Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1150: Wolf's heart

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Counting from Womiga's successful emergence from the remains of God of War, Sunset Gorge hasn't hosted strangers for a long time. Therefore, if it is forcibly to prevent the residents of the city from communicating with the Mill Caravan, it seems too harsh, so after the big shaman Bellis sent Plato ’s soul into the tomb of the ancestors, and repeatedly confirmed that the Mill Caravan was not threatened At last, she finally agreed that the residents of the Sunset Gorge went out of town to communicate with the Mill Caravan.

This moment made both the city and the outside excited, and the sunset outside the canyon became the sight of a market in the afternoon of the next day.

However, once the communication between the two parties is released, some of the secrets in the sunset canyon cannot be covered as tightly as before. Fortunately, compared to the powerful war races that are fearless and accustomed to because of their strength, the Meng clan warlocks who have just gained power have not completely converted from the cautious state of the previous weak, so they are not easy. Reveal your own secrets.

However, there is no absolute thing. There is something that can not only make people relax, but also make good people lose their gait, and even do things that they dare not think about on weekdays!

And this thing has a unified title-wine.

Orcs love to drink alcohol, and their obsession is not only far superior to humans, but even the legendary dwarven tribes of alcohol are eclipsed in front of them. After all, the dwarves mostly just like cold afro ale, and the orcs, they not only refuse to come from all kinds of alcohol, but also have a soft spot for those spirits!

This is not only the case of fighting races, but also of those cute and orcish orcs who have little strength and look weak and cute! It's a pity that most of the Meng tribes are living very hard in today's Campas orc kingdom. It's not easy to be able to eat and live on weekdays. Where is the ability to enjoy the luxury of wine?

It ’s better now. Although the group of cute people who do n’t worry about eating and dressing in the setting sun can go to a pub to drink on weekdays, how can it be comparable to the atmosphere of a drink in the market? Therefore, when the sky turned dark and the whole market had turned into a party full of heat, a rabbit boy who was obviously over-drinking under the extreme excitement and stupidly gestured would have to cast a spell!

This time, the fox youth Wolfe who happened to see this scene not far away was shocked! As the brother of Vomija and another person who came alive from the remains of God of War, he now knows exactly how dangerous their current situation is!

Do n’t look at the remoteness of the Sunset Gorge, there are now Big Shaman Bellis and the four Tier 6 Sheep Zuma guards, but for the legendary and even the strong level, the natural danger here is basically the same as the flat Even the five big shamans, Bellis, may be capable of defeating a tier 7 legendary junior superpower, but they ca n’t handle it no matter how high they are.

And what kind of significance does the heir of the flame warlord Campas have to the entire orc kingdom? Wolf is now clearer than anyone else. If the news leaks out, how can those self-proclaimed orc nobles who are orthodox orthodox, let them This kind of guy who is likely to subvert their rule survives?

You know, as thousands of years ago, it was the guards who took advantage of the sudden disappearance of the flame warlord Kampas to launch a mean sneak attack on the Meng Warlock and cut off the cultivation of the Meng Warlock directly. The possibility is so great that many Meng tribes have been oppressed since then, and they can hardly survive now.

Therefore, since they were able to do the kind of betrayal that year, it is now even less likely to leave any chance for the Meng clan to make a comeback! So once the news of the reappearance of the Warlock among the Meng Orcs was spread, I am afraid that the Wolf family and the Sunset Canyon can only be destroyed!

So when the rabbit kid shook his head confusedly and prepared to recite the calling spell, the anxious Wolf did not know the strength from where he came, and even lifted a huge wine bottle beside him, turned his head to face With the name of the rabbit family threw it over!

Whoo ... bang!

Perhaps it was the luck of that rabbit kid, with Wolff's quasi-throw toss, he even hit the guy's nose! This is good, the nose is an extremely sensitive part, and now it is suddenly hit hard, so that Wolf ’s throw not only directly interrupted the ambiguous spell of the rabbit clan, but even directly He fell to his head and collapsed.

In fact, even Wolf, who was the creator, couldn't believe it, but his original goal was achieved anyway. But what Wolf did not expect was that his subconscious movement attracted almost everyone's eyes.

So a group of half-drunken guys first looked at Wolf, who was still throwing, and then looked at the unlucky rabbit clan who was hit by a bottle of wine. Afterwards, several Mil Caravan **** soldiers who also drank too high suddenly snorted and approached Wolfe.

"Boy, why do you hurt people at will?"

"Yeah kid! Have you had a feast with that rabbit clan kid? Or do we see that our drinking is not pleasing?"

"Yes! Yeah! Which green onion is your kid!"

It is said that Jiu Zhuang is inspiring, but this is not wrong at all. Besides, at the moment, Wolfe ’s **** fighters at the Mill Caravan are newcomers who have just joined. Although they have been considered to be a real fighter after all the training, but they also make them more courageous. The sky is not afraid.

Fortunately, Munch has repeatedly emphasized that countless times, neither as a caravan guard or a warrior of a strong race, can not bully other orc fellows, let alone bully Meng orcs. If such a situation is discovered, not only will it Directly drive it away from the caravan, but also subject to double punishment of Munch and Besac!

Therefore, although the **** soldiers were flushed and their emotions were obviously agitated, they just stepped forward to surround Wolf among a few people, and none of them moved their hands.

But this situation made Wolfe, who had almost never experienced such a battle, instantly heartbeat, and the whole person subconsciously wanted to squat on the ground to prevent them from being beaten.

"Hey, hey? Wasn't it fierce when you hit people just now? What's the situation now, how did you wither all of a sudden?"

"Yes! Your kid has the courage to come at us, just look here!"

Seeing how Wolfe looked like, the guard soldiers of the five Mill Caravans around him suddenly clamored. As a matter of fact, their original intention was just to wrestle with the rabbit-like kid who was just Fang Cai, but they were overdone and emotionally overwhelmed.

Secondly, as a member of the strong fighting race, they had a natural sense of superiority when facing the Meng people! So as Wolff was completely curled up on the ground, what the guys said became more and more awkward.

(I did n’t do anything wrong! I actually wanted to protect him and everyone! I, I did n’t mean to hurt him! It ’s just that if we do n’t stop him, our secret is ...)

The thought of Wolfe here biting his lips stubbornly and continued to say nothing, but justified inexplicably and the feeling of being wronged, suddenly made him tremble with anger, and these five Mill Caravans around It seems that the guard soldiers thought it was a timid and cowardly performance.

"I have said for a long time that most of the Meng tribes are just bastards. In addition to being really handsome and beautiful, their strength and guts are all messed up! You look at you! I haven't beat him yet. This kid is already terrified and trembling. Sure enough, even the Meng clan has this kind of bullying and fearful guy! Hum! "

"That's not right! This kind of waste is also worthy of being protected by several sixth-order super powers, and I must have no face to stay here again!"

"Humph! Where else can he go without eating here and waiting to die? Once he has left the protection of adults, he is afraid that he will die outside after a long time? Don't believe I can bet!"

Speaking of the turmoil from here, the residents of the Sunset Canyon, who had been drinking a little bit of haunting around, suddenly woke up more than half of them. It's just that they all dare to be angry and not used to saying things on weekdays, and the idea of ​​keeping oneself safe and not provoking right and wrong has long penetrated their hearts.

In addition, since Wolff came out of the remains of God of War, the whole person was immersed in the superior sense of superiority, which made him unable to extricate himself. This made his relationship with the residents in the sunset gorge far less than his sister Womiga and his Mom Siriia is doing well.

This made even if some Meng people around wanted to understand why Wolfe did this, no one dared to stand up and explain it to him. But his attitude at this time is to make Wolfe's heart gradually become sad and even angry!

(You just watched me being bullied like this! You clearly should have figured out that I am for everyone! But you guys are actually watching there! There is not even one person who speaks for me !? You, such Meng people, are they really worth saving ?! I, I ...)

At this moment, Wolfe only felt as if a fire was burning, and the disappointment of sadness and anger mixed in his disappointment made him feel breathless. Perhaps it was the flame stone giant who felt that he was too violently mentally fluctuated and has been sealed in the summoning space, and only kept a trace of contact with Wolf. At this moment, there is a feeling of temptation!

And because Wolfe was too excited at the moment, he did not find that there was a ring of red mansions around him! This is a sign that the summoning space will soon appear! Not to mention what kind of turmoil will be caused by the strength of Wolff's Firestone giant, but his original idea of ​​keeping secrets would be destroyed in an instant!

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