Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1167: Twilight (4)

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"Isn't it possible that the Rats can grow a mushroom that can serve as food under the ground? How come they suddenly said they would starve to death?"

Zhang Yang is obviously not a hard-hearted person. If the old master rat Jim Rock lures it out or uses force, Zhang Yang will definitely not consider it. However, when he heard that the underground city was about to face a food crisis again, and it was likely that all underground residents, including Shuoshu, would have to take risks to find another way and livelihood, Zhang Yang finally relaxed in his heart.

The change in Zhang Yang ’s attitude seemed to give Jim Locke hope. When Zhang Yang asked the exit, the old master immediately explained:

"I originally thought that with their help, since then our two families will be able to live safely underground, but unfortunately such good days lasted less than three hundred years in total. Just about twenty years ago , The ratmen who were responsible for planting mushrooms suddenly came to me and said, I do n’t know because the mushroom production has been declining a little bit for several months. At first, we thought this was just an accident, but when this state lasted for a year, And there is still a posture to continue to develop, we only realized that the problems that troubled our people before were not really eliminated, but only delayed. "

"Are you saying that the situation in which mushroom production is now reduced is similar to the situation where you have less and less food?"

Zhang Yang seemed to think of something, but he couldn't give a definite conclusion at the moment, but Jim Rock didn't intend to hide it, but admitted directly:

"Yes, it's the same as when the rhizomes of the plant gradually decreased, and we were totally helpless about it. We couldn't even find out where the problem was. Whether it was soil structure or moisture, everything looked normal. . But then Mozambibi ’s sentence finally reminded me of a possibility. "

Speaking of this, Jim Rock smiled at Mozambibi, who looked a little bit angry, but as expected by Zhang Yang, the old shuo rat finally only got two white eyes.

"Cough! It's a bit embarrassing ... Okay, let me continue. Following Mozambibi's idea, we did some experiments, that is, planting the same mushrooms in different locations, and finally seeing the difference. And The results prove that the closer to the mushrooms planted on the front line of the **** battle, the worse the growth, and the production of mushrooms produced at a further distance will increase slightly. "

"So you think all this is affected by the **** front?"

"This is the fact. We believe that as more and more creatures die on the frontline of the **** battle, the surrounding land will become more and more barren, and eventually become a barren land. The most frustrating thing is that this effect is All-round, even if our mushroom plantation site is tens of meters down from Twilight, the situation is still the same. So now we have reached the critical moment of life and death, after all, in terms of size and strength, we Neither race has any advantage over the surface race ... "

Hearing everything here, Zhang Yang understood everything. In order to find a real way out for the ground squirrel and the Shuo family, Jim Lock used his ability to seek help from the mother of the earth, but the illusory existence, but Zhang Yang this unlucky child Toss it out and let it top the tank!

And I don't know if it is to make Zhang Yang's existence more convincing. The so-called mother of the earth also specially put such a big 'child of destiny' on the top of Zhang Yang's head!

In this regard, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh one after another, think carefully about the burden on him is enough, in his view it is completely beyond his ability!

Not to mention, the Terna people will continue this item in the future, which is beyond the scope of ‘human power’! Now, with the vigor and future of such a group of underground rat clan orcs and some unknown master rats, Zhang Yang feels that if he really agrees, I am afraid that he will not be overwhelmed by these tasks in the future, and there will be no free time ...

"Your experience and situation are indeed sympathetic, but I really don't know how I can help you ..."

"In fact, as long as you have the mind to help us, this matter is already considered to be more than half of the success! Even if you do n’t know what your future will be, I believe that Mother Earth will not lie to us! Since she gave With the hint, we just need to believe it! "

"Tell me about the tunnel you mentioned. Since you already know what I need, this tunnel will never be as small as when I came?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's promise in disguise, Mo said that Jim Lock looked very excited, even Mozambique, the elder of the rat clan, was also very excited.

"That tunnel certainly exists! After all, as part of the experiment to find and test the yield of mushrooms, a passage deep into the **** battle front is naturally essential. Now you only have to wait a day for our children to dig for you from the end of the tunnel. It ’s just a way to go up, so ... should n’t you be short of the day? "

"I seem to feel fooled by you ..."

"Illusion! Just know that Mother Earth has been protecting you! You are the son of fate!"

Speaking of which, what can Zhang Yang do other than helplessly agree? But looking at the old squirrels Jim Locke and Mozambibi who were both happy and cuddling on the side, Zhang Yang finally couldn't help but ask a question that had been lingering since seeing the old squirrel Jim Lock.

"It seems that your Orc common spoken language is quite good, so when I first saw you, why did you have to add a" squeak "to the end of every sentence?"

It didn't seem that Zhang Yang would suddenly mention this at the moment, so that Jim Rock, the old master, suddenly became a little bit pretentious. However, this old product didn't seem to be able to resist Zhang Yang's staring glare in the end. In the end, he had to rub a pair of short sharp front paws and said slightly shyly:

"Well ... I used to say that the Orc common language was not smooth when I was still not smooth, but since I lived with the rat clan, I gradually got used to it ..."

However, when Jim Rock saw Zhang Yang, he still stared at him plainly, and found that he couldn't pass it before continuing with a mosquito-like voice:

"As for why you just said that when you first met, on the one hand, you are worried that you are not used to talking about a Warcraft, on the other hand ..."

"Say the point!"

"Ah! Don't think that you are a 'destined son' and you can be a murderer! They are still 'earth sacrifices'! Okay, okay! I don't think so! People just think ... It's not cute to talk like that. Is it cute? "

(You are going to die ...)

For an old rat with a bad taste, Zhang Yang could n’t bear it anymore, so much so that he could n’t even bother to take care of this legendary old rat who seemed to be a bit cheaper than Lanster. Gu Zidi walked outside the cave.

"Hey, hey, hey? Brother of Destiny's son, what do you say go away? Leave a meal quilt? Say your fruit wine and wood ..."

Zhang Yang seldom walks like he is now, giving him a feeling of running away. In fact, he is really worried that if he does n’t walk any faster, he ca n’t help it. [Lei Ji explodes] gives the wretched big rat a big blow. .

However, when Zhang Yang had not walked out of the cave, a slight rush of footsteps came from behind him.

"Master Wo, Woking! Please, please wait!"

Because Zhang Yang wanted to stay away from "noise pollution" as soon as possible, he walked a little faster than usual, so that for the short stature Mozambibi behind him, he had to run to catch up.

"Elder Mozambique, is there anything else?"

"Huh ~ You can go really fast! I said to see the old guy need to be mentally prepared, but speaking of how long you can bear it is enough to make me look at it!"

"... It's hard to imagine how you survived your usual days."

"Hey, in fact, the old guy is not always so annoying. When he is serious, he is really an extremely knowledgeable elder. Of course, when he is serious, he is rarely ..."

It was difficult to catch up with Zhang Yang. Mozambique, who was walking alongside him now, had a tired expression on his face, but even so, Zhang Yang could not see the slightest disgust from her face. And when Zhang Yang didn't know what to say, Mozambibi suddenly smiled, and then turned to Zhang Yang and said:

"Okay, let ’s not say that the old is not repaired. Since Lord Woking came to our Twilight City, it is our pleasure to be guided by the so-called fate. As the nominal elder in the Twilight City, I naturally have to take you around for a while. "

"Isn't that bothering Mozambique to elder you?"

"Slightly enter the friendship of the landlords, but I haven't said that you don't need to call me elder elder? Doesn't Lord Wojin treat me as a friend?"

Thinking of the conversation between the two before seeing Jim Locke, Zhang Yang's face unconsciously became a lot more beautiful.

"So, Miss Mozambibi, you still call me" adult ", then you should not treat me as a friend first?"

"Okay, okay ~ Can't we even out from now on?"

"Just as I want, Miss Mozambibi."

"I didn't find that you looked dirty, but it was creaky when I talked. It's not that I despise you, but before going around the city, should you find a place to wash yourself? Mr. Woking ! "

Hearing that he was described as dirty, Zhang Yang could hardly argue. Saying that he looks really miserable at the moment, nothing else, just walking beside the **** and beautiful Mozambique at this moment will give people an extremely uncoordinated feeling.

Furthermore, even if Zhang Yang doesn't care much about his clothes in the daytime, basic neatness and cleanliness can still be guaranteed. Now that there is an opportunity to organize grooming, Zhang Yang will not let it go.

"It's exactly what I want, but I don't know where to wash?"

"Um ... I know a good place, come with me!"

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