Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1102: recognize

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What happened between Termesh and Tiglis in the past was almost spread to the Campos Orc Kingdom in just one month, but most of the Orcs living in the city listened Said the news. Purple You Pavilion.iyouge.

However, the follow-up development of this incident was indeed beyond everyone's expectations. Originally, people thought that Telmish would quarrel or even grumble with another legendary strongman in the kingdom because of Taglis's provocation, but in fact Thai Not only was Hermish not angry, but he was also grateful that Tedtok had taken care of the cat girl with big clear eyes.

Isn't she worried that the legendary strongman who likes Meng women in rumours will start with that little girl? Or Termish did n’t really care about the little girl ’s life and death, no one was sure.

It's just that since that day, Termish has left the city of Ares, the capital of the orc kingdom of Campas. Then, in the past two years, I am not sure whether it was because of the stimulation that the original was. All the slave hunters she can see!

So in the past two years, whether it was the arrogant slave squad of the nobles, or the slave hunters who sneaked into the human kingdom, they had suffered a great loss in the hands of Termish.

Human beings are invaders, and they will kill as soon as they are killed, but Termish's approach is to damage the interests of some orc nobles, so that some nobles even went to the king city to ask for the punishment of the woman who looked extremely crazy. Telmis.

However, their appeal did not bear fruit. The royal family's reply stated that as long as Termish would not go crazy to attack the slave merchants in the city, then she would not have the intention of working against the entire kingdom system.

Of course, Wang Ting also took care of the emotions of those nobles, so he promised that Termish needed to be responsible for her behavior. The nobles ’slave arrest team could fight back by themselves, even if she was seriously injured or caught. , As long as it doesn't hurt her life.

This is obviously still talking to Termish. After all, her own strength is already quite strong. If Wang Ting does not issue an order, the nobles want to deal with Termish on their own. Unless the core master of the family is dispatched, otherwise The slave squad couldn't deal with the woman who was mad somehow.

So gradually, I do n’t know when Termish added such a title of “crazy tiger” among the nobility. Afterwards, whenever she appeared in a place, the surrounding noble enslavement team would be cleared, which made She added an additional title of "Expeller" among the Orc civilians at the bottom.


Thinking of these Bakers, I suddenly felt that I should n’t have said that just now. It should be known that he had no interest in the matter of arresting slavers, and he did not need any slaves to serve him, so there was no need to be here. To touch the mold of Termish.

And the words had already been spoken, and it was impossible to reclaim it. At least at the moment, Baker knew that Termish had a bad look.

"Baker-Bloodhoof, do you know why until now you are still the guard general of Redstone City, not the city owner?"

Seeing Termish say something inexplicable, Baker's heart felt faintly, but he didn't know what Termish wanted to express. But he understood that he didn't have to answer the call at all, so he would tell him the answer when he wanted to come to Termesh?

"Huh! You should know that because of the relationship between you and me two years ago, many nobles who hated me turned to support you, and even an important position such as the Red Rock City Lord is reserved for you. It's a pity that you This stubborn bull is very good, and his mouth will not say any flattering words, so after two years, you are still just a city guard general, and you have not become the owner of the Red Rock City, and you have not become a nobility of the Campos Orc Kingdom! "

The Baker that Termish said did not know, but he knew that he had no problem fighting, but if he was asked to bow his head to the big nobles, Baker could not do it. So he just looked at Termish calmly, unmoved at all.

However, when Baker and Termish stared at each other, Lier, who had been held in Zhang Yang's arms and trembling in fear, finally calmed down slowly. Seeing this, Zhang Yang silently placed it on the ground. Then I stepped forward and ignored the atmosphere of the confrontation between Baker and Termish, and directly directed at Termish and asked:

"You should be the reinforcement that Dave has been waiting for?"

If someone else dared to disturb yourself, Termish would definitely let him beat his teeth, but the mysterious guy in front of him had just demonstrated the strength to talk to her on an equal basis, and he also saved Li Here, this made Termish have a very good impression of Zhang Yang, so she nodded directly and admitted:

"Yes, it's just that he wasn't the only one who was waiting for the reinforcement. I originally planned that we should be here tomorrow morning, but I was impatient and walked slowly on the road for so long, so I arrived here in advance, I just didn't expect it, but I just saw a guy with short eyes who dared to ignore our royal family! "

Hearing Termish's remarks, Zhang Yang did not say anything, he still nodded with a light expression on his face and said:

"That's your business. It has nothing to do with me, but since you have been here, then I promised Dave's business, but I still remind you that there are two snake race killers who want Dave's life, Be careful yourself. "

After saying this, Zhang Yang didn't even look back at Lier, but walked towards the exit along the edge of the collapsed platform.

Perhaps it was Zhang Yang ’s style that was in line with Termish ’s appetite, or other reasons. When Zhang Yang passed by Termish, this tiger female warrior with a strong body and a beautiful face suddenly turned sideways. The head said:

"How do you call friends?"

"Why, is there anything else?"

"No, I just want to know the name of the person who saved Lier's life."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang was a little surprised, but it was no big deal, so he answered directly:

"Walking, you can call me that directly."

However, what Zhang Yang did not expect was that the original expressionless Tiger female warrior Termish suddenly showed a surprised expression when he heard Zhang Yang reported this pseudonym, and then he thought Don't want to, just rushed over and reached for Zhang Yang, and at the same time he was happy in his mouth:

"Oh it's you!"

Zhang Yang didn't expect that he just reported the name. The tiger woman Termish caught him with a surprised look. Was she really a lunatic? Or that the fight between Baker and Fang did not let her fight enough?

At this moment, we must know that Zhang Yang's strength has not subsided. He just dared to take the attack of Baker and Termish just now, not to mention Termish alone now?

So he saw Zhang Yang turn around violently, and also stretched out a hand that was very accurately held with the hand extended by Termish!

The Tiger orcs are not completely power-strength races, but as royals, their qualities are fairly average in all respects. Moreover, Termish is a sixth-class senior strongman in the righteous way. People, I am afraid that even the fast train must be squeezed by her!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang is also a guy who fights by strength and speed. When he uses it alone, even after using it, he is even more powerful than the strong elephants of the same level! And because of the relationship between Eure's body, his physical fitness and strength cannot be inferred according to common sense at all.

Therefore, when Zhang Yang's left hand and Termish's right hand interlocked with each other, the momentary contact squeezed a ripple in the air! What surprised Baker and Termish even more was that Zhang Yang not only took it steadily, but also did not take a step back from his face in the face of Termish's rushing charge.

This shows what? This shows that in the confrontation of the power of talent, Termish is not an opponent at all! However, until this moment a deep burst of air burst from the hands of the two, and now the face of Termish who was full of excitement changed slightly!

"It really is you!"

Just like the previous sentence, the words of Termish are really unclear to Zhang Yang, so he only knows that in terms of the temperament of the tiger female warrior in front of him, he should have puzzled me.

"Originally, I was wondering where I suddenly popped up against such a strong man who could fight against me and Baker. After all, I had never heard anything about you before. This is incredible. After all, how could a strong man with sixth-order strength be possible? Always obscured? "

Speaking of this, Termish may find that he really has no advantage in the confrontation of power, so although a little unwilling, he still burst out a powerful blood energy from his hand and directly opened Yang ’s own hand. Extracted from it.

"But now I know, it turns out that you are the Woking in the mouth of Uncle Tedtek! Sure enough, it is the guy who can escape in the hands of the legendary strong man, but from what Uncle Tedtek said, you were in He still retains a part of his strength? Really a brave guy! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang already understood that this Termish should have come from the direction of the Colosseum in Orsay, so it made sense from Tedtek ’s mouth to know that he and that ‘her’ existed.

"what do you want?"

Today, as long as he is not facing a legendary superpower like Ted Turk, Zhang Yang is fearless, not to mention the fact that Baker can't team up with Termish to deal with him. What else can Zhang Yang worry about?

"No, I didn't think about it, I was just very curious about what the" Miss Heath "who could fascinate Uncle Tedtek looked like! And you, can you let me see her?"

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