Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1112: Forced to hire again

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However, Termish didn't seem to see it at all. She even learned what Dave looked like and deliberately whispered:

"But the life of this ugly lizard is really only worth this! I think I have given more!"

Although Dave deliberately lowered his voice, but who made all of the few strong players with strengths of order six or above? And everyone with a discerning eye can see that the "whispering" response of Termish is pretended to be intentional! As for the purpose of her doing this, she obviously wanted to anger Elmont!

"But that's too little! At least for Lord Woking, this amount of money is not enough to invite him to shoot!"

Perhaps it was really thinking about Zhang Yang, or maybe he was deliberately accompanying his cousin crazy, anyway, Dave seems to have not found that the dangerous golden war lizard on the field is staring at him fiercely, still self-confident "Whisper" and talk to Termish.

Not only did Zhang Yang's mouth curl slightly with a smile, but even the sharply armored Buffalo General Baker rolled his eyes unconsciously and couldn't stand their expressions.

At this time, Termish, who heard Dave talking, thought about it and finally nodded and said:

"That ugly lizard's life is only worth this point, it can't be more, but we can give Mr. Woking another reward to thank him for his shot after killing him. What do you think of this?"

"Adult cousin is wise, but when will the money be given?"

"What do you want me to say ... what do you think of a hundred thousand gold coins?"


Dave, who has been with Termish singing there in peace, was completely stunned! You know that one hundred thousand gold coins are not a small number! The most critical issue is that this money, Termish, will definitely not be taken out and won't be taken out. In this way, I am afraid that Dave will have to pay for it.

However, compared with the gold coins that are about to be spent, Dave really cares about the attitude of cousin Termish! If one thousand gold coins is just a joke, then the price of 100,000 gold coins will be offered to ask her to help her kill the war lizard Elmont, which is enough to show that Termish is serious!

(Will ... will he agree?)

Just when Dave ’s handsome face was completely shrouded in surprise, El Monte, the glittering war lizard orc in the field, finally could n’t bear it anymore, and said to their sisters and brothers with their teeth gritted:

"The two of you sing one harmoniously, will there be endless ?! Fight to fight, Lao Tzu lived for 130 years. There were countless people who wanted Lao Tzu's life. Of course, there were also the debris of you **** lions and tigers. But Well, I am still alive today, and those guys who want to kill me are all dead! Come on! I really look forward to your attempts! Gaha! "

The lizard face of El Monte, the war lizard, is really difficult to make people look beyond the anger. Anyway, it looks so untidy, even if there are subtle changes, it is not obvious.

However, Zhang Yang felt the fear or hesitation of the war lizard named Elmont at this moment. Otherwise, why hasn't he initiated the attack now? Are you afraid? Still not confident? Think of it this way, I'm afraid that the reason this guy used the forbidden technique at the beginning should be for bluff?

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang decided to continue to watch the lively good. After all, Baker and Termish should be on the front line, and although they should be able to beat El Monte, but they have no confidence in the battle. Kill it to stay.

At this time, Zhang Yang was the one who could break the balance and play a key role, so his attitude is the key that can really determine the outcome of this battle.

But is it a child's play to fight against four high-level advanced strongmen? At the time, Termish and Baker accidentally ruined the highest platform of Red Rock City under very restrained circumstances. Now if the War Lizard is desperate, how much will this Red Rock City pay? How many people will die?

Zhang Yang is not clear, but he does not want the innocent Meng people in this slave market to be the direct victims. Similarly, Baker ca n’t make it out, so they can only pretend to be deaf and dumb except to condense their strength. In addition to preparing for possible emergencies, he will not make any statement at all.

It's a pity that Termish seemed to have the heart to want to kill Elmont at any cost, so after Elmont's sarcasm, she gave up the obscure provocation and even ignored the pressure on her. Monte, but stared directly at Zhang Yang with a loud voice:

"How is it? Can't 100,000 gold coins still arouse your interest? How about 200,000 gold coins? Just help me kill this ugly lizard, 200,000 gold coins are yours!"

Termish opened his mouth, and the Dave next to him fainted! Although he is rich, it is not so spent! Two hundred thousand gold coins! It is already half of his property! Sure enough, if you do n’t spend your own money, you do n’t feel distressed ... I think Dave, who is black here, has finally lost consciousness. Fortunately, Dyer and Lier have been standing beside Dave. Suddenly picked it up and lifted it up.

"If you want to fight, just fight, why do you have to involve me?"

In the face of several repeated inquiries by Termish, Zhang Yang finally opened his mouth in desperation, but he did not speak well. This utterance finally achieved the effect of the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, so much because of anger and fear With Ermish's disregard and elder warrior orc powerhouse Elmont, who was ignoring and on the verge of breaking out, suddenly turned and rushed straight to Zhang Yang!

"Damn mixed blood! Is it that you are so powerful that you can kill Lao Tzu? Let me die!"

The reason why the war lizard Elmont took the lead against Zhang Yang is that on the one hand, he always feels that this guy who looks like a hybrid orc is weak, on the other hand, he is also misled by a series of words from Telmish.

To know that Termish unconsciously created an unconscious impression, that is, only Zhang Yang shot can ensure that El Monte is killed!

So when the elder carrier of the golden lizard warrior Elmont carried his claws to Zhang Yang with a strong and crazy momentum, Zhang Yang knew that he was still involved in this **** vortex after all.

The most frustrating thing for him is that at this moment he simply cannot escape! This is naturally not because of being locked in or suppressed by the momentum emitted by Elmont, but because behind him are those fox slaves who are horrified and helplessly curled up in an iron cage and trembling all over!

Zhang Yang came to rescue them, but not to kill them!

So at this moment Zhang Yang had no choice but to fight hard, he could not put his bet on the crazy enemy in front of him. Fortunately, Zhang Yang had already used [muscle coordination technique] to gather enough power, so when the war lizard Elmont just turned around and rushed to Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang did not retreat and retreat, the whole person dragged at a faster speed With an afterimage that seemed to be false and true, just before the other party rushed over, he collided with it halfway!

Suddenly, with the sound of two very brittle metal impacts from Ding Ding coming from the position where the two collided, Zhang Yang and El Monte actually backed away from each other.

But at this time, El Monte, who was originally furious, had a lot of bloodthirsty light in his eyes, and there was a little more shock and shock.

"What kind of monster are you! There is absolutely no such thing as you among the orcs!"

However, at this time, the Elder Warrior only had time to say this sentence, and he was instantly submerged in the attack of the cattle general Baker and the tiger power Termish who attacked together.

What happened at that moment?

In fact, Zhang Yang is not less shocked than Elmont at the moment. If Elmont is shocked by Zhang Yang ’s body without the support of blood energy, he can have such a terrifying power, and the reaction and skill of the two consecutive attacks. Then, what surprised Zhang Yang was the claws and scales of this war lizard who were harder than steel and the extraordinary blood energy!

Today's orc warriors all cultivate blood energy, and use it as their only way to become stronger.

But how does blood energy come from? Who invented this method of cultivation? This seems to have always been a mystery, even though the royal families of the Campas Orc Kingdom have always said that this is their creation, but there are still many people who don't believe it, just Zhang Yang is here.

But just before the collision approached, Zhang Yang suddenly had a secret!

This war lizard orc does have powerful blood gas energy in its body, but the quality of this blood gas energy is indeed more powerful and more powerful than the blood gas energy in the body of Baker, Termish and even the legendary Tedtek For pure! And it's golden! Not the kind of blood-red energy commonly practiced by orcs! This is why Elmont, the war lizard orc, suddenly changed its body from yellow-green to golden at the beginning of the battle!

At this moment, Zhang Yang's heart was slightly horrified when he looked at the handle in his hand and had bought two deep-scratched double-headed short guns within two days.

This weapon can be seen by him, the material is naturally tough and strong enough. But this weapon, which seemed quite good to Zhang Yang, was almost cut off only after fighting the claw of the war lizard twice!

In this way, the two-handed claws of the war lizard are sharp and strong enough to be comparable to the sixth-order magic weapon, or even more!

But how is that possible? At best it's just bones or horns, how can it beat metal? Unless ... unless those pairs of claws that have been turned into shiny gold are strengthened by that peculiar grudge? So it has such amazing power?

Thinking of Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly a bright lightning flashed here, but at this moment of time, Baker and Termish had been fighting with the war lizard Elmont, but it was like Zhang Yang guessed. , Even though Beck ’s long-handed battle axe and Termish ’s wide-blade long-knife are not inferior goods, but under the two claws of the war lizard Elmont, they still ca n’t get any benefits, but several fights Later, with Zhang Yang's eyes, he saw that there were a few more gaps in the axe and the blade, so that I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold on to the weapons of Baker and Termith. !

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