Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1099: Zhang Yang intervenes

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How strong is the destructive power of a sixth-order advanced orc warrior who is fighting at full strength?

To briefly describe, if there is no strong man of the same level who can contend with it, then with the strength of a sixth-order advanced orc warrior, even if a city of the size of Red Rock City cannot be completely destroyed, it will be destroyed beyond recognition, even killed. All living creatures in the city who can breathe are not difficult.

At the moment, the battle between Baker and Telmish is so dangerous, but the two of them are currently fighting alone, and there is no need to use a large-scale attack to deal with the group injury skills. Even if it will also cause damage to the surrounding environment, but in terms of scope , But still barely controlled within a few tens of meters.

However, as the battle became more intense, Baker and Termish had no more energy to pay attention to their own position, especially Baker's strength was actually a bit lower than Termish, after all, it was infinitely close to the sixth-order senior and Just breaking through the sixth-order advanced book is a completely different concept.

Therefore, in order to make up for the gap between the two, Baker had to increase the amount of blood gas energy output in the body, which was barely able to maintain an invincible situation.

However, even though Baker ’s blood gas energy is much thicker than that of Termish, the qualitative gap and lack of control will inevitably manifest as the fighting time increases, and ultimately determine the outcome of the battle. .

Only Baker's accidental negligence made Zhang Yang have to give up his intention to continue watching the show.

When Termish dexterously turned around to escape Beck's blood-filled heavy punch, the blood-fluctuating fluctuations that followed the punch unexpectedly called Lier next to Zhang Yang!

You know, this is the aftermath of the power of dissipation when the sixth-order high-level strongmen fight in full force! In terms of the strength that Lier barely reaches the third level, even if she will not use it, as long as she is hit by this aftermath, she will definitely end up seriously injured even if she is not dead!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang was only about two meters away from her. At the moment when the aftermath of the punching force was about to hit Li'er, Zhang Yang already shot like lightning, and finally pulled Lier, who was already frightened and desperate in his eyes, at the last moment. .

However, this attack turned out to be like a signal. The two of the players who had been playing like a rock in the field were now completely free of all scruples! For a time, the highest platform in Red Rock City seemed to be crumbling under the impact of the aftermath of the two battles!

Zhang Yang did not expect Baker to be so persistent for victory. He even saw that Baker had completely forgotten everything around him, and even forgot the Red Rock City he had been protecting. Only his desire for victory over Termesh was left in his eyes. A longing like fire!

"Everyone is leaving here! This platform can't bear to collapse!"

Almost all the people on this platform now see the current crisis, so the ox-guard guards who have escorted Dave and Dael to the edge of the platform have been rushing towards the end. Zhang Yang roared here, and then hurriedly left the dangerous place.

However, because of the position of the previous people, Zhang Yang and Lier are now at the outermost edge of the platform, and between him and the exit, it happens that Baker and Termish are fighting!

In fact, if Zhang Yang is the only person here, then it does n’t matter if the platform collapses. After all, with his current strength and skills, even if he jumps from the platform of the city of 50 to 60 meters high, it does n’t matter.

But Zhang Yang ’s body can withstand the violent impact but it does not mean that Lier can do it. Furthermore, Zhang Yang does not want to see this magical and beautiful city, because of the battle between two lunatics, the spirits are turned into ruins. .

So Zhang Yang shot, and he saw that after he blocked the aftermath of two blood energy, two electric flashes suddenly flashed in his eyes! Immediately afterwards, the whole person suddenly turned into a gray shadow, and disappeared to Lier's side in an instant, and then appeared directly between Baker and Termish in the battle!

Zhang Yang ’s move was beyond everyone ’s expectation. It ’s important to know that Baker and Termish are both real powerhouses with a sixth-order senior strength. Together with the two, they have used all their strengths at this moment. , So suddenly, like Zhang Yang, broke into the middle of the two, almost the act of seeking death!

After all, it is extremely dangerous and difficult to face one of Baker or Termich alone. Now it appears in the middle of the two. If one fails, Zhang Yang will be called the target of the two attack together!

This is not a joke. Unless you have a legendary level of strength, you can instantly receive the joint attack of two sixth-level senior strongmen at the same time. What about Zhang Yang? His true strength is still far from the seventh order legendary level! Even though he can exert his legendary power in a very short period of time with the help of the power of thunder and lightning due to the relationship between the mysterious thunder and lightning nebula in his soul, but the price of doing so is that Zhang Yang will never let it last Will use that trick.

In fact, Zhang Yang is not a good person to do his own thing. Since he dares to rush over, then he has at least 60% of the assurance that he can take the attack of Baker and Termish and separate them by the way.

Of course, Zhang Yang himself is also clear in his heart. If this matter is put into the time when he has just advanced to the fourth-level intermediate level, unless he uses it, he wants to do it intact and unharmed. There is really no confidence.

But now it is different. With the deepening of the understanding of the ability, and the understanding of this time, Zhang Yang's strength has once again increased significantly. Now although this technique has not been fully integrated into his inherent skill system that uses the power of thunder and lightning, the experience he has just gained is enough to give him 50% confidence to stop this battle at the cost of minor injuries!

So when Zhang Yang decided to intervene, he still carried the power of the thunderbolt in his body to show his ability!

In this way, coupled with the strength accumulated by Zhang Yang's previous accumulation of power, when Baker and Termish couldn't hold back and attacked him, Zhang Yang was bold and arrogant when the other party was not close to him. At the time of the scope, he used a trick that was still gradually improved in his conception, but he never really used it :!

Suddenly, as Zhang Yang's left foot just relieved that huge forward force and stood firmly in the middle of the two, his right foot had been lifted straight up to the position of the knee, and then he seemed not to watch at all To the left and right sides of Beck and Termish, he punched him on the side, and slammed his right foot!


At that moment, a scene that surprised and shocked Baker and Termish appeared. I do n’t know how the guy who did not dare to dare to blend in the battle between them did it. Under the watch of the two strong men, Hermish has always been considered to be only a special skill for the high-level orc race, and it was really used by an unclear hybrid orc!

Suddenly I saw Zhang Yang's right foot stepping **** the ground. Although somehow there seemed to be a faint blur when it landed, the huge ring-shaped air vibration wave that appeared out of thin air and the continuous continuity from the platform The sound of ground shattering is really deafening.

And what makes Baker even more incredible is that the record released by this guy, Woking, at this moment seems to his expert, he has already grasped the true meaning, which is completely beyond the most obvious level of beginners. As far as the power is concerned, it is no worse than the effect when Baker released it himself!

So when the air vibration wave spread out from Zhang Yang, the nearest Baker and Termish were directly offset by the sudden shock wave to cancel most of the speed of the advance, and even subconsciously retracted part When protecting his strength, Zhang Yang finally determined that his moves were effective.

It ’s just that they still have to come. In terms of the stubbornness of these two guys, Baker and Termish, they even ignored Zhang Yang directly, still smashing their fists and thinking about each other ’s face. past!

(How did he do it?)

Baker felt like he had a thousand words in his mind at this moment, but his attack on Termith had already used his full strength, and now it is impossible to collect all of them, let alone stop.

Moreover, in a little time that did not arrive at this moment, Baker only showed such a flashing but relatively clear thought. As for the subsequent things, naturally after Baker tried his best to regain part of his blood and strength, the final Watching his fist smash into Woking in front of him!

Is this also a kind of attachment? Maybe Baker and Termish gave each other nicknames very accurately. One was a stubborn bull and the other was a mad tiger. It ’s okay for them to go mad together. In the end, it seems that only Zhang Yang is suffering. Just one

In fact, the Tiger female warrior Termish, not far away at this moment, also had the same idea as Baker, except that he didn't know Zhang Yang at all, and he didn't care about the life of such a self-seeking guy, so even Thai Ermish didn't mean to keep anything at all. Her punch was only weakened by Yang Yiji's speed and power, but overall, Termish was still much more ruthless than Baker.

"Looking for death? Then I will fulfill you!"

Now Termish, who looks cold, has broken through the aroused air barrier just like Baker. In addition, she still has time and ability to speak to Yang Roar.

It's just that Zhang Yang has already felt the speed and momentum decline from Baker and Termish sensitively. With such a plus and one minus, he is finally confident to resist the next two with his current combat strength People's attacks!

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