Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1028: Noisy Plato

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"Have you finally figured it out? Gujarama the bastard! Oh no! You are not that **** Gurama, who are you? Well, in fact, it doesn't matter, I just ask you a word, want to be a powerful Sa Full priest ?! "

In fact, before Zhang Yang responded, the soul in this pale blue stone shattered his head and said a lot of words to him. Fortunately, Zhang Yang's resilience is not bad, plus enough information has been attached to the other party's words, so after listening to this sentence, Zhang Yang did not answer, but directly asked:

"You are the soul of the ancestors, not the soul of the ancestors?"

"Nonsense! If I were the lunatics who only knew about fighting, now you are afraid that they are already occupied by me! Alas? What is this? Soul power? This ... How can you have soul power? You are not Sa Manchu priest! But ... forget it, forget it, if you have the power of the soul, even those lunatics who only know about fighting, I am afraid you will be the same. "

Perhaps it has been sealed in this light blue square stone for too long, Zhang Yang found that this guy actually likes to ask himself and answer. But this is a small problem. Since this guy is not the kind of ancestor fighting soul who wants to occupy the body of others, Zhang Yang can rest assured.

"So who are you? What's your name? How long have you been sealed in this stone?"

Maybe it was really sealed for too long. For the soul of this ancestor, it was already fortunate that someone could talk to him. As for what the other party asked, he simply did not hesitate to answer.

"Fool! Juniors! Since I am not a fighting maniac, I am naturally the soul of a shaman! As for how long have I been sealed in this broken stone? Who knows whether it is three hundred years or five hundred years? After all, it ’s boring here! Change You have to be fooled lately! But fortunately, I still remember my name, listen to the fool junior, I am the sheep clan sixth order shaman Plato! "

(Plato? I still have Cupid! But the name seems a bit familiar, and it always feels ... yes! This guy is also from the sheep family, maybe it ’s related to the sheep-smelly old lady Pris in the sunset canyon?)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang didn't care about the other side and scolded him as a fool, but asked directly through the power of the soul:

"Well, Senior Plato, do you know the sunset canyon?"


Different from the expected chattering answer, when the soul of the shaman named Plato heard what Zhang Yang said, he was surprisingly silent. It's a pity that this silence only lasted for a few moments. Just when Zhang Yang was about to speak again, this guy actually raised at least two tones and shouted:

"Did you just say Sunset Gorge? That's right! You mean Sunset Gorge! Oh my god! Stupid Junior, are you coming out of Sunset Gorge to find me specifically ?! How many years have passed! No I think they are still thinking about me! I ... "

Zhang Yang has seen many narcissistic guys, but this is the first time that a guy like Plato who has only one soul left is still narcissistic.

Because he didn't want to be disgusted, Zhang Yang interrupted directly before Plato finished speaking:

"You think too much! I've only been to Sunset Canyon, not a resident there. As for why I mentioned this, it's because there is a cunning sheep shaman old lady named Pris in the Sunset Canyon, so I'm listening I wo n’t ask you until after your name. "

"Uh ... that's the case. But unfortunately I don't know the big shaman, but if she is also a sheep orc, maybe it's a descendant of my relatives. But it doesn't matter anyway, until I ca n’t go back, it ’s just annoyance! Then let ’s say, you deliberately pried open the secret treasure room of the fool boy Gulamah to find me, what do you want to do? "


When asked by Plato, this time it was Zhang Yang's turn to answer somehow. He just happened to find this dark cell, and then it happened that you were able to communicate with Plato. How did he answer?

However, in Plato's view, it was embarrassing to speak of performance. So just listen to the other party continue to whisper:

"What a shame! You guys are very weird, obviously not a shaman or a legendary warrior, but they can have the power of the soul. And you don't look like you are a friend of the stupid boy Gulamama So are you his enemy? Or a powerful thief? It does n’t matter! Who asked him to choose the **** when he found us both! It seems that they are all raccoons? So you just sold me It doesn't matter, after all, if someone uses it, it's much more comfortable than holding it alone! "

When Plato said this, Zhang Yang was a bit embarrassed, but he was going to use it as a spare material to repair his soul! This usage is much cruel than selling.

But now Zhang Yang doesn't think so anymore. Isn't he still owing the old lady in the sunset canyon? Would you like to be satisfied if you send this noisy guy back?

Although Zhang Yang's strength declined greatly, he still has his eyesight after all. The strength of Great Shaman Bai Lisi is very strong, but the soul of the ancestor summoned behind him is very weak. If Big Shaman Bai Lisi could have this sixth-order ancestor's soul in hand, even if Zhang Yang absorbed too much natural power, it should not damage the ancestor's soul.

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang no longer hesitated, but directly made his debut:

"Do not hide from you, in fact, I owe the old lady of the Sheep tribe in the setting sun to a favor, because I accidentally injured her ancestor's soul when I asked her for help in the wound, so I promised to find her before I left. The treasure that restores the power of the soul. But you should also understand how rare is the treasure that can restore the power of the soul. Now that I have found you, if I want to send you back to her, it should be enough to make up for the loss I caused to her. Is that right? "

"That is of course! After all, the soul of the ancestors that will be lost during the casting process, there is absolutely no level six! So if you can really send me back to her, she should owe you a big favor! So do n’t hesitate! Send it! Send it! "

Zhang Yang had thought that this guy's reaction would be very strong, but the situation in front of him still made him speechless. But after hearing Plato's words, Zhang Yang thought and answered:

"It's not impossible to send you back, but I still have a treasure borrowed from Sunset Canyon, because I can't send it back in person, you see ..."

"Treasure? What treasure? You can rest assured that what is in the sunset canyon is clear to me! Tell me about what you borrowed! Is it a scorching blow? No, no, no, this thing cannot be borrowed ..."

"It's the orb of fraud."

"Ga ?! What do you borrow badly, what do you do with this thing that doesn't make yourself male, female, or female? Unless ... your identity? I rely on! You turned out to be human ?! I just didn't find it with pleasure! This is weird. No matter how open the sunset canyon is, it will not lend this kind of treasure to humans! Although it is also something that no one has ever used ... "

"Because I entered the Temple of War."

"Then ... what ?! You, you, did you ever enter the Temple of Truth ?! And came out alive ?! How is it possible! There is ..."

"Yeah, a strong guardian of the Holy Order Fire Elemental. It's not good that I'm with the heir of the God of War, so I can come out safely."

"It turns out that the descendants of the Fire Emblem have finally appeared? Really let us wait ... Okay, I understand. As long as you can let me go back to the sunset canyon, then no matter your favor or fraudulent orb, all One stroke cancelled! How?


"Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang no longer had to listen to the madman laughing, so he withdrew his fingers and the power of his soul and turned this light blue stone into the ring of space in his hand.

At this time, Zhang Yang has gotten many surprises. Although the real purpose of coming here has not been achieved, he feels that he no longer needs to be angry with the big shaman.

However, it wouldn't be Zhang Yang's style if he didn't even see the other person's face, so after closing the dark box and leaving the vault, Zhang Yang would like a shadow without weight, and floated lightly on the second floor.

Stepping on a soft fur rug that is almost the same as the same floor, Zhang Yang once again sighed in the heart of Gulama's rich man. In fact, I want to come too, after all, the big shaman Gulamama is a character who can almost occupy a corner in the orc big city such as the city of Orsay.

Even if his strength is nothing in Zhang Yang's eyes, the guy who can do this must have his unknown strengths, or at least some of the strengths or abilities that the Campas Orc Kingdom needs.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhang Yang. It is enough that he has not looted all the property of the Great Shaman Gulamama. After all, for him who has a ring of space and has a powerful soul, it is more than enough to take away everything in this small building.

In fact, there are obviously fewer rooms on the second floor than on the first floor. Apart from the spacious staircase, the entire second floor looks like only six rooms.

At this time, Zhang Yang could already feel the breath of four people in these rooms. Apart from two of the unoccupied rooms, the breath of the three women was particularly clear on this quiet night. As for the last one The slightly heavy breathing sound naturally belongs to the Great Shaman Gulama.

As far as Zhang Yang ’s hearing is concerned, after careful discrimination, it is known that one of the three women is Miss Cats Ambis. As for the other two, he should not have seen him before, so there is no way to distinguish.

However, what really makes Zhang Yang curious is that there are so many beauties in the small building, why is the big shaman Gulama still sleeping alone?

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