Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1210: Scarlet Sword (2)

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Zhang Yang's willpower is very strong, to some extent even more amazing than his strength. After all, judging from his experience of the two worlds, he has endured all the hardships of life, death, death and even soul crossing, and can still maintain the heart of a normal person. This is really valuable.

However, no matter how strong Zhang Yang's will power is, there is still a considerable gap between the strong people of the Holy Order, which is not only reflected in the tolerance of a person's will, but also in the degree of attachment of a living body to its own pursuit.

There was a saying in the world that Zhang Yang used to be: only love can be extreme, and although the statement is slightly different, it is roughly the same as the principle of "the purer the stronger" in the practice of Orlando world professionals.

However, for Zhang Yang, the reason why he would embark on a path to become stronger is not completely from his heart. In fact, Zhang Yang was tired of seemingly endless fighting and killing in the last life. After the tragedy and revenge, he felt as if he had lost his living goal.

If it hadn't been promised that the person would live well, Zhang Yang might not be able to walk all the way to today. And even for Zhang Yang now, his improvement of strength is only to protect himself and his friends from harm, and he has no particularly strong intentions.

So from the point of view of perseverance in willpower, Zhang Yang seems to be strong, but in fact there is still a big gap in mentality with the real super strong.

It's a pity that the impression he gave to people has always been too strong, which has made several girls, including Neil Jielina, who have secret feelings for him, fail to see the touch in his heart. Emptiness and loneliness.

Therefore, it can be said that the **** two-handed sword that Zhang Yang faced at this moment is powerful enough to affect people's heart and will. It can be called the greatest danger that Zhang Yang has faced since it was demonized into the ancient flame demon! As long as there is a slight error, Zhang Yang ’s consciousness is likely to be affected by this **** two-handed epee, and then as the contact time grows longer, it will eventually become a completely controlled by this **** two-handed epee, The puppet that kills for life's pursuit!

The situation of losing oneself completely is more miserable than when it was demolished, so it can be said that an uncontrollable Holy Order magic weapon is likely to bring more than power to the user, perhaps more It may be more than complete destruction.

However, Zhang Yang, who was not particularly clear about this, finally chose to try it. In his view, weapons are just tools in people's hands. If a warrior will be intimidated by a weapon, then not only can he not be called a strong In fact, even the words fighters are not worthy.

So when Zhang Yang walked slowly to stand in front of this **** two-handed epee, he took a deep breath, and his right hand was finally held above the hilt in front of him!

In an instant, I saw the **** red mansions that were scattered between the sky and the earth. They all converged back at once, and then not only formed a wave of luster on the surface of this **** two-handed sword, even even holding the sword now. Zhang Yang of the handle was also included!

So at this moment, Zhang Yang felt that he was shocked all over his body, and then he felt a real cold ice and let people feel the terrible killing intent! However, this murderous intent, which seemed to rush into the Yangtze River, broke into the body instantly from the hilt held by his right hand.

In front of this power, Zhang Yang has no energy relations such as qi, blood, or magic power in his body, so that he can't perform any effective blocking at all, and his body strength and control that he has always been proud of are in this unit. The actual killing intention has no effect at all.

So in just a short time, Zhang Yang was fully attacked by the pure consciousness from this **** two-handed sword! Of course, using the word attack does not seem to be very accurate. After all, it does not actively provoke Zhang Yang, but it should be passive defense.

In fact, this is just a test of the power and will of this **** two-handed sword, only because its own power and will have a very strong relationship, so the test it gives is relatively Those with insufficient strength are quite dangerous and even fatal.

Of course, risks and opportunities are always interdependent. Once you can use this **** two-handed sword to prepare the ‘threshold’ for the user, you can get a very powerful Holy Order magic weapon, which is really irresistible.

It's just that Zhang Yang's sense of abilities is so strong that the killing intent has a very strong impact on his senses. Unless Zhang Yang's consciousness is tough enough and possesses the power of the soul, otherwise he will be replaced by any other person who does not have the power of the soul, and he will be crushed under the impact of the supreme killing intention and become a vegetative person.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang finally clenched his teeth and held it up. At the same time, he even discovered that when he really came into contact with this **** two-handed sword, he discovered that this powerful killing intention was enough to change the world. Among them, at the same time, there is also a mixture of strong fighting intentions, incomparable despair and trembling madness!

At first glance, this seems to be bad news. After all, these extra emotions are more likely to distract people. However, for Zhang Yang at the moment, this is actually good news to inspire him!

You must know that with the support of pure and powerful arguments, once the consciousness generated by this **** two-handed sword changes all the emotions into refined killing intentions, then its grade will definitely be raised on the basis of the original Holy Order. , Directly reaching the ultimate among Holy Order magic weapons may also be.

Therefore, the killing intent and power attached to this **** two-handed epee alone can deter most tier IV, relatively vulnerable professionals and fall into the bloodthirsty mad killing. Only in this regard, the power exuded from this **** two-handed sword is already comparable to a large range of high-level spiritual magic.

Fortunately, it is not an overnight thing to want to achieve this level, and it is not said whether this **** two-handed sword can still find such a good closed environment after leaving this ancient battlefield. It was only because of the power of the curse. Hundreds of thousands of strong men's souls and consciousnesses that can be absorbed and grown by them may be difficult to find in the future.

Therefore, it was this slight flaw in the power of this **** two-handed epee that saved Zhang Yang ’s life. At this moment, not only did he persevere under this wave of wave-like, wave-like negative consciousness, he even gritted his teeth. While resisting this mad killing intention, he will mobilize his own power to pull it half from the land!

However, at this time, countless chaotic memories were mixed in this murderous intention and poured into Zhang Yang's mind! This is great. Zhang Yang, who was affected by it, suddenly felt that his head was being hit hard by a sledgehammer. While his eyes were dark, the whole person unconsciously lost his sense of the body!

Fortunately, this situation is not the first time Zhang Yang has encountered it. In fact, Zhang Yang has experienced similar and even worse situations, so he did n’t feel so nervous, but it was a little strange where these messy memory fragments came from. Coming?

As if it was a piece of piecing together by a crappy video producer, the picture is constantly changing in Zhang Yang's mind at the moment. Most of these are unrelated scattered scenes and events, but there are a few pictures that are easier to understand and even coherent.

Among them, there are not only countless human and even orc people's partial life scenes, but also some fragmentary feelings and expectations. However, after Zhang Yang Mo watched silently for a long time, he finally found out what kind of connection between these seemingly trivial memory fragments!

If Zhang Yang guessed correctly, these memories should be those of the two warriors who died in the battle. After all, at the end of each of these memory fragments, Zhang Yang can find more or less scenes very similar to the battlefield in front of him. .

The only difference is that the place where the two tribes fought in the memory is not as barren as the **** front line, and even the land is not dark red and black. From here, Zhang Yang boldly inferred that this ancient battlefield full of bones is likely to be the place where the first human and orc battles!

It is one of the starting locations of the **** battle front!

It is no exaggeration to say that this mysterious ancient battlefield may have been quietly sleeping here for more than a thousand years, and Zhang Yang struggled to find a common point between a piece of chaotic memory fragments that flashed constantly. Some clue-like clues, the memory of a young and powerful human female magician, instantly occupied Zhang Yang's full field of vision.

It was a beautiful girl born in Pompei, a magical empire, with a very strong talent and noble identity. Therefore, after becoming the only apprentice of a legendary old magician, she became the most popular at that time The prestigious Ning Qing female magician.

Many people think that she is likely to break the record of the fastest advancement to the seventh-order legendary position, and at the same time become the youngest female magician, but no one can think of it. The war caused by the orcs in order to compete for the living space was inadvertently started ...

So the female magician who practiced abroad and sought a breakthrough opportunity naturally joined the army of humans against the orcs, and soon became the chief magician of the elite legion with his own powerful strength, which solidified the two different personalities. But the same powerful men.

One of them is a handsome weapon master with a ruthless character and arrogant use of a simple ancient sword as a weapon; and the other is a high-level shield warrior that is mature, calm, wise and noble.

Because of the small age gap and the extremely harmonious relationship between the three, the three young men who were all at the peak of the sixth-order purple gold quickly came together and quickly became a decisive powerhouse in the human legion.

However, they gradually had feelings for each other, but they did not expect it. Just one day after the war began, they ushered in the most glorious battle in their lives, and also the last battle ...

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