Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 103: Xuena's Redemption

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As the brush kept waving, the beautiful scenery of the sea of ​​flowers in front of him gradually appeared on the drawing board in front of him. Medici took a deep breath of fresh air filled with grass and flowers, and then tilted her head to look at the white big fat cat Garfield who had slept in the flowers, and smiled after a slight smile. I thought: What a nice weather ~! It seems that I can draw very good works today. The cost of living has become less and less enough recently. Is this guy too good to eat right now?

Medici, who was sighing in frustration, suddenly saw several people emerge from the distant jungle and ran to him along the path. When they were a little closer, Medici discovered that this turned out to be a very weird combination, and the clothes did not look like an adventurer. Among the three people who ran over, there was a blonde girl, a big fat man, and the last one turned out to be an elf with blue hair and pointed ears! While Medici was surprised, the elf running in front of him saw that Medici found them, and even shouted:

"Run! There are powerful dead souls chasing over!"

The content of the elf's shouts frightened Medici. What a grievous spirit? So how many people are in danger right now? Am I running quickly? Or hurry to run? Just when he hesitated slightly, Charlotte had already ran to the front of Medici. At the same time, the strange and terrifying figure of the female complainant Xuena was chased out in the distant woods!

"Oh! God! What a pity such a beauty!"

At this time, everyone had to admire the eyesight and courage of the young man in front of him! You can see it so clearly at this distance, and there are emotions to sigh her beauty? Is this person really not afraid? Or is it a natural nerve strip? The three Charlotte who were entangled suddenly saw the young literary and artistic youth who was still in the wind and light in the first second, and suddenly bowed their heads quickly to pick up the drawing board!

Charlotte looked anxious and quickly shouted:

"Hey! Don't kill yourself! What artboards are you packing now! Hurry up and escape!"

But after hearing Charlotte's shouting, the young man didn't look up but just picked up his paintings at a faster speed, and he hurriedly said:

"Oops! That's not good! These are the guys I eat! If you don't have these painting tools, even if you don't get killed by Wraith, I will starve to death!"

"You! You are a talent!" 0

At this time, even Lanster, who has always been unreliable, felt that the guy in front of him was really a wonderful flower!

However, in 2 minutes, Medici packed up his things, but when he looked up, he suddenly found that the three people in front of him didn't run away, but stood in front of them and prepared to fight. .

"What are you guys? Why?"

Medici looked at the backs of the three people in surprise. He didn't understand why these made you want to protect a stranger like him, so Medici asked with a hoarse voice.

As if knowing that Medici was watching them, Charlotte suddenly turned around and smiled seriously at Medici:

"No, I just don't want to let innocent people get involved anymore. Go ahead! We should be able to fight for a while!"

Medici was stunned. From the time when he was alone, he felt that the world was so cold and lonely. So he likes to express his heart that strives for warmth with a brush. Therefore, his paintings always like to use warm colors to depict large seas of flowers. That is the beautiful world he has always expected. It's just that Medici himself understands that wishes are always good, while reality is still cruel ...

But everything in front of him seemed to be a thunderbolt, which shattered the world he had known in the past! At this moment, Medici looked at Charlotte's firm and sincere face in the sunlight, and his heart was suddenly filled with a somewhat familiar and seemingly strange emotion!

"We must be fine, definitely!"

Medici seemed to have made a major decision. He put down his drawing board and tools and leaned over to embrace the fat white cat lying quietly beside him. Under Charlotte's surprised gaze, Medici looked solemn and The white fat cat said:

"Master Garfield, please lend me strength again! I have found the important thing I have been pursuing! Please!"

At this time, the female grieving Xuena had approached. She laughed strangely and horror. The crazy and bitter eyes made people look hairy!

Charlotte couldn't believe her eyes. Just when she thought that the young man had a mental illness and would talk to a cat, the big white cat who had been squinting her eyes actually spoke!

"It's meow, you found something you want to protect ~? Well, I think of a way to meow ..."

This sudden low voice made some of Jason and Lanster couldn't help but come back to see it. At this time, they found that when the big white cat's eyes swept over them, a huge pressure also swept away. Ever!

Jason was shocked! He is very familiar with this kind of pressure. His former teacher used to have the same pressure, but Jason's teacher is a legendary seventh-order strong! Could this white cat be a legendary strongman?

At this time, there is no time to think too much. The nearest soul is less than 3 meters away from Jason! Seeing her claws with the blue-green mist falling on Jason, a sudden breeze from nowhere came directly across the crowd, and the female grievance was restrained in place in an instant ! The female grudge Xuena suddenly found that she was about to succeed, and she was trapped by a rope formed by a wind element!

The mysterious fat white cat Garfield shot!

"Master Garfield! How are you ?! It doesn't matter!"

Medici cautiously held the big white cat at this time, and saw that his coughing expression was very painful. After a minute or so, it said to Charlotte directly after he let down:

"The Wraith is fixed by the wind binding technique, are you the light mage meow? To destroy her, hurry meow!"

"Oh, oh! Yes! I know ~"

Charlotte accepted the fact that a fat white cat could use magic after a while. But this was not a time of surprise and daze, so she quickly ran under the wraith and began condensing the first-order light magic "holy light bomb" while reading the spell.

In fact, many spells do not have to be pronounced, but many people still like to pronounce it, because it is also a little benefit to pronounce it, that is, it can slightly enhance the speed of magic condensation and reduce the consumption of a little magic power.

"Did your teacher ever tell you meow? How to deal with the controlled undead creature meow?"

Seeing Charlotte playing the Holy Light Bomb, the fat white cat looked at Charlotte with an idiot. Charlotte looked very uncomfortable, she stopped the magic gathering and turned to look at the fat white cat, although at this time she was disgusted by a cat, but Charlotte really did not listen before Said how to deal with the undead in the bondage. Isn't it directly destroyed with light magic? At this moment, curiosity defeated anger, so she heard the fat white cat say and asked:

"Are you called Garfield? Can you tell me how to do it? I really don't know."

"Did the light magic start to fall? In fact, it's very simple. Using the first level purification technology of your light department, it is a very important light magic."

Hearing the fat white cat say this, and the wraith was also tightly bound at this time, and could not move at all, Charlotte decided to try this method!

Purification is the first level of light magic, and Charlotte thinks he is very proficient at it. So she walked up to Wraith and looked at her strange and terrifying look. With her toes tipped in her heart, she extended her right hand on the intact left face of the female Wraith and then released the purification technique directly!

A magical scene happened! I saw the bright and pure light suddenly released from Charlotte's right hand! This light is still clearly visible under the sunlight. Charlotte clearly saw that the light of the purification technique seemed to be spiritual, bypassing the chain formed by the wind bondage, and immersed in the head of the female wraith! At this moment, Charlotte only felt the flash of light in front of her eyes, and then she saw a magical scene ...

Under everyone's intense gaze, Charlotte, who was purifying, closed her eyes suddenly, and then she suddenly shed tears in her eyes! She saw the beauty and happiness of Xue Na's life, saw the deception and torture she suffered before death, and saw the despair and despair of seeing her family killed one by one while she could only cry and be taken turns. Resentment, even saw the miserable appearance of her death ...

In all the moments that Xuena had experienced, Charlotte saw it in a moment like eternity, and a deep compassion and sympathy poured out from Charlotte's heart. From the memory of the female complaining spirit Xuena, Charlotte felt her deep resentment, anger, sorrow and boundless loneliness ...

Wraiths are high-level souls. They are inherently very sensitive. At this time, the emotion in Charlotte's heart, with the effect of the purification technique, seemed to quickly dispel the negative emotions in Xuena's heart. Satisfied, remembering everything I have done over the years ...

Under the watchful eyes of everyone around, the gruesome expression of the female complaining spirit gradually eased down. When Charlotte's light on his right hand completely penetrated Wraith's body, Wraith and Charlotte, who released a bright Holy Light, opened their eyes at the same time!

At this time, Xue Na, who released her ray of light, had recovered her complete body and appearance when she was a human being, and the naked parts of her body had been restored to their original appearance. At this time, Xuena looks more like a bright elf than a terrifying wraith! She no longer saw resentment and sorrow on her face, but a relaxed and relaxed expression. Looking at Charlotte, who was still in tears, Xuena smiled softly! The smile was so beautiful, and Medici even felt that all the flowers around it were eclipsed at this moment! All smiles! It's a beauty that transcends the world!

"Kind girl, thank you for letting me be free. I'm leaving, I'm so happy to meet you, please let go ... I should leave ..."

Xue Na's voice resembled empty valley and clear spring, which made people unforgettable after hearing it. Lanster even thought that if he met the woman who was so bright and gentle like Qingquan at this time, would she still have a nasty idea in her heart? He really didn't know ...

"Sister Xuena ... I don't want to let you go ... wooh ..."

"Silly girl, I should n’t have existed in this world anymore. For so many years, I have killed so many people. I have to go to atonement for them. So, goodbye, thank you for releasing me, and thank you for bringing me My warmth ... "

With that, Xuena gently raised her hand and touched Charlotte's head. Charlotte suddenly felt that there was something more after being touched by the place where she was touched. She reached out and touched it subconsciously, but suddenly She reflected it! Her hand still left Xuena's body!

At this time, Xuena lost Charlotte's magical support, and it slowly disappeared into the world between countless light spots as if it was blown away by the wind! The swirling light dots are like the most beautiful starry sky!

At this time Charlotte finally couldn't help but squatted on the ground and cried! The touching smile before Xuena disappeared was deeply imprinted in her mind for a long time ...

"I'm so lucky! Meow! I haven't seen the glory of soul detachment in a few hundred years ... It's so beautiful ..."

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