Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1137: Surrounded and ready to attack

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According to Termish, it seemed that the predicament in front of him suddenly became extremely simple.

But in fact, if Zhang Yang and Termish are both entangled by the strong enemy, then with the half-tone of Dave, as well as the three tier five junior fighters and 42 strengths, they are all in the third and fourth tier In terms of the left and right men, I am afraid that they will be completely engulfed by the remaining three hundred enemies within a few minutes!

So although Zhang Yang did not want to pour cold water on Termish at this juncture, he still specifically reminded:

"Do n’t forget the purpose of this trip. If Dave is killed by the enemy, you are defeated, so if possible, I advise you to pay more attention to Dave ’s while blocking the enemy ’s strong. Situation. "

"I naturally understand this point. In terms of whether this battle can win, in fact it depends on you!"

"Don't hope too much for me, I may not be as strong as you guessed."

Zhang Yang is not clear why Telmish has such a strong confidence in him. After all, in terms of the strength he once showed, it is not much stronger than Telmish. However, what he did not know was that Termish immediately looked at Zhang Yang immediately after guessing that he possessed the power of soul.

"In short, I hope you try your best to be that this time there are too many enemies and Dave ’s gold coins on hand can not be spent, so as long as you help us survive this crisis safely, there is no problem even if Dave ’s wallet is squeezed out! Do you feel more motivated? "

"I'm so greedy in your heart?"

"Perhaps, who knows? But then ... you don't have to die."

(If it is used several times by you, I'm afraid it's hard not to die!)

Zhang Yang just whispered in his heart and didn't say it directly. In fact, the enemy at a distance has already entered his farthest range!

1,300 meters! This is the longest attacking distance when Zhang Yang uses the sniper bow "Dark Night Kiss" to shoot an ordinary armor-piercing arrow!

In fact, this distance has exceeded the effective range that can be achieved by most long-range attackers in the orc kingdom of Campas. Only high-level archers who are good at fighting in the human kingdom can increase the range to Zhang Yang with the assistance of fighting. Degree.

In other words, Zhang Yang, who now uses the sniper bow ‘Dark Night Kiss’, can be regarded as a long-range sniper with a fourth-order shooter skill and almost the fifth-order intermediate sniper destructive power!

The reason for such a weird positioning is naturally because Zhang Yang is not a full-time archer, and all the skills he possesses are the things learned in the last life. Although practical, it lacks many magical control skills and a wide range of attack methods because of the lack of grudge.

From this point of view, Zhang Yang is at most equivalent to an archer who has just entered the fourth order in archery skills, and may even be slightly inferior due to the problems of the technical profession.

However, Zhang Yang has formed his own set of methods for fighting long ago. Because of the special effects of Eure's body, Zhang Yang is really rare in terms of strength. The direct effect of this is that when Zhang Yang possesses a strong bow that can withstand his power, the arrows fired from his hands are comparable to the powerful fortified ballistas in terms of speed and strength!

The terrifying penetration and the powerful kinetic energy carried by the arrows have deadly power for any Tier 5 professional without wearing magic heavy armor.

In addition to this, because Zhang Yang has a strong [into the micro] control relationship, not to mention the 1300 meters, that is, the distance is doubled, and with his powerful soul insight, he can accurately determine the arrow's landing point. Perfectly control the strength of your hands to achieve the best results.

And all this is just the power that Zhang Yang can use under normal conditions. Once he exerts [Thunderbolt Enhancement], within the continuous increase of time, all those who appear below Zhang Yang within a radius of two kilometers are professionals , Is equivalent to handing his life to Zhang Yang's hands!

As for the real powerhouses above level six, even though Zhang Yang immediately used [Thunderbolt Enhancement] to enter the increase state, he has no absolute confidence to successfully kill powerhouses above level six at a distance of 1,300 meters. After all, for the strongmen above the sixth order, in addition to their ability to react far beyond ordinary people, even their ability to perceive and predict danger is extremely powerful.

In addition, if Zhang Yang ca n’t be hit with a single blow, then when these sixth-order strongmen are ready to use the protective skills such as [Blood Armor], Zhang Yang wants to kill it with a bow and arrow, which is even more difficult. Difficult.

So Zhang Yang is still waiting at this moment, waiting for the goal he selected to enter the position where he can fully exert the power of the ‘Dark Night Kiss’. At that time, he will use [Thunderbolt Enhancement] instantaneously and give him a full blow!

Zhang Yang believes that even if the target is replaced by himself, if he is attacked without preparation, there is a great possibility that he will be recruited. Although Zhang Yang ’s eccentric physique may not necessarily mean death, serious injuries are likely to be inevitable.

And the best attack distance that Zhang Yang is waiting for is no more than a thousand meters!

(Come on! Let me see how lucky this time is. In terms of the responsiveness of the Tier 6 strongman, I may only have one chance to succeed in a sneak attack, but that is for a target, if I move faster, I do n’t count If you succeed in defeating every sixth-order strongman with an arrow ... it seems that it is really possible to kill one or two more enemies!)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang suddenly felt shocked and hesitated. He took out the only six "black arrows" from the ring of space and took four at a time, and inserted them in four directions beside him. At the same time, in order to achieve the best effect of concealed raids, Zhang Yang specially called several low-level guards around Dave to stand in his own place.

At this time, the enemies in the distance had already entered a position about 1,100 meters away from Zhang Yang and others. With the eyesight of the strong men on both sides, they could already roughly see each other's appearance. At this moment, Zhang Yang finally knew who the attacker was.

(But what about the three tall guys in front of the crowd in three other directions who covered their entire bodies in their hoods and cloaks? It looks a bit like a cattle orc, but few of them are tall. Is it more than three meters? But if they are elephant orcs, it seems a little too slender. I ’m afraid there is something weird here! And the strongman above the sixth rank is not a wild vegetable. … It should be a hunter dedicated to Dave from afar?)

Thinking of Zhang Yang ’s heart suddenly, it ’s just that because of the relationship between the three targets all covered under the hood and cloak, Zhang Yang could n’t find out their key points for a while, so that after a few glances , And finally decided to set the target on their chest.

I want to use the "black arrow" to break the armor, even if the other party is wearing armor, it can be hit hard. If this is the case, Zhang Yang and others will be much easier. It's a pity that all of this is a guess in Zhang Yang's heart, and the specific degree to which it may be achieved may only be known to the gods believed by the people of the orc kingdom of Campas ...

(Seventy meters left!)

Boyle has led the entire "hook claw" bounty hunter team for three days waiting for today's actions. Of course, it is more appropriate to endure for three days.

For the time being, I do n’t care about anything else. As for Zhang Yanggang ’s grievance when he entered the Red Rock City, if it is put in the usual domineering and cruel and brutal temperament of Boyle, he would have worked in secret and would not take Zhang Yang Wait until everyone is divided into corpses without hatred.

However, these days are good. In order not to attract the attention of Baker and other forces in Redstone City, Boyle even ordered all the members of Hook Claw not to provoke trouble, and even the bounty task should not be taken indiscriminately. For this, Boyle even gave up a lot of gold coins to appease the emotions of his men.

What he conspired to do was, of course, the huge remuneration after killing Dave, and the huge amount of wealth that the employer specifically mentioned and hid in Dave.

Not only that, the noble employer also promised that as long as Boyle did this well, then when the one who ascended the throne one day, he would give Boyle Redstone for permanent 'S fiefs! This may be the place that really touches Boyle.

"Master, the target has confirmed that it was Dave and others who had previously left Red Rock City, and the subordinates counted carefully, and there are many!"

"Hey, hey! Very good! Really good! Do you really see that **** Woking? He happened to be mixed with Dave by coincidence, this is really a chance given by God! Hehe hahahaha! "

"Regarding the grown up, it is indeed the guy named Woking. It's just that it was rumored in the city yesterday that this person helped Termish and Baker to kill Elmont, the war lizard, so the subordinates felt that they were afraid strength……"

At this moment, it was Boyle ’s wolf aide, Zuo De, who was talking to Boyle at this moment. Counting the nature attack of Boyle ’s gamblers, he even mobilized all the people of the “Hook Claw” bounty hunter team Over here. In this way, it is just a matter of success. If it fails, I am afraid that Boyle ’s Bounty Hunter Brigade, which has been operating painstakingly for more than a decade, will probably be delisted!

"Humph! There is nothing to worry about. In fact, I have received accurate news. Yesterday, Baker, Termish and Woking fought against El Monte. From the slave market, they broke through the wall and hit the city. Finally, the green lizard was seriously wounded by the advantage of many people, and it was not the Wojin but the famous Termish that killed him in the end. So I guess that the guy ’s strength is the most. Similar, but do n’t forget that we have strong foreign aid this time! It is more than enough to deal with Termith alone with the strength of those three monsters, and now it is possible to kill that Woking with piggybacks, is n’t it a double benefit? Hey hey hey! "

Listening to Boyle's mention of the three so-called foreign aids, even Zuo De, the wolf clan lieutenant who has always expressed people coldly, can't help but swallow. As Boyle said, the strength of those three guys is not false, but the temperament and habits are enough to make people shudder!

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