a prince.

When he advanced to Tier 6 at the age of 30, Ted Turk finally got the attention he had always wanted. So he began to spend the same time as other orthodox royal families, enjoying the benefits of strength, status and rights as wantonly.

However, after such a life lasted for more than ten years, he, who was already a sixth-level senior strongman, finally remembered the words said by his mother before he died on the day when his mental power turned into the power of soul.

At the same time, Ted Turk also understood why he has been feeling more and more empty and lonely recently. Although he has gained strength, status and rights, he has never found his true love!

So from that day on, Ted Turke changed his whole face. In the eyes of others, this talented proud royal family, as if crazy, began to fall in love with the women of the cat family!

For this reason, he almost completely disregarded the opposition of his family and took his own relatives to start traveling in the huge Campas orc kingdom. Many people think that he is crazy, and at the same time that the future of this young strongman will stop here, there is news that Tedtek will advance to the seventh order legend!

At this time when people were shocked, they no longer dared to talk about his topics at random, and some people even started to talk secretly. Was it because he was crazy to advance to the legendary rank?

But these words do n’t matter even if Tedtek knows him. At this time, there is only one thought in his heart, that is: true love is hard to find, you must find your true love!

It's a pity that in the following years, Tedtek walked many places and also saw many cat beauties. But in any case, he couldn't find the kind of feeling that really moved him.

Many Meng tribes approached him only for his rights and money. Other Meng tribes only saw fear in his eyes and never had any love at all.

Until yesterday I met that special, beautiful woman who made him thrilled ...

When Ted Turk walked in the luxury corridor of the hotel, his heart was inexplicably tense. Ted Turk had a feeling in the dark that what he least wanted to see seemed to have happened. .

By the time he came outside the door of Heath's room, Ted Turk knew that there was no one in the room without even opening the door!

"Gree ... talk about what the **** thief in your mouth looks like."

"What's wrong, sir? Has Miss Hess ... been killed?"

Waiting for the last sheep hunter Gree to open his mouth, he asked nervously about the leopard warrior Mitchell beside Tedtek.

"No, Hess shouldn't hurt her, otherwise I can't speak so calmly at all."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"His ... everything about her is a mystery. Do you remember the result I got when I investigated her, Mitchell?"

"Of course I remember! You personally told me to do it. It's just unexpected, obviously there is no blood energy, obviously it looks like a beautiful girl of a disadvantaged race, but she is also an amazing Warrior! After all, even if you are an adult, you ca n’t kill nearly a hundred wolf orc hunters at once without blood energy? "

"Yes, when I heard this news, I was also very surprised. I just thought she was not simple. The calm eyes and calm tone did not look like a weak woman. But ... … I did n’t expect it! She was so decisive! It ’s really my true love ... ”

Although Gree, the sheep hunter, didn't talk much, he was not stupid. He heard an idea suddenly in his heart.

"Adult, do you mean ... doubt that the guy I met before would be disguised by Miss Heath ?!"

"Yeah, otherwise I will ask what you look like. After all, as far as I understand you, if all three of them are resting, then Gree will definitely stay there all night long. And you will be this night No one has ever seen anyone leave, except for the guy who ran away from you, plus the fact that there is no one in this room, then the only possibility is that Hess escaped after disguising. "

If Zhang Yang heard this, he would suddenly admire Tedtek ’s reasoning ability. After all, only a little bit of information can draw a conclusion that is almost completely consistent with the facts. Tedtek is a strong legend It seems that the people are not just foolish men who have no force and no brain!

Unfortunately, Greed's next words made Tedtek frown.

"I'm sorry, lord. The escaped guy is about 190 centimeters tall. It should be close to the wolf orc, but because the guy is wearing a cloak and wearing a face towel, I took a quick glance. I can only see so much. But the man ’s skill and mind are quite good, not only extremely sensitive, but also able to escape from my hands without blood energy, this strength is very comparable to others. "

"Yeah ... the same thing can be done without blood energy ..."

(Hesiwu love, is that you?)

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