Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1126: Scarlet Illusion

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It's a pity that since Lisa unveiled the seal of the taboo scroll and exhibited [The Ultimate Sacrifice], Zhang Yang can no longer feel Lisa's thoughts and emotions. Not only that, but even the original perspective that was consistent with Lisa's The blood-red two-handed epee.

This may be because Lisa's soul has been sucked into the soul by the blood-red two-handed sword, so that Zhang Yang can miraculously "see" each transparent human-shaped ghost in an invisible giant Attracted by force, he couldn't stop flying to him!

In fact, this is not the first time Zhang Yang has observed the soul by means of 'seeing'. I thought that when he escaped from the demon world, the spiritual storage ring taken away by chance coincided with an epic level of the demon dwarf clan. Nag the Strong-Soul of the Deep Furnace.

At first, Zhang Yang released it briefly, but at first, the guy had a rather bad temper, and at the time, Zhang Yang didn't think of how to deal with the strong man's soul, and simply kept the epic strong man. The soul storage ring of the grid-deep furnace soul is forgotten in his space ring.

However, after all, Nag-Deep Furnace was an eighth-order epic superpower during his lifetime, and it is not uncommon to be able to show up with the power of the soul. However, most of the ordinary human soldiers and orc warriors whose strength is only around the second order appear in front of Zhang Yang's eyes!

Coupled with the fact that the blood-red two-handed sabre is now "flying" with an almost endless posture, the scene is quite shocking.

It is a pity that Zhang Yang hates this kind of experience as if watching a movie is that no matter what he has experienced and what he has seen, he can only watch the occurrence of it as a spectator and is completely powerless.

But what Zhang Yang did not know this time was that in the real world, when he reached out and held the hilt of the blood-red two-handed sword with his eyes closed, he stood quietly with his eyes closed. The phantom of the human soul disappearing completely disappeared by Zhang Yang's chance to contain the blood-red two-handed sword, and appeared beside Zhang Yang with difficulty.

Although the three hazy human-shaped phantoms can't see clearly at the bottom of the breakdown, if Zhang Yang can open his eyes and see, he should be able to guess their true identity in an instant!

However, because the three people had been dead for more than two thousand years, and their souls were trapped in the blood-red two-handed sword, they could not help but weaken, so that although they can barely break free and take a look at the world again, they are consumed because With the last trace of soul power, it will be completely obliterated between heaven and earth.

It's just that these three souls don't seem to be afraid at all at the moment. On the contrary, they close together not only look quite calm, even if they can't distinguish their faces, they can clearly feel that they are looking at one. Always moving like a stone statue like Zhang Yang.

Perhaps because the pure soul cannot hide their emotions, it makes them constantly release emotions such as gratitude, affirmation, and apology when they look at Zhang Yang.

No one knows how powerful and greedy this blood-red two-handed sword is than the three of them.

In fact, in addition to the soul of the spellcaster and the main soul, and the soul of Dick and Ayres who she must protect at the expense of her own soul power, including the soul of the tiger strong Tecquelle, total The souls of more than 30,000 human warriors and nearly 100,000 orc warriors are absorbed and fused by the blood-red two-handed sword, regardless of strength!

Coupled with what Zhang Yang saw at this moment, after this blood red two-handed sword completely exhausted the life force and soul of the enchantment that covered the ten-mile range, it still did not Satisfaction, in turn, through the [ultimate sacrifice] the remaining power of magic will absorb all the elemental powers in the enchantment and the essence contained in the metal.

At that time, the blood-red two-handed sword that absorbed the souls of countless people had already produced a trace of its own consciousness, and at the beginning of its birth, I did not know whether it was because it absorbed too much of the battlefield killing atmosphere As for this new consciousness, it has a strong aggressiveness and murderous intention!

Therefore, the three of Lisa are very clear that no one can kill the blood red two-handed sword unless they have more power than the blood-red two-handed sword. Confrontation, so as to be influenced and assimilated by it, and eventually sucked away the soul.

So although Lisa and others felt that Zhang Yang was a little special, they still felt that their strength was too weak. After all, Zhang Yang does not have any grudge or magic power, which makes it easy for people to miscalculate the power he has.

It is a pity that the three of Lisa no longer have any way to remind Zhang Yang, plus their figure at the moment is getting weaker and weaker.

However, I do n’t know if it ’s because I felt Zhang Yang ’s mood when he saw those scenes. Lisa finally decided to fight and dissipate immediately, giving Zhang Yang a precious gift-that is, the one in her own soul that represents the ultimate sacrifice ] Light spot of user identity!

As if it was just a glance that instantly understood Lisa's thoughts and thoughts, the two relatively tall but more transparent soul ghosts around Lisa nodded at the same time.

So just after the soul spot with a faint colorful light floated out of Lisa's soul and finally merged into Zhang Yang's body, the three friends and lovers who had accompanied them for thousands of years, finally embraced together and turned into a haze Light spot, and then completely dissipated in this world.

At this moment, Zhang Yang, whose body remained silent and was dragged into the ancient memory by the blood-red two-handed sword, had encountered the most severe test since touching the blood-red two-handed sword.

In fact, the world in Zhang Yang's eyes is now filled with a seemingly immense blood! That is the light formed by the negative emotions of war, killing, fear, unwillingness, anger, etc. in the souls of more than 100,000 people. It is a horrible thing that can affect people's minds and even pollute people's souls!

It ’s just that all of this exists in the relationship between the spirit and the soul, so that even if there is a holy order of the strongest, if they ca n’t stand the impact of these negative emotions like a spiritual attack, then he will also be affected. The influence of consciousness in this blood-red two-handed epee planted a seed full of negative emotions in the soul!

Not only that, but I do n’t know whether the consciousness produced by the blood-red two-handed sword is addictive to manipulating human memory, but I still think it is more effective to use those chaotic memory fragments as a mental attack method, so that Zhang Yang is fully controlling his emotions to resist those negatives. During the impact of emotions, various random memories of human soldiers or orc warriors seem to be pieced together and cut randomly, and sometimes appear in front of Zhang Yang's eyes!

This is much stronger than the simple mental shock or the purely negative emotional influence before, so that even in Zhang Yang's willpower, he was caught off guard by this extremely sudden and irregular memory picture.

It is said that Zhang Yangben is a person who is cold outside and hot inside. Although his character is already persevering, after seeing the stories of Lisa, Dick and Erris, there will naturally be a little touch in the heart. Now when I encounter the various negative emotions like the waves and the constant impact of the fragmented memory, even if he can persist for a while, but under the long-term fatigue bombing, I am afraid that the final result will still be inevitable!

To know that there is no time in the dream, Zhang Yang is likely to suffer a negative consciousness shock in that illusion for one year. The real world may not even miss a day or a minute!

So it can be said that if this situation continues to develop, Zhang Yang's mind and soul will inevitably be affected by those negative emotions, and the final result will be unclear to anyone.

However, when Zhang Yang gritted his teeth with his own will to resist the overwhelming negative emotions and the alternating impact of those fragments of memory, the mysterious and unpredictable lightning nebula, which had been quiet in his soul for a long time, seemed to be stimulated at this moment. Generally, the rotation speed of itself is suddenly increased.

Suddenly, as the thunder and lightning nebula lighted up, I saw a mysterious purple thunderbolt that was shot from the middle of the thunder and lightning nebula, and then immediately passed through the thunder and nebula at a speed that was completely incomprehensible. The seemingly very close, but actually quite distant distance in Zhang Yang's soul space fell directly on Zhang Yang's body!

So at this moment, Zhang Yang, who has been suffering from waves of negative emotions and memory fragments with his own willpower, suddenly felt a shock. Immediately after the blood-red space where the original illusion fell in front of him, he was in After a strange and beautiful purple thunderbolt flashed through the air, it suddenly faded and faded.

When Zhang Yang returned to God in a blink of an eye, he found that he had returned to the real world and could feel his body again.

(How is this going?)

In fact, Zhang Yang knew how dangerous he was in the situation before. After all, he hadn't met him for the first time in a similar situation. It's just that compared with those previous experiences, this time Zhang Yang's opponent strength has exceeded him too much, even to the point that there is no way to contend.

And Zhang Yang's persistence is not confident that he can persevere in that **** space to the end, he is just habitually not willing to give up, so ...

So when he really came back to God, and found that he could still hold the hilt of the powerful and bizarre **** two-handed sword in peace, Zhang Yang found himself through the appreciable reflection of the sword. Somehow in my eyes, two lavender Raymonds differ from the past!

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