Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1050: Assam's new life

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From the excitement and excitement when he first came to Orlando, Assam has fallen in love with this beautiful world.

Unlike his hometown of demons, which he grew up with, Orlando is really peaceful and peaceful. There are rich colors that the Devil Realm does not possess. The blue sky, white clouds, green grass, bright and fragrant flowers, and even most of the fruits are non-toxic.

These are all things I dare not imagine in the Devil Realm. The environment of the Devil Realm is too bad. Whether it is plants or animals, I have to fight and plunder every day for survival.

However, everything that is weak and harmless will almost become food in other demons. Unless anyone can stand at the top of the demon food chain like a high-level demon, it will be the most life of the devil. True portrayal.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this extremely harsh environment that it has created the powerful vitality of the devil creatures and generally higher than the strength of the Orlando world.

Assam has always been an alien among demons. He has always hated the brutal rule of survival in the Devil Realm, even if his family would feel that he was not aggressive and seemed lazy all day, but Assam knew that some He, someone and he have the same idea.

(Vivienne ... My dear cousin ... do you know? I have found the place that we thought only existed in dreams. The sky here is no longer suppressed dark red but transparent and shallow Blue, the flowers have no sharp teeth and will not release poisonous gas ... so you must not worry, sleep quietly for a while, when I have enough strength, I will wake you up, and then take you to the Orlando world, and then Not separated ...)

Leaning on the branch of a big tree, Assam's heart was full of thoughts at the moment, but only a soft sigh remained.

That is said to be able to reach eternal long sleep! Although strictly speaking, Vivienne is not dead, but what is the difference between her and her death when she can no longer wake up?

But Assam believes that anything is not absolute, as long as it does not die completely, then we can find a way to wake up my beloved sister! for sure!

Just thinking of this, three figures emerged from the hidden caves not far behind the trees, but compared with ordinary people, their faces were too pale, like that ... like a dead person!

"Sir Assam, you are really lazy!"

At the moment, it is the leader of the Leiyin organization Masac, who is the soul guard who is occupied by the soul of the Terna strong and then activated by Zhang Yang with the power of thunder and lightning. Masac is now three souls The most powerful of the guards, plus when Masac was a Ternae before his death, was a powerful general who was good at commanding operations, so when Lei Yin was established, he became a Lei Yinfen. The head of the regiment, and Assam, who was also trusted by Zhang Yang, became Lei Yin's deputy head.

Because the nature of life is different, and the race is different, this makes Masac and Assam work together, but they are responsible for one beach.

Recognized as the leader of the soul guard, although Masac is called the head, it is only responsible for leading the soul guard transformed by the Terna people. Asham, a blood or dark creature vampire, will need to lead other members of Lei Yin in the future.

It is a pity that there are only four people in the current Leiyin branch, and because they and the three soul guards transformed by the Terna including Masac, in fact, Assam is now the commander of the bare rod ... …

"Slightly please, Master Masac, you see that the weather is so good at the moment. Isn't it a waste to be bored with stones in the cave? It's time to take a break when you rest. Is this a combination of work and rest?

Because Lei Yin currently has too few manpower and has to keep Lei Yin's secret relationship, the arduous task of building a station naturally falls on Masac and Assam.

However, the three soul guards who were born in the Terna, whether it is the powerful Masac, or the first soul guard **, or the one who even surpassed Masac in concealed assassination. The Philippine praises are all complete combatants.

Letting them fight is good, but if they are engaged in construction, the three men with a sledgehammer ding ding ding duo chisel for a while, which is not as good as Assam ’s two first-order dark magic [Corruption].

So since the four Lei Yin followed Zhang Yang's order to return to Balxus, they had almost been nestled in this cave and engaged in renovation and construction work, and this has been done for several months!

Up to now, the initial transformation of the cave has been almost completed, but the main part of the second phase of expansion and expansion has not yet begun, and this is why Masac feels that Assam is lazy.

However, this time Assam is actually not wrong. Even if he is only responsible for releasing magic to expand the cave, the other labors of transporting earth and stones are done by Masaki and others, but the problem is that in addition to the magic, the meditation is restored every day. Magic, this boring cycle has improved Assam's strength, but the fatigue that gradually stacks up in spirit is also terrible.

However, after working together for so long, Masaki and others did not feel bored at all. At first Assam was amazed, but when I thought of these characters who had been in a state of "sleeping" for at least a few thousand years, it was magical not to go crazy, but it is naturally not an accident to do everything now.

"Combination of work and rest? I am afraid that there is not so much free time for rest. After all, if this can be built as soon as possible, those bodies that are frozen and sealed in color can be transformed into new soul guards when the master returns. At that time, Lei Yin, who had added manpower, could better serve his master! "

(Sounds like that, but I do n’t know what you, the Terna people are thinking? The expansion of Lei Yin members is naturally a good thing, but if all of them are soul guards transformed by the Terna people. , Then I ’m afraid it ’s not Lord Wright who gets the most benefits, but you Terna?)

Although he was dissatisfied, Assam did not speak out. Compared with this, the latest news from the headquarters of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps actually made Assam a little emotional.

(Almost able to walk around the **** empire of mankind's largest country! And the ultimate goal is the legendary **** front, which is what makes countless demon powerhouses salivate! But ...)

Assuming the identity of his blood lineage, Assam suddenly scuttled, although he is very similar to humans in appearance, and almost no difference can be seen for ordinary people. However, in the eyes of the fifth-order strong, Assam's true identity is absolutely nothing to escape.

What kind of place is the frontline of the **** battle? Assam has long heard of it, where not only is the most powerful and warlike legion of the French Empire stationed, but also a large number of powerful people from all human countries.

Assam usually swayed around Balxus. It was okay to say that once he ran there, he would n’t say anything about it. If he did n’t, it would cause trouble for Lord Wright and the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps!

But Assam really wanted to see more of the scenery of Orlando mainland ...

As a result, Assam, who was seemingly lazy just now, was actually doing a ideological struggle in his heart. Fortunately, he finally overcame his subjective will, so he saw him jump from a few meters tall branch, and then he shuffled his face. Unhappy to follow Masac and others to continue into the hole as a "brother" ...


Looking at the thunderbolt mercenary soldiers who are busy and not messing up with their companions on missions, Raylo and Marshall once again heartily sigh for the super cohesiveness possessed by this mercenary.

They were originally from the empire army, and they had also formed a mercenary regiment. However, compared to the atmosphere in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, the previous experiences were either too rigid or too loose. The most important thing is that, until joining the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps and living and fighting here for a while, talents such as Lei Luo and Masifu really found what they had been pursuing in the past: a sense of belonging.

That's a homely feeling. There are not too many restrictions in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, but the soldiers almost always pay attention to their words and deeds, obviously the mercenaries are just a group of guys for money, but many people here are not holding It's a lot of remuneration, but it does a lot of work.

The most magical thing is that the wild mercenaries who are inconsistent with their swords in the impression are rarely in the thunder and lightning mercenaries. And even if people have differences and eventually go to the duel, it will not hurt the other party's life.

At first, according to Rello, this may be due to the relatively high Billy relationship among the female members of the Thunderbolt mercenary regiment. However, now that he has become the old man in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps and is also the deputy head of the Thunderstorm Branch, he finally understands the reason for all this.

Children, orphans who were adopted by the Thunder and Light Mercenary Corps! It is they who let the wild mercenaries unconsciously gather their own ferocity, and at the same time let them see the hope of the future!

In private, the four old friends of Relello, Mahif, Mauser and Memphis sighed many times when they were drinking at the party. They could join the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps and protect the hopes of this mercenary ’s growth and growth. This is their lucky!

(Maybe I should be a family. Even if I die in battle here, I do n’t have to worry about my family ’s livelihood, but the problem is that my brother ’s strength is not bad, and his character is not necessary. How can there be so many girls in the group? What about you?)

If you put it elsewhere, the strength alone may be enough to attract the attention of the girls. However, in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, this is not the only standard.

In fact, because of the existence of a handsome boy, the girls of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps have unconsciously increased their vision. If the guy who has strength and no looks, if he does not take the initiative, I am afraid that no girl will take the initiative to hug of.

and so……

Rello and others are probably "cups" ...

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