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(Maybe fate really exists and haunts me ...)

Zhang Yang thought a bit alone.

After Forte, the fox old man, recited the prophecy in the second half of Hemet, Zhang Yang suddenly understood why he was recognized by Forte as related to the messenger mentioned in the prophecy.

If he only has the appearance of the beautiful black fox after he has transformed, he may also say that he just had a coincidence with the messenger in the prophecy. However, Zhang Yang had just led Aileen to awaken the blood energy in his body, and he also sent the group of fox tribes to the gods.

Later, Zhang Yang also asked whether the second half of this prophecy was well known, but the answer he received was no. This is a fable that has been passed down from generation to generation among the Meng tribe, and as countless Meng tribe villages were destroyed by blood washing, many legends like this have disappeared in the long river.

The reason why Forte knew the whole prophecy was that when the home was destroyed and the village was rebuilt, an old shaman who travelled told him.

Is it really just a coincidence? Is there really a prophet in this world? Is there a sage who can know what happened hundreds of thousands of years later?

Zhang Yang really didn't know that this was really too much beyond his cognitive scope. To know that he always thought that he was just a warrior with special strength. He was not a magician who studied mysticism. How could he understand these mysterious and mysterious things?

And even if they are magicians, warlocks, etc., I am afraid that there is nothing more than Zhang Yang who can understand the fate of the ethereal. At least Zhang Yang can clearly feel the existence of destiny, right?

In fact, since Forte said the entire Simite prophecy, Zhang Yang ’s identity was directly determined. Even though Zhang Yang himself was still confused, for Forte, Lanny and Elin, he almost became In general, the high divine mansion, no matter what the other party said directly agreed.

This is to let Zhang Yang prepare the original utterance without any chance to speak, and arrange everything afterwards in a few words.

After that, Zhang Yang re-emphasized that the three of them should keep this secret well, and then let them leave his room to arrange breakfast and organize other matters related to the departure of the Fox people.

It wasn't until then that Zhang Yang sighed down. When he heard Himmet's prophecy in the first half, he knew that he might not be able to escape this troublesome vortex, which seems even more so now.

However, what really makes Zhang Yang care is that whether it is the first half of the prophecy or the second half of the prophecy, there are words that refer to "sadness" and "king", then the question is, where will these two words come from? ? Does it indicate what Zhang Yang will experience?

So looking at the rising sun outside the window, Zhang Yang was in deep contemplation ...

At the same time, in the distant city of Orsay, Colosseum, legendary powerhouse Ted Turk was watching the rising sun outside the terrace.

In fact, when Zhang Yang reluctantly chose to use the fraudulent orb, the tiger clan Ted Turk, who was quietly operating the body's blood energy in the morning in the Colosseum City for daily routine training, was like that Opening his eyes with emotion, he cast a slightly suspicious gaze straight to the far north.

As a superpower of the seventh-order legendary level, it almost has been separated from the category of ordinary people. Even if it does not possess any magic ability, but with its own strength and advanced soul power, Tedtek can still blur Feel something. So much so that he vaguely knew that the person he seemed to care about had already appeared there.

So for a moment, Ted Turk almost couldn't restrain his impulse and rushed north. Fortunately, his willpower is also far beyond ordinary people, so that in the final juncture, Ted Turke finally calmed down and dispelled the idea of ​​rushing over to find the person who made him dream.

Ted Turk had long understood that the other party did not like himself, and all the decisions he made and even the future sacrifices were likely to be wishful thinking. Even if he could find Hess and even bind her people firmly around her, her heart would only get farther and farther away.

Therefore, today Ted Turk chose to follow the suggestion of that Woking. Even if this guy appeared very suspicious, there was a word that Ted Turk thought the other party was right.

If he can own the entire Campas Orc Kingdom, then in the near future, if Hess really needs his power, then he naturally has the ability to truly walk into the heart of the other party! Even if it's just being used ... should she stay with her?

Thinking of here, Tedtek took a deep breath and slowly spit it out, but this is the most common action, but it caused a strong cyclone because of Tedtek's powerful strength and the instability in his heart!

Ted Turke has never loved a person so intently, and has never felt such a powerful motivation for love at this moment!

(Hold the entire Campas Orc Kingdom in your hands? Even if the legendary strong cannot be the king, it does n’t seem to be too difficult to raise a spokesperson or control a puppet ...)

At the moment, Ted Turk does not know what the final result of his thoughts might even be, even the bitter fruit ...

With fate and fate, fate is turbulent, and it is likely that even fate itself does not know what the future will become.

However, compared to the big issues such as ‘fate’ and ‘future’, Zhang Yang knows what he should do at the moment, and in fact he is doing it according to his own wishes.

Zhang Yang knows that he must not appear in front of people as 'Miss Heath'. This is not only a matter of personal will, but also because once he appeared as that beautiful black fox, he was determined by Termish It will be extremely troublesome not to mention, it is likely that the other party will be aware of the secret of his transformation!

If things really get to that point, I am afraid that Zhang Yang will no longer be able to use the trick of pretending to be a disguise. The best result can only be to go straight to the frontline of the **** battle and then go back to the human country. As for the worst result ... It is also very possible to be killed in the orc kingdom of Campas by countless powerful people.

So after sending away Aileen and others, Zhang Yang slightly sighed for a while and completely closed all the doors and windows in the house, and then with the power of soul in his body poured into the fraudulent orb worn on his left ear. After not knowing the specific color, Zhang Yang returned to his original human appearance again.

In fact, this fraudulent orb can be switched at any time according to the user's wishes, but only if you want to achieve this premise, you must first have a strong enough and sufficient soul power.

Otherwise, it is like Zhang Yanggang got the fraudulent orb. Every use must be separated by several days. After use, he will fall into a coma because of the excessive consumption of the power of the soul.

Fortunately, the consumption of soul power is not a big problem for Zhang Yang, who has lost his strength and strength, but what really bothers him now is how to pretend to be the previous Woking again after he turned back. What does it look like? Know that the materials he used to disguise are few and far from enough to get it again!

(This is troublesome! If you change your own style, they naturally do n’t have to worry about Aileen, but after a while, they should be coming to pick them up. At that time, they have to appear the following! And more than that, if they guessed well, Termish should have to come together in a while. In that case, they finally insisted on the fake identity that they have obtained for so many days, and they are really finished, no! Find a way ...)

In fact, Zhang Yang's space ring has already prepared a lot of things for disguise, but just let him have a foresight, and did not expect that he would be thrown into the distant Campas Orc Kingdom somehow and stay for a long time!

So the material that was supposed to be disguised for two months now has only a little adhesive left, and the colorant is not left at all. However, as long as Zhang Yang was given a little more time to collect slowly, it would not be impossible to make up, but now the time is tight, he thinks about it, and finally hit his idea to the fake ears, fake tails and fake hair that fell off when he turned on.

(I ca n’t help it. I can get it back as much as I can. If the tail does n’t work, the whole cloak will be hidden, but the disguise on the head and face must pass the border ...)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang immediately hurry up and live. Fortunately, during this time, he has been pretending to be more familiar with the pretence. The sticky and sticky stickers have been tinkered, and the head and face parts have basically recovered the previous appearance.

By the time Zhang Yang heard the noisy people outside the tavern pushing the door to open, he had a large cloak of black, gray and two layers outside his body! This is good, unless both of these two layers of cloaks are removed, otherwise what will happen to Zhang Yang is absolutely invisible to others.

Unsurprisingly, when Zhang Yang walked out of the gate of the Red Torch Tavern, he looked up and saw the hoofed shells standing in front of a group of soldiers. What surprised Zhang Yang slightly was that, besides Boyle, behind the hoof shells, he brought the 145th orc warriors of all races!

In terms of Zhang Yang's eyesight, most of these orc warriors should be veterans. Although their strength is almost hovering between the second and third orders, the most caravan guards are more than enough. This shows how powerful the hoopoe's network in Red Rock City is.

As soon as Zhang Yang went out, Hoofbee naturally saw him, so the black and tall cow warrior shield greeted him with a shy smile:

"Admiral Woking is early! Hoofs finally live up to their expectations. Now the" Gale "caravan is basically completed. These are the caravan escorts I recruited, and the total number of us is just one hundred and fifty ! "

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