Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1090: Snake Killer

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Snake orcs have not been very popular with other races for a long time. Although this is related to their own sinister and poisonous personality, the most important thing is the behavior of snake orcs.

The warriors of the Campas Orc Kingdom never fear death and challenge. They regard battle as glory. Even killing and dying are just the way to glory.

However, in order to get glory, in addition to their own strength, they also depend on their weapons, and this may be that some unknown years ago, some arrogant and sinister orc people finally decided to annihilate and communicate with the elements. The root cause of the warlock's way ...

However, the truth of the past has long disappeared into the long river of history. Even today, even the king of the Kampas orc kingdom that claims to have the most complete history of the entire Orlando continent, I am afraid that I ca n’t find why it was so terrible at first. The original intention of the decision.

But relative to the truth hidden in distant history, the people of the Campas Orc Kingdom are more aware of why they will be extremely disgusted with the snake race orcs in the powerful race.

Poison can also be called toxin. They are weird and terrible, they can easily take the life of a warrior, and even often make these warriors unaware until their death.

This kind of death is not terrible to the Campas Orc Kingdom, but it is sad, because it is not based on blood and strength to determine life and death, even those horse and badger killer assassins, they kill or fight, they all rely on Due to its own ability and strength.

It is impossible to get any honor by killing people with such a vicious trick as poison. On the contrary, they can only reap people's scorn and aversion. In the entire Campas orc kingdom, the snake orcs are known to be poison masters.

Therefore, it is clear why the various races in the Campas Orc Kingdom hate the snake races so much. Just logically, even if the nature of the snake race orcs is not bad, I am afraid that they will have been united and killed by the other race orcs.

However, so far the snake orcs have not been extinct, on the contrary they have become the servant race of the royal family known throughout the orc kingdom of Campas, even though the lion and tiger royal family has never been publicly recognized, but the facts always win For any eloquent.

This alone may be able to explain many things. Of course, just having a good owner does not fully guarantee the safety and status of the Snake Race, and it really makes the Orcs of all races in the entire Campas Orc Kingdom gradually tolerate the Snake Race, but they have been extending humanity for hundreds of years. The role played in the **** battle, the role of assassination and deterrence.

So even the most violent orc people will no longer suffer from the killer as soon as they saw the snake orcs hundreds of years ago, but this does not mean that people accepted them and accepted their despicable This is just a tolerance, that ’s all.

So when Dave and the people around him found the dead body of the snake race orc, there was no extra emotion, but the problem was that when two cattle warriors spit white foam and twitched blood on the ground, they could not twitch, when people It was found that the reason for all this was just the bodies of the two strong cattle warriors. When the snake dagger's hand accidentally cut the two inconspicuous small mouths, people remembered it. Fear that is exactly the same as the level of aversion to snake orcs!

Fear of that strong toxin!

All of a sudden, the surrounding group did not retreat even when they saw each other hacking and fighting on the street, still calmly watching the lively Red Rock City residents disperse. Dave, who had been struggling with his arms around, oh no, protecting Daier and Lier, escaped.

At this moment, people even forgot about the seven or eight orc warriors who were still slashing each other in the street in front of them, because the people who lived in the orcs of Campas knew that, wherever there were snakes with highly toxic weapons, they would definitely Overwhelmed by death and more horrible things than death!

Unless, the goal of the snake race killer is completed. But ... Dave is still alive and well at the moment!

(Damn, **** it! Those guys actually dared to send snake people to kill me! And not only did they come quickly, they almost succeeded!)

Dave, who was stupefied with Dell and Lier standing in the middle of the street, thought of a sudden reaction from here, to know that now is not a time to think about things in a daze, let alone say, just those people around Redstone Looking at himself in a way of looking at big troubles, this has made Dave one head and two big.

(Okay, at least this snake race killer is dead. It is inferred from their style of action that there should be at least two more killers in this city, and this is the case ... they should n’t do it again for a while. ... right?)

Dave's face is very unsightly. After all, anyone who has watched two brave men with a height of more than two and a half meters in a short time can't miss it, and they are directly transformed into two groups of twisted dark green meat. Will there be some hair?

However, at this time, I did not know whether the remaining seven or eight blood-bearing orc warriors were going crazy or what. They were slashing each other while standing in the street. Dave moved over.

Looking at their craggy, red-eyed crazy bloodthirsty looks, I'm afraid they haven't even noticed what horrible things are happening here, even many people think that once Dave and his two beautiful women in their arms stop Following the other's words, these lifeless lunatics will definitely not hesitate to chop down the machete and the axe in their hands!

(Huh! I dare not take a few rubbish-like things into my eyes. Does n’t I think I ’m bully if I do n’t show my power? You know ... I ’m a strong fifth-level senior! You do n’t know if you ’re alive or dead, then just die!)

It may be that Dave ’s mind has been worried about being attacked by a strong man, or the sudden assassination as today, which has caused the pressure to be much stronger than when he was in the Wangdu Ares City.

In addition, under the eyes of everyone nowadays, his hidden identity will be exposed. The most important thing is that I have just walked from the death line at the moment. The fear, anxiety and inexplicable irritability in my heart finally urged Dave to urgently need to do something to stabilize his emotions and confidence.

And killing a few low-level fighters who can't see the situation may seem to be a good choice ...

So a shocking, surprised, amazed and even dumbfounded scene appeared!

I saw that Dave, who was clearly preparing to deal with the seven or eight low-level fighters at that moment, after letting go of the two beauties in his arms, he sipped, and then, as the powerful blood energy in the body mobilized, he condensed directly outside his body. A nearly complete set of blood-colored armor comes out!

You must know that from the initial awakening of the blood gas energy to the second order, to the third order that can transport the blood gas energy to the whole body and even the weapon in your hand, and then to the blood gas energy to break through the body's limitations and form a protective layer [blood clothing] outside the body and strengthen the weapon's destructive power Fourth order.

Until now, Dave can release blood energy out of the body and compress it into a full set of fifth-level advanced strength of [blood gas armor]. The span between them can be called metamorphosis!

However, this is what really makes everyone present speechless. It is indeed surprising enough to reach this level at Dave ’s present age. However, it clearly has a fifth-level advanced strength, but it also needs to be a big fan of spending a lot of blood energy. Out of [Blood Armor], is it really just to deal with this, this, these seven or eight low-level fighters who have been half dead due to the mutual hacking?

As for it?

is this necessary?

Or is it that a powerful person with a fifth-tier advanced strength has no confidence in dealing with seven or eight second- and third-tier fighters?

However, at this moment, Dave, who was in the middle of the street, couldn't think of anything wrong with his actions. He vaguely remembered the sentence his teacher in the palace once taught him: Don't underestimate any enemies, even if they are powerful The lions of the country have to do their utmost to deal with the rabbits!

So Dave did this today, but this royal handsome guy who is good at playing tricks and has a natural talent for training is really not a guy with outstanding fighting talent. It can even be said that, in addition to the jealous talent of blood cultivation, regardless of experience, courage or fighting wisdom, he is completely weak.

Therefore, after Dave ’s [Blood Gas Armor] was completely condensed and formed, an oppression from the fifth-order advanced blood gas energy suddenly made the crowd around him unconsciously withdraw three steps. At the same time, the two orc warriors on both sides who were still struggling to put down their enemies before, also felt the great pressure released by Dave's side, so that they subconsciously took the sword and axe in their hands. All looked at Dave.

Yes, there are only seven instead of seven or eight. After all, at that moment, a sheep hunter who was shocked by Dave ’s inadvertent coercion was finally distracted by his enemies because he was distracted. The axe was cut into the chest, and it seemed that he could not survive on the ground.

But when the heart of the sheep clan hunter, who had not been completely cut off, was about to be filled with fear and unwillingness, he fell on the cold stone road, but he saw the guy in front of him wearing **** armor exuding a strong momentum, suddenly from A big golden epee was usually drawn out of the juggling waist, and then the sword, which was one and a half meters long, spurted a blood flame that made him terrified!

The sheep hunter who saw this scene only had a sad but relieved thought in his mind:

The strong aid of the enemy actually has such a strong strength, it seems that the brothers are really not wrong this time ...

But ... is this really the case?

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