Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 106: Bloody Golem

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The deep-water fighting qi that Zhang Yang cultivated does not have the various strengthening effects and outgoing ability of ordinary fighting qi. However, after losing the East corner of Sang Yu, Zhang Yang's body gradually strengthened by fighting qi has already shown huge combat power! His ** strength and speed are already terrible at this time, and the kind of ability that Zhang Yang is good at to control the strength and subtlety is even more so that he can exert the combat power of this body superbly!

At this moment, Zhang Yang had rushed behind the flesh and blood monster. Although the monster's huge body gave it great power, it could not be used freely, but it was its sorrow. Zhang Yang took a deep breath, and then the rune tomahawk in his hand slashed toward the back of the monster!

puff! Aoao ~!

Zhang Yang's power is so great, this axe even opened a huge wound directly behind the monster! But the Rune Battle Axe is too short after all. Although the wound is long, it does not hurt the monster's bones. For a while, the flesh-and-blood monster opened his big mouth on his stomach and howled!

The monster's howl was very sudden! I saw a huge sound that was visible to the naked eye suddenly shouted from that big mouth. For a moment, Ingill and Sean in the distance suddenly felt dizzy without any preparation, and then sat on the ground!

Zhang Yang, who is the closest to the monster, is more directly affected. He suddenly felt buzzing in his ears, feeling a sudden dizziness in his brain, and his body could not help but retreat back two steps involuntarily.

At this time, the monster had turned around, and the huge one-eyed head was covered with bloodshot eyes! It seemed to know that the weapon in his hand did not pose a great threat to this human being, so it jumped forward violently, and then opened the big toothy mouth on his stomach to bite at Zhang Yang's head and face!

Zhang Yang's physical fitness is extremely strong. At this time, he can be comparable to the Slav mad fighters who are famous for their power. The sound wave just now was too sudden, and Zhang Yang was affected by the unexpected. Recovered, but at this time the big mouth of the flesh monster also bit in front of him!

Zhang Yang looked at the big mouth with teeth in front of him. Under normal circumstances, he was difficult to dodge in the past, so he was going to use a lightning enhancement that he had not used for a long time to avoid this big mouth. But at this moment, a long sword with a silvery grudge was suddenly "brushed" from the neck of the flesh monster! In an instant, the head with huge one-eyed eyes was blasted into the sky by the blood spray!

At this time, Ingrid arrived in time!

"Good job!"

In the distance, Sean saw Ingrid slashing the monster's head with a sword and couldn't help shouting with joy.

"Be careful!"

At this time, both Ingill and Sean had relaxed their vigilance. Only Zhang Yang was watching the body of the flesh-and-blood monster still standing.

suddenly! Zhang Yang found that the monster suddenly moved again! I saw it lifted the bone hammer violently and smashed it fiercely towards the Ingrid waving at Sean! At the same time, Zhang Yang worried about the safety of Ingir, so he used lightning to strengthen it!

This moment seemed to stop around Zhang Yang. He controlled the power of the soul to draw a trace of thunder and lightning from the thunderbolt "nebula" into the body, but the next moment he suddenly felt the trace of thunder and lightning that he could only adapt For your own body now does not cause too much load! This is because his physical fitness has become stronger, he couldn't help thinking. Zhang Yang can clearly feel at the moment that the effect of this lightning is also not as great as it used to be. At this time, the power of this lightning can only strengthen and improve his physical quality by about 5%. How about double it? All of this induction was completed in an instant under the control of Zhang Yang ’s soul power. Zhang Yang found that if the amount of lightning power used by the lightning before was set as the standard unit 1, then the current self can withstand 9 units. The power of thunder and lightning!

9 unit strength! Lightning enhancement! In an instant, Zhang Yang's eyes lit up with obvious blue and white electro-optics! His body brought up a lingering remnant, and suddenly appeared behind the unconscious Engel, using all his strength to hit the bone hammer that the monster smashed!

Be on fire! ! !

After a loud noise, the bone hammer in the hand of the flesh-and-blood monster could no longer hold the swish and was blown away by Zhang Yang with a wave!

At this time, Zhang Yang ’s strength has been extremely strong after being strengthened by 9 units of lightning power totaling 45%. You know, this is the strengthening of comprehensive attributes! If Zhang Yang was indistinguishable from the flesh and blood monster before, then after strengthening the power, he is now nearly 50% higher than the monster in power!

Zhang Yang felt the difficulty of this flesh and blood monster at this moment. Not to mention, this powerful vitality that can survive and fight without the head is not comparable to the average guy!

Maybe it's because it didn't find its weakness? do not care! I do n’t believe it can be resurrected after being broken into minced meat?

Thinking of this piece of Yang, he began to hack around the flesh and blood monster quickly!

In Sean ’s eyes, Wright suddenly took a residual image and rushed to Ingil behind him to hit the bone hammer of the headless monster, and then Wright began to quickly rotate around the tall flesh and blood monster quickly, flesh and blood suddenly fly!

Ingill knew at this point that he had just carelessly, but now a lot of flesh and blood spattered by Wright's crazy hacking of this monster were spilled on her. However, although Ingir had no cleanliness, she was still a girl. Don't like the feeling of being covered in monster flesh! So she quickly rushed out of the blood splash and shouted at Zhang Yang.

"Ah! Wright! You messed up with me !!"

At this time, Zhang Yang had been turned into a celebrity by flesh and blood. After only a few moments, the monster's roar and sorrow gradually weakened, but then it was still able to swing with one arm and struggle. At that time, his arm had been cut off by Zhang Yang! In less than 1 minute, the tall flesh and blood monster was chopped into pieces by Zhang Yang! At this time, he had no reason to feel a trace of excitement!

Standing amidst more than ten square meters of flesh and bone fragments, Zhang Yang's **** eyes flashed a trace of electric awn! A scary thirst for bloodthirsty appeared on his face!

"... Captain Wright?"

"Wright ~ What's wrong with you?"

At this time, Zhang Yang was too scary, and his whole body exuded blood and exuded strong and crazy oppression! Such Zhang Yang makes Ingir and Sean feel strange and strange!

After hearing the call of Ingill and Sean, Zhang Yang also felt that his condition seemed a bit inappropriate. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath a few times. When Zhang Yang opened his eyes again, the slightest electric flash and surrounding With his oppressive forces all gone ...

"Huh ~! I'm okay, but this monster is really tough."

Seeing Zhang Yang return to normal, Ingrid and Sean felt relieved. But when they heard Zhang Yang say the monster, they all thought to say the same thing: It looks like you are more terrible than the monster? ! Are you human? Of course, the two of them now dare not speak out.

"Shaun, you go to put away the monster's head, maybe when you are in the city of Dharaos, you can find someone to identify what this monster is."

"Okay! Boss!"


"What ?! Do you want this girl to find something in that pile of disgusting minced meat ?! Don't even think about it !!!"

"No, I just want to say, don't rush to brave next time, I can handle it myself."

"Huh ~! How could this girl let you face the monster alone! I said it would cover you when I'm done!"

Engel turned around when he spoke, as if he dare not look at Zhang Yang.

"Well ... so go, go to the city of Dharaos to see what happened there."

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