Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1152: Wolf's Spring

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The timely appearance of Mirenda and Munch finally eliminated the invisible crisis that the Meng Warlock might have exposed, and after Wolfe told the specific situation of the incident to Big Shaman Berris, the sunset valley There is an additional rule that all Meng clan warlocks leaving the range of the sunset can't drink outside until this secret can be made public, which suddenly makes a small part of the greedy guys sigh.

Fortunately, all the Meng Orcs in the Sunset Canyon understand that this is actually for their own good. Furthermore, they do n’t drink and will not die, and once the news about the Meng Clan ’s rediscovery of the Warlock is leaked in advance, then for the entire Kan As for the Meng people in the orc kingdom of Pars, it is likely to face a catastrophe.

It's just that everyone unexpectedly including the order publisher Big Shaman Beris is that this prohibition on going out that was only implemented in the sunset canyon will eventually become one of the commandments of the Meng Warlock!


In fact, after that day, Mirenda's name quickly spread in the setting sun. This is not because she is a voluptuous rat warrior beauty warrior, but the main reason is that she actively protects the compatriots of the Meng clan, which makes her reap the favor of everyone at once.

Therefore, based on this state, Big Shaman Burris was still hesitating whether to hire the Mill Caravan. Now after seeing Mirenda ’s choice from his heart, he immediately dispelled the last worry in the heart, and sincerely will The Mill family invited into the city and directly talked about a big business whose amount was enough to surprise the general public.

In fact, it is very difficult to call elemental creatures directly in the Orlando plane. This may not be difficult for high-level warlocks, but for the Meng warlocks that have just begun to develop, each call Elemental creatures consume a lot of magic core crystals and many spell-forming materials that make up the magic circle.

And these things, even in the rich sunset gorge, usually do not have too much reserves, so up to now, if the whole sunset gorge, including Wolf and Vomija, together, the real elemental creatures Meng clan warlocks are just over fifty people.

And this is only a few percent of all the Meng tribes in the sunset canyon. Although more Meng tribes have long been able to sign contracts with elemental creatures, they have been suffering from the shortage of materials, so they have been dragged until now.

Therefore, in the face of this situation, the purchase of magic core crystals plus casting materials has to be mentioned on the agenda. It is a pity that the Sunset Gorge is located in a remote and barren area, and the surrounding barren and relatively safe, but also limits the development of business, after all, few caravans will choose such a place where birds do not shit.

So apart from the two medium-sized caravans with many years of cooperation, who regularly come to the Sunset Canyon to sell supplies, there are very few strangers here on weekdays.

So in this case, in order to allow the Meng Warlock to develop as quickly as possible, the Grand Shaman Mirenda finally decided to find the Mir Caravan to cooperate, and then collected some magic core crystals along the way and a lot of casting materials. And this is naturally a big deal for Mill Caravan.

Even in order to make the Mill caravans have purchasing power, Big Shaman Bellis also specially advanced a large amount of gold coins in advance as starting capital, which actually made Mill a little incredible.

"This is 10,000 gold coins! This large amount of money is just handed over to us? Are you not afraid that we will take the money and run directly? Knowing that 10,000 gold coins is enough for our family to find a beast. The Clan Great City has lived freely for a lifetime! "

Regarding Mill ’s question, Big Shaman Bellis, who was slowly tasting some kind of fruit wine, smiled softly, and then responded unhurriedly:

"Sometimes the trust between people seems to be gambling. If you ca n’t even bet, how can you expect to gain more? Besides, since you are the one who 'Miss Heath' chooses to believe, I Naturally, we will give enough trust, not to mention that we have had a deal before. "

Speaking of here, Big Shaman Burris's face suddenly showed a meaningful smile, which made Mir very emotional and secretly calculated the position of the 'Miss Heath' in the sunset canyon. However, what Mill absolutely can't think of is that the reason why Big Shaman Bellis mentions the name 'Miss Heath' is because she can't help it!

After all, if you really want to count it, this Miss Hess who built the trust bridge between the Mill Caravan and the Sunset Gorge is a big hoax in itself! It's just that Big Shaman Bellis will never say it.

In fact, there is another interesting thing happening, that is, since yesterday, Wolf, who is the elder brother of the God of War, has suddenly become entangled in the Mir Caravan of Mir Caravan!

Although everyone understands that this is most likely because of the relationship between Mirenda and Wolff who came forward when the Wolf was in distress, Wolf, who was the party, never mentioned the matter, but went to the Mill Caravan all day. Running there, he almost flew up to hug Milenda's thigh.

What is even more amazing is that Mill, who was Mirenda ’s father, did not prevent this situation at all. According to his words, the child should deal with emotional problems by himself since he was an adult. How does this situation look like Wolff Quite satisfied, not even mentioning Miranda ’s involvement in the selection of the princess since then.

However, with regard to Wolff's enthusiasm, another party, Mirenda, could not bear it. In fact, the reason why she came forward to speak for Wolfe was not because of him, but simply because she wanted to support the Meng clan. So she didn't expect her unintentional actions to cause such a thing.

To know that as a professional, her ideal lover must be a stronger professional than her, rather than the impression that Wolf has no strength other than high face value. .

So whenever Wolfe ran to the Mill Caravan to find Mirenda, the rat thief girl would try to hide. However, I don't know what method Wolff used, he could always find the hiding place of the other party! This even made Mirenda secretly wonder whether Wolff was a fox orc or a 'recovery dog' with wolf clan ancestry?

So after I tried to hide you for a few times, the good chase action gradually evolved into a hide-and-seek game! At this moment, all those who are ready to watch the lively can't help but roll their eyes ...

At the same time, compared to Wolfe's move, Womiga's performance can be described as calm. Except that when the Mill Caravan first came to talk to Mill for a while, even when the Mill Caravan was outside the city, Vomija did not go out to join in the excitement, but stayed alone in the house and exercised his spirit. force.

Even the big shaman Bai Lisi, who has always been famous for its sternness, was full of praise for Vomija's efforts, but only Vomija's mother Hiriya understood that her daughter only hid her heart deeply. Because neither Womiga nor Hiriya understands that in a world in which the supremacy of the supremacy is strong, there is not enough strength, not to mention the pursuit of happiness, even survival is a problem!

So whenever there is no one like this at the moment, Hiria will not only sigh, but the choice of His Highness Warlord really makes sense. After all, the future of the Meng clan and the entire Orc is handed to the stable and calm Womiga, Isn't it better than handing over to Wolf, who is frivolous?

Thinking of the sight of Hiriya suddenly becoming dim here, from the once lively and diligent to eat, but now to leisurely looking forward to the future, all this can be said to be thanks to a human being! And that human ...

(Wright ... where are you now?)


Ah sneeze!

At this moment, Zhang Yang wiped his nose and immediately smiled bitterly. When he thought about two curses and three colds, sneezing is already a kind of prophecy in a sense. And regardless of the distance, the signal is full of all weather ...

In fact, Zhang Yang has actually sneezed a lot in recent days. It stands to reason that in terms of his physical fitness, there will never be problems such as colds or allergies. So naturally, there is only one situation left, that is, someone is thinking He, at least, was nagging him in his heart.

However, it is a bit embarrassing because Zhang Yang seems to have inadvertently recognized the relationship between many beautiful women, so that he can't even say who is thinking of him every time he sneezes.

Fortunately, every time he sneezes, he just finishes it, which is much better than someone scolding him secretly all day long ... at least Zhang Yang comforted himself so much.

In fact, compared with this mysterious and mysterious interpretation, Zhang Yang understands that this is actually because of his inexplicable influence on the front line of the **** battle.

Know that since he stepped on this dark red land, he has felt a little uncomfortable. Although Zhang Yang didn't find any effect on his body after careful sensing, the nausea and depression that seemed to sink into the rancid quagmire made him feel very sensitive.

In the past, some people called the front of the **** battle the cursed land. Zhang Yang didn't quite understand it. Now he understands it. Although it seems to be empty and flat, it has been filled with the grievances of countless war dead and the death of the dead bodies !

He just could n’t understand why there is such a strange area in this world, even if the druid beauty Angela hung on the mouth all day, this is simply a natural circulation mechanism. Where it fails!

Not only that, Zhang Yang even felt that if he could not find a way to solve the problem of the frontline of this **** battle, then I am afraid that if it continues to develop like this, one day in the future, when the accumulated resentment and dead energy here exceed the limit, I am afraid that it is far from the day of destruction of this world It's not far away.

It is a pity that Zhang Yang is powerless about this, but whenever he stops and sleeps on this land, he can always feel a pain and grief that seems to be everywhere, between half asleep and half awake, and A trace of deep expectation.

Zhang Yang doesn't know what this represents, he can't even imagine what kind of existence can achieve this, after all, compared with the emotional master, Zhang Yang feels like a small ant ...

Fortunately, all this is about to pass. At this moment, Zhang Yang, who has been traveling alone for more than half a month within the frontline of the **** battle, finally saw a faint green at the end of the horizon in the distance!

He finally came out!

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