Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1119: Erin's persistence

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"Master, master, are you asleep?"

At the moment, Erin was standing nervously waiting outside the door, perhaps because of the oil light in the corridor, her face looked a little red, and the fluffy fox ears above her head were trembling slightly.

She probably should n’t have come, nor should she come here with the true appearance that she showed after washing away the dirt.

However, everything she experienced today rekindled hope in her heart! She thought everyone's bleak, slave life, which could only be spent in pain, humiliation and torture, could be changed only because of her promise during the day. Even if the grandfather of the village has persuaded Elin more than once, the food that everyone eats today and the house they live in are not necessarily due to her efforts.

But Eileen thought differently. Maybe all this is just a gift of the mysterious master who is in a good mood for a while. Lovely Lin believes that as long as she is willing to work hard, or even give everything, maybe this life can really continue?

Irene remembers that the village grandfather once said that the price of a beautiful and obedient senior female slave of the Fox family is much higher than the price of all of them loaded together!

So Irene is willing to believe and can only believe, believe her beauty, and believe that she can persuade the mysterious master to let others free for her! At least let them have a good life, a good day like today ...

So when the night was quiet, Aileen came to Zhang Yang's door by herself. For her, behind this ordinary wooden door, what seemed to be closed was her future destiny.

So that the wait for that moment seemed to be extremely long, as if every breath and every heartbeat were so clearly visible.

However, at the moment when Elin felt that the courage in her heart began to fade, after that wooden door, a faint voice finally came.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

(Ah! He, he heard? He didn't sleep! Is he waiting for me? Or does he already know it all?)

Irene, who was already mentally prepared, actually hesitated at the moment before entering the door, but thought of the smile of the village grandfather, the thought of Aunt Lanny who had been taking good care of her after her parents died, and the smile of peace Finally, Elin summoned her courage and lifted her hand to open the door that was too heavy for her.

(It ’s so dark ... why is there no lighting? You ca n’t see anything at all!)

Aileen was a little afraid of darkness since she was a child. She always insisted that darkness was a hotbed of terror. After all, dangerous warcraft always appeared at night, and even those **** slavers also used darkness to win her. Village, and turned her beloved home into a sea of ​​fire.

However, Erin knew that she had to close the door, otherwise she might lose the courage to say her decision! Dedicate your courage!

So with Elaine closing her eyes and ruthlessly handing back, the door of the room was completely closed with a bang. At this time, she didn't hear what she expected, and no one with heavy breathing pushed her down.

This made Eileen calm down a little, until about ten seconds later, she finally opened her heart to her closed eyes.

(Huh ?! This room doesn't seem as dark as you think!)

As the most spacious ‘luxury’ room among the rooms behind the Red Torch Tavern, the house where Zhang Yang is located is not only more than 20 square meters in size, but also extraordinarily extravagantly has two windows of the size of meters.

Admittedly, the economic strength of this tavern simply can't afford those large pieces of waste water through the glass, but even the window in front of it that is made up of broken pieces of waste water crystals is also beautiful in the eyes of Elin!

The night was dark, and the moon was empty.

When Eileen's eyes adjusted to the light in the room, she realized that she would think that the room was too dark because the oil lamp in the corridor was too bright. And through the colorful moonlight through the window, Erin finally saw the mysterious and powerful master, who was sitting on the edge of the bed at random, even though her face could not be seen clearly, but she knew that the other pair of the pair was still so late at night The still bright black eyes looked at her quietly.

Erin did n’t know why she felt so stunned. Obviously, those eyes looked darker than the night, but it made her feel bright! It's so weird everywhere! Aileen couldn't help but sigh.

However, she couldn't stare at the other party all the time. After all, Irene had heard the slave traders shout. Unless the master agreed, if the slave dared to look directly at the master, he would be treated as an offense and punished for it!

So Irene lowered her head instantly and dared to watch the other person's toes after taking off her boots. After taking a deep breath, she spoke out her decision.

"Master, Master! I have something to tell you!"

"Well, say it."

"I, I am very grateful to you for treating us kindly, so in addition to wanting to repay your kindness, you also want to ask you one thing!"

"I am listening."

Even the dark night with his fingers out of his hands can't stop Zhang Yang's sight, not to mention the colorful moonlight in the house at the moment. So Zhang Yang saw the tension and determination on the face of this beautiful fox girl.

Irene, who has washed away the dirt on her face, is really beautiful. Although the photo is far worse than when Zhang Yang put on a fraudulent orb and turned into 'Miss Xisi', but overall it is better than Zhang Yanggang. The fox girl Womiga who met when coming to the orc kingdom of Campas was much more beautiful.

In terms of Zhang Yang's eyesight, he found at this moment that although Elin looked as if she was only eleven or twelve years old, her eyebrows and face were already somewhat of a big girl.

It was at this time that Elin spoke again.

"Sorry host, I deceived you before. In fact, I am not twelve years old, but I am just an adult today ... so please accept me, I am very clean and obedient, as long as you are willing to let the rest of us, I Willing to do anything for you! "

Speaking of which, Irene seems to have lost all her strength all at once, and the whole person suddenly knelt in front of Zhang Yang, which not only represents a complete surrender, but also marks Ailein's willingness to sink his heart forever ...

Perhaps it was because of the relationship between Zhang Yang and the window at the moment, so that Aileen knelt on the floor and waited for a long while, but still didn't see the answer. She tried to look up and still couldn't see the other person's face, only the hidden moonlight A dark shadow underneath.

It was dark and full of mystery and fear. However, as Eileen looked up, Zhang Yang, who was in the light and shadow, finally spoke:

"Really? Willing to do anything for the people you care about? Even if it's the danger of dedication or death?"

"Yes! As long as everyone is free, I will!"

"Oh, freedom ..."

Erin heard the obvious ridicule in the other party ’s last sentence, which made her heart sink suddenly, and almost immediately thought that the other party would not be free for others because of her dedication. Is she not beautiful enough? Or is the other party too greedy? Erin didn't know, she didn't even know what chips she could have to talk to each other besides dedicating herself.

However, when Eileen was heartbroken and felt cold in her hands and feet, Zhang Yang spoke again.

"You want to trade yourself for the freedom of all of them? What kind of freedom?"

"Of course it is the right to live free! You can live without the threat and control of others. You can live the way you want. This is the humblest freedom we want! It's really just ... the simplest freedom ... "

Erin said that she shed tears. As a powerless Meng clan, she felt that her mood could not be understood. However, Zhang Yang took the lead in a low and calm tone after sighing:

"Simple freedom? No, you are wrong. Freedom is always the most precious thing, so if you want to get it, where will it be so simple? You may think that I let you go and give you freedom, but have you ever thought about it? What happens afterwards? You have no power. If I let you go now, it is likely that within two days, you will be discovered and captured by greedy bounty hunters and slave traders, and there will be a second you by then. Will you sacrifice yourself to save them? "


Irene never thought that the other party would say this, but her reason told her that everything in front of the person was right, but in case this is still just a scam? Perhaps the other party just crafted a reason to deceive her. You know that Irene is just a slave of the other party. If he wants her body, Irene has no power to resist.

So for a moment, Irene regretted it a little, and regretted why she was so impulsive to wash herself and take the initiative to come to the door.

"But woo ... I have lost all my loved ones, I do n’t want to lose these remaining friends and clan! Woo ... I do n’t want them to be tortured and killed, I can only do this, I only have these Ah! Ooo ... "

Speaking of here, Irene finally burst out crying overwhelmed. The pain, anger, loss and unwillingness, and even everything that she had silently endured since she was sensible, completely vented with the tears at the moment.

At this time, Irene, who was sad and painful, could not take care of anything. The fire of hope in her heart was getting dimmer at the moment, so that she even had a feeling of being in love. But at this moment, she heard the voice that had just crushed the hope in her heart.

"What is your name."


Somehow, Irene, who was crying sadly and sadly, seemed to have relieved a lot of panic and grief in her heart after hearing the dull voice. Aileen suddenly realized that she was not completely hopeless. Although she was extremely disgusted with the word slave, Aileen also had to admit that if she could persuade the powerful and benevolent master to stand out and shelter everyone, then everyone would not Is it safe?

So Elin, who figured this out, immediately tried to contain her tears. After answering Zhang Yang's question, she sideways carefully wiped away the remaining tears on her face.

"Okay, Irene, I can give you a chance to set you and your loved ones free, but that will probably make you pay for the things that are most precious to you, would you still want them?"

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