Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1148: Wormiga's miss

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Although the Mir Caravan experienced many twists and turns on this trip, in the end, the mission delivered by Miss Hess was completed. It's just that Mir didn't think that what he sent to the sunset canyon would be a strong soul!

In fact, most people on the Orlando continent are full of awe for the word soul. After all, in theory, it is everyone's most precious thing, not one of them.

However, more than 99% of people will not feel the existence of their own souls throughout their lives, let alone condensing their own spiritual power into the power of the soul, to the extent that the soul can exist for a period of time after the body dies.

So it can be said that the soul is too far away for the vast majority of life on the Orlando continent. Even for the caster community, there are only a few of the magics that can really touch the soul.

Light magic, dark magic, spiritual magic, shamanic witchcraft, and the most criticized and ironic undead magic ...

Why it makes sense in this way is actually very simple, to know that only the rarest part of the six elemental magics of light and dark magic can allow the caster to reach the level of the soul, as for the rest of the land, water, fire, wind Although the magicians of the four major departments have been clamoring all day long, the magic of the six elemental systems is the orthodox of magic, and it is the cornerstone of the world.

However, most of them have a powerful strength, but instead have little contact with things related to the soul. It can even be said that, after the sixth-level intermediate level, the spiritual power is naturally converted into the power of the soul. The casters who practiced the six elemental magics are probably not as good at understanding the soul as a first-order necromancer!

So in this case, Mill feels that he can feel the existence of the soul in his lifetime, and he can personally **** a strong soul, which is quite an honour.

But what did you say? Come hard! After the bad luck of Mill et al. Passed, good things appeared one after another. No, after giving the big blue shaman with the shaman's soul to the big shaman burris, the other party gave Mill a thousand gold coins as a gift of gratitude and was unable to enter the city. make up!

In an instant, Mill felt as if he had been hit by a mass of happiness from the sky! It's just that it took more than a month to send things, and you can earn 2,000 gold coins one after another. This seems to Mill just like picking up money!

In addition, since the Mir caravan camped outside the city, all kinds of food, wine and meat were generally sent from the city. This suddenly made the Mil caravan members who had been working hard for more than a month excitedly cheered and even joked in secret. I don't even want to leave. I just don't want to leave here.

Fortunately, Mill and other excitement passed quickly after he passed. Although he is not a professional, even from the perspective of a businessman, the value of the blue square stone is difficult to use from the information obtained in the past. Measured by gold coins. But I can know what this thing is all because the big shaman Bellis had to open it in person instead of carrying everyone else, otherwise even if you let Mill open it on the way, I am afraid that he and the members of the caravan Can't recognize what the blue square stone is.

In addition, the big shaman Bai Lis shot so generous also made Mill think of another reason, the other party's handy reward is so generous of a thousand gold coins. Is there a "Miss Heath" relationship in the district?

Thinking of sitting here in front of the bonfire, Mill suddenly felt a little sullen. How much money could he earn by working hard for a year at the risk of working on the road? People are doing well, and it's not a good idea to take out one or two thousand gold coins at random, which makes Mill suddenly feel that his life is really awful.

However, when Mir was feeling frustrated, a sweet girl suddenly sounded from behind him.

"Are you the leader of this caravan?"

"Uh, yes, I am the leader of the Mill Caravan, Miss you?"

When Mir turned around and looked around, a cute, cute, and seemingly 16- to seven-year-old Fox girl was standing three meters behind him, blinking a pair of pale green eyes, tilting her head, curious. Looked at him.

Speaking of this, the beauty of the fox tribe is far worse than that of the beautiful face of "Miss Hess", but her quirky and delicate appearance is more calm than she always looks like a god. Miss Di Sisi was more agile and energetic.

After seeing Mill give a positive answer at this moment, the fox tribe immediately smiled and asked again:

"I heard Grandma Bellis said that you were entrusted to come to our Sunset Canyon specifically. Is the person who invited you over really Sith?"

After hearing this, Mill basically understood that the relationship between the little Fox beauty and Miss Hess should be met by the news of the other party.

"Yes, we only came here to give Miss Hess something. Now that thing has been successfully delivered to Master Bellis, I have finally lived up to the trust of Miss Hess, huh, huh. "

(Hiss ... Miss? Does it mean that Wright has been walking in the kingdom as a girl since he left? Yes, in terms of his appearance after using the fraudulent orb to transform, he wants to be a girl at all. It ’s so easy. But I did n’t expect that a tough man like him would even be a girl.)

It was no one else who came to Mir to inquire about Zhang Yang's news, but it was Vomija, the fox girl who ended her practice. In fact, since Zhang Yang protected her brothers and sisters successfully through the trial of God of War a few months ago, the status of their family of three in the sunset gorge has suddenly risen to a height they could not even imagine!

In addition to the cultivation methods obtained from the heritage, although the strength of Vomija is still not far away from the word of the strong, it is already a difference between heaven and earth compared to when there was no combat power before. Too. And this is just the beginning. With the improvement of her own spiritual power, the strength of contract elemental creatures will gradually increase, and eventually grow from a juvenile elemental creature to a truly tyrannical elemental creature!

Therefore, it is foreseeable that after more than a few decades and as little as a dozen years, there will be one more person in the Campas Orc Kingdom enough to influence and change the current power structure of the Kingdom! But at this moment, Mil was completely unaware of this, only when she was a beautiful and lovely fox girl.

"I have heard about this, but what I want to ask is ... When the 'Miss Heath' asked you to come over, did anyone ... mention anybody?"

"This ... It seems that apart from telling me to hand that thing over to the Great Shaman Bellis of Sunset Canyon, there is no one else to mention. But, because it was not Miss Heath at the time. When faced with what I said, it was transmitted through a mixed-blood wolf orc named Wojin, so some words may be missed, maybe. "

Mir is also a character who has experienced many storms and waves in his thirties, so from the expression of the fox girl opposite, she can guess that she must have an unusual relationship with the mysterious Miss Heath . So when the other party asked if that person mentioned others, Mir knew that the other person mentioned by the little girl was herself.

"Well ... maybe it's as you said ... but thank you anyway, so I came from such a long distance."

"Hah, this is our business. After all, the people who run our business depend on this life, so we are used to it. By the way, we haven't asked you what you call it after talking for so long."

Although Mil does not have any thoughts about other beauties, it is a good thing to have a cute little beauty to chat with when you are in a bad mood. In addition, Mill always feels that this Like the mysterious Miss Heath, the little girl gave him the feeling that he was not an ordinary person, so Mill would have the idea of ​​getting acquainted.

"My name is Womiga, your uncle is Mir, right?"

"Uh, that's right ..."

Although Mill with two moustache looks a little old, he is only thirty-five years old, and now he is called an uncle by a cute little fox beauty, which suddenly makes Mil feel better. It became a little depressed again.

Fortunately, Mill is not a narrow-minded person. It is not wrong to call him a young girl like this. After all, let alone say that Mir ’s daughter Mirenda and Womiga are of similar age. The girl told him that the uncle would not be wronged.

So next to this campfire near the outer wall of the sunset canyon, Mill and Vomija looked at the members of the Mill caravan who were still eating and drinking not far away. Then you chatted me one sentence after another. To know that Mil, as the leader of the caravan, is enough to be a word that is well-informed, so picking out some experiences to talk to Vomija, let the little Fox girl listen to it.

It's just that although Womiga has a clear yearning for the outside world and adventure life, there are always three lines in the conversation, and the meaning of concern is obviously beyond words.

So after talking about half an hour, how did Mill et al. And Zhang Yang meet, how they met later, how to jointly fight against the erythema jackal attack, and in the end, they all spoke exactly where they were. Womiga listened.

Womiga, who listened to Mill about all this, seemed extremely serious. Not only did a pair of small hands always hold his clothes corner subconsciously, but even when he heard the thrilling place, he even seemed extremely nervous. Similar.

Seeing Mir here, he even believed that there must be an unusual relationship between this little girl named Vomija and the mysterious Miss Heath, but only knowing what to ask and what should not be asked, there is no Mir. Make it clear ...

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