Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1182: Windmark's tactics

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Sometimes Zhang Yang really doesn't understand how can a person idiot add narcissism to this degree? Moreover, the killing is not overstated, and after killing the person, the corpse is made into a drum. This kind of action is so excessive that it is not enough to remove the anger of civilians.

However, when Zhang Yang's murderous intentions started gradually, he couldn't help but stop to sarcasm the other side, just now a big boss who was sitting proudly and proudly sitting on the wind-scarred deer, but suddenly his face was After a change, he shouted with joy and joy:

"Greeting him!"

Between most low- and mid-level mercenaries and adventurers, there are always popular "slang" that laymen cannot understand. While this kind of verbiage has a certain degree of confidentiality, it still exists as some secret codes and special cuts.

It's like the "hello to him" shouted by this leader at the moment seems to mean "entertainment" to those who don't know how to do it, but when it is heard by the senior mercenaries, it means to secretly command "hands-on"!

Zhang Yang Haoxi is also a mercenary who falsifies. Although he rarely confuses them with those at the lowest level, Zhang Yang knows most of these highly professional terms and incisions. It's a pity that the man on the opposite side regarded Zhang Yang as an orc who couldn't understand the common language of the mainland. This is why the secret word was deliberately used in the case of insurance.

However, just as the head of this wind scarred mercenary group did not expect Zhang Yang ’s identity, Zhang Yang at this time also did not expect that the surrounding power seemed to sway around first and second order, in the eyes of the real strong Almost as small as non-existent, there are hidden tricks that threaten the fifth-order or even sixth-order strongmen!

In fact, when the big man just shouted the exit, among the members of the Windmark Mercenary Corps who surrounded Zhang Yang, he saw that the front two rows quickly pulled out a large shield with spikes to protect them. In front of him, the guy standing in the third row silently took out a simple crossbow, raised his hand and shot to where Zhang Yang was without looking!

This change was so sudden that even Zhang Yang, who is extremely keen on killing intentions and danger perception, did not feel the obvious crisis in advance. Of course, this can also be attributed to the head of an idiot who looks arrogant and narcissistic. If his actions successfully distracted Zhang Yang ’s attention, I am afraid it will not develop to this level in the end. situation.

As Zhang Yang had previously thought, how can he really be an idiot if he can cultivate to the level of the fifth-level gold advanced level, and make more than a thousand people as his men to sell his life? However, even Zhang Yang had to admit at this moment that this extremely rude looking man, his acting skills are really excellent to the point of being difficult to distinguish.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now. In the face of nearly a hundred crossbow arrows that shot out in succession and nearly blocked Zhang Yang's body in all directions, Zhang Yang can only rely on his own reaction speed and skills.

So I saw Zhang Yang, who was about to be shot into a hedgehog by nearly one hundred crossbows and arrows, and suddenly there was a flickering halo of blood outside him!

But all the crossbow arrows that hit Zhang Yang's side turned into countless fragments of bombs when they touched this red aura. So after this wave of arrow rain, Zhang Yang, who was the target of all, was intact and said nothing, even on the ground two meters below him, he could not see a crossbow arrow!

Seeing this, Zhang Yang could still remain calm. No matter whether the members of the wind-marked mercenary corps around the arrow, or the head of the wind-marked mercenary corps that has always acted silly and stunned to attract Zhang Yang ’s attention, at this moment It's all a look of undead.

You must know that they have been on the front line of the **** battle in recent years, and they have really seen many strong men. However, whether it is a strong man in the human kingdom or a high-level warrior from the orc kingdom of Campas, on the one hand, most of them are deceived by the head of the Windmark Mercenary Corps, who is good at pretending to be crazy and selling silly. In the face of this from all directions At the time of the arrow rain, no matter the strength is high or low, it is almost a shade.

In fact, the head of the Windmark Mercenary Corps really said one thing, that is, they really used this method to kill an orc strongman with a sixth-level junior strength!

However, many people will be puzzled. It is necessary to know that any strong person with a strength of more than six orders can almost control the energy in the body to the extent that they can follow the heart. In the face of such crossbow arrows fired by ordinary soldiers, even if the fifth-order strongmen have not prepared for a long time, they can instantly condense a set of energy armor outside the body that is thin but sufficient to withstand ordinary arrows. Not to mention the sixth-order strong.

But the problem is here!

The members of the Windmark Mercenary Corps may have grasped the defense of the strong when facing the sudden danger, so they used a unique crossbow with a magical ability in a short time!

Therefore, anyone who is accustomed to relying on grudge armor for defense in the face of danger will have a bad luck in the face of this special demon arrow!

And this is not finished, and I do n’t know who thought it. The horrible broken magic arrow is coated with a kind of energy that can react with the energy in the target, which makes the energy in the target almost out of control in a short time. Poison!

That is to say, even if some strong people respond very quickly and can not be shot into a hedgehog by this round of arrow rain, as long as the upper and middle arrows of him will still be greatly affected, resulting in a sudden decrease in strength, and then unable to withstand the next second round Jian Yu does not say that when the strength drops below a certain level, the head of the Windmark mercenary regiment that previously served as a "target" will then grin and beat down the water dog.

However, this group of members of the Windmark Mercenary Corps with such a fear of a big killer, but in any case, he never expected that he would encounter this situation!

It ’s said that even if they did n’t have one, they should have eight, but like Zhang Yang, they do n’t rely on the protection of their arrogance, but they can completely block almost a hundred crossbow arrows from shooting with their weapons. They think I feel terrified!

So in the face of this situation, the head of the wind-scarred mercenary regiment, who had been confident and full of madness and foolishness, suddenly became calm, so that he subconsciously glanced at the person who was hidden in the cloak. Guy, then hurriedly shouted:

"Arrow! Keep firing! Shoot me to death! At least he must be injured!"

You have to know that Zhang Yang is really a battle-hardened veteran. Therefore, not only the small movements of the head of the mercenary regiment across the wind were seen by him, but even from the other party ’s words, Zhang Yang also guessed the opponent ’s arrow. There must be a problem!

In fact, just when the **** double-edged battle axe in his hand completely blocked the rain of arrows, Zhang Yang discovered a problem, that is, his dynamic vision far beyond ordinary people, at the moment of breaking those crossbow arrows, It has been found that the front end of these arrows is not a metal arrow, but a thorn with dark green light!

It's just that Zhang Yang didn't think about it in the first place. After all, he knew that the hardness of some thorns is even above ordinary steel, and poisoning arrows is also a favorite method for most looters and robbers.

However, at this moment, Zhang Yang felt another meaning from the words of the head of the Windmark mercenary regiment, that is, his trust in this kind of crossbow arrows is even reaching the level of dependence! How can an ordinary poisoned crossbow arrow make him attach so much importance to a strong person who is already in the fifth rank?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang focused his attention on the upcoming arrow rain again, but wouldn't he continue to stand in the middle of the encircling circle as a target and want his life? Then you have to do a good job of bearing the anger of Zhang Yang's **** double-edged battle axe!

So when the members of the wind-scarred mercenary regiment hurriedly re-arrowed the arrow of their humble crossbow, Zhang Yang's position just stood suddenly showed a footprint of up to five centimeters, and in this huge Driven by the reactionary force, Zhang Yang, wielding a **** double-edged battle axe, had already burst into the encircling circle a few tens of meters to his left as if a cannonball burst out of the barrel!

In fact, even the head of the wind-scarred mercenary regiment pretending to be mad and stupid had never thought that the strong man who was so powerful that he was completely beyond his expectations had no immediate attack on this guy who knew he was the leader at first glance. I do n’t know why I rushed into the pile of ordinary members next to me.

However, in the next scene, the blood on his face faded away. It ’s really hard to think about his strength. It ’s really hard to think of a single person without using any energy to assist the battle. How to cause so much damage and injury in an instant!

You know, when Zhang Yang dragged a faint shadow to the members of the wind-scarred mercenary regiment holding the shield, most of the members of the ordinary wind-scarred mercenary regiment carrying wooden iron shields did not react. .

At this time, Zhang Yangke would not hesitate to feel a little pity and hesitated. At this moment, he has already exerted the maximum combat power in the ordinary state. The array is so close that Zhang Yang's all-out blow killed all the members of the 14 Windswept Mercenary Corps at once. After Zhang Yang's great power and **** double-edged battle axe were strange and powerful Under the dual effect of deepening the damage, these members of the shield of the Windmark Mercenary Corps killed by his single blow instantly turned into more than 30 **** corpses. Not to mention, under the influence of Zhang Yang ’s spare strength, it seemed The objects thrown by the catapult were average, and they even knocked down the ground with the members of dozens of wind-scarred mercenary groups behind them!

Where is such power that a person who does not use energy to fight can possess, at this moment, if Zhang Yang hidden under the rags and the hood is a high-level humanoid Warcraft, the presence of these guys in the wind scarred mercenary group It will be better, but Warcraft will never stop pursuing the enemies within a few meters, but instead stop and squat down to pick up a good crossbow and observe.

The head of the Fengshen mercenary regiment who saw this scene and the mysterious person beside him who concealed his face under the hood like Zhang Yang were shocked at the same time!

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