Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1142: Ancestral Orcs

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However, in a battle that was not missed in a minute, Zhang Yang had a profound experience of the power of this python clan orc.

He did n’t know whether these python clan ancestors would speak Orc common language. Anyway, from the beginning to the present, he did n’t seem to hear them except for their angry or painful roar. Any words.

Zhang Yang does not know why this is, but he knows that he is focused because of silence and powerful because of concentration. And these silent and fierce ancestors are really powerful. In Zhang Yang's eyes, they are really excellent killing machines.

But that's all for now. Sometimes, in addition to strength and speed, some wisdom is needed in battle. Therefore, when Zhang Yang deliberately pretended to be a mistake in his own judgment and was swept away by the broken arm ancestor with a war knife, the sawtooth axe in the door was exposed, and the ancestor who was focused on fighting and killing immediately followed two steps without hesitation. Then, lift up the thick and thick serrated war knife without losing the weight to the long-hand serrated battle axe and cut it straight towards Zhang Yang's head!

At this moment, if Zhang Yang does n’t do anything, with the surging blood energy contained in the sawtooth war knife plus the powerful power of this python family ancestor orc, even if Zhang Yang ’s skeleton is already stronger than most known creatures, he still has n’t Full confidence can resist it intact.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang deliberately weakened and set the trap not for his own death, so when he was in the air and was about to be cut by the ancestor orc behind him, Zhang Yang turned around and turned over, and at the same time he had a half Mido has an off-white gray blade and a bizarre bladed gun with a gun body of nearly two meters, but it is like a poisonous dragon that burst out of the hole. The gray shadow stabbed the ancestral neck before the other party dodged!

Normally speaking, in terms of the strong endurance and strange recovery ability of the Ancestor Orcs, even if the neck is pierced, as long as the head is not cut off, they can quickly recover by consuming their own vitality. What's more, the reason why the ancestors brutally like to eat the biological heart is also because they can draw a little life energy from the fresh heart to make up for their daily healing expenses!

It's a pity that this time, Zhang Yang's opponent's broken arm python clan orc can't do it, because at the moment the sudden off-white sword blade gun pierced his neck, a subtle but terrifying hiss continued to spread from the wound Come!

Then, in just three breaths, the neck of this tall ancestor orc had become rotted and black! The wound, which was originally not wide in the palm of your hand, has now been corroded into a scary hole!

In addition, the ancestral orc's original blue-purple head is now starting to turn black from bottom to top. Perhaps he still does not believe that such a powerful self will be killed suddenly, so that the fierce light has a vertical pupil. The eyes at this moment look full of disbelief.

However, Zhang Yang would never bet too much attention on a dead person. In contrast, he found that in the short time of less than two minutes between himself and this ancestor, Dave ’s men had already forty The rest suddenly dropped to more than twenty people today!

Today, only half of them are facing enemies who are still three times their own. There is a little more despair in their eyes. If they see Zhang Yang successfully killing an enemy strong man, I am afraid that Dave will take a while. Some men will lose the will to continue fighting.

(I did n’t expect that Boyle ’s men even had a character who was good at commanding battles. I knew that I should kill this wolf tribe first.)

Thinking of Zhang Yang's hands here, he didn't hesitate. While cutting the sword horizontally, the head of the black Ancestor Orc who had turned black turned to the ground.

It is said that Zhang Yang discovered during the battle just now that the texture of the serrated warrior used by this python ancestor was quite excellent. After fighting with the long-handed serrated battle axe with a red awn in his hand for many times, the surface was not obvious. The damage, even the spikes that made the shoes look less solid, were kept intact.

Nowadays, Zhang Yang's weapons are missing, bad, bad, and there are not many available. Therefore, while putting away his sword blade gun, he also put this handle blade more than 1.8 meters long, and the full length is 2 meters away. 'S zigzag warrior gave a ring of space.

Speaking of that, Zhang Yang had to admire the combat power of Termish. From the beginning of the fight to the present, she has steadily contained two enemy Sixth-rank strong men without saying anything. Without showing any loss, this resilience and combat strength are generally not available to men, which is really commendable.

Seeing that Termish did n’t bother Zhang Yang, he felt relieved. In contrast, if he did n’t hurry to support Dave ’s side, he was afraid that his loyal men would die soon. .

So with the power of [Thunderbolt Strengthening] in the body that has not dissipated at this moment, Zhang Yang, who dragged the long-handed serrated battle axe, jumped suddenly for more than ten meters, and then spanned more than twenty meters in one fell swoop. The momentum of Thunder slammed into the group of warriors of the hook claw bounty hunter who besieged Dave and others with the force of [War Trample]!

The power of [War Trample] released by the Tier VI soldiers was already extremely powerful, not to mention Zhang Yang ’s act of jumping and falling was already equivalent to accumulating power in mid-air again. So when he fell into the crowd suddenly, a strong wave of air mixed with large pieces of gravel suddenly spread out in all directions in a circular ring.

In terms of the remaining third-tier fourth-tier strength of these hook-claw bounty hunter fighters, how can they survive the attack of the sixth-rank strong? Even though Zhang Yang dispersed the power of this blow because he tried to increase the attack range, there were still three unlucky ghosts that could not dodge him.

Zhang Yang's sudden appearance clearly broke the one-sided situation here, and just after he landed, the whole person took himself as the center and rotated the huge and heavy serrated battle axe in his hand.

In an instant, Zhang Yang was like a bladed gyro, and turned directly around the encircling circle formed by the warriors of the hook claw bounty hunter group. Cut off from this whirlwind of death.

So when Zhang Yang stopped and looked at it, there were already seventeen or eight more enemies on the ground who were still trembling and struggling, but not yet dead. As for the remaining warriors of the hook-claw bounty hunter group, his eyes were already filled with deep fear, and it seemed that he had no guts to shoot Zhang Yang.

"Dare to kill the orcs, you will pay for it!"

At the moment, it was Murad who was taught by Zhang Yang fiercely, and then the goods were redeemed by Boyle. In fact, it is not surprising that he can live to the present with his fourth-level intermediate strength, but Zhang Yang does not know what gave him the courage to threaten himself.

"Pay the price? It's up to you? Or your self-confident boss?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang glanced a little not far away and was still entangled by Termith, Boyle and another ancestor, and now Zhang Yang's face still has a faint look, and there is no hint of ridicule. , But all the remaining hook claw bounty hunter brigades, including Murad, felt a contemptuous contempt!

For this, some grumpy orc warriors suddenly wanted to rush up and fight desperately with Zhang Yang, fortunately they were stopped by the companions next to them. In fact, this is not to say how friendly these members are, but they are worried that the terrifying guy on the opposite side will be irritated and then implicated in themselves.

Murad was also gnashed his teeth with Zhang Yang's expression, but he was well aware of the huge strength gap between him and the hybrid hybrid in front of him, so he did not make any moves that might cause misunderstandings, but used blood red Staring at Zhang Yang, he continued:

"You don't have to be too happy to tell you, these few Ancestors and Orcs are all under the prince! Now you not only obstructed the plan of the prince, but also killed his people, I believe I can't use it How long will there be a superpower above the legendary level to ask for your cheap life! Hahahaha! "

Zhang Yang was not surprised to hear that, after all, Termish had already told him about the cruel selection and inheritance system within the orc kingdom. And Zhang Yang believes that he will soon leave the Campas Orc Kingdom and return to the human kingdom. When he removes the camouflage, then the strength of the other party should not be able to go to the human kingdom and find him in the vast sea.

Of course, Zhang Yang could not say this. He just raised his serrated battle axe indifferently and pointed at the Murad with the blade:

"I really want to play a game with the legendary super powers, but you can't see these, because you will immediately die under this battle axe, become a cold body, and finally be The beasts and warcraft on this wasteland nibble clean. "

Being pointed at by Zhang Yang, Murad and the hook-claw members around him suddenly took a step back. However, at this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly saw in Murad's eyes the joy and expectation of a scheme that was about to succeed.

Suddenly Zhang Yang remembered something, and then he no longer hesitated, raised his battle axe and rushed towards Murad and others!

"Haha! It's late! You are doomed to fail! Fanned! After killing Dave, divide the action!"

The people who had been guarding against Zhang Yang ’s Murad shouted when Zhang Yang moved, and at this moment, from behind these guys, he suddenly rushed out of a python family holding two crescent moon and axe. Ancestor!

It turned out that when Zhang Yangchong came over, Murad and others under the command of the werewolf Zuodang blocked the ancestral man who was completely injured and was approaching quietly. So at this moment, Zhang Yang, who was attracted by Murad again with carelessness, was attacked and flew out by the ancestor who was completely wrapped in dark red [Blood Armor]!

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