Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1217: The Legend of Three British Wars (6)

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It is because Zhang Yang can fully feel all Lisa's thoughts and emotions, so he can understand such a secret that has been buried in the dust of history for a while.

However, no matter how mysterious and noble Dick ’s identity is, once he decides to use the ‘forbidden tooth’, his ending will be doomed.

However, Dick felt that his dedication was worth it. As long as he was able to slash this legendary Tiger family strongman for the duration of the 'Forbidden Teeth', he could win Lisa a chance to survive!

After all, for Lisa, who is a great magician of the wind system, as long as she is not blocked by the legendary tiger strong, she can use [Xiangkong] to leave this battlefield where there is no hope of victory, she can live. Go on!

Dick is completely confident about this. After all, he has already realized through the battle just now that the legendary Wu nationality strongman in front of him is not so desperate that he was able to deal with it by the strength of a large order that he originally had the opponent. One or two, now that Dick has used the 'taboo tooth', now that he has reached the same level of strength as the opponent, what is he worried about?

Besides, Dick is confident that in addition to being unable to display the [Wings of Energy] at this moment, other skills and control of the energy of qi in the body are much stronger than the other party. After all, when the strength of the "first person under the legend" is raised to level 7 in one fell swoop At the peak of the legend, who knows if he will also become the first person under the epic?

Therefore, as the red pendant 'Forbidden Teeth' penetrated deeply into Dick's heart, accompanied by the sharp pain of the cone, a powerful invisible wave suddenly swelled out of Dick's body! Suddenly under the impact of this wave, not only the surrounding Lisa and Ayres were pushed to slide back more than ten meters, but even Tekquel, a legendary seventh-order strongman, was staggering backwards. Exited four or five meters.

For the moment, everyone ’s eyes on Dick have suddenly changed. Only legends in legends can fight against legends, so now this guy in front of everyone suddenly pushes a legendary peak strongman with only momentum. What's the matter?

If Tekquel was angry but still did n’t put Dick, Lisa and others in his eyes, then at this moment, he suddenly felt like he had changed into a person, and his body was already climbing to the point that he would feel The human warrior with a strong sense of crisis, Tekquel's expression suddenly became very serious.

No matter what the opponent's identity is, no matter how the opponent has behaved before, at this moment, since he has shown enough strength to rival him, then Teckquill will give the least respect, which belongs to the respect among the strong. Therefore, we saw Tekquil slashing his sword in his hand, and said in a half-familiar Continental common language:

"My name is Tecquel-Kampas, the fourth prince of the Kingdom of Campas. What is your name!"

After hearing this, Dick's eyes flashed, and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, then replied coldly in the same half-life Orc common language:

"I didn't expect to be a prince. It's really good. My name is Dick, the one who is destined to kill you today!"

"Humph! Big words! Don't think that using the forbidden technique to increase your strength to the legendary level can defeat me. As a descendant of the great God of War, I will let you see what is really powerful! Prepare to die!"

Speaking of this, Tekquil put his sword in his hand, and while his blood energy reappeared, the relatively exquisite [Blood Armor] outside the body became thicker. At the same time, as the Tigers owed Tekquil to fully excite all of his own strength, the ground under his feet also seemed to be unable to withstand the sudden eruption of power to burst a few cracks, so that the whole person's momentum The photo is two points stronger than before!

However, at this time, Dick was also prepared before the shot. I saw that with his arrogance running wildly at any cost, in addition to Dick's body, a set of exquisite thick and heavy weights that did not lose Teckquil's armor Even under the traction of his powerful force, the wind element within a mile of the circle involuntarily converged on him involuntarily, so that just a breath of kung fu, a light green mist of elements appeared outside Dick!

But anyone who can understand the significance of this situation has grown his mouth in surprise, knowing that this kind of situation that can spontaneously mobilize the energy of the surrounding elements when it is fully applied, generally only appears in the eighth-order epic and higher. In the strong man, and like Dick can only do this with the strength of the seventh-level legendary peak, Lisa has no idea what words to use to describe it.

The strongest genius? She does n’t know, but one thing is for sure. If Dick did n’t choose to use the 'taboo tooth' and can survive today, then it may not be used for decades. I am afraid there will be one more person in the human kingdom. An eighth-level epic superpower of the royal lineage of a dynasty!

But all this ...

Dick, as a strong man with deep family knowledge and extensive knowledge, how could he not understand the extraordinary significance of the fog of wind elements gathered outside his body at this moment? It's just that all this is not important to him anymore. The only thing he has to do now is to kill the legendary tiger clan in front of him, and then work hard to make Lisa survive.

(It's a pity that you are going to die soon, otherwise with the appearance of the current style, I believe that you will definitely get the heart of Lisa? Unfortunately ... now it is too late to say, if Iris can survive, it is Let him pick up a cheap ...)

The corner of Dick's mouth that inexplicably invented this idea moved involuntarily, but after a moment his expression returned to the same cold and arrogant look as before. Immediately after hearing Dick whisper, the whole person suddenly disappeared into everyone's sight!

Dick, who is a war fighter in the wind system, was already quite fast, and now his movements are almost three times faster than before! So that when he lifted the silver epee in his hand and attacked Tecquel, at most only three or four of the dozens of strong players present could barely see his figure, and the only one who could really see his movement at the moment Tiger Strong, Tecquel, was alone.

In fact, Tekquel was shocked in his heart and he couldn't describe it in words. He thought that even if the opponent raised his strength because of the secret method, he shouldn't be able to match his strength as a genuine legendary pinnacle.

However, when Dick suddenly appeared in front of him over a distance of more than 20 meters and was cut off with a sword surrounded by a mist of pale green elements, Tekquel was surprised to find that even if he could barely see each other. Action, but it ’s one thing to see clearly, but it ’s another thing to keep up.

However, Tekquel was well prepared this time, so when Dick cut off his head with a silver sword with a few meters of light in his hands, he could not dodge it and completely abandoned it. In order to avoid his sharp intentions, he raised his hands with the same flaming heavy warrior and greeted him directly!

Suddenly, with a thunderous thunder, a blazing glare burst from the junction of the two weapons! However, when the surrounding two warriors unconsciously reached over and reached over their eyes to block their eyes, a violent explosion exploded from the location of Dick and Teckquill!

This blow is a collision of power and force, and it is also the most direct strength competition between two top tier seven legendary pinnacles. Therefore, when two fierce conflicts of the same powerful energy eventually evolved into a huge fire column covering a full circle of more than ten meters, with a height of more than thirty meters, and flashing from time to time a huge red pillar of blood red and light blue light, the surrounding fifty All professionals in Minai who are less than Tier 5 are blown out by this shock wave.

As far as the confrontation is concerned, professionals below Tier 5 do n’t even want to intervene, they simply do n’t even have the qualifications to watch the game up close! Even for the fifth-tier powerhouse, once it is close to the center of the battlefield thirty meters, it is still extremely dangerous.

For the time being, let me just say that the kind of red and green energy entangled and flew out from time to time. Once it falls on the ground, it can easily explode a pit of several meters in size. If it falls on someone, I am afraid It is no worse than the effect of a fifth-order powerhouse.

However, at this time, in addition to the Dick and Teckquil who were in the explosion center covered by fire and could barely see the action, Lisa and Eres who lost their shield and temporarily abandoned their arms, and three other sixth-order beasts The ethnic warriors whirled around.

It ’s just that the battle between these five people can only be described as insignificant compared to the two in the center area, plus the three Ordeal fighters of the Orcs obviously have an advantage after Erris was injured, so that this Meeting Lisa and Iris retreat side by side, at most, they just barely dragged the other three strong opponents.

In fact, Dick, who used the "Forbidden Teeth" at this time, was completely irrespective of the cost of the offensive, and his offensive can only be described as "mad". He was already amazing enough to cut, and now it seems to have become a light curtain that can't change. In addition, between Dick's offense and defense, he completely revolved around Tekquel, so that under this series of uninterrupted blows, he was born on Tekquel in less than half a minute. There are more than ten sword marks in different shades!

It was only when Dick felt that he could completely disintegrate the defensive power of this tiger powerhouse by adding more effort, and then kill it hard. The legendary tiger powerhouse Tecquel, who was already covered in blood, suddenly struggled. At the cost of Dick slashing a sword in the abdomen, a backhand fell directly under Dick's rib, and then when he used his strength to retreat, he suddenly lifted his foot and released a trick [War Trample], but it directly blasted Dick out. Twenty meters away!

"You should be proud enough to force me to this extent. But you think you can really defeat me? Don't forget that not only you humans can use the forbidden technique, our orc also has a desperate move for desperation, So you are destined to die by my hand! "

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