Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1151: Ruins in the lake

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Seeing Termish riding a bipedal dragon completely disappear into the distant sky, Dave opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he couldn't say a word.

Dave knew in his own heart that he did take advantage of Termish's affection for himself, thus binding the strong man to his side for so long. It's just that the way he killed Lier before made Termish feel disappointed and sad, otherwise she would never suddenly become so cold with him.

Today, although Termish left completely, the team's combat power suddenly fell by several steps, but relatively speaking, Termish has removed the last piece of road on Dave's front before leaving. stumbling block. And if Dave did n’t guess wrong, now he only needs to find the ruin hidden somewhere, and open it smoothly to achieve his long-cherished wish.

As long as he inherited the power in the ruins, he wouldn't say to change his destiny, Dave might even control it in one fell swoop! Then turn his attention to places that could not have been involved before, such as ... the throne of the orc kingdom of Campas!

However, the king of the Campas Orc Kingdom has never been a legendary and above superpower, so Dave wants to achieve this purpose, and he may have a long way to go, at least he has to enter the ruins first. Isn't it?

So after a moment of wondering against the sky, Dave regained his enthusiasm after accepting the reality.

It is said that Dave can buy so many people's hearts, so that these followers will not risk his life for him. Naturally, in addition to the power of gold coins, there are other convincing abilities. It should be known that although Dave has extremely poor combat capabilities and is timid and afraid of death himself, his ability to direct others to work and move his mouth is not bad.

So under the direction of Dave, the remaining followers finally carefully entered the valley full of life and green in front.

Perhaps as Dave had guessed, the entire valley here belongs to the bipedal dragon that was conquered by Termish, so after the unlucky bipedal dragon left, Dave and others went deep into the valley. After the leak, no trace of any other Warcraft activities could be seen at all.

This discovery immediately relieved Dave and others to relax, and even with the team that dare not go out with the silent advance, now there is finally a little more voice.

However, when Dave and others thoroughly explored the valley oasis, which was not so big, although it did not encounter any danger, even the bigger animals were not seen from beginning to end, but the relative Yes, Dave also found no clue about the location of the ruins.

This made Dave so anxious that the climate in this valley was very cool and humid, but Dave's head clearly began to sweat.

"It shouldn't be! It's definitely here, I can't make a mistake! The entrance must be hidden somewhere, it must be!"

At this moment, Dave, anxious, started to mumble, knowing that Termish has left now. If this valley is not the place he wants to find, then even if they leave, they can really find another one. In a place that may be a ruin, who can deal with another sixth-order bipedal dragon?

So if it takes so much effort to find the right place, Dave really does n’t know if he wo n’t be able to suffocate himself. However, when Dave was in a hurry, the fox girl Daier, who had been following him uncharacteristically and quietly since this time, stepped forward to wipe the sweat on his head, and then pointed The small lake behind the bush said:

"Master, do n’t worry, I believe you must have found the wrong place, and the reason why we have n’t been able to find the entrance to that ruin after turning for so long, is it because the so-called entrance is actually hidden in this small Under the lake? "

"You mean ... underwater?"

What does it mean to be anxious to not eat hot tofu? What is the blindness of Mount Tai? This is the case with Dave today. In fact, he is so excited and urgent at the moment that he can't think of anything that can be easily analyzed.

Fortunately, with Dyer's reminder now, Dave's brain suddenly came alive, so he ignored the surrounding men who were watching, and drew his neighbor directly on the other side's bright little mouth. Go on!

It was not until more than ten seconds later that there was a flush of Dair ’s charming little face. Dave laughed and released it, and then took the lead and walked in the direction of the small lake ...

"Hahahaha! Sure enough, that's right here! Did you see the smooth stone wall under the water? That's what the gate of the ruins in the record looks like! Hahaha!"

Many times the reason why people ca n’t discover the hidden things and secrets around them is because people do n’t think about that aspect at all. Therefore, as long as you cross a few steps, or squat down and change the angle to re-look at everything around you, people will find that what they are looking for is actually around them, even under their own eyes.

At this time, the situation of Dave and others is about this. When they came carefully to the edge of a small lake or a pond that was about 100 meters wide, the one hidden a few meters below the clear water, The smooth stone wall with obvious traces of artificial construction was quickly found by one of Dave's men.

So under the control of this kind of special emotion that seems to be recovered, Dave, who has always been relatively reserved, finally couldn't help laughing.

Now that the entrance location has been discovered, the rest is naturally much simpler. Under Dave's order, the remaining 17 orc warriors of varying strengths were completely dispersed by him around this small lake to serve as a vigilance.

In fact, Dave had given a death order, that is, when he took Del in, no one should be allowed to approach the entrance of this ruin, even the treatment of both his own and the enemy.

And before he succeeds in coming out, they still have to raise their vigilance. If they really encounter an irresistible strongman or Warcraft, they will lead each other away at all costs to ensure Dave's safety to the greatest extent possible.

Counting such orders before, Dave almost never gave his followers, but now? But in just a few days, Dave not only issued such a cruel and impersonal order, but even sacrificed the lives of more than thirty soldiers for this!

However, for these orc warriors who lick the blood, life and battle are like a gamble, so that although the stakes are large, they even put their entire life and life on Dave, but If he can really succeed, then the rewards received will not be as simple as several times the benefits.

Therefore, after Dave issued this order, the remaining 17 orc warriors with strengths ranging from Tier 3 to Tier 5 all left with a serious look.

It's just that they still don't understand. Why listen to the meaning of His Highness Dave, he only took the fox slave girl Dai Er with him to explore this relic? Is there no other danger in the ruins? Or does this ruin have clear or special requirements for the number of people entering? Otherwise, compared to a group of people staying around this small lake, leaving no traces to enter the remains of the small lake, is this the best way to hide?

But the order is the order. Since Dave has already given it himself, then these orc warriors as his men only have the orders to execute.

Only Dyer, who was specifically named by Dave, didn't show anything at this moment, still so submissive and so quiet ...

"Don't be afraid in a moment, you just have to hold your breath and dive with me, and leave the rest to me."

"Understand the master."

While taking off the extra and cumbersome clothes, Dave said to Daier, who had taken off her skirt and had only a **** underwear. Dave likes this kind of obedience, which makes him always feel that he is in control. It's just that Dave is so excited now that even the lively and cheerful Daier was so abnormal and abnormal at the moment that he could not detect it. This may be the true portrayal of the word blind.

To the surprise of Dave, the water in this small lake turned out to be quite cool! When he led Dyer to dive over the top two or two meters of water, the lake below the gate near the ruins suddenly became cold. Although it did not reach a sufficient level of icing, it did not seem to be too far apart in Dave's feeling.

But this should not be the case at all! It is important to know that the Campas Orc Kingdom is generally dry and hot. Although the temperature difference between day and night is large, except for the ice and snow in the west and south, the closer the place is to the front line of the **** battle, the higher the temperature. So the special situation in the water Dave thinks must be caused by the power of the ruins.

But according to the records, the power sealed in this ruin should have no such effect.

But this idea just flashed through Dave's mind. As he dived to the gate of the ruin, he left the matter directly behind him. No matter what is in it, it is the same as what is recorded in the classics.

So when he brushed away the sporadic water plants on the stone wall, and finally found a groove in the middle of the stone wall with a baby fist, Dave quickly took out a beautiful blood-red diamond-like crystal, and then it was inserted tightly. Into the groove on that stone wall!

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