Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1189: Mysterious man

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How many venomous spines of finger thickness can be accommodated on a thorn ball with a diameter of about four meters? Zhang Yang's math is not good, but even a rough estimate can easily find that something is not right at the moment.

You have to know that from the mysterious man to the 'thorn sea urchin' and began to shoot the thorn lance at Zhang Yang. Now two points have passed, and the speed at which the thorn sea urchin can shoot three poison thorns at every moment In the two points, it had already fired at least three hundred thorn poison guns.

However, until now when Zhang Yang looked up, the thorny sea urchin that was twenty or thirty meters away was still as round as it was at the beginning. There was no sign of Zhang Yang's expectation of baldness.

So Zhang Yangke wondered, did he guess wrong? This mysterious man is not the druid he expected at all, but a hapless ghost parasitized by strange plants?

But it doesn't matter. As long as the other party has ideas and can communicate, Zhang Yang can get the information he wants to know. And at this moment, because Zhang Yang retreated from a distance, it was even easier for him to avoid the stinger. Moreover, he also found that these sting guns would not disappear as quickly as other elemental magic after shooting, but would remain silent after being nailed into the ground for tens of centimeters.

In addition, Zhang Yang also found that the second half of these poisonous guns formed by spines was not the strange purple black in front, but a relatively normal dark green. Thinking of here, Zhang Yang feels that he is idle and idle. It is better to collect some of these special stinger guns. In the future, when there are no bows and arrows available, it should be good to use these stinger guns as a throwing gun, right?

At this time, it was so easy to see that Zhang Yang was able to avoid the other party's attack. He even avoided the thorns stingers that could not shoot him at the same time, but he could also stab the thorns stingers on the ground. Collected together and took out the rope and tied it into a whole bunch of bundles, and then it was as if the farmers were harvesting their crops and they happily received them in the ring of space.

Such a move is simply the most serious contempt, even if Zhang Yang didn't say a word from beginning to end, but based on what he did at this time, it is already an extremely effective way of mocking!

So after Zhang Yang bundled a dozen bundles of thorns poisonous twigs in bundles of twenty and twenty, he suddenly found that the 'thorn thorn sea urchin' that had been shooting him all the time ceased to continue to useless work. move. Er, in fact, it seems that it is not very accurate to say that the mysterious person is simply supplying Zhang Yang with supplies, so where can the other party continue to do after the other party finds out?

However, Zhang Yang saw that although the other party no longer shoots a thorn poison gun, it still maintains the appearance of a spiky sea urchin. So Zhang Yang simply ignored him, but continued to pack the thorns poison guns around him that he hadn't had time to put away.

This is the contempt of Chi Yi Guo Yi Guo, so that when Zhang Yang put the last ten thorns poisoned into a bundle and satisfactorily put it away, when he turned back, he found that the thorn sea urchin not far away was slightly Shaking!

Seeing here, Zhang Yang was very happy. At this moment, he really wanted to know what his expression was. Of course, if this guy is not a beautiful female druid, but a monster parasitized by a strange plant, then Zhang Yang may not It is good to give it an axe.

So at this moment, Zhang Yang walked slowly towards the opposite thorny ball with his hands, step by step, until only ten meters left again, Zhang Yang stopped.

"Do you have any tricks to make it out, or do you think I'll be able to take you away by staying in this spiky ball?"

Perhaps I didn't expect Zhang Yang to speak the language of the human kingdom. The mysterious person who heard Zhang Yang's mouth seemed to be taken aback, but for the content that Zhang Yang said, the mysterious person hesitated for a little before using his fake throat. He replied:

"I didn't expect you to speak Continental lingua franca, but you don't think you can cheat me with this kind of trick. If you have a way, I'm afraid that you have already done it. Where will you wait until now?"

Although the mysterious person used false sounds, Zhang Yang could still hear the other party's relatively delicate voice at once. He was so hidden under his hood, he smiled slightly, and then said again:

"Do you think I have no way to take you? I'm not afraid to tell you that if I want to kill you, you have already become a broken corpse now, where can I still support it?"

"Anyone who talks big will say anything, do you think I will believe a guy who doesn't blink in a murderous manner and hides his head from beginning to end and dare not show his true face?"

Hearing Zhang Yang burst into laughter here, if he said that he wouldn't show people in his true face, it seems that the mysterious woman opposite him is just like him? Is this the crow smiling pig black?

"Then you made up your mind to see the coffin without tears? Miss Druid?"

It seems that the mysterious man never thought that the other party would break both secrets in his mouth. The mysterious man remembers that the Shamanism has always had an absolute advantage in the Campas Orc Kingdom, perhaps in the distant ancient Orc druids will still exist during this period, but in the past two thousand years, I have not heard of the existence of an ancient caster such as the druid in the orc kingdom of Campas.

So the mysterious man was shocked at the same time, but he was a bit suspicious of Zhang Yang's identity.

"You, what are you saying? I don't understand!"

"This is already obvious, okay? Although the magic skills you use are somewhat different from ordinary natural magic, the essence is still inseparable from the category of natural magic. It's just that I know Drew who practices natural magic. Most of Iraq is a spellcaster specializing in the change system, and if I admit that I have n’t, you have been able to use third-order natural magic [entanglement roots] before, but you have n’t seen you use any of the change system ’s tricks. That ’s where I ’m curious and save your life. ”

"You ... actually know so much? Who the **** are you! An ordinary orc powerhouse will never know so much about the Druid. Are you a temple of light?"

Although the mysterious person did not admit anything at this moment, Zhang Yang still heard from the other party's tone that the other party had admitted his identity in disguise. And it is not the first time for Zhang Yang to hear the name of "Guangming Temple". Although it is only one word away from the Guangming Temple, the meanings of the two are completely different.

"No, although my identity cannot tell you, but I can clearly say that I have nothing to do with the so-called Temple of Light."

"Huh! It's a happy talk, but who knows if you are the killer hired by the lunatics in the Temple of Light?"

"It seems that you still don't believe what I said at all, but this is normal, but it doesn't matter. The current situation is that if you don't immediately withdraw your magic surrender, and honestly answer what I have proposed. Question, then do n’t blame me for being so rude to you! "

Many people will choose to carry them to the end before they are finally broken down. However, once he finds that his resistance is in vain, they will eliminate the old luck. Of course, Zhang Yang admits that some of them are indeed born with hard bones, preferring to die rather than yield.

However, from the point that the mysterious man willingly put down the dignity of the druid and a group of vile slave arresters, Zhang Yang can guess what the other party must have a lasting reason. Or in other words, in the past six months since he left the human kingdom, what huge changes have taken place in the human kingdom, which has made the situation of Druid more difficult than before?

Unfortunately, in the face of Zhang Yang ’s ultimatum, the mysterious person was a means of threatening her, so that after she uttered two ridiculous laughs at this time, she released several deep natural characteristics. magic!

The one that bears the brunt is the fourth-order defensive magic of the Department of Nature [Nature Armor], because Zhang Yang is not a magician, nor is he a Druid who is good at natural magic, so that he never thought that the big spiky ball could even be outside. Cover with a sturdy shell!

In the nature of nature magic mostly evolved from some plants in nature, after a burst of green light, the effect of this fourth-order nature magic [natural armor] is to form a thick layer outside the big thorn ball , A protective layer like amber!

Don't look at this layer of things as if it's very fragile. In terms of its strength as a fourth-order magic, this amber protective layer is even a little harder than ordinary steel of the same thickness!

And the appearance of Zhang Yang seems to be so daunting that the mysterious man is so overwhelmed at the moment that a large layer of amber-shaped [natural armor] is covered on the outside of the big thorn ball, as the green and green light that represents the magic of nature Flashing again, a piece of bark-like material turned from the ground to cover this strange ball with a hard shell!

This is good, but after two or three breaths, the thorn ball in front of Zhang Yang has a diameter of more than four meters, and now it has become a giant with a diameter of four meters and five, which looks like a stone ball!

So even though the mysterious person didn't speak at the moment, it seemed that she was clamoring with Zhang Yang: now I have added two layers of defense to myself, how can you treat me?

In this regard, Zhang Yang was really annoying and funny. From this relatively general situation, Zhang Yang guessed that the mysterious Druid woman in the strange ball in front of her should be too old.

In the face of this kind of guy with a little girl's stubborn personality, Zhang Yang will suddenly think of a good idea to deal with her!

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