Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1154: Dave's fate

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Dave has always been afraid of death, even if he has used various methods to cultivate the blood energy in the body to the fifth order, it seems to be a very powerful person in the eyes of outsiders. Please read the most complete! However, Dave has almost no chance to really use his own strength, otherwise it will not be clear that he has fifth-order advanced blood energy but the actual combat power can not even play half.

However, there is always a reason for everything. The reason why Dave has become like this is that in addition to his innate personality factors, the environment in which he lives does not play a good role.

After all, who was told from the day of the sensible, if you ca n’t become the king of the orc kingdom of Campas or the superpower of the seventh-order legendary level in the future, then you will be killed by your brother and become the one before the throne Bloody congratulations.

So change or disagreement arises here. Positive people will use this as a motivation to struggle, struggle, and work hard, while negative people live in fear of death all day long, without a sense of security, hopeless.

It's just that Dave is still a member of the King's Orc King Orcish Lions, so even if he fears in his heart, he can still pretend to be a greedy and careless expression.

And this has paralyzed many people, otherwise Dave can say whether he can live safely now.

Unfortunately, he was still afraid of death in the end. As the day drew nearer, Dave felt that no matter how he enjoyed or how rich he was, he seemed unable to change his fate.

So he is desperately looking for a way to survive. He needs to know that his talent for cultivation can only reach this level. If he goes further, he doesn't know how many years it will take. It is even possible that there is no hope in this life.

Fortunately, Kungfu lives up to his heart. He finally found the information of this ruin in an ancient book, and this is his only chance to survive his established destiny and even control his own destiny!

However, everything seems to be over now. When that round of blood flames ignited him together, Dave suddenly realized that he did not seem to be able to escape his destiny.

At this moment, Dave had instinctively transported the blood gas energy in his body to resist the strange and scary blood flame, but when the blood gas energy released from his body just touched the reincarnation blood flame, it was originally only slowly on his body surface. The burning blood-colored flame seemed to be stimulated or attracted, and it burned violently in an instant!

"Why! Del! How can you betray me? See what you have done! Ah! Damn it!"

It is often said that people are good at dying, but most of them will only appear on normal dead people. Those who really encounter unexpected death will be filled with hatred except for unwillingness and fear! Hate those who killed themselves!

So at this moment Dave suddenly made an amazing move, only to see him struggling to draw a beautiful dagger from his waist, and then slammed under Darel's rib!

However, Dave's blow with a **** flame hit nothing! Because he suddenly discovered that the target attacked by the dagger in his hand had now turned into a gleaming **** fragment! And as he walked through Dale's body without hindrance, his right arm holding the dagger now disappeared as Dyer's body shattered.

In a short time, I could not miss it. At the moment, only the part from the chest up was still alive, and it was amazing and strange that she could speak.

"I do n’t want to be lonely anymore. After all, we love you so much, so I just hug you as before! Our master. Please stay with our lover forever! This life also makes me selfish once."

When Daier said these words, there was a fascinating smile on her face, and at the same time her eyes brightened as she turned back to the light. At that moment, she could express the expression of brilliance in her eyes! You know that this is already the last flash of her life, and it is also the last trace of Dai Er's entire body, including the soul, left in this world.

Dave wanted to say something or even scold, but when he just opened his mouth, Dyer, who had been holding his arms tightly, kept the most beautiful look, and suddenly turned into a million. Thousand Scarlet Fragments!


Is this my destiny?

Looking at the broken beauty in front of him, Dave suddenly felt that the physical pain was not so important. Are you angry? Or sad? You know that Lier and Daier's death was planned by him long ago, but why is he feeling more empty now?

However, when Dave threw himself down on his knees, desperately and tiredly letting the strange and terrifying samsara blood flame spread and burn on his body, he accidentally found the blood red that Dyer's body dissipated after dissipating. At this moment, the powder gradually gathered around the crystal pile under the influence of some unknown force!

But the kung fu in the blink of an eye finally formed a mysterious and complicated strange pattern! What surprised Dave even more was that, at the moment when the pattern was completely formed, the surface of the pattern gradually lit up a grayish white light after passing through a layer of fluorescence!

Dave will never forget the hints he saw when he studied the volume of books, let alone the meaning of this magic circle and the white light on it!

"Is this the teleportation magic circle that can go to the real core of the ruins ?! God! Are you playing me?"

If it is placed before the two points, Dave will be absolutely excited to see this scene in front of him, but now his body has been ignited by blood flames, and even now even half of the points are missing, the skin on most of his body is already Under the burning of that round of blood flames, it turned into dust like blood shards.

Under such circumstances, what is the significance of the opening of the teleportation magic circle? You know, according to the records in that book, this rebirth of blood flames is the kind of difficult thing that will never stop if you don't burn the attachments!

damn it! do not care! Now that I have reached this point, even if I will eventually die, I have to go in and see what it looks like!

Thinking of the determination here, Dave stumbled to stand up from the ground, and then endured the pain of his heart-breaking lungs, and rushed into the teleportation magic circle, and suddenly saw only a grayish white After the flash of light, the original appearance of the blood crystal bonfire was restored, where is the shadow of Dave?

What is it like to fly? If you want to count the intelligent races on the entire Orlando continent, the exact answer may not even reach 10,000th or even 100,000th.

However, perhaps it is this extremely disparate Billy, and the desire of intelligent creatures for strength, freedom and sky, that makes people full of endless expectations for the seventh-order legendary level that can fly with their own strength.

However, with so much intelligent life on the Orlando continent, how many can really reach the seventh order legendary rank? For most intelligent creatures, their talents cannot break through that obstacle to reach the height of the seventh order legend in their lifetime.

So no matter from the strength or other angles, the flying Warcraft mount has become the best choice. At this time, Termish was experiencing this feeling of incomparable stimulation, incomparable broadness, and incomparable freedom.

Telmish is flying! To be more precise, she is riding the sixth-order Warcraft bipedal dragon she just caught and surrendered in the high sky!

She flies so high that she can touch the clouds in the sky with just a light lift of her hand. She flies so fast that even compared with the legendary seventh-level strongman who can fly with her own strength, Termish The speed at this moment can make the other party fall out of two streets. After all, the two-footed dragon is naturally a flying Warcraft. This alone is more than most of the seventh-level legendary ranks, and it cannot fully adapt to the two grudges behind him. The strong of the wings is much more skilled.

As for some magicians who flew with magic early, and some warriors who practiced the wind-based grudge, their speed can not be restricted by the general concept.

In fact, it is only one step away from the level where Termith can fly with his own strength, but it is still pleasant to fly one step earlier. Besides, the two-legged dragon is more advanced than other advanced warriors of the same level. Warcraft is a bit silly, but in terms of size and combat power, it can already be regarded as a rare powerful help.

What's more, being a bipedal dragon knight is a must-win dream for countless warriors of the orc kingdom of Campas. How could Termish be dissatisfied?

However, there are not many smiles on the face of Termish, who is flying under the two-footed dragon flying in the air. If it is only from the appearance, she is really very much with the double-footed dragon with a sad face and a full bag under her. What about a consistent combination?

It's really strange, if I'm not wrong, the Woking guy should be in this direction? Why did I find a circle and didn't even see my figure? Did he change direction temporarily? Or are you deliberately avoiding me?

In fact, since the fight was separated from Dave, Termish, who was riding a bipedal dragon, planned to go back and look for Zhang Yang. If he could help him the best, he would n’t be able to fly him to his destination. It ’s a part of the relationship, is n’t it?

However, when Termish came down in the direction that the other party left in her memory, she did not find the other party's trace at all! This suddenly made Termish, who was interested in looking for Zhang Yang, even more depressed.

And when Termish was full of doubts and looked around, the golden bone piece hanging around her neck as if it was a quick decoration, somehow cracked from the middle with a crackle!

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