Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1032: Reward high delivery tasks

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When Zhang Yang mentioned the name 'Sisi', Dunkel, Munch, Alice, and others around Mill couldn't bear it any more, but stepped forward anxiously and almost shouted together.

Mill thought more about this, and his mood is really mixed. After all, this happened too coincidentally. Everyone was still worried about the safety of Miss Hess, but in a blink of an eye, the other party's news came to the door on their own initiative!

Combined with the business before that I do n’t know if it ’s true or false, and only 1,000 gold coins for remuneration, Mill is really worried at the moment that this guy is actually deliberately teasing them!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's next words directly dispelled Mill's concerns, only to hear him still say in a calm tone:

"You have asked too much. The more you know about something, the more danger you will bring to yourself. But one thing I can tell you is that Hess has left Colossus. As for what you need to consider now, it is to Don't accept the sale she assigned to you. "

"already left?!"


"Don't be noisy! Listen to Lord Mill!"


The heartfelt joy of Dunkel and Alice and others moved Zhang Yang, but he wouldn't expose his identity anyway. joke! If Mill and others knew that the stunning beauty turned out to be a man, they would either be killed or not believed, or they might be crazy?

Furthermore, in order to allow others to recognize the identity of "Miss Hess", Zhang Yang imitated the expression of many girls. Although it's hard to tell him like this, the fewer people know this secret, the better!

(Yes! You can get special instructions when you will deliver the task. After they hand over the light blue cuboid to Big Shaman Bai Lisi at Sunset Canyon, they must not talk much. It is best to turn around and leave quickly! )

Just when Zhang Yang secretly made a decision, Mill, finally relieved, finally waited until the surroundings became quiet again, and then smiled and said again:

"I'm so sorry! We didn't know that you were Miss Hess's friend before, so I was too nervous. I hope you won't be surprised! Re-introduction, I'm Mil, the leader of the Mill Caravan. Can you talk about Miss Hess entrusting to What are we doing? "

Until this time Zhang Yang determined that Mir finally believed in himself and put down his guard. Now that Mill has solemnly introduced his identity, he can't live anymore if he pretends to be mysterious. Of course, Zhang Yang will never tell the whole truth.

"Hello Mill, I am Woking of the Wolf Clan. As for the identity, please forgive me for keeping it secret."

"Oh! Mr. Woking, you laughed. We are just small businessmen. It's an honor to see you, but don't dare to expect more."

"Mr. Mill is really a humble and cautious person, so are you accepting the transaction that Miss Hess has appointed you to do?"

"Transaction? No, no! We are very happy that we can do something for Miss Heath, how can we treat this as a trade! Lord Woking, you just say Miss Heath let us do something!"

"Alright, then the mission is this. Send this pocket to Sunset Canyon, and hand it over to Master Shaman Bairis, the master, and then don't say much and ask to leave there as soon as possible. Is there a problem?"

"Sunset Gorge? That's the other side of the barren Gobi! Does it mean Miss Hess ... oh no! Look at my mouth! I didn't say anything just now! Okay! This task was taken by the Mill Caravan. ! "

Hearing Zhang Yang a little bit here, it's just that because of the cloak on his head, Mill and others couldn't see it.

"In fact, Miss Heath hopes Dunkel and Alice can also join your Mir caravan temporarily. It will be safer to return to the village of Taolezu after they finish this trip from the Sunset Canyon. Of course, Mr. Dunkel It can be rejected at all. "

"Uh, is she thinking about our safety? But speaking of it, our grandchildren have been in Taolezu Village for a long time. It ’s good to go out and walk around. At least it can give Xiao Alice a long insight. Okay. , Then just do what Miss Hess meant, but I do n’t know if Lord Mill agrees? "

Seeing Dunkel looking at himself, Milton nodded again and again:

"It's an honor for Uncle Dunkel to join our small caravan! It's just that this trip through the barren Gobi will be very hard, I am afraid that Alice will suffer."

"It's okay, Alice is not afraid of hard work! Actually, it's so happy to be able to go out to Alice!"

Before waiting for Dunker to talk, Alice had already taken the initiative to say that she was no more than an eleven-year-old child in the end. After all, she was bored in the blacksmith's shop of Taolezu Village. She actually wanted to go out for a long time.

"It's best if this is the case, then these are the rewards given by Miss Heath. After you have collected them, you should do your best and leave as soon as possible."

After saying this, Zhang Yang untied two long-prepared pockets in the waist behind him, each of which contained 500 gold coins. If this were not the case, Zhang Yang would be too dazzling if he directly took out the gold coins from the space ring. Zhang Yang still had to be cautious just in case.

"We can't accept this!"

Looking at the two big bags of gold coins in front of him, it would be fake if Mill and others said that they were not at all touched. After all, going out to run a business is a dangerous livelihood. Who would be unhappy if they could make more money? It's just that even the stingy and greedy Mill has his own persistence, that is, there is some money that he won't make.

However, Zhang Yang also has his own way. Isn't it easy to send money out?

"It's really difficult to do, if you don't want this reward, I can only stay on my own. After all, Miss Hess has left ..."

"Ah! Wait a minute! Well, since this money means Miss Hess, although we are embarrassed, we can't disobey her order, so I thought about it and accept it, it is good……"

Mill said with a smile on his face, but the short hands had already grasped the two purses tightly and did not mean to let go. joke! It's better to accept Mill's words than to buy this mysterious guy who suddenly appeared! In his view, after all, this was the money Miss Hess gave them. If it was cheaper for others, he had to go back and slap himself!

"Oh, then even if my task is completed, the next thing will depend on whether you can deliver things smoothly."

"Please rest assured, after all, it is an honour for Miss Hess to use us. I can do something for her. How can you not try your best. And I have always wanted to open up a business path over the sunset canyon, only But because of the distance, I have n’t made up my mind. Now I have the opportunity to pass, and it ’s a good way. "

"That's fine, then you will meet again."

After saying this, Zhang Yang turned directly to the door, he did n’t dare to say too much, after all, he was too blundered, although Mank and others were not as good as they were, but they had eyesight for running business for many years. Seeing what the problem was, Zhang Yang had to bother to compile more falsehoods.

In fact, Zhang Yang knew very well in his own heart, but his words and deeds are quite characteristic. No matter what he pretends to be, the expression and manner of speaking are difficult to change. In a short period of time, these may not see any way, but if you stay longer, it may make Mir and other people suspicious.

Therefore, Zhang Yanglai was quiet, and he walked extremely sternly. This way, Mir and Dunkel thought that this wolf orc Wolkin was just a guy who collected money and did not think about it any more. .

Not to mention how excited Mill and others were when they heard that Miss Hess escaped safely, and suddenly received a thousand gold coins. When Zhang Yang left the gate of the Giant Elephant House, he suddenly felt that he was being stared at!

In fact, Zhang Yang didn't see anyone around him at this moment, but his feeling told Zhang Yang that there was a pair of eyes watching him now!

Zhang Yang believed his feelings, so when he closed the door of the Colossus Hotel, he suddenly sprinted into the shadow of the laneway a few meters away in front of him!

Perhaps Zhang Yang's move was somewhat unexpected from the mysterious surveillance, so Zhang Yang escaped from his sight for a while. It's a pity that for the real strongman, the range of sight is not everything. Only when he really escapes from the opponent's perception range, Zhang Yang can be considered as a successful escape!

But how easy is it to do this? after all……

Zhang Yang had already raised his speed to the extreme of normal state at this moment, so under the cover of the surrounding night and shadows, Zhang Yang was walking at full speed in the shadows of the narrow alleyway. Passing, but almost can only feel a gust of wind and can not see the slightest figure.

Even some individual orc warriors with some strength, at most, can see some very vague shadows, and these people know how powerful and terrifying guys with such strength are, so even if they see something, Will pretend to see nothing and leave quickly.

However, after running for five minutes and leaking like this, Zhang Yang, who had moved from the west of Colossus City to the north of the city, did not relax his vigilance!

At this moment in his perception, although the feeling of being stared at is intermittent, but after a few moments at most, it will become clear again!

From this, Zhang Yang has come to the conclusion that this guy who is behind him is not very good at stealth and tracking, but this person's strength is extremely terrible! Otherwise, in terms of Zhang Yang's ability, he should have been left behind.

It's just that there is a question in Zhang Yang's heart. If this person really wants to hurt himself, then he should have found an opportunity to attack himself. After all, although Zhang Yang's speed is very fast at the moment, it is equivalent to the limit speed of a fifth-order intermediate fighter.

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