Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 110: Zombie Siege Gagen

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Zhang Yangyue felt that the number of zombies began to get denser outside the city of Dharonis in front. It seems that people in all the surrounding villages and towns have turned into zombies and gathered here?

In the past, dozens or hundreds of zombies were okay to deal with, but when the number of zombies reached more than a thousand, it was really difficult for me to start. It is not that I couldn't cope with it, but the weapon in my hands was really too uneasy ... …

This sniper bow was obtained by Zhang Yang at the underground exchange in Tinis City. Such weapons rarely appear on the market. On the one hand, the use conditions are more demanding, on the other hand, its power is too great. Although this giant bow is good, the arrows it uses must be special armor piercing arrows, otherwise the length is not enough, and it will not exert its power. Zhang Yang didn't have many armor piercing arrows, but after using Sean to borrow some, he never used it again. When he first encountered a zombie the day before yesterday, he was used up. As for the armor piercing arrows used to rescue Charlotte, they were found when I stumbled upon the broken bodies and equipment of several adventurers in the woods not long ago. There are only 4 in total, but now there are only two left. It is completely impossible to deal with massive enemies.

As for the rune battle axe in Zhang Yang's hands, this is a good weapon, but this hand axe is too short. When dealing with flesh-and-blood monsters before, Zhang Yang thought that if he could have a huge heavy weapon, this monster would not be able to solve the problem if he could not do it twice? Why is it so hard? It wasn't until this time that he understood why the high-level fighters preferred huge weapons. That's because the enemies they encountered were relatively large, right? The weapon is too short, the lethality is not enough to cope with the scene.

Thinking, Zhang Yang suddenly looked up and saw something. At this moment a smile appeared on his face! I was really sleepy when I was on a pillow, and when I was hungry I saw buns!

It turned out that Zhang Yang's eyes turned out to be a tall sign inserted at the intersection!

This thing is about three meters high, with full wrist thickness, Zhang Yang stepped forward to touch it, it should be iron. I saw its thick iron rod with two arrow-shaped signs pointing to the left and right. On the one side it says "Dornis City" and on the other side it says "Tinnis City".

What a great thing! Zhang Yang sighed. Then he grabbed the pillar of the sign and pulled out his shoulder and arm!

After the sign was pulled up, Zhang Yang found that it had a length of more than one meter at the bottom, and the total length of the part on the ground was close to 4 meters! He weighed it casually and weighed nearly 100 pakri.

This is it. With this stuff, entering the city is much easier ...

Zhang Yang ’s actions made some people not far behind him look stupid. What kind of trouble is this? Is the captain holding a sign to show the zombies? The people were very puzzled, but just before they asked, Zhang Yang said:

"Everyone is ready. It is only one kilometer away from the city of Dharaos. It is written on this sign. Since then, there have been more zombies. I will rush under the wall in one breath. You must follow it! "

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, everyone nodded silly. It's just that there is a strange idea in everyone's mind: Is he pulling up this iron pillar just to see the street signs? Isn't your eyesight so bad? !

At this point, without mentioning the content of Sean's spitting, Zhang Yang has begun to accelerate gradually. Sporadic zombies have begun to appear 50 meters in front of him. At a distance of 50 meters, he was only using less than ten instants at a speed that was not fast. Just as Zhang Yang approached the zombies by three or four meters, the iron rod in Zhang Yang's hand? Iron pillar? Double-headed axe? Anyway, that bad guide sign was suddenly swung by him!

Instant time! The sound of the humming wind, and waving this long iron guy with Zhang Yang's great force at this time, it is really a wind and cloud! All the zombies encountered are directly smashed in the end!

The crowd behind saw this scene before they knew it, but the ensuing **** picture really made them shocked! Too violent! So bloody! It's wild! Everyone saw all the zombies hit by the "killer" in Zhang Yang's hand, hitting the head, the head was broken directly; hitting the chest, the chest was completely dented; sweeping the arm and arm, then directly divided Xiao ! Is this guy really human?

Charlotte even remembered the description of the Slav Barbarian Berserker in the book of the Temple of Light at this time ...

In this way, under the leadership of Zhang Yang, a group of seven people, a group of seven people rushed straight to the gate of the city of Dharaos with a momentum like a broken bamboo! As the distance to the city gate became closer, the density of zombies began to become denser. However, even if Zhang Yang's momentum did not diminish, he rushed fast. This is the time when the way he waved the iron rod became simpler and rougher. I saw that he couldn't hold his iron rod and swept left and right. The zombie that was hit flew backwards in huge blocks! Overwhelming the same kind behind him, Zhang Yang opened a narrow passage in the sea of ​​zombies!

"This, this, this is so nonsense! Is he a monster ?!"

Lanster, who looked at Zhang Yang's prestige, couldn't help it, he said whizzingly as he ran.

"This ... Probably, actually I'm not too familiar with him ..."

Sean was dumbfounded at this time, such intensity is totally unscientific! Also beyond his cognition ...

Sean clearly knows that grudge practice can enable users to enhance some physical qualities. When using it, they can increase their attacking ability or defensive ability according to the characteristics of grudge law. They can even have some recovery ability and future flight ability. But the same, the grudge consumption is also quite fast when used. It is said that only the legendary fighting method can significantly reduce the gap between absorption and consumption. But even so, grudge is generally regarded as an explosive force similar to magic.

Therefore, generally, after the fighting energy is exhausted, the fighting strength of the strong men who use the fighting spirit will generally fall to a very low level, because at this time they can only rely on their bodies to fight, so on the current mainland, the strong fighting men They will use their grievances cautiously and reasonably, and most of the time they will leave a part of their grievances in an emergency, so as not to fall into a debilitating state where no grief is available.

But today, Shawn's cognition began to shake. Has Wright boss cultivated his temper? What is the reason for his strength ...

Whether it's Ingrid with strong strength or Medici with no combat power at all, just follow Zhang Yang's footsteps and rush forward. Everyone who ran fast among the zombies that were all crooked and even incomplete all around, there was an unreal feeling in my heart! Does this guy feel tired? How strong is he?

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yang and his team rushed under the gates of the city of Dharaosi after just three minutes. At this time, what appeared to them was a scene like a corpse mountain! Under the city gate and the city wall, there are corpses of zombies layer by layer! The gates of the city of Dharaos are just over 4 meters high just by corpses! Although there is still a large distance compared to the twelve or three-meter city wall, the infiltrating scene is enough to be shocking! Countless zombies are stepping on the bodies of their dead companions at this time, standing on the heap of corpses under the city and reaching out to the tower with a hard grasp!

"That ... Wright boss, the city gate is blocked, how do we get in?"

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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