Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1070: Red Rock City

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Redstone City is located on the plains north of the central part of the Orc Kingdom of Campas. It is not as close to a river as the Orage Arrow Lake City. It is not as rich as Orsayi Colosseum. The surrounding area is relatively rich. Traffic routes.

In fact, this city, which stands on the vast wasteland of the Campas Orc Kingdom, was originally built as a transit point until the war broke out between the human kingdom and the Campas Orc Kingdom hundreds of years ago, and finally evolved into a world. After a long **** battle, as the closest to the frontline of the **** battle, only about a hundred miles from the Red Rock City, it was gradually paid attention to.

However, compared to the city of Orsayi Colossus City, which was sealed to the powerful elephant clan as a settlement, there is no hereditary lord here. Even if some orcs and nobles lived here for a short time because of the king's order, they would eventually pat their **** and leave after getting enough water.

Therefore, the city will change its master every few years, and even in the history of the legend, there have been consecutive changes of three lords in a year.

It is precisely because the nobility is not so much seen here, that in the Red Rock City, the City Guards rarely take care of things. Unless the front of the **** battle is broken by human warriors, and a large number of human troops and mercenaries rush into the camp of the orcs of Campas to loot and loot, these normally guarded city guards will show their bravery.

As for security and order in the city on weekdays? Those who have long since fallen into the hands of the major adventure groups that have lived here for a long time and the real power aristocrats who came to adventure and fishing for gold.

For them, no law is required here, but they must abide by three basic principles.

The first to bear the brunt is that no killings are allowed in the city. Of course, this one is not absolute for the powerful. As long as you are confident that you can leave in the siege of countless powerfuls, who can you kill?

As for the fight in Red Rock? No one cares! Not only that, as soon as there is an armed fight, almost all of them will come around at once to watch the lively guys. When the time comes, they are cheering and cheating.

The second is the wartime conscription order. Once the human army is killed, as long as the people stay in the Red Rock City, they must unconditionally obey the command of the City Guard, but everyone who fears the war and the rebels will be put to death!

And the last principle is that Zhang Yang could not help but nod secretly after listening. If Redstone City is just a chaotic place, how could this city develop gradually? And what really makes it flourish is this third principle: fair trading.

Although ‘fair trade’ is just four simple words, most people think it ’s just a loud slogan when they first hear it. After all, where is it so easy to be fair?

Can be done here in Red Rock City! As long as it is within the scope of Redstone City, businessmen and customers will be protected by the City Guard. Once any guy dares to bully the bully, or buys and sells with strength, then they have to face the City Guard and work hard with it. ready!

Counting this is the only thing the Red Rock City Guards will manage in addition to responding to the raid of the human army.

Hearing this, Zhang Yang's heart suddenly gave birth to a kind of enlightenment that could allow countless or brutal or ruthless bounty hunters and adventurers to obediently obey. The Red Guard City's City Guard soldiers must be extremely strong, otherwise they will Respected, how can they be convincing in the Campas Orc Kingdom where strength speaks everywhere?

Of course, with Zhang Yang's original understanding of the Campas Orc Kingdom, naturally he cannot know so many things. Now these are all told to him by himself before entering the city.

Wangshan ran a dead horse, from the naked eye to see the Red Rock City, until reaching the gate of the Red Rock City, this distance actually took Zhang Yang and others to fully leak.

What seemed to be just a dark red raised redstone city on the wasteland in the distance, is now completely displayed in front of Zhang Yang.

The main body of Redstone City is a huge rock that protrudes from the surface, and although the outposts and turrets were built on the periphery of it, learning the shape of a human city, the size of the city has always been limited by the giant stone, which is the foundation .

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Fortunately, this huge stone is already beyond imagination. From the perspective of Zhang Yang, its diameter is no less than 3,000 meters, and although its periphery is not a regular circle, it seems to be inconsistent. Not far away.

And on the stone wall of the Red Rock City, which is naturally more than 20 meters high, the orcs have built a height of nearly ten meters, so that now Zhang Yang looks from the bottom of the city wall. This magical red stone city is just The height of the city wall has reached an astonishing nearly 40 meters!

This is already the tallest wall that Zhang Yang has seen since he arrived in the orc kingdom of Campas, and I do n’t know if it is for beauty or anything else. The whole wall is painted in the color of earth red boulder, which makes the whole city From afar, besides the eye-catching, there was a bit more **** anger.

"Huh ~! Although I have only left for more than ten days, I always feel that this journey is quite long, and every time I return to Red Rock City, I will be impressed by the magnificence and magnificence here! Haha! I am back ! "

During the trip, Zhang Yang had learned that this guy was born in Red Rock City, so it is not surprising that it always feels like home in Red Rock City.

In fact, apart from Zhang Yang, whether it is Hoofshell, Boyle, or Lucy, all of them are in a wonderful state of excitement. Not to mention anything else. Lucy, who is riding the fourth-order Warcraft Gale and Tiger Wind, has already attracted too much attention along the way!

Tier 4 can be called a strong man no matter where he is, and being able to conquer Gale Tiger as a pet of war is enough for an animal trainer to sleep and wake up. After all, the trainer is rare, but it is not a secret in the Campas orc kingdom, but most of the trainers who appear in front of people are either too low in strength to control their pets and eventually become the bottom warriors.

Even if the strength is slightly stronger, most of them will choose Warcraft, which is slightly lower than their own strength, as the object of temptation.

This makes most of the beast trainers who appear in front of people are almost all kinds of high-level and low-level characters. Their own strength is not strong and there is no powerful Warcraft support. Although they have no worries in life, their strength is always fourth-order The above professionals are criticized.

However, the appearance of Lucy broke this rule! People with a discerning eye can see that she only has about three levels of intermediate strength, but she is riding under the crotch, and is clearly a powerful gale tiger among the fourth order of Warcraft! The difficulty of catching the pets in this order is more difficult than that of catching this Gale Tiger alive, so that everyone with a little knowledge on the road will drop his chin after seeing Lucy ...

Lucy feels like it has never been so good at the moment. Although she used to be quite eye-catching, those who looked at her are almost full of Yuwang who are full of red clothes and fruits. Even if they are better, they are only for her. Beautiful appreciation and admiration. As for her strength? This has never been seen in the eyes ...

Now that she is okay, she has conquered the fourth-order Warcraft Gale and Tiger Little Wind. She has already stepped into the circle of the strong with one foot, so she also feels for the first time what it feels like to be seen by the strong. The kind of admiration, surprise and admiration made her obsessed.

Lucy has vowed secretly at this moment that she must work hard to improve her strength as soon as possible, and after she has truly advanced to Tier 4 with the help of Xiaofeng, the ordinary Tier 4 must be not her opponent!

Thinking of this, Lucy looked at the hoof that seemed to be happier than she walked in front of the line, and the corner of her mouth finally showed an imperceptible smile.

It is this **** cow that she called in the weekdays. From the first time she saw her, she did not look at her with that kind of ** eyes, but then at that time, but the third-level junior hoof has no current strength, and Lucy is a little girl who has just awakened second-class blood energy, has almost no self-protection, and is barely more than second-order.

Fortunately, at that time, Lucy had a family to rely on, and it was not known whether it was a blood lineage relationship. Every generation of the Lucy family will have a feather family that can awaken blood energy.

Although the degree of awakening varies from time to time, on the whole it is finally separated from the bullied fate of the Meng clan. And her only uncle is the person whose previous generation awakened the energy of blood energy.

It is a pity that unlike her ancestors who wanted to live in Red Rock City for peace, Lucy's uncle had deliberately expanded the blood of the family to achieve the purpose of revitalizing the feathers. Therefore, when Lucy was fifteen, her uncle, who had remained at the fourth-tier junior level for many years and still had no breakthrough, left Redstone City to gather the feather orcs.

But he never came back this time ...

It wasn't until five months after he left that Lucy got news of her uncle. Listening to the well-meaning adventurer, her uncle, who gathered the village of three feather clan orcs alone, was enjoying the blessing of the people in a cave in the south. According to rumors, he vowed to say that he has the power to restore the glory of the Yu tribe, but all descendants born after combining with him can successfully stimulate the blood energy in the body ...

When it comes to this, there is even a trace of envy in the look of the kind sheep adventurer. After all, the Yu nationality is also a prolific beauties of beauties. The three villages add up to at least 200 women. Thinking about it this way, Lucy and his uncle enjoyed all the blessings during that time.

But the good times didn't last long, and the large number of gathered feather villages finally attracted the greedy orc noble slave trapping team, so Lucy's uncle, as the only strong man in the village, was finally killed by the ruthless killing, and he was good. More than 300 feather clan orcs easily gathered, all of them became slaves of others at once.

At this point, Lucy not only completely lost the only person who could protect her, but also at the age of fifteen, she had to shoulder the mission of protecting all the loved ones in Red Rock City.

That year Lucy experienced too much sorrow, saw too much darkness, and also touched too many orcs dominated by yuwang, and just after she hastily completed the annual ceremony, it was no longer possible for those greedy and lustful guys While Zhong continued to work around, in just a few years, he grew into a tier 4 intermediate strong hoof.

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