Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 116: The outbreak of war

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With the discovery of the underground ruins, the people in the city of Dharonis were stunned. The people who lived here came to settle here after driving away the orc invaders. At that time, there was already a dilapidated city. People built a lot of them to build the city of Dharonis at this time, but they never thought about excavating the history of Dharonis, and nobody even investigated it. Where has the sewage from the city gone for so many years?

Therefore, when the entrance to the local ruins is opened, people will inevitably have curiosity and fear in their hearts. Did the terrible undead plague spread from here? Will there be powerful undead creatures in it? Therefore, there were only city guards around, and no curious civilians dared to join in the excitement.

At this time, after receiving the treatment of Charlotte's holy water, most of the people in the city were purged. Only a small part of the people who had been poisoned too deep had no way to recover, although Charlotte was tired and fainted several times. But her heart was always full of joy, and the hardship and exhaustion seemed to be nonexistent. It is because of this spirit that Charlotte, a girl under twenty years of age, has been respected by all the people in the city of Dharonis.

The situation is developing in a good direction, but suddenly bad news came from the walls! Just now, the three flesh puppets did not know what attracted them, and they started to walk towards the city of Dharaos. Not only that, but also a large number of ordinary zombies. The guards said that once the flesh puppet rushed under the city gate, the gate of the city of Dharonis would be absolutely irresistible! If the flesh puppets rushed into the city of Dharaos with the zombie swarms, then the consequences need not be said much!

"How could this be ?! No similar thing happened before? How did these flesh puppets suddenly hit the city !?"

Hearing the panic of Lawrence, the city owner, Zhang Yang even slightly twitched his lips, and then said:

"That's fine, at least it means we have found the right place."

"However, even if the source of the plague is found, it is not easy to say whether it can be eliminated, but the city will not be guaranteed at this time! The people in the city will die as well! If it is not that you have rashly opened the ruins, maybe we have other options. ! But it ’s all over now! "

At this time, the city owner Lawrence's eyes were red, and his emotions were extremely excited. The recent pressure has made him reach the limit. The news seemed to be the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. This man, who was gentle and elegant, collapsed!

Hearing Lawrence say this, Ingrid was angry!

"You stupid guy who will revenge! We are here to take the risk and save our lives so that the people of the city of Dharaos can get rid of the plague. Now that you have found the source of the plague, you say so to us! Believe it or not, Miss Ben about you!"

"You are just a group of mercenaries! Don't you come here for the high bounty !? Don't say so many beautiful words, these can't hide your intention for money! Want to cut me with a sword? Hahaha! I ’m the Lord of the City of Dharaos! Come here! Get me these brazen guys! "

The guards who heard Lawrence screaming at this moment are not as unkind as Lawrence. Who is a good person, who is a benefactor they still can clearly distinguish. Moreover, these people are not ordinary civilians, but they are very powerful mercenaries! As far as our guards are concerned, they are not necessarily enough to fight each other alone!

Therefore, the guards who heard Lawrence shouting all pretended that they had not heard standing in the original landmark. This can make Lawrence mad! Suddenly, he pulled out his waist saber with a fierce look and slammed the guard closest to him! However, at this moment, a huge battle axe suddenly reached out, but with a light touch, Lawrence's saber was instantly knocked out!

Silently looking at the palm of nothing, Lawrence showed a look of unbelief in surprise. This makes Zhang Yang feel extremely bored. Is this a human weakness? I like to blame everyone for my mistakes ...

However, Zhang Yang was too lazy to entangle with him at this time, and said very coldly:

"It's just a few **** puppets. Since you have to say it's our fault, then I'll cut them first and then come to explore the ruins. Ingil, you keep this place, Charlotte they came, you Just wait for me here. I will be back soon. "

After finishing the speech, Zhang Yang then turned around and carried a huge axe, then quickly ran to the east of the city ...

"Wright! Be careful, the monster will devour the zombie to recover! ..."

Seeing Zhang Yang say go, Ingrid shouted that he was afraid of losing money, but at this time Zhang Yang had already run away, and Engel didn't know if he had heard what he said ...

Zhang Yang's speed is quite enough to be comparable to the speed of the fourth-tier advanced warrior who used the grudge, and his endurance is very strong. He appeared on the east wall of the city of Dharaos in less than 5 minutes. As far as his eyes are concerned, a huge monster with a blood-red shape is slowly approaching the gate of the city of Dharani.

Looking at the flesh-and-blood puppets in the distance, Zhang Yang felt that there was some fighting in his heart!

Take the first level of monsters among the corpses? This is really interesting! Thinking of here, Zhang Yang didn't hesitate, but he jumped out of the walls of the city of Dharaos with a sharp step forward! It was at this time that Zhang Yang had already transported his strongest power in this state [Lightning Enhancement]!

I saw Zhang Yang untied the iron chain on the giant axe in the air, and then suddenly pulled the "Undead Slayer" who had not opened Zhang from behind! At the moment, Zhang Yang in the air held a giant axe with one hand, and there was a flash of light in his eyes! At this time, the gray-black cloak behind him seemed to spread in the air like a banner, and the figure seemed so domineering!

Zhang Yang, who had already jumped to the apex, swooped down from a height of 13, 4 meters in an instant. When he was about to approach the zombie swarm on the ground, he only heard him slam and then cut it with a powerful force!

Bang! A loud noise! At this moment, the guards on the city wall were incredible to see that the position in the group of zombies seemed to have some powerful magic, and the ground exploded! The splashed soil and the flying zombies scattered out, and the shock wave formed by a circle of dust spread out more than ten meters after the blow!

The power of Zhang Yang's brute force in this explosive development of war is so great! It seems that it is definitely not much less destructive than the fighting skills! Only this time, there were no less than forty or fifty zombies torn to the ground. Not only that, Zhang Yang's giant axe has now appeared in a pit nearly one meter deep and more than two meters long!

Zhang Yang felt that his blood was flowing as if he were booming, and a feeling of unpleasantness filled his heart. Zhang Yang withdrew the Undead Slayer, then waved a giant axe and quickly rushed to the location of the flesh puppet. At this moment, Zhang Yang traveled among tens of thousands of zombies, and all he passed was corpses that were split into two pieces. The sea of ​​corpses, which were more than 200 meters thick, broke through completely within 1 minute!

Looking at the flesh and blood puppet in front of him, Zhang Yang didn't hesitate at the monster and immediately cut off with a fierce fierce jump!

when! Click!

How is the bone hammer in the hands of flesh puppets the opponent of the giant axe in Zhang Yang's hand? After just one blow, the huge bone hammer was cut into pieces! The unwilling flesh and blood puppet quickly flicked the thick iron chain of his left hand back, facing the iron chain that was smashed with a scream, Zhang Yang just cleverly deftly used the front end of the giant axe to move the iron chain easily. With a partial bias, he suddenly threw it back and pulled it into the big mouth on the monster's belly!


Under the notice, the monster suddenly stared at Zhang Yang with one eye on his head! A moment of mental shock came out of that eye!

This attack is strange and unpredictable, but Zhang Yang has long been aware of its sonic capabilities, and the powerful soul of Zhang Yang, even if he is still injured at this time, can barely resist this level of mental attack! At this moment, Zhang Yangmin sharply grasped the flaw of the moment when the monster released his spiritual shock! I saw him suddenly cut short, and swept the giant axe, the short and thick thighs of the flesh puppet were cut off by Qi Gen! Suddenly, the falling monster wanted to support the ground with both hands. At this time, Zhang Yang had already rounded off the giant axe and cut it with all his strength!


This time the monster was directly opened and even the back spine was exposed! Zhang Yang, who wasn't too relieved, was afraid that it wouldn't die, and even cut the axe directly to divide the monster into corpses before stopping. When it was said that it was too late, there were only a few rounds between these electric flints. The seemingly powerful flesh puppet was cut into pieces by Zhang Yang! From the beginning to the end, it has no chance of even eating zombies ...

Such a powerful combat power made Zhang Yang Mingwu, he estimated that he was going to the edge of advanced fourth-order silver? He has great strength and he is also known as a weapon. At this time, he can abuse his opponent with overwhelming power!

Picking up the severed head of the flesh puppet, Zhang Yang swiped the giant axe "Undead Slayer", looked around, and rushed all the way. He didn't even return to the city of Dharoni, but went straight to the north gate go with……

After half a leak, almost the same situation happened just now, Zhang Yang's fighting intention almost reached the highest peak since rebirth! This kind of tyrannical, vertical and horizontal feeling makes calm as he did not consciously fascinated ......

After a while, Zhang Yang, who was covered with large blood stains, carried the "Undead Slayer" who had been stained with thick blood, and carried the heads of three blood puppets back to the entrance of the ruins.

At this time, his image and glorious record had been completely spread in the city, so when he appeared at the entrance, the guards of the city spontaneously gave way, and even some guards used the highest sword of the mercenary. Greeting each other.

At the entrance to the ruins at this time, Charlotte had already arrived and several items such as ropes were prepared. Compared with Lawrence's doubts about Zhang Yang's strength, Zhang Yang's teammates believe in his strength. Among them, Inger and Sean are the most confident.

But even so, everyone never expected that Zhang Yang would kill all flesh puppets one after another in such a short time!

"Boss ... are you really a human being? Mommy! This is too powerful!"

Sean's face twitched uncontrollably at the moment, and the words he spoke were also messy.

At this time, Ingir has determined that Wright must have hidden his power, otherwise he is also a fourth-order senior. Why is he so different from his combat power? In a different place, Ingir may be able to kill the flesh puppet alone, but if she is to face a large number of zombies, her grudge will not support it for long ...

Wright, how many secrets are in you?

When the people were stunned, Zhang Yang had approached, and when he saw his hands, he threw the heads of the three flesh puppets in front of the Lord of Lawrence who could n’t believe it.

"The danger of breaking the city has been solved! What problems do you have!"

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