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"The **** battle is now just a sad killing field with no meaning. As for what some people advocate," the melting pot that can temper real heroes "and" land of glory "are all deceitful farts."

Since Zhang Yang came to the Camps Orc Kingdom, he has sometimes asked some people's views on the blood war, but most people are reluctant to talk about the front line of the blood war. Even if they are willing to say, most of them are about the blood war. Hatred and fear. Therefore, Zhang Yang still heard for the first time like Termiš.

"Why do you say that? Orcs have always wanted to break through the frontline of the **** battle and invade the human kingdom to occupy their fertile land? How can such a battle be beneficial to the entire Orc, how can it be meaningless? What about? "

Hearing Zhang Yang asking this question, there was a flash of sarcasm on Termish's face, but in the end he turned into a deep helplessness.

"Once we did want to occupy the kingdom of mankind, but that was something that was hundreds of years or even thousands of years ago. But after trying with the power of the entire kingdom at that time, the royal family and nobles discovered that this was almost impossible. However, once war and hatred begin, it is difficult to be ended, not to mention that many orcs are always unable to endure the bloodthirsty and fighting desires in the bloodstream, so the blood battle with humans can become their best battlefield to vent this desire. "

At this point, Termish paused, and after taking another drink, he continued without waiting for Zhang Yang to answer:

"And most parts of the kingdom are too barren. Although there are a lot of minerals, the food produced is seriously insufficient, let alone other things that can be consumed by the nobility. You should be able to understand that if a large number of strong adults The Orcs are not full, and there is nowhere to vent their desire to fight and bloodthirsty, so as to say nobles, I am afraid that even the rule of the royal family will be unstable. "

To be honest, Zhang Yang was really surprised at the moment. He had also thought about the problems in the orc kingdom of Campas and the significance of the **** battle. However, at the moment, he heard this from the mouth of a royal female warrior known for its force. The analysis still made Zhang Yang feel incredible.

"If I said to others in the kingdom that the title of" crazy tiger "Miss Termish is actually an extremely wise person, I am afraid most people would not believe it?"

Zhang Yang's compliments were really awkward for Termish to listen to, so she glared at Zhang Yang before humming back:

"Most people are too lazy to talk to them, and compared to reasoning, I think fists are always more useful. Besides, if you guys feel pretty good to me, and take the initiative to mention this, otherwise I will not take the initiative Say this. "

This answer is very consistent with Zhang Yang's consistent understanding of Termish, but even if Zhang Yang is a bit dull, he can hear that the other party has at least regarded him as an equal exchange of friends. Of course, all this is based on the premise that the two are roughly equal in strength.

"Well, I'm honored to be favored by you, but I still can't figure out why the Meng tribe, which is the disadvantaged race in the majority of the population, have to be forcibly recruited and sent to the **** battle front? With my understanding See, most of the Meng tribes have little combat power even when they are adults. What can they do if they are sent to the **** front? "

This time, after Zhang Yang asked, Termish didn't speak for a long time. Only after half a ring, she said quietly:

"It seems that you have never been to the front line of the **** battle. In fact, the fighters of the powerful race also have to eat and live, so who will be responsible for their lives as fighters? Who will do their laundry and cooking, who will take care of the wounded, and Who ... can they let their wanton vents wantonly? So the Meng clan is actually very pitiful, but only so. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang was also silent. After all, even if he joined the orc army voluntarily or involuntarily, the Meng clan without strength could not escape the fate of becoming a slave. Moreover, through the words of Termish, Zhang Yang suddenly thought that those black-hearted orc nobles would sell the Meng clan that should be called by the soldiers and sell them directly as slaves to the human kingdom.

However, Zhang Yang finally chose not to speak at the bottom of his heart. Until the two of them were silent for a while, even after the bottle of wine in their hands was unconsciously finished, Zhang Yang took out two again. When bottled wine, he said again:

"Do you think that it is so pitiful for those Meng tribes to be arrested as slaves? And the strength can really bully others without even thinking about the lives and happiness of other fellow tribes?"

"So what do you think? This is a world where the strong rule all the world. If there is not enough power to ensure that you can survive, in the face of a more powerful existence, it can only be oppressed. It is like people hunting Warcraft and then It ’s normal to take out the magic nuclei in their brains, peel and cramp, and finally eat the meat. Even if I think it ’s meaningless to bully those cute people, other people do n’t think so. ”

"But the Meng clan is one of the orcs! They are not Warcraft or humans, so should the same kind of thing be the same?"

"Is the same race maimed? Perhaps most of the orcs of the strong race do not regard the Meng clan as their own sibling ... And speaking of it, no matter whether Warcraft or humans, there are often similar killings, even according to me As we all know, there are human slaves in the human kingdom? "

"This ... should be ... after all, I haven't been to the human kingdom."

Zhang Yang said that he almost revealed his secrets here, but fortunately he responded very quickly before lying to cover up the past. However, Zhang Yang had to admit that Termish was right. Even in the food-rich human kingdom, there are still human beings who become slaves, and there is more endless exploitation and oppression. Is it the inferiority of the intelligent race?

"Yeah, I haven't been to the kingdom of mankind. I heard that the mountains and forests are rich and dense, and the environment is much better than that of the orc kingdom. I really hope to have a chance to go over and see, but unfortunately the strong man over there Many, I am afraid that I will be besieged soon after? "

"Perhaps, maybe not all humans hate Orcs or maybe?"

"Who knows, anyway, it does n’t make any sense. After all, I ca n’t change anything. At most, I can just live freely according to my own ideas. As for going to the human country to see this, I ’m afraid that I might not have a chance in my lifetime. Achieved."

"So why not try to change everything around you? I think you are different from many orcs and nobles. As far as I know, you have the same idea as you, only Ted Turk?"

At the mention of the name Ted Turk, Termish, who was somewhat depressed, came to the spirit all at once.

"Hey ?! How do you know?"

"Uh! This ... was actually told by my sister Hess ..."

"This ..."

(Scary! Almost talking about leaking ...)

After seeing Termish disappointed, Zhang Yang became a little disappointed again, and after a little while looked at the gradually rising light in the sky, he gently said:

"The world is constantly changing. Maybe it won't take long for everything that we were familiar with to change. But Termish, I hope you can promise me two things, can you?"

Zhang Yang ’s request was very sudden for Termish. It only took two days to know that they knew each other. It ’s another matter to be a friend from a stranger to now. It ’s more accurate to say that the two can come together. It was just a relationship of employment, so Zhang Yang had no reason or position to ask Termish to promise him anything.

However, for some reason, Termish vaguely felt that she should first listen to what the other party wanted her to agree with before making a decision, so she turned her head to look at the mysterious guy around and decided to believe her instincts.

"Tell me."

"First of all, I hope that no matter what happens in the future, we can get along as peacefully as we do today, like friends."

"Well, I promise you this. After all, you guy is strange, but it's not annoying."

Zhang Yang, who didn't expect that he would get this evaluation, had to smile awkwardly, but his expression became serious in the next moment.

"As for another thing, I hope that one day when the orc kingdom of Campas changes dramatically, you can follow your heart to make choices and do what you think is right. That's it."

"Do you ... know what?"

When Zhang Yang said this, Termish suddenly felt some inexplicable tension. She always believed in her instincts, so she had to pay attention to what the person in front said. But Zhang Yang, who had said this, didn't explain anything, but drank up the half bottle of wine in his hand, looked at the sky where the fish belly was white, and said with a smile:

"It's dawn, and it looks like we should go back. Speaking of which we are going to leave here today. Time passes really quickly. Oh, Termish, if you are still planning something, don't be late Oh, see you then! "

After finishing this, Zhang Yang simply turned around and left. At this moment, only Termish was sitting alone in the broken wall and watching the farther and brighter sky in the distance ...

The Red Rock City is so small that it took only a total of three minutes from Zhang Yang to leave the destroyed platform and return to the Red Torch Tavern.

However, when he pushed open the door of the tavern, he found that in the early morning when the genius began to shine, there were two people sitting in the tavern waiting for him.

As for why Zhang Yang thinks so, it's actually very simple. After all, the two people who got up at the moment because they saw Zhang Yang appeared are the vague leaders that Zhang Yang bought the group of foxes, that is, the village chief grandfather Fowle in the mouth of Elin Thai, as well as the gentle female Fox pharmacist Lanny.

"Aren't you, Master, in the room?"

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